My emotions in a wild storm, a losing battle and,

  Sinking I reach for your hand.

  I break when your arms circle me.

  Never had this kind of love see, and it’s all we ever wanted.

  For this we've forever hunted.

  Hurt so many times,

  People always committing too many heart breaking crimes.

  These chaotic emotions of mine,

  Like a raging storm, and your my lifeline.

  Need you to hold me.

  Never let go of me,

  We’re both heartbroken souls.

  To find love like this was both our goals.

  I cling to you, never to lose you in my storm,

  And in our hearts we both don’t want it to end.”

  Aries eyes never left me, like before through both songs, making me feel as if those words were just for me. We didn’t know each other though so how could that be, unless strangely, he felt what I felt. Both these songs made me wonder, but the next one made me want to believe. I could’ve sworn he was a sorcerer out to spell me.

  “This heart can only take so much,

  Not pain and torture and such,

  But these endless moments in time,

  Can only be seen as a crime.

  To the one whose heart can take no more,

  My many lives a bloody gory written lore.

  If you only knew this pain that’s deep,

  Unluckily, I have to forever keep.

  Buried within the deepest of veins,

  Is for me, to release, in vain.

  Too late to save me,

  If you would only have me,

  I'd give you many lifetimes,

  Yes, I'm lonely and lost,

  Day after day, I must confess.

  You just don’t see, what you’re doing to me,

  My immortal heart and I will leave,

  So we'll be forever apart.

  Why was I punished before you?

  To you I would always and forever be true,

  Would hurt you never.

  Love you always and forever,

  This pain in my immortal heart, never to depart.

  I am not meant to have this thing,

  The love we could bring,

  And I have sinned and can’t repent.

  A war among us all,

  Which I would stumble and fall,

  Is not something in which you need,

  So in my greed, I let you go free,

  Not meant to be with me.”

  I could’ve sworn I saw tears in the end, but I had to be wrong. The lights dimmed more than they were already, and he disappeared. If that song was for me, I was confused. He liked me a lot but couldn’t be with me? Was he taken? Gay? Ah, hell all the real hotties seem to be into the wrong sex they say. And I just met the man. How we could feel anything more than lust. Michael must have seen all this as well and had come to the same conclusions as I. He had wandered back to his seat some time ago.

  I was confused. The denied sexual fantasy part of me said this was what I had always waited for, while the realistic side said shut up he does this to a girl every show, so he can get laid and then move on. Was I willing to say no to Michael and others and yes to this utterly delectable stranger? It was so tempting… I could very easily break my vow. I didn’t want to be just another used pea in a pod to appease their blatant desires.

  I really didn’t know if I even had a choice in the matter. Michael was talking to a waitress, so I made my way back to the VIP room I’d been in earlier, and as I came close, I heard the band talking.

  “You can’t do this man. I don’t know where those lyrics came from, but if they were really directed at that human, then you’re asking for it. You know we can’t mate or fall in love. It’s forbidden. We gave our hearts...”

  “Shh, before someone hears you. I know all this. I don’t know what came over me.” Aries replied quickly, interrupting.

  “Could she be the one we are looking for though? That’s possible right?” One of the other asked.

  A chair scraped the floor distracting me momentarily. I jumped back until I realized no one was coming.

  I stepped closer while looking nonchalant and wondered why they referred to us as humans, as if they were not. I also wondered if they figured I’d show up, and they had this all planned. I seriously doubted it. I mean. How would they know when I would, or if I would, show up? He hadn't asked me to.

  “She’s different and I think she feels it too,” Aries replied. Whoa… how did he know what I was feeling? This was serious weirdness. Be still my little aching heart.

  “All women feel stuff dude, especially toward us; we are a rock band, and it’s our curse,” this from another guy. What curse I thought…

  “There’s got to be some reason we came here, and she showed up and we both feel this,” this from Aries again.

  A fist hit the table loudly, causing me to jump.

  “We came here because we’re touring the world. You don’t know she feels anything, and if the stories are facts than you can’t have her anyway. It says the one who comes will bring pain or love, but must stand alone. Now I don’t think that means she has to live on some forsaken island, but you heard the rumors. She'll be a young virgin, a witch, historian, an enchanter, and warrior all rolled up in one.” If he only knew what he had just said, and how eerily described me. And if somehow I had only understood what it would mean for me in the future.

  That was me in a nutshell, strangely so, but what the hell were they talking about. I mean if being one step from the youngest Master in the state was considered a warrior, then maybe... As for the rest it was dead on.

  “I don’t plan on doing anything guys, but fate has a way of doing whatever the hell it wants and we all know this. Try to be open-minded about this,” Aries said quietly. He sounded a little aggravated.

  “We are open-minded, about as open as you can get. But listen to yourself, you already made up your mind, and you know where this will lead, her dead or hurt, and destiny thwarted. We came to waken her, not bed her. If she’s to even be the one, granted I’m drawn to her, but not her body.” Hmm, wow.

