“I understand.” Sister Kara nodded.

  “This host will be my mother soon, and does not have faith in god, she feels he deserted her when she was young, you’ll be the mother she never had. While another, Nanna as she calls herself will be like an aunt or teacher. Sen, her defense arts master, is like a father. And Raven her friend, a sister. She will have the family she has needed and always wanted. She feels lonely, and with all she must face she needs her people. Something in which to fight for.”

  “Can she hear us?”

  “No she cannot. I thank you for your courage, strength, and determination.”

  “It was nothing.”

  “Be well...”



  “Like I said, I’ve been awaiting you. I hope things are well?”

  “As well as can be expected, you remind me of someone...”

  “I came to the states at one time and was a worker at an orphanage. I was the one who took you to one of the last ones. I tried to guide where you would go, and would visit you in the hospital. I could not have any bearing on anything else. Your childhood made you who you are today.”

  “You saw the things they did to me?” I asked appalled.

  “Yes, and I took you to another home. I could not care for you myself; it was forbidden.”

  “I'm sorry I got upset, it’s that there was no one...”

  “But now there is right?”

  “Yes.” I realized that she spoke the truth.

  I talked to her a few minutes more and felt that I had found some part of my family. Like with Raven. Like with Sen, I felt I could trust her.

  We finished our conversation to keep the others from tearing the door off its hinges.

  I then went to meet with Nanna. Who, it seemed, turned out to be quite peeved with me for making her wait and putting Lady Kara ahead of her.

  “Finally child, you have come. They have denied me the most reasonable request of speaking with you, some excuse or another.”

  “I am here now,” I said laughing.

  “There’s so much to discuss. So many things you must learn,” Nanna said trudging along, following us to a room where we could sit and all talk.

  “She is more prepared than she seems, witch,” Sen replied.

  “Who are you?” she cawed.

  “Her martial arts master.”

  “Pshaw...” she said like it meant whatever.

  “Nanna, he has taught me many things, maybe not some of the things you feel I should know, but I want everyone to treat everyone else kindly. Work together,” I told them.

  Everyone obeyed for some strange reason. The rest of the night flew by, and before I knew it I was showering for bed. It was seven am and already time to start on things that needed done, but I needed some rest and I figured it was time. No matter how tired I was. Aries was immortal so I thought let him do all the work, but I’m not made that way. Our wedding celebration and honeymoon wouldn’t be so great, but there were more important things to worry about. I didn’t feel any different, yet. I thought being a Mrs. changed things. I had been super busy, so maybe that was why. I mean three days had passed already, and I hadn’t really noticed.

  We had to bring all of our stuff to the hut today, after a big nap. I left my stuff since we would be back later. The workers had a few small details left to deal with, but we could move in later tonight thankfully. Michael and Raven would move in tomorrow. Nanna said she wanted to move in as well; she wanted to be by my side the entire time I was pregnant. I told her that was fine. She said she would clean the main rooms and cook, as well.

  Our wedding celebration would take place later tonight so the guys could join us. I wasn’t allowed to do anything but prep myself. Raven helped and ran messages back and forth.

  I wore a black and white dress and had a black lace veil to match. White and black roses from the island made my bouquet. It was near dusk when Sen accompanied me upstairs to where a small group waited.

  I tried not to panic. It wasn’t like we hadn’t already done this. This was just so there was some joy out of all this. So I could claim normality among none.

  Aries took my hand as we faced a Lykan preacher. I wasn’t really religious, but it was a symbol more than anything. We went through the motions then ended with the big kiss.

  He insisted on toting me up the stairs and into our hotel room, which was candlelit. I saw rose petals, wondered where he found them, and heard the band’s music playing softly.

  I ran to the bathroom and hurried through another quick shower and changed into something he would appreciate. It was a black lace nightie that showed my curves off. I left my hair down and had reapplied light makeup.

  When I walked out, Aries kissed me, and then carried me to the bed. He was apprehensive but eager with desire, as well. A little worried. I figured it was because he was immortal and I was not yet, and he was afraid of hurting such a frail human body. I was human and small yes, but not frail.

  He pulled his shirt and shoes off and lay down beside me. He had it all off in one quarter of a second. He was so beautiful I nearly cried. He was all mine. I couldn’t wait to touch him, run my hands over his body.

  He kissed my lips a few times and moved around my face and down my neck. His hands caressed my shoulders and arms while I was frozen. I knew what was coming and shivered. He smiled and nipped my shoulder.

  “Feed, please...” I begged him, knowing it would relax us both, and he needed nourishment again.

  I needed it as much as him. It relaxed me, thrilled me, and turned me on all at the same time.

  His teeth elongated and tickled my chin and neck. He took his time, knowing I was focusing more on that then his hands, which wore removing my nightie. His fangs found my vein just as he slipped the sheer material to the floor. He didn’t bite down like I expected, but moved down to my breast. His fangs teased one and his hand the other. The feelings rushing through me took my breath away. I wanted more, wanted it now, and was scared too that he would move too fast.

