His eyes were intense, glowing, and knocked the breath from me. The color was nearly unidentifiable, a true icy mix of colors. Chills ran up and down my body as they raked me over. Almost neon hues of color filled his piercing eyes and seemed to capture me in the moment as if time stood still. I was close enough even in the dark to notice this, but with the way those eyes made me feel I might’ve been able to see them from space. For a second, I was able to pull my gaze away from his beautiful eyes and noticed that his band seemed nervous. However, before I could even process this my gaze was locked back on him again. All of this took place in less than three seconds.

  I glanced around the dance floor to see if anyone else was having the same effects as me. Everyone looked relaxed and mellow. No one that I could tell was looking nervous or angry.

  Looking back on stage I saw he was staring at me, and then he skipped a beat. The band noticed but kept playing. His eyes couldn't be mortal. They seared me to the spot. They were shades of black, silver and ice blue all at the same time. Brooding eyes, melodramatic, and sensual all rolled up in one. I felt like a wolf thrown into heat by her alpha. I’d been as curious as any person about the opposite sex, but never quite ready to find out. I’d without any questions have trouble denying this man if he so much as hinted he wanted me sexually. My clothes would vanish, and I’d be a slave. A very willing sex slave. I giggled at that. Lots of nasty thoughts crept through my head at that point. I really needed to read books other than the romantic and sexual kind.

  My body throbbed to the music, my poor heart pounding a rhythm of its own.

  Aries’ eyes never left me as I danced, and I danced as if he and I were alone here, like I was doing it just for him. In a way, I was. I wanted to be noticed, to stand out, so when we met he would see me. Most famous people say hi but never see you, not unless you too are famous, or exotically beautiful. Was I famous, exotic or beautiful? No to the first one, and not at the required level on the last one, I reminded myself.

  I had to check and make sure I wasn't drooling. No not yet. My eyes never left that god’s esthetically pleasing face. His never left mine. Michael began to slow down and wasn't so much as dancing as he was just swaying or moving. I think he sensed my attention to the lovely piece of work on stage and made an excuse to get drinks for us. I nodded but kept right on moving. My body never felt so good. I missed this too much. I needed to dance more, even if it was just at home. I was bending, swaying, and dipping like a professional. This club was more about a beat than Goth music, but I still enjoyed it. I loved when Frank’s DJ threw in techno.

  I began to tire after their fourth song. Most people dropped after two or three but not me. I made it through two more before I needed a drink, so I’d cool off. I didn't want to get too sweaty. Thankfully, the air was on, so I felt pretty good, warm but good. My muscles burned some, but nothing major.

  I found Michael, who seemed quite sullen. He was giving off irritability and perhaps jealousy vibes. Aw, damn.

  “I’ve never seen anyone dance like you,” he admitted solemnly.

  “I love to dance, even if the only audience I have is a bird or a stray cat looking in my window. Maybe I was born to dance.” My attention was elsewhere, but I heard him and answered quickly. I was sensing desire as well from him. Of course, he was a man; I thought rolling my eyes.

  “I like to dance too, but not that much.”

  I shrugged.

  “This band is great isn’t it? Aries does great lead vocals doesn't he?” Michael glanced at the stage then back to me. He was fishing for something, and I knew what. Empathy had its charms.

  I nodded to answer him saying yes to both of his questions. My attention was being repeatedly dragged to Aries. I didn’t want to stare, but I felt like I had no choice. It wasn’t fair that a man could look that good. Did all women notice this or just me? No one around me seemed as affected by him as me. It was like someone plucked him from my fantasy, and no one saw him but me, lucky me. Hee hee, I knew what I’d be fantasizing about tonight, probably for weeks…

  “Are you ready to dance some more?” he asked. He acted like he was not sure this was a good idea, but it got him attention, so he went along with it for now.

  I stood up and grabbed his hand and dragged him back down there. I danced more with him than beside him this time. I still eyed Aries, having no choice and all, but I gave Michael a bit more attention. No girl had danced with him like this before. He eventually gave up and just stood there, not able to keep up. I rubbed myself against him, not too badly I didn’t want him frustrated or anything, but he knew I was there. Was I trying to make a certain band member jealous? Was it working? Did I want it to? Ha, a little... Michael was possibly getting too excited by my moves. Oh hell. I should turn it down a little I guess.

  After two more songs, the band stopped for another break, music came from hidden speakers so the crowd could still dance if they chose. I couldn't see Aries anymore. Was it just me or did he seem as reluctant as I felt at having to go backstage?

  I couldn’t believe the difference at first. My body was my own again. I felt released, free to socialize or whatever.

  “I’m so glad I came here tonight Michael. Thanks for inviting me.”

  “Not a problem, I’m pleased, I finally got up the nerve to ask,” he replied smiling.

  I needed the bathroom, so I excused myself before they came back on stage. I was vibrating with energy. I’d never felt like this before. I was weak kneed, pulsing like I’d done a major spell, and feeling a little wicked. This was getting scary...

  Frank asked if everything was all right when I walked by. I smiled and waved.