  “That’s bullshit and you know it. Even if she heard our music that doesn’t mean it will change her into anything. Only Kali…” Another nameless band member started to say.

  “We were all told the same thing Aries. We made our choices. We’re messengers, nothing more. I think we should chill before someone walks by and hears all this crap,” one interrupted the others.

  I stood there a few more minutes until I heard footsteps crossing the room, so I dashed through the crowd. The Undead Ones were either insane, or not human. Since I knew for a fact there were such things I believed the latter. They weren't human, so what were they? How was I involved in this? Did I want to be? I heard stories about many different creatures, but I’d only met a few.

  Could they all be types of demons? They did not emit any smells, other than delicious ones, and they did not appear to be eating people.

  Aries walked out. He looked around, seemed really bummed and headed to the bar. The customers didn’t seem to pay him any attention. They all ignored him, except for me. One even walked right into him like I had. I remembered wondering earlier why they didn’t swarm him. He ordered a stiff drink of tequila and stared down at his hands. His face showed regret and remorse; I could feel him from across the room. His emotions were screaming at me. He was heartbroken and angry. About what though was the question?

  This was getting crazier by the minute. I could leave now, or stay and find out what the hell they meant. Save me… I was going to do something really stupid in the next moment.

  He gulped a few shots, ran a hand nervously through his hair, and walked to an exit. Hesitating he glanced in my direction one last time, but seemed not to see me. He opened the door and walked out.

  Of course, I had to follow him, and I did so without thinking. I opened the door carefully and scanned the
alley before stepping out. No one was in sight, nor could I sense any emotions out there, strangely, his either.

  The door clicked and in that instant, I should have checked to see if I was locked out.

  I stepped further away from the door and looked around. He couldn't have gone far. I looked in each direction and chose right. I followed the alley a little way and around a corner, down another alley to where it abruptly ended. I turned around to head back, realizing suddenly I’d been followed by three large, drunk men who were wanting trouble. I knew how to attract them all right.

  “Hello boys,” I said smiling, suddenly wishing I had a place for weapons in this attire. I still had my training. I really needed to start wearing the tiny black razor knives that looked like combs in my hair again if I didn’t wear other weapons. I knew demons haunted clubs, stupid, stupid me.

  “Hi yourself,” the middle one said. He was not bad looking, but his emotions stank like a septic tank. He was an animal, an animal that was extremely turned on. No fear what so ever.

  “Having a good time here at my friend's club?” Start with information. Let them think you have friends here that would notice you're missing.

  “Well, we’re hoping for some different entertainment, if you know what I mean,” the mean looking one replied grinning. I guess they didn’t believe me, or didn’t care.

  I could handle one or two men, but I was not sure about three huge Viking types. They were nearly the size of the band members. I was in some serious shit. I could buy some time, but unless they were as dumb as that one was ugly, and I doubted that, then I needed help. The odds were a little low if I was betting on me. I could scream, but with the band playing inside and so many people dancing, no one would hear me out here unless they had been stupid enough to step outside like me.

  They were all in their thirties or so, dressed with care and style. They were trying to be skater boys I guess, wannabes. Loose stylish jeans, tee shirts with skate boards or random sayings, silver unadorned chains, ball caps, and skater shoes. They either were gamers, skaters, or were trying to blend in. One had pierced ears, gauged so that you could stick your finger all the way through. That was just gross to me. Why would anyone do that to themselves? Multi holes in your ears were one thing, but to stretch it out like that was just beyond me.

  They smiled at each other knowing I was screwed, or would be soon, and advanced on me. I realized a fight was in order, I had absolutely no choice. In order to win this I had to kill or completely incapacitate, which would kill someone if I made one little fatal mistake. Not having to protect myself from humans in a while was really wishful thinking on my part.

  The leader moved closer as I studied him. He moved slowly judging me as well. From his movements, I could tell he’d killed before, probably raped as well, like he intended to do with me. He knew what he was doing. I didn’t think he was quite as lethal as me, but he’d slow me down and give the others time to strike. Ah, elfin hell… where were your friends when you really needed them?

  The boys had a plan. They were confident they could knock me unconscious and carry me to a waiting vehicle and off to wherever they’d done this before.

  The shorter aggressive one was emoting dark and vile feelings, apparently not his first time.

  Yet wait, the second was a little less enthused with the plan it seemed, and maybe I could appeal to him for help. The third was determined and anxious to get going. He seemed annoyed with the second guy, presumably because his heart was not fully in it. I hoped I was reading them right.

  I positioned myself in a familiar pose. It spoke volumes to the men in between my exit and me. The leader, I called him Snake because he reminded me of one, struck first. I blocked easily and brought my clenched hand up, around, and into his throat. He staggered back choking but was replaced by his right-hand man, the short one. He held a very nasty looking knife, wickedly sharp.

  I realized they had not prepared for a girl like me, or they’d have had a gun, or they were stupid. I was hoping the latter. I needed it to be the latter. Maybe they were confident they didn’t need a gun when it was three to one in their favor.

  I waited a few seconds, quickly debating what I should do next. Threaten, bluff, or kick ass.

