V-E Day and, 620–21
voted out of office, 621
“we shall never surrender” speech of, 63
at Yalta Conference, 573, 575–78, 580–82, 585
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), 140, 163, 325, 385, 482
civil rights movement, 161, 247, 627–628
see also race relations
Civil War, U.S., 290–91, 624
Clapper, Raymond, 11, 25, 209, 225, 324, 357, 482
Clardy, Jack, 187
Clark, Anne Lindsay, 178, 529
Clark, Bennett, 47, 48, 255
Clark, Champ, 130
Clark, Mark, 405
Clayton, Will, 562
coal strikes, 285–86, 440–43
Cody, James, 187
coffee rationing, 384, 394
Cohen, Ben, 357
Cold War, 585
Collier’s, 46, 107, 362–63
Collins, Marguerite, 536
Colville, John, 254, 255
Combined Chiefs of Staff, 305, 465, 478
Commodity Credit Corporation, 443, 602
Commonweal, 524
Communist Party, U.S., 228, 230, 256
Community Facilities Act (1942), 416
Conant, James, 590
concentration camps, 396, 454, 515–516
Condren, Dan, 513
Conference of Foreign Ministers (1943), 470
Congress, U.S., 25, 53, 84, 221, 281, 292, 503, 583, 628
anti-lynching bill and, 163–64
Arthurdale and, 85
Barkley’s resignation from, 486–87
child-care crisis and, 416
Churchill’s address to joint session of, 307–10
Commodity Credit Corporation and, 602
conscription and, 139, 141, 148, 149
convoys and, 233
destroyers-for-bases deal and, 139, 142, 147–48
ER criticized in, 468
FDR’s addresses to, 40–41, 44–45, 103, 291, 294, 295, 313, 586–87
GI Bill enacted by, 469, 512
immigration quotas and, 99–100
isolationists in, 22
Jewish refugees and, 455
Kennedy’s testimony in, 210–12
lend-lease and, 201–2, 210–14, 609
National Service Act and, 589
Neutrality Acts and, 22, 101, 282–83
New Deal and, 43–44, 481–83
1940 composition of, 40–41
1942 election and, 384–85
OCD criticized in, 323–25
price controls and, 316, 359
rationing system and, 357
revenue bill override and, 486–87
Smith-Connally Act and, 441–43
Southern bloc in, 447
tax legislation and, 137, 156–60, 359, 486–87
Wallace’s commerce nomination and, 575
war on Japan approved by, 295, 298
Willkie’s testimony in, 213–14
WPB reorganization and, 411
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 40–41, 44–45, 55, 103, 183, 184, 228–30, 285, 295, 441
Congress Party, Indian, 343
Connally, Tom, 292–93
Conrad, A. L., 583
conscription, 137, 140–49, 191, 609
of British women, 380–81
civilian, see national service; National Service Act
congressional legislation on, 139, 141, 148, 149
Democratic vote and, 268
Drum on, 143–44
ER’s view of, 140–41
extension of, 267–69, 609
lottery and, 186–87
morale and, 268
of Negroes, 167
opposition to, 139, 183, 230, 485
training camps and, 217–18
Willkie’s endorsement of, 145–46
consumer goods, 394
aluminum, 260–61
black markets and, 356
coffee, 384, 394
food, 485
gasoline, 356–59
rubber, 355–59, 450
silk, 372
sugar, 316, 356
see also rationing
convoys, 233–34, 236, 277–78, 609
Cook, Nancy, 90, 207, 208, 209, 338
Cooper, Frankie, 622, 623
Cooper, Gary, 192, 387
Coral Sea, Battle of the, 468
Corcoran, Tommy, 35, 242
Cornell, Douglas, 25
Corn Is Green, The (play), 198
Corr, Maureen, 633
Costa Rica, 499
cost of living, 359, 485
“cost plus fixed fee” contracts, 59
Coughlin, Father Charles, 446
Courtney, William, 561
Cox, George, 164
Coy, Wayne, 252, 262
Craig, May, 25, 140, 145, 256
Creel, George, 31
Crimean Conference, see Yalta Conference
Crisis, The, 162, 171, 567
Cromwell, Oliver, 282
Cropley, Ralph, 535–36
Cuba, 102, 103
Cudahy, John, 14, 25
Curtenius, A. E., 325
Curtin, John, 499
Curtis, Barbara, 20–21, 117, 119, 155, 242, 534
Curtis, Egbert, 116–18, 242, 286–87
Cushing, Betsey, 177, 452, 489
Cushing, Richard J., 536
Cutler, Robert, 24
Czechoslovakia, 70, 190, 239, 578
Dachau concentration camp, 515
Dalfiume, Richard, 628
Dall, Curtis, 181
Daniels, Jonathan, 629
Darden, Colgate, 351, 352
Darlan, Jean-François, 389–90
Davenport, Walter, 362–63
Davis, 6l7
Davis, Benjamin, 172
Davis, Benjamin, Jr., 423–24
Davis, Chester, 56
Davis, Henry, 165
Davis, Maxine, 243
