Raven said she would be there about seven and would bring dinner and a movie.

  That night I took the time to do my nails and condition my hair, actually glad for her company. Raven was a little better at painting nails, hence she was my beautician. She had my favorite color and refused to cough up where she got it. One less thing to do before Saturday, I thought to myself.

  We chit chatted as most girls did, not about sex really, since I was lacking in that department.

  We talked about Friday and how things were in the shop. She was excited for me, and I could feel she was slightly jealous I was going with Michael.

  It wasn’t long though before I went to bed, because once again, I had to be up really early. This week was so far better than usual, at least money wise.

  A nightmare woke me around five, and I got up, groaning. I did my routine with a passion, trying to forget the awful dream. It started out great. A guy rescued me from boredom and when the bad guy came in my new boyfriend roasted him. Then the bad guy’s boss made an appearance and killed my lover. I was devastated to the point I stomped the guy's ass every which way I could, throwing fire and lightning bolts and kicking him a mean ten feet. I was reading paranormal again, and it showed.

  When I came back from jogging, Raven had left to do what she does.

  Thursday flew by as it normally did and my phone rang off the hook. If it wasn’t some salesman, award agency, or wrong number, it was whether I carried satanic items or the devil's bible. I was a witch people, not Satanist. Get your religions straight. Maybe I should post a sign or something.

  “Faellin Angels Realm, this is Angel. How can I help you??” The irritation was plain in my voice, after the fiftieth call that day, so when Michael’s voice came through I kicked myself.

  “Oh, I um... I’m sorry I called... at such a bad time...”

  “No its fine I’ve been really busy, and I’m beginning to get a migraine. What’s up?” I asked sweetly, even for me.

  “I just wanted to make sure you’re still going with me. Plans change sometimes I know. If you’re busy we can go some other time, I think the Undead Ones are playing Saturday...”

  “Michael, honey, I’m still going. It's fine. Quit freaking out on me. I actually bought some new clothes last night, and I downloaded some of their music. They are good,” I hated interrupting him, but when he is nervous he stutters and tries to run from everything. I should be more patient of course, but when dealing with people it just wasn’t possible sometimes. I guess it is called poor people skills.

  “Oh good, that’s great,” he breathed a sigh of relief.

  “I got Raven to close for me. Actually, I decided to go Saturday too. I can probably get us in for free as well.”

  “I was going to pay for you since I asked, but if you can get us in free...” He sounded kind of let down, probably because he thought if he paid it would seem like a date or something. Men, beneath the thin armor were scared boys… and I do mean all men.

  “Yeah I know Frank. He’s a customer of mine. He orders a lot of stuff. So you want to join me Saturday as well?” I asked while ringing Jason, a regular customer, up.

  “Yeah that’s great, I always go Saturdays. I help with the bands and get free drinks all night.”

  “I haven't been in so long I’m sure it’s changed.” I dropped another hundred in the safe.

  “Yeah about six months ago it expanded and is three stories now, and has a larger stage. They serve everything currently. Normally, I couldn’t get in, but I worked for them before they got their license.”

  “I hate to go but I just got some customers, so I’ll see you tomorrow right?” I asked him.

  “Seven. Later.” He hung up and I put the phone down.

  The two girls who came in were new, so I approached them and asked if I could help. They were feeling unsure of what to get, apprehensive. They were probably here on a dare seeing as they were both uncomfortable and looked out of place.

  “Yeah we uh, were curious. We were told a witch ran the store, and that you could, um, buy cool stuff here and order anything.” This was interrupted randomly with giggles, elfin hell, how I hated giggling teenage girls. I think I skipped that phase, at least I hope so.

  I tried not to roll my eyes. It was so hard but I finally managed it. Try not to judge, try not to judge, try not to judge, I told myself.

  “Yep, I am and I do sell cool stuff. If you’re really interested in the occult I suggest you read these books and let me know if you have questions.” I gave them my standard introduction to magic.

