I drank it quickly, gagging on the bitter taste.

  “Water?” he asked concern plain on his face.

  “Sure, thank you.”

  I drank two glasses before I handed him the cup. My bath water was beginning to get cold.

  “Want help out?” Aries asked when he noticed me trying to sit up.


  He picked me up and carried me to the bed again, with towels, which he used to dry me off.

  I was able to at least sit up now.

  He handed me one of his t-shirts. I sniffed his scent on the shirt and almost giggled.

  I got all fluttery when I smelled him. It engulfed me, but I was no longer naked and a temptation to him. It was also easy to put on and comfy.


  “Famished,” I replied.

  The tray held an array of things like cheese, fruits, and some kind of meat.

  “It’s smoked salmon. The way they cook their food here is very different, but good. It reminds me of when I was a boy.”

  I ate ninety-nine percent and drank all the juice.

  “I brought some books up, the one in your suitcase that you brought to the cabin. I assumed those were the ones you were currently reading.”

  “Yea, thanks. Will you hold me?” I asked shyly.

  He stood torn between running and doing as I asked. He finally sat down though, and curled around me, tucking me as gently as possible into the crook of his arms. It was painful still, but like sex worth it. I knew he must have been uncomfortable, but if he moved much more I might have screamed. Still I slowly rose up and told him to get comfy. I groaned a little but held in my squeaks.

  “Sorry, sorry!” Aries said while I silently begged him not to bolt. He managed to stay put, but was so tense he felt like stone.

  “Please relax, your um, kind of hard, I guess it’s your muscles.”

  He slowly relaxed, releasing his breath and not inhaling.

  “Um, don’t you need some air?” I asked after ten minutes.

  “Not really. It helps if I’m moving or whatever, but when I sit still and don’t use energy I can go hours, maybe forever. Regular vampires don’t need oxygen, but when they stop moving for long periods of time they harden, or turn to stone. I met one, quite mad, by the way, who was several thousands of years old. His skin was like powdery shale. When I hit him he was hard, but he still just shattered, brittle as glass.”

  I hmm'd but didn’t really answer him. If he could keep from breathing, and it didn’t hurt him, then I wouldn’t say a damn word.

  “Am I keeping you from something important?” I asked after an hour.

  “Not as important as you are.”

  Good answer, I thought. After a while I told him to go. I felt like napping, and I knew he had things he wanted to get done, like getting all of our stuff inside our shared hut.

  He kissed me and told me he loved me. I drifted off quite quickly once I got comfy.


  I slept for several hours and was not as tender when I woke. I read a few chapters before I got restless. Whatever Nanna gave me worked. I silently thanked her and made my way to the bathroom to get dressed.

  Once outside I found everyone fairly quickly. I tried to move faster and stay out of the workers way, but I think word hit Aries before I did. He came swiftly to me and picked me up, carrying me to the others. I was kind of embarrassed, but my shuffle was probably worse, and his body was big enough to hide me.

  “Hey you, feeling better already?” Raven asked, and then gasped. She could see the bruises on my arms and could guess there was many more. She looked at my face then turned her evil eyes on Aries.

  “No Raven. Let me down Aries,” I said quickly, which turned out to be a mistake.

  “Are you okay?” she asked. She could see it was much more than weakness and soreness from my first time.

  Michael heard what we were talking about, saw the bruises, put two and two together and swung his big fist right at Aries face, who didn’t even try to stop him. I jumped between them before Michael could swing again. I pushed him back by his chest. Raven was pulling on his raised arm calling him back. Aries started to pull me out of the way, then changed his mind and walked out as Nanna came upstairs.

  “Stop it!!!” she called.

  “Michael stop, it’s not what you think...” I said.

  “I think it is Angel, I wouldn’t do that to you. I’m human. I might be strong, but I wouldn’t have hurt you!” he cried.

  “There’s more to it than all of that.” I did not want to get into details but Jeez.

  “Honey, we haven’t quite gotten far enough to show you what she means. I won’t respond to what all you said, even though it’s a little disrespectful considering you plan to screw me, and just kissed me, not twenty minutes ago. Now reign that temper in and leave their business to them,” Raven said pulling him downstairs.

  I heard him mumble and turned to Nanna.

  “I see me potion helped, chile.”

  “Yes, Nanna,” I replied, on the verge of tears. I was making so many people disgusted with me.

  “Dat boy will always love ye, even if he ever falls for her. She’ll love him just de same I s'pose. It will be hard on all of ye; dat's for sure. Now let me see de worst of dem.”

  I raised my shirt and tank top and showed her my ribs and back.

  “Just as I thought, girl. He doesn’t know his own strength does he, or is it just de male side of him got a wee bit aggressive? Don’t answer dat. Love hurts yea it does, in many, many ways. I’ll give ye de same potion once a day. It will be beside your bed when ye wake. It will stop de mornin' sickness, strengthen ye faster den normal, and help dat baby grow. I don’t know if dis baby will come along normal or not, but just de same. Ye should be very careful when ye go about out dere wi' dem men. No carryin' no weight, and be more careful wi' de baby makin’, chile. She may be a goddess, dat’s true, but she be weak like a baby should be.”