  When he bit down close to the nipple, I gasped. He suckled just as a baby would, and his free hand caressed me. My poor heart pounded erratically, as though it would beat right through my chest. I didn’t know how much more I could take, while Aries paused for half a second, considering. He held a sensitive part of my body in his sharp teeth. I lay there only in a thong while he played with my hip and fed. Somehow along the way, his pants had disappeared and the sheet covered us.

  I felt on fire and icy cold at the same time. Emotions swirled close to the surface and threatened to spill. I felt I could control them this time. The people on this island didn’t need any earthquakes, monsoons, or uncontrollable fires.

  My ruby red blood leaked from the edge of Aries mouth. I kissed it away, noticing the metallic flavor.

  Like before his fingers made me come, and call his name, but when he went up on all fours reality came crashing down and another memory forced its way into my head. It was a nightmarish memory of when I was fifteen and had to fight two men off of me. One of the main reasons I had abstained.

  Aries noticed my body tense, and he backed up.

  “I will go slowly. I won't hurt you, and when you look back tomorrow you will not regret anything. I swear, trust me Angel. Trust me,” he whispered his lips now on my ear.

  I wrapped my legs around his waist. I could do that much, even if they did tremble. He laid himself against me but did not try to go further. His hands caressed their way up and down my body as his lips found mine.

  I had never French kissed before Aries, so when his tongue entered mine I forgot all about what pressed against my abdomen. Our tongues danced to an inner tempo that we could feel but not hear. I focused on our mouths and the tunes coming from the CD player. Aries pushed one of my knees up and wrapped it around his hip, and then the other. When he sat back and stared down at me, I noticed how labored our breathing was.

  “Look at me Angel, love, look at my eye

  I looked at his rock hard abs, his massive chest and shoulders, and his neck. When I reached his eyes, I remembered how much I loved this man.

  “This will hurt a tiny bit, like getting a shot, but the pleasure that you will get from it will be well worth it. If I could make it painless for you, I would. Trust me okay,” he told me gently.

  I nodded and unclenched my legs. When he entered me, I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Granted the pain was well, painful, but like he said well worth it.

  The next part felt so absolutely amazing. Indescribable, nor will I in case some kid gets a hold of this book. I have said enough as it is. I’m sorry for those who want details, but honestly I think what happened in that hotel room was pretty much the same that happens in most couple’s rooms when left alone long enough, hee hees…

  I couldn’t move when he finally stopped. I had seven major orgasms and knew there was no way I could sit up, much less walk to the bath tub, and at the moment, I didn’t care. The sheets were ruined either way.


  Out of nowhere my back seized up, and my stomach arched into the air. Kali was conceived. I was now the mother of a goddess.

  “Thank you, mother, this will pass shortly. That was beautiful to behold as well.”

  A giggle was all that was left, and I was left in terrible pain and humiliation.

  Aries was asking me if I was okay, but I couldn’t hear him, my powers were going crazy within me, and I was groaning from the intense pressure building from trying to hold them all in.

  I didn’t think I was going to be able to keep them inside. I think all of Kali's powers were now officially mine, and I didn’t think I could contain them much longer. They would explode from my body soon if I could not control them or release them. I was changing.

  “Move back!” I screamed.


  “Get away from me. Now!” My voice held the power of all the ages before us, the power of a goddess, haunting. It could consume a mortal’s sanity if released at its full potential. I somehow felt this while I spoke. Much of me wished to release it all quickly, to stop the pain, the fullness.

  I could sense Aries' confusion more than ever. He was sure this It had to have something to do with Kali. He moved against the window about ten feet from the bed. I was going to change, and he knew it. He didn’t think I was going to die yet, but I would now be able to carry Kali without too much strain.

  I stood and walked to the same window, he slid to the wall and around keeping ten feet between us. The window had been left open to let the cool breeze in. I stuck one arm out and one arm towards the room and all the candles.

  As I released the scorching flames, I intertwined ice and wind. Earth I held back. The candle's flames shot skyward three feet, instantly melting the wax and then I froze. My other hand released water and wind and sent a small thunderstorm out over sea away from the island.

  It was being blown quickly towards the mainland, and would die down before causing any damage.

  Once released my energy was completely drained. I slumped to the floor before Aries could reach me. He lifted me in his arms and set me on the bed now that the danger had passed.

  “Are you okay now?”

  “I think so,” I whispered faintly.

  “I’m going to run you a bath alright?” he cuddled me close while saying this then disappeared. I could tell he was worried about me. Deep down I’m glad he cared about me and not just my mission.


  I lay there unable to move a fingertip. The exhaustion was almost more than I could take. I felt close to fainting many times, and may have before Aries picked me up again.

  The water was warm, and the tub deep. Aries gently held my face above water for me.

  I think he could sense how weak I truly was. I could hear massive thunder and lightning and guessed the storm wasn’t as small as I first thought, thankfully I had sent it away from us.

  “She is …”

  “Yeah, Kali is now officially our daughter,” I whispered right before I slipped into nothingness.