  “How much?” the second girl asked. I could sense neither of these girls had the power nor were they really interested in it. I could still take their money though. I was not a thief. They’d get their money’s worth.

  “I’ll make you a deal. I’ll throw in a third book for the price of these two. It has some unique love spells. They are easy to conjure and all you need is basic household supplies. Of course, it’s better to buy the items here that are better suited, especially if you want better results, but you two would be quite satisfied.”

  I had set up a system so that everything had a color dot and on sight, I would know the price. I could make bargains and know if I was cheating myself or not.

  The two girls counted their cash. I counted thirty dollars. Altogether, the books were twenty-five, and the first two was eighteen dollars and some change.

  “Twenty three dollars and seventy-five cents total. We also have a sale on ritual candles buy one get one free. They make better candles than the scented ones, and they are cheap.” Yeah so I fibbed but hey, I could change my own prices. The girls nodded and smiled.

  I made some money, and they were happy. I gave them safe books that had nothing more than chants. The candles were to focus your energy more or less and without the power, they wouldn’t get results anyway. They were looking for something to happen and there’s a chance of coincidence. Expecting something usually brought results of any kind.

  The next few customers just looked around. Someone bought a crystal necklace and the other a few candles. Then some men came in to look at my armor. My new one was pure décor, and the other was four hundred bucks or so plus tax.

  They bought it, and I made a little over six hundred after the armor and sword they purchased. They got it dismantled and out of my store in thirty minutes. I was amazed because the men who delivered it to the store took nearly an hour just to move the boxes less than fifty feet, no assembling or anything.

  The next hour was slow, so I took a short lunch break and went ahead and started on my paperwork since I’d be busy the next two days going to the club. I called Raven, and she agreed to work the store all day Saturday for me too. She had her own key, and was a great help. I even paid her cash. I normally didn’t let people work for me. She was happy with the arrangement, and it benefited me as well. I couldn’t put her on a payroll because she might work two days a week or once a month. She’d call and check in if she needed some cash, or I’d call her. She came in once a month to buy some things and hang out.

  I locked up at ten that night and made plans to run by the bank when Raven came in. I was a little late in dropping it off, but things had been busy recently with the rise in customers. If things picked up much more I’d have to put her on the payroll, I realized.

  Soup and hot tea were my dinner for the night. I love mushrooms so much I put them in everything. Egg drop soup, fresh mushrooms, and a tension relieving tea was my idea of a nice meal.

  I took a nice, hot shower, dressed in my most comfy nightgown, and climbed straight into bed. No nightmares that night or none that I remembered anyway. I woke with a weird feeling but threw it off along with the blanket. When did I ever not have weird feelings?

  I skipped my jog again and decided to check out my new weapons. I did my hair and put some regular clothes on; designer jeans, a black tee shirt with the name of my store on the front, bangle bracelets, and some comfy, black, tennis shoes.
  Breakfast was a banana nut muffin between morning rituals and an energy drink.

  “Ah, elfin hell!” I was running late again… how did I do it?

  By the time I got downstairs and opened it was six thirty, and the phone was ringing. I answered some questions and then had to open the store, so again I had to postpone playing with my new toys. See what a full-time business is like?

  I sold another couple of hundred dollars’ worth of merchandise and realized my shelves were looking a little bare, even after the restocking I’d done yesterday. I’d have to set a few boxes out for Raven and see if she could stock for me. About three boxes should get me through the weekend. Raven knew where most of the stuff in the back was, and if we were out on the floor, she could run to the back and find it pretty quickly.

  Frank called to say Saturday night, he’d definitely arrange something.

  “You’re a great man Frank…” I said, flattering his already large ego.

  “You’re just as great Angel, see you later little one…” he replied before hanging up.

  Yay, I was going to shake my stuff and check out the band’s lead vocals. Oh man, was I starting to get tingly and enthusiastic.