  “Yes, Nanna,” I said, chastised yet again.

  If Kali didn’t want me drinking these potions, she’d tell me. My mind was on Aries, and I guess Nanna could tell. I could feel him moving farther away and was getting anxious. If I didn’t go to him soon I would be in more than just physical pain; I had felt his self-doubt, self-hatred, regret, and deep sadness when he walked out. I wanted to hold him and make him feel better.

  Show him I still loved him and wanted him. If the man could cry or hurt himself, this would be the time.

  “Go girl, I see what ye be yearnin’ fer.”

  I went as fast as my little injured body could go. I knew where he had headed, the ocean.

  I didn’t have the energy, but I put out a little gust of wind to slow him down. I immediately regretted it, but I could tell it got his attention. He stopped and waited for me.

  When I finally caught up I was in so much pain, I was staggering.

  He cringed and berated himself more as he moved to pick me up and hold me. I threw my arms around his neck.

  “You’re going to hurt yourself.”

  “It hurts me worse when you’re hurt and run away,” I mumbled from his neck, in tears.

  He sat down still holding me close, like he had much choice in whether I was close. He would have to rip my arms off just to remove me.

  I looked at his face. There was dried blood but no visible signs of abuse.

  “It healed already, don’t worry about it, I'm not. I deserved it,” he said when he saw me inspecting his face.

  “No you didn’t, and I’m going to kick his ass when I see him again. Hit him with a bolt or two maybe.” I felt feral over my man.

  Aries laughed. It would be comical, especially if you didn’t know my strength and abilities. He moved me so I was across his lap, with both legs over his hip.

  “I shouldn’t have run away, and please don’t hurt him, he was only trying to defend you.”

  “The dummy needs his ass kicked, and I’m going to be
the one to do it, he wants to hit someone it should be me for being so damn breakable.” I realized that what I said could be ironic, so I smiled.

  Aries laughed again.

  “Why do you insist on blaming yourself?” he asked.

  “Because it wasn’t your fault, and if you want to blame someone blame me.”

  “Okay, okay, I'll stop blaming myself.” He held me close, and I heard him inhale deeply, as if smelling me.

  I could sense nothing had changed.


  “Alright, I’m trying!” he said chuckling.

  I laid my head on his rock hard shoulder, and snuggled my face to his neck, planting a kiss on it.

  It was so sincere, thoughtful, and cute that Aries immediately felt better. He felt wanted and loved.

  “What am I going to do with you my little witch?”

  “Make love to me again...” I mumbled.

  “If you said what I think you just did I ought to smack your butt.”

  “Kinky...” I called.

  “Well, maybe some other form of punishment.”

  I sighed. I needed this man badly. Kali had found the perfect one for me somehow. Or had she just been looking for a father?

  “I need to get you back to bed.”

  “Only if you join me stud.”

  Aries chuckled as he stood up, still cradling me.

  When we got close to the hut, I realized it was dusk, the smells of dinner cooking made my mouth water. I heard Raven and Michael talking and squirmed to get down.

  “I ought to hold you just so you don’t hurt yourself again,” he said laughing.

  “If you know what’s good for you lover, you will put me down now!” I told him emphasizing the word will.

  He did as I insisted, but kept an arm about me trying to hold me back.

  I refused to be stopped and managed to get away, only because he refused to hurt me worse than he already had. I walked up to a stunned Michael and planted a good kick to his shin. I started to wind up for a roundhouse when Raven stepped in.

  “I think he deserves it, and I ain't protecting him, but you. I don’t want you getting hurt worse or regretting it. You two are friends.”

  “Not if he hits my man again without my permission!” I said pulling a fist back anyways.

  Michael danced back and looked at Aries, who shrugged, with a puppy dog look. Jealousy and pain streamed off of him. I didn’t care.

  “Angel!” Nanna called.

  I refused to listen as I stalked Michael relentlessly.

  “Mind dat baby girl or I will put yer butt to bed me’ self.”

  I glanced at her and felt her immense power for the first time. It would be close, but she might be able to do just that, for now.

  “Mother...” Kali called.

  “Hmmm....” I bristled.

  “The old woman is right, and still stronger than you. I can take over at any time if you don’t settle down. I will put us to bed, and you won’t wake until you’re healed...”

  I settled down immediately. I did not wish to have this goddess take over my body. She sighed and disappeared. Damn, everybody was set against me hurting Michael.

  “Fine, I'm hungry.” I told the others sullenly who stood there while I talked to myself.

  Nanna fed the others and me, and then began cleaning up.

  I told Aries I was tired, and he walked with me to our room. I hadn’t paid much attention to anything when I was down there last time.

  Aries took my hand with a side look at Michael who glowered. Raven cleared her throat, and he looked away.

  I followed Aries to the stairs. The first story was kitchen, dining, living room, bathroom, and our library. The living room was the room you first entered and then the dining room was the central area, with the bath, kitchen, and library in the other rooms, making the plus sign.