  I made my way to the line in front of the women’s restroom. Why is it that only the women’s lines were long? I hated waiting in line, especially long lines. Women’s bladders had to be smaller than men's, or we females just drank twice as much.

  Ten minutes later I was on my way back to Michael when I bumped into someone, nearly falling on my rear when I ran into the solid brick wall. I looked up, and Aries was standing there. He’d grabbed both my arms to keep me from falling, too tightly at first, like he was not aware of his own strength. I stared up at him, and it was like wow... I couldn’t breathe, move, or speak. My head was almost as far back as it could go, staring up. He was completely supporting me at that moment. My mind had gone blank…

  “Are you okay?” he asked, concerned. His voice was like velvet, steel strong and haunted. I could lose myself in that voice, or rather my body would lose itself. I imagined us shipwrecked, alone on some mystical island. His voice was wrapping around me in smoky tendrils. I was in a full-blown daze. Call me officially stupefied.

  Someone bumped against me from behind breaking the enchantment and bringing me back to reality where this soul shattering god was still fortunately holding me, otherwise I’d be sprawled in the floor.

  “Yep,” I said, and then realized how uncool that sounded. Why no witty reply? My life had become a little monotonous. Or I was just overwhelmed by the gorgeous creature standing before me.

  “Good,” he whispered, smiling. He seemed amused by my distractions.

  “You’re Aries right?” I asked as he stepped back and let my arms go. I wanted to whimper. My arms tingled, and might be bruised tomorrow. That’s when I noticed someone attempting to read my mind. No one I knew could do that. I threw all my shields up and tensed, glancing around to see who was paying attention to me.

  “Yep, and you’re ... Angel?” Once again, his voice lulled me back to him, thoughts of whoever was trying to read me floating away. Something was wrong. I never got this way around people. Was I drugged?

  How did he know my name? My heart pounded, and I came close to passing out. Oh my poor, poor heart. I was giving it such a work out tonight…

  “Frank told me,” he said, nervously. Aries glanced around at the people that were mysteriously ignoring him. Huh, that was strange. He was mouthwatering and the women around me just ignored him…
r />
  “I asked when I saw you out there dancing. It seems you caught most of the men’s attention. I wanted to meet the girl who was getting more attention than me and my crew,” he said the first part slowly as if testing me, then smiled at his joke. His eyes were so damn amazing…

  I heard my name and realized I’d been about to spontaneously combust again.

  “I dance my butt off when I hear good music. I find it relaxing and lots of fun.”

  I realized that was not the coolest thing to say and kind of a contradiction. I smacked myself mentally.

  I found I could think a little better when he wasn't touching me, not enough to make much of a difference.

  “I have to confess though a week ago I didn't even know who you were. A friend asked me to come so I did.”

  “That’s okay, at least you came tonight.” He smiled openly at me. His feelings contradicted his expression though, which caught my attention. It was nervousness and perhaps a little regret? Regret that I came?

  Frank came by and saw the attention we were starting to get. Well, I was no one seemed to notice Aries all that much. I should have thought about that a little more.

  “Come with me,” Frank said, gesturing.

  We looked at each other and then followed him. He brought us to one of the VIP rooms in the back and said have fun. Obviously, Frank had noticed my full attention with Aries, and this was his way of helping me get closer to him. I’d have to thank Frank later for this.

  “I think he’s trying to make sure we become friends.”

  I thought about what Aries was saying. Maybe Frank wanted me off the dance floor, but I think it had to do with business, keeping me happy, and keeping us away from ears and eyes. This was my little hello I’d asked for, I guess.

  “Maybe, but…I don’t think it would take much, would it?” I paused as I asked him slowly, almost as if I was under a spell and unable to control my own voice. What was happening to me? What was pulling me to him?

  “I don’t think so.” He said softly. There was attraction but something more as well.

  We stared at each other for a few minutes. I felt captivated by him. Odd but I felt as if I knew him, like we would know each other anywhere. This man was hard on the heart… and a little on the mind.

  I had never met anyone so, what’s the word, intriguing? He completely mesmerized me. My defenses told me to hold on. It’s going to be a wild, exciting, and dangerous ride, one that I’d never forget. I was drowning in his gorgeous eyes, and I couldn’t breathe. Help me please...

  “Are you going to be here tomorrow?” Aries asked. He still stared directly into my eyes.

  “Yeah, I plan on it at least,” I gasped, thinking it royally sucked that his last night was tomorrow, and that I might not ever see him again. Was I going to miss a complete stranger?

  We were sitting motionless and just staring at one another across the table, not talking all that much. A few thoughts trickled through my stunned brain, like wow this man is hot and this is so rude only staring at him, famous or not.

  “Do I know you?” he asked, breaking the silence and nearly causing me to jump out of my skin.

  “I can only wish, but no; I don’t think so.”

  It seems he felt like he might know me too, interesting. This was definitely something to think about, if I could think after this. He may be killing off my brain cells with glamour. Glamour… that reminded me of something, I thought sadly to myself.

  He smiled and looked me over. My stomach twisted and dropped. I was quickly losing my mind. Much more of this and I’d stroke out. Damn he was just too hot!