  Friday was really busy and kept me on my feet. Lunchtime I spent on paperwork and an energy drink. By the time Raven walked in thirty minutes early I was exhausted and more than ready to run to the bank. I thanked her, and literally ran to drop the cash off. It was well over twenty-five thousand, and that told me just how many customers I’d had recently. I’d sold a lot of things out of the medieval section, some worth several thousand by themselves. I made a promise to myself to make more trips.

  After bills, I’d only have twenty thousand or so in checking and three or four times that in savings, which I never touched. My credit card bill was due and around five thousand minimum. I paid my insurance on the business and car at the same time. It was due yearly and soon.

  Stocking book's shelves always put a dent in my account.

  I ran back home, took a super short shower, and dressed in one of the outfits from the mall. I was impressed by the outcome and felt like showing it. It’d been sometime since I went out, and I really needed this. If any of Michael’s crowd was there, then they were going to assume he had a hot date. It was about time for that too, but I didn’t want to break his heart so I had to keep flirting to a minimum, even with other guys, because he might be offended.

  I wasn't a natural flirt, but it came out when I was in a good mood, so I had to rein it in a little tonight. I loved to dance and had the body for it. I could out dance most people and often did. I drank very little, but when I did I enjoyed it.

  Seven o'clock showed up so fast I was shocked. I was feeling giddy. I sighed and ran downstairs with my chunky boots clunking down each step making all kinds of noise, to see Michael and Raven chatting. I knew Raven liked Michael, but his eyes saw nothing but me when I came into the room. I had to work on him noticing her. Maybe if I ever found a date he’d give up.

  “Angel!” they both gushed in unison. Both of their eyes were wide open in complete astonishment. Apparently, they had become used to my casual outfits I wore around work.

  “I'll take that as a comment,” I said laughing. Raven was feeling a bit jealous, and I wondered if I should feel sorry for her. She would not want me to.

  “You’re hot my girl... I was just asking Michael if this was a date,” Raven commented, smiling broadly. Apparently, she was fishing for info as well.

  “Nope, we’re just going as friends. We want to check out the band Undead Ones.”

  “They're a good band. I was going to go but didn't have the money. Rumor has it; they may be in town a while anyway. I also think it’s about time you got out.” Raven replied, staring at Michael, who was looking exceptionally hot himself.

  “That’s cool,” Michael said staring at me, obviously not paying attention to anything Raven had said. She was wounded emotionally but only continued smiling. She glanced at me quickly remembering my gift, aka curse, and that I would know exactly what she’d just felt.

  I felt like I was in some creepy movie where everybody liked someone who liked someone else. Damn, this was bringing my natural high down. Moving on…

  “Okay time to go. I want to see what these guys look like,” I said to both of them, emphasizing the end of my sentence in a rocker chick kind of way.

  Raven smiled at me with this look that said girl if you only knew, and then told Michael later, who mumbled and followed me.

  Fifteen minutes, and thirty or so catcalls later, we finally made it to the club. I’m not sure if Michael thought he was getting compliments on having such a hot girl, or if they were ignoring him and hitting on me. Either way I ignored them except for the booty touch one attempted, who found himself upside down on the ground holding the now cracked nuts he received with birth.

  The line was long, but I walked right up to the bouncer. I think his name was Cody. Who was breeding these giants? Everyone was getting so tall these days, except me of course. Of course, I’m a short freak so maybe it was just me.

  “Angel and Michael, Franks expecting us,” I explained confidently.

  The guy, Cody or not, called inside, and then showed us in.

  We were shown to a table close to the front of the club next to the stage. The table was decorated and had a propped up card that read my name. I’d have to personally thank Frank for the special attention.

  There were no waiters except on special occasions. It was a self-serve kind of place.

  Deaths Door had changed and quite a bit. It was now dark but flashy. reminding me of a medieval castle. Thrilling, haunting, and dark, the way I liked my men. I really have had men on the brain lately… maybe it was time to de-virginize myself. I rolled my eyes and said not likely.