  It was bright when I opened my eyes the first time. I turned my stiff neck so that I could face the opposite direction. My body burned and ached like I’d danced for days. Then I noticed the clean sheets and my nakedness. Flooding back, I remembered everything. I was blushing thinking about how boldly I had pranced about naked last night during my incredible display of powers.

  Rolling my eyes, I heard something by the door.

  “Your clothes are in the bathroom. I’ve seen you nearly naked before. Thank god I think of you like a sister. I might be bi, but I just don’t see you that way chick,” Raven called in from the shadowy dining area.

  “Where’s Aries?”

  “He’s with Switch and Michael, helping the workers get the hut done. He told me what happened, and it was either I or Nanna.”

  “That would have been embarrassing.”

  “Actually she said it was about time, and somehow, she knew before I did. Something about being flashy with your powers, and that they felt it down by the equator.”


  “Hangover?” Raven asked.

  “Something like that.”

  “There’s fresh fruit and juice over here when you’re ready.”

  I didn’t say anything.

  “You need to take it easy, that man is massive. I can’t imagine what you feel like, on top of the fireworks you did.”

  “Um hmm! It’s more the change I think. I’d think I would feel super awesome since I’m nearly a goddess now myself. My body is getting stronger, but all the bum rushing has me a little behind on the human side so I feel like crap,” I explained.

  “I bet. I could not imagine what it’d be like going through what you do…”

  “Oh, um, Michael’s a little weird right now. I think he overheard about your wedding and wedding night. I'm not jealous in any way so it doesn’t bother me. I knew before I hooked up that he was head over tail for you. It isn’t your fault. I think with time, and with our relationship advancing, he’ll quickly get over it all. I thought you might like to know why he is acting the way he is. Aries is trying to avoid him, but I think that might be a tad impossible by tonight. Oh, Aries said to relax, we’ll have everything moved in by this afternoon. He’s leaving all your stuff in baby Kali's room to go through. Michael and I are sharing, so all the books go in the spare room, right? He’s having the workers install shelves,” Raven said standing to leave.


  “Alright, see you later girl.” She must have sensed my need for privacy.

  I sighed when she finally closed the door.

  Then I tried to stand.

  “Holy Shit! Did I get hit by a train while I was out?” I cried as I fell back on the bed.

  I took my time the second time around and still couldn’t stand straight. I saw black and blue marks all along my legs, and then my stomach and arms as I looked up. Black spots danced in my peripheral vision.

  When I made it to the bathroom, I could see it extended all the way up to my neck. Now wonder I hurt so badly. Sleeping with immortals wasn’t such a great idea. Maybe that’s why Kali forbade it at first, just until they could learn to control their strength. I had a feeling that if I’d been fully human I wouldn’t have survived all six rounds. I needed to evolve a little more quickly if I wanted more sex, which I did. He was right; the side effects sucked of course.

  The pain between my legs was minor compared to the rest. I had heard and read that it was up there on the pain scale, but at the moment, it was near the bottom. A hot bath was a given.

  Looking at the porcelain clawed tub, I shivered. It looked awfully hard on the inside, so I took a folded towel and put it on the bottom.

  Fifteen minutes later the heat had relaxed me enough that I could lie back comfortably.

  I must have dozed off for a while, because when I woke I noticed Aries standing at the door

  “I am sorry.” He sounded awful, and the feelings of remorse were titanic. He had seen my body. Oh damn…

  “It’s not your fault, I’ll be fine. I heal quickly.”

  “I forgot how strong I am. When I’m with you I can be myself, or close to it. I hold back still, but not like I did with others. I normally don’t get close enough that it matters. I didn’t realize how excited I got. When I left this morning you were sleeping soundly and had a sheet to your chin. Did Raven see this?”

  “No. Look, we both got rough, my rough is mild compared to yours I know, but I wanted this as much as you and don’t regret any of it. I would do it again right now if I could move.”

  “Grrrrr....” was all I heard as he stomped into the bedroom, growling at me.

  “I can’t move because I’m so weak, from the meltdown, not you. Please come here, your upsetting me.”

  “I’m sorry for that as well; I can't do anything right!” his bodiless voice said.

  Something crashed. Well shit…

  “I’m sorry, that didn’t come out right. Please come here. Don’t make me get up...”

  He was sitting on the floor at my side as soon as he realized what I was going to say.

  “Look Aries. This will heal. I will also be able to handle it better next time...”

  “There won't be one,” he muttered, interrupting me.

  “Oh yes there will be! You are an evil man if you deny me after last night.”

  I took his head in my hand, which was nearly impossible. I really only held his jaw and turned it towards my face.

  “If you could feel what I feel, you would know I do not blame you, I loved it, and want more. If this is the price for the gift you gave me, I would pay it again many times. But I don’t think it will be. As time goes by, I get stronger, more durable.”

  There was a knock. Aries hurried to get it.

  Voices floated in; I barely caught phrases but knew it was Nanna.

  She chastised Aries jokingly and must have given him something, and then left. He walked back over to me.

  “She said to drink this. It will help you heal faster and is good for the baby. Helps her grow faster, full of vitamins or something,” he said when he returned.