  “Are you alright?” he whispered. His eyes were lit up. Glowing and swirling like one of those hypnotism things. Was I drooling?

  “Probably, in a bit maybe...” I was having trouble breathing, trouble thinking, and trouble keeping my mouth closed. This was embarrassing. “Am I keeping you from a date?” “Not really...” I replied, thinking of Michael. Technically, he wasn’t my date. Again with the short answers… “Will you be here later?” “All night...” I said standing as he did. My short responses were not making me sound smart at all. “Good, I hope to run into you again. Maybe I could steal you for part of the night,” he said seductively, smiling. “I don’t see why we won’t, but if we do meet again I'd like for you to meet Michael, my friend who asked me to come tonight.” I told him, heavily emphasizing the friend part. Wondering a bit too late that hard to get might have been better. At least see if he got jealous. “I will gladly, but I think he might get jealous,” once again this was said with laughter. He was fishing I knew it. Ha, he assumed Michael was a date. “He isn’t my significant other, we’re just friends,” I reminded him.

  “That’s good to know. I don’t want him mad at me for keeping you.” Ooh, what a delicious thought. We stared a few more moments and then slowly stood and made our way to the door and went out, myself to find Michael, and him to jump in when the next song started. An empty space formed in my chest and ached. What was wrong with me tonight, all kinds of freaky emotions? Jeez… I needed air but when I walked out of the room, I forgot all about that.

  Michael was waiting by the bathroom and saw me come out of a room with Aries and frowned. “I was starting to get worried about you, I guess you were fine,” he said watching Aries head back toward the stage. His emotions were bouncing from jealousy, anger, shock, disdain, and nervousness. “Yeah Aries is going to come talk with you in a bit. I told him you were a fan. I actually called Frank and asked if we could meet the band. You seemed really interested in them when you asked me to come. I was really looking forward to it myself.”

  “You asked Frank for me?” he seemed skeptical.

  “Actually yeah, at first, but the more I listened to their music the more I liked them.”

  “I think it’s more than like.” He said this with a downcast puppy-dog look. This jealousy crap was starting to get on my nerves. He knew how I felt, didn’t he? “Look, I really like us being friends, but I don’t date. I have feelings and things just like everyone else, but I have plans for my future. I don’t want to be tied to a person. It’s why I don’t hire people or have close friends. Raven and I hang out once a month. I like my space. I know you like me, and I’ll be honest you’re a great-looking guy, sweet, sensitive, and smart. If I were dating, then I’d say yes to you.

  “There’s this guy, who's intent on marrying me, and we haven't even dated lately, so at times I feel like I need a frigging body guard. But no men in my life, and before you ask, I’m straight,” I explained quickly, hoping I didn’t embarrass him or make him angry. All he seemed to catch was the part where I commented on him. Good enough I guess.

  “Well, I was kind of jealous. I’m sorry. You have to know the effect you have on me… I mean the effect you have on men.” He said sheepishly. He was staring at my breasts now. Awesome, really freaking awesome, I thought to myself. “Unfortunately, I do. I have to beat them off with really big sticks regularly,” I joked. Actually really big swords when talking didn’t work. “Aries included?” He said, finally giving my face a moment of his time.

  “Maybe, but he’s just eye candy as they say,” I lied but said anyways, laughing to comfort Michael. We headed back to the dance floor. Michael didn’t seem as into it as before. Aries sought me out with his eyes and smiled when he found me.


  I danced for three of their songs and knew Aries’ eyes were glued to me. It was just plain crazy. A part of me was like hold up, what’s going on here? It was nice to get the attention but kind of scary too. I was used to guys checking me out, but it was different with this guy. It was like we had some wild connection. His next song was a love song more or less, and he sang it while never looking away. It was easy to imagine it was meant for me, making me feel wondrous and worried all at once. I so did not need another stalker, even if he was a famous rock star. I felt a connection, but we didn’t know each other well enough to say things like this. Maybe it wa
s just a song…even if it wasn’t like the other ones.

  “Never thought I'd love so much,

  Heart hurts way too much,

  Every time you look away,

  My soul sways, Tempted to fall,

  Half not caring, into a black, torturous hole,

  Only god sparing,




  Guess we will always be apart.

  When this madness stops only god knows,

  How long I'll stand it, my heart slows,

  Complete this cycle, I'll die broken hearted.

  Resurrect my lonely heart, bloody seas parted.

  Nothing will bring back my slowly burning soul.

  Just to be loved, to love you was my goal.

  Alone, always forever alone, so long,

  Lonely fool I was now long gone...”

  Wow, I thought. The words blew me away! They tore an agonizing hole down to my soul. I was in love with some hot lyrics, but dude I was irrevocably and astonishingly, head over heels for the irresistible Adonis onstage.

  The next song was the same way. Trying to catch my breath while I was dancing my little butt off was not good for me apparently.

  “Looking in your lonely eyes I lose contact,

  Lost in my emotional storm, contact I lack.

  Swimming in your sad, sad eyes.

  Too many hurts in your past,

  They never had time for good byes.

  Holding on to you and your waning strength.

  Looking into your dark eyes, I lose my breath.