  The dancing area was in the middle, the tables lining the sides. We could actually see well from here. The tables were on a balcony so that you could see the stage over the dancers. We went to the bar to order drinks. Frank slipped us mixed drinks all night, specially made by him and no one else. He knew we drank little and made the drinks super weak so at best by the end of the night we'd still only have a slight buzz. I would not allow him to get caught serving alcohol to minors. Besides I was a weapon, and it was never good idea for someone to be drunk and holding weapons, mine being skills.

  The setup crew was rearranging the instruments, adjusting wires and frequencies. The band was waiting nearby on the stage looking out. I saw five of the six and wondered where their leader Aries was. Of those five, every one of them was the hottest guy I had ever seen. They were tall, as in almost titans. They could’ve been basketball players just standing next to the net and dropping the ball in, okay not literally, at least six eight. Maybe even seven feet, and from where I sat you could easily see they were built. Not overdone, but visibly toned. Their chests were muscled exactly right with broad manly shoulders. They had not just a six pack, but eight packs so perfectly formed you could see them through their tight black band shirts. Everything flawlessly proportioned. These were massive guys, more suited to bodyguard work, or as my overactive imagination wanted to say gods…

  The lights dimmed, and everything got quiet. We heard the band getting positioned, but couldn't see anything. I felt a weird sensation go up my back and looked at Michael.

  He was grinning widely in the dark looking for people he knew. Perhaps showing off what others would assume was his date. I didn’t mind if it helped improved his rep. He needed a self-esteem boost desperately.

  I sat back waiting for the band to start. The hairs on my neck stood up, and I shivered. It felt like something had caressed my arm. I was getting major emotional feedback, had been since I walked in, but it got stronger the closer I got to the stage. This was the other reason I avoided clubs. Luckily, these people were in a very excited and stable mood. When I went into crowds, it was hard to block the vibes. I had gotten it down sufficiently that I n
o longer got major migraines from all of the overload, at least not immediately. I could block good enough now that this crowd should have been fairly easy, but for some reason, I was having trouble blocking someone, a single individual. Whoever was doing this was completely overwhelming me, like there was a straight conduit from them to me. Luckily, the feelings were neutral. I felt apprehension, nervousness, anticipation or something along those lines, but no major emotions like anger or depression.

  One of the bass guitar players on stage struck a cord, and the music started. I looked at Michael. He was ready to dance as well it seemed. His long lanky body with broad shoulders and long arms made a good dancing partner, which countered my obvious height disability. He was far from an expert dancer, but he was not embarrassing as some men I’d danced with could be. Some guys just ground their hips against my ass, jumped or rocked in place, or the funniest jerked their necks back and forth and flapped their arms. So comical sometimes I could barely dance. I usually walked away.

  The feelings were still strong as hell and were manipulating. I was quickly feeling nervous myself, but with all the good vibes I was getting around me, I thought what the hell, maybe dancing would take my mind off of it and calm me. I definitely needed to strengthen my shields though. Practice time Sunday.

  We made our way carefully down to the dance floor, with me clunking along in my sexy thigh-high boots, and luckily found a place near the front, next to the stage. It was early, so the club wouldn't be packed until later. Sexual tension was the major feeling among the dancers. Fine with me as long as it didn’t break through and have me humping someone; I thought to myself. Hee hee, I imagined a dog getting it on, trying to hump someone’s leg. Actually, that was kind of gross.

  I was moving to the music and finding my rhythm when I looked up to check out the lead vocal, and my gut hit the floor. Not only was he gorgeous as they came, I felt like someone punched me in the stomach when he turned those shocking eyes on me. I melted like butter and felt my defenses fly away at the same time, which sounds impossible, but hey, I couldn't explain it any better. Picking my jaw up from the floor, figuratively, I seriously checked him out. I was good looking, but I was so far out of this hunk’s league it truly wasn’t funny. I felt like I’d just suddenly combusted into flames. Breathe girl, just breathe. Oh and keep dancing, I told myself.