  “My date will be looking for me. I suggest you try some other woman, someone a little more your type.”

  Snake laughed, the other I would call Stupid, rolled his eyes in disbelief. The third looked behind him, I guess hoping someone would stop this. He would not disobey, but he wouldn’t stop anyone who tried to interfere either.

  Damn, well let’s get this over with, I thought…

  I initiated the attack by dropping swiftly and taking the third’s legs out from beneath him, while the other two lunged. I continued through and jumped up bringing my leg into Stupid’s midsection. Snake moved back, realizing too late I would not be their typical victim. More talking might stall them until help arrived.

  “I’m sure if we talk to the manager that something can be arranged...” I tried again.

  They helped each other up. Snake was furious at being attacked. Most girls scream, making it a lot more fun for them.

  I laughed at him and waved him forward with two fingers. They would not leave now, if only because I could recognize their faces.

  They glared for a second, but Stupid and Scared backed up and shook their heads in denial. Snake’s jaw dropped, and he looked up. I was confused. My trick could not have worked.

  “That won’t be necessary Angel. These guys are going to leave you alone, isn't that right boys?”

  I jumped when I realized Aries was suddenly behind me. There was nothing but walls, so where had he come from? He would have had to jump down over forty odd feet or more. I wasn't going to question that. I was just glad he was here. This made me realize my dream had come true. I had a hero, well maybe.

  Stop fantasizing Angel and be happy you got saved. You lived to save another day. Such ironic moron logic, I told myself.

  “Yeah, we’re just going to…” and they took off. They must’ve seen him drop.

  “Thank you,” I said turning to him. He was only a foot away. How had I not sensed him? His aura screamed not human at me. Yet I wanted to climb right into his arms. My mind said, run, while my body said stay.

  “Go back inside now,” he said before flashing away. One moment he was there and the other he was gone. I stood there shocked, looking up and behind me, trying to figure out where he’d come from. There was nothing there, just walls like I thought. I slowly walked back to the corner of the building and turned to find Aries jogging back up the alley. He had blood on the knuckles of both hands, and he was blocking me from sensing what he was feeling. Blocking me?

  He stopped and turned back to me.

  “I told you to go back inside.”

  I just stared in wonder at him.

  “Why did you follow me? You could’ve been hurt.” There was panic and indecision coming in waves off of him, as he turned realizing I was not following orders. I could feel what he was feeling again.

  “Better question is what are you? I know you’re not human, and you know I know, so don’t avoid the question. Besides, I was doing fairly well on my own.” Yeah I exaggerated a little.

  “I just saved you and you’re going to debate what question we should discuss? I admit you were holding your own back there, but you were outnumbered.” He was baffled and must’ve dropped his shields just enough for me to get in. He knew most women would be grateful. A hint of awe hit me, if I was correct.

  “I said thank you. I could’ve handled them on my own though,” I said brazenly. Was I trying to hit a nerve? Possibly keeping his attention a bit longer? Maybe a little, but what I wanted more was answers, answers he didn’t want to share.

  “I don’t think the trick was going to work on them, eventually you would’ve been hurt,” he said.

  Had he been watching me wherever he had jumped from? He was right of course. Someone would’ve been hur
t, seriously if not fatally.

  “Fine, don’t tell me what you are, but you should know I see through your glamour. You’re not angel or demon, but you’re also not human. I’ve never met anything but those three. I know you’re not one of those.” I replied, tapping my boot.

  I pushed my hair back and took a deep breath to calm my over-anxious heart. I was going to need serious therapy after this. Ha as if, who could I explain all this too? Yes, Doctor I’m an Empath and I kill demons and there’s this band that’s not human who can make me feel like exploding or melting. You think I need a strait jacket? Sure I need some vacation time why not…

  “I can’t discuss this here in an alley with you.”

  “Well then let’s go back inside,” I said turning to go back in.

  “First, I don’t think you could have handled them, and second those mort... I mean people inside could overhear us. Do you always walk into dark alleys like that?” He said stopping me. His touch making me tingly in all the wrong places, whichever way you looked at it.

  “I won’t argue with you. If you don’t want to talk to me anymore I’ll just let you get back to brooding over your problem. The problem that you and the band are disagreeing on, dating humans...I think honestly it’s all moot anyway, seeing as the human already knows about you. Maybe I don‘t have those same feelings as you…”

  I pulled away, out of his grasp, which had loosened, as his face dropped. He stared until I grabbed the door handle hoping I was not locked out and had to walk all the way back around. Then he was instantly there blocking me.

  “Come with me.” Okay, I thought to myself, no argument here.

  Aries grabbed my arm again and pulled me after him. It was taking everything I had to convince myself not to go back inside as it was.

  Mr. Subtle opened the door on a small sports car and waited for me to get in.

  “I don’t ride with strangers,” I said, thinking I will with you though.

  “We are not 'riding', and if you want answers you’ll get in.”

  I got in. That was the whole reason I had followed him out here and nearly got kidnapped and raped.