  The spiral stairs were the central room on the second and third stories, with the bathroom and walk-in closets as the second room, split. Our room was on the third story. The central room was our bedroom, with the stairs. One room was to be Kali's, and so on, giving us an empty room for storage.

  The second was Raven, Michael's, and Nanna's. The central area was more or less a hall but set up the same way. Had Michael and Raven not shared a room she would have had our spare storage room.

  Aries sat me down on our queen-sized bed. I sighed and looked up at him.

  “Feel better?” I asked although I already knew the answer.

  “I feel defended that’s for sure.”

  I smiled and patted the bed. I sat back and held my arms out. He laid his head in my lap and wrapped his arms around my waist. We sat that way for quite some time.

  Aries kissed me after he sat up and then went upstairs to bring more of our stuff down.

  I wandered over to the walk in closet. It had shelves and drawers on one side, and a pole on the other with those hangar things like they have at hotels. Everything was either hard plastic or metal, environmentally friendly. Some of our stuff was already here. This hut was most likely built just for us. They made this level just for Aries and me. The second level had smaller closets; I assumed, in each of the rooms, like there would be in Kalis room. Another door led to a bathroom.

  I went and laid back down just as Aries came back in. After putting some things away, I dozed.

  My schedule was all screwed up at this point. This might have been a good thing, so that I could get back on days.

  When I woke back up, Aries had put all our things away or in the storage room for me to go through. He was lying on his side looking at me. I rolled over toward him and smiled.

  “Hi sleepy,” he said.


  I kissed him and rooted closer as gently as I could. I was still tender but could tolerate it now.

  Aries held up a bottle, Nanna's potion. I took it and drank it down eagerly. It reminded me of an energy drink in a lot of ways.

  “I think someone talked to Michael, he has calmed down and isn’t so mad with me anymore. He may be right. If you had been with him, you wouldn’t have been hurt. I told Switch and Thorn to be careful if they mate mortals. Lykan’s should be fine, though. They are built tougher.”

  “Well Michael may be my friend, but he needs to talk to me about it first unless someone is beating the hell out of me on purpose.”

  “Well, I think Raven and Michael is officially a couple, he got to experience first-hand what we have been talking about. He seems well, more understanding.”

  I thought about those things for a minute. I wasn’t jealous in any way. I thought it was about time for them. Then Aries spoke again.

  “Frank and Arch are sending in more troops who should be here anytime. Some of the animals are here, and medical supplies. I have people working on the monastery, getting it arranged, and the storage rooms ready. I also have people working on the hotel. It won’t take long to get things set up. Singles will be in dorms, couples in one-bedroom apartments, and families in huts. It should all be ready in a week or two. The band and I’ve been working on it whenever we can. It has sped things up immensely. The Lykan’s can work around the clock. Sen already found an area outside to start classes, which gives the kids something to do.”

  “Is there anything I can do?”

  “Well if you’re up to it, we need you in the nursery at the church. Whoever you replace can help paint or clean,” Aries replied.

  “Of course,” I told him.

  I dressed quickly.


  We trooped upstairs and told Nanna who joined us. Michael and Raven were already at work. I had slept until eight this morning. I needed to stretch so I did a short session before we all went to the church and hotel. Aries kissed me before he entered the latter. Nanna and I went in search of the nursery, happening upon a nun who showed us in no time.

  “We need two people at the hotel to help paint, clean, and whatever else comes up,” I told the women in there.

>   “We’re already short staffed as it is,” one woman said.

  “We’re here to help out.”

  Two younger girls left. There were fifteen babies but only four adults, which meant two to three babies apiece. I’d never really done this so I was nervous at first. Nanna handed me a small newborn and indicated a rocker. She handed me a bottle and showed me where to put the nipple. The baby seemed to know what to do from there so I relaxed.

  Nanna smiled and moved on to diaper changing, from the smell I was grateful that I wasn’t there. She got four out of the way when two more babies were brought in. Both were wet and hungry from the trip. One was the son of a single dad, and the other little girl belonged to a Lykan couple that was immediately put to work on finishing their home and moving in. No sooner did the one I had burp than he was replaced with another. Nanna kept them coming in between diaper changes. I got to rest as she felt I still needed it.

  After three hours of feeding and burping, I was ready for a change. So I got put on playtime. There were two infants on the floor who needed a little supervision, and also to allow their keepers a break from chasing them. I pulled them to a pillow filled corner and read to them, and before long three older toddlers joined. Half were asleep by my third story. The other half sprawled on top of me in various places. I was rescued five stories later by an older nun. She put the ones who had fallen asleep in cribs and took over.

  I went back to feeding and burping the newborns. Several hours had gone by with no break, and I was starting to get a little hungry and tired. Aries sent some sandwiches in around that time anticipating this. I found a spare moment to eat and relax, before a four month old woke crying. She was teething and wasn’t happy unless she was held. If one started crying they all did, so I picked her up and found a spare rocker where I held her and hummed softly.

  “You’re a natural,” Nanna whispered in her odd accent.

  “I don’t feel like it. I feel out of my league.”

  “Are you irritated, angry, or feeling depressed?” She asked.

  I thought it a weird question but answered truthfully.