Davis, Norman, 82–83, 85
Davis, Oscar, 352
D-Day, see Overlord, Operation
“Declaration by the United Nations, A,” 312–13
Defense Department, U.S., 424
defense mobilization:
aircraft industry and, 258–59
ALCOA and, 259–60
and attack on Pearl Harbor, 294–95
auto industry and, 231–33, 314–15
civil defense and, 280
civilian conscription and, 331–32
economic expansion and, 315–17
Executive Order 8802 and, 252
Knudsen’s ouster and, 314–15
production goals and, 313–14, 318
racial strife and, 246–53, 326–31, 333
Reuther plan and, 196–97
scrap drive and, 260–61
shipping crisis and, 318–19
strikes and, 224–31
see also economy, U.S.; labor; rationing; war production, war industry
de Gaulle, Charles, 389–90, 406–8, 518–19, 576
Delano, Fred, 271
Delano, Kassie, 271
Delano, Laura, 345, 361, 378, 390, 424, 425, 512, 552, 560, 598, 600, 602, 611
Delano, Lyman, 80
Delano, Warren, II, 75
Democratic National Committee, 107, 110, 338, 389, 524, 593
Democratic National Convention (1940), 11, 113–15, 125–35, 527, 617
Democratic National Convention (1944), 524–25
Democratic Party, U.S., 110, 113, 129, 131, 207, 208, 268, 394, 469, 525
Denmark, 70
destroyers-for-bases deal, 137–39, 142, 145–49, 609
Detroit, Mich., 145–46, 362–65
Dewey, Thomas E., 47, 141, 525, 541, 546–47, 552–53
De Witt, Frances, 369
De Witt, John, 321, 322
Dewson, Molly, 208
Dickens, Charles, 306, 481, 633
Dickerman, Marion, 207, 208, 209, 338, 552
Dickinson, Emily, 282
Dill, John, 305
Disney, Walt, 284
Dixon, Marion, 355
Doctor’s Dilemma, The (Shaw), 216
Dodd, Duane, 436
Dondero, George, 228
Donovan, Bob, 518
Donovan, Hedley, 134
Doolittle, James H., 340–41
Doolittle raid, 340–41, 609–10
Dougherty, Mrs. Allen, 603
Douglas, Helen Gahagan, 34, 37–39, 188, 282
Douglas, Melvyn, 38, 324
Douglas, William O., 526–27
Drinker, Ernesta, 155
Drum, Hugh, 143–44
Drury, Allen, 525, 592–93
Du Bois, W.E.B, 165
Dudley, Barbara, 413, 536
Dumbarton Oaks Conference (1944), 580
Dumbo, 284
Duncan, Robert, 499
Dunkirk evacuation, 62–64, 138
Dunn, James, 173, 562, 590
du Pont, Ethel, 178, 278, 568
Durno, George, 25, 463, 466
Dutch East Indies, 32, 265, 286, 316
Dutch Guiana, 402
Dykema, T.J., 341
Early, Stephen, 14, 17, 18, 57–58, 120, 131, 163–64, 167–68, 171, 182, 185–86, 249, 424, 530, 535, 579, 603–4
East Prussia, 578
Eberstadt, Ferdinand, 395
Ebihara, Henry, 430
Eck, Liz, 556
economic Bill of Rights, 485–86
economy, U.S., 339, 359
big government and, 607, 625–26
Commodity Credit Corporation and, 602
cost of living and, 359, 485
defense mobilization and, 315–17
FDR’s Bill of Rights for, 485–86
fireside chat on, 339
GNP and, 487, 625
housing and, 205–6, 481
inflation and, 359, 485
1940 election and, 177
population immigration and, 332–333
postwar boom and, 625–26
social revolution and, 53–55, 395, 624–25
see also consumer goods; defense mobilization; prices, price controls; taxes; wage controls; war production, war industry
Ecuador, 393
Eden, Anthony, 254–55, 379, 474, 585, 614
Egypt, 233, 389
Einstein, Albert, 346
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 317, 342, 410, 438, 460, 620
Bulge and, 564
ER’s British tour and, 379–80
North Africa invasion and, 348–49, 379, 386, 387, 389, 390, 460–61, 609
Overlord and, 478, 505–9
Summersby and, 480
Teheran Conference and, 473
woolen socks episode and, 380
El Alamein, Battle of, 389, 437, 473
Eleanor-Franklin relationship, 629–30
courtship and marriage, 79–80, 96–97
cross-country train journey in, 528–529
dinner talks in, 86–89
early years of, 373–75
Eleanor basket in, 15
ER’s work and tensions in, 281–82
FDR’s affair with Lucy Mercer and, 10, 19–20, 98, 375–76, 619
FDR’s marriage renewal proposal, 371–75, 378
FDR’s physical decline and, 503–4
fortieth wedding anniversary and, 592
national service issue and, 331–32
postwar hopes and, 568–69
refugee crisis and, 104
rivalry over children and, 375
Seagraves on, 628–29
South Pacific tour and, 457–58
working partnership in, 27–29, 36, 39, 81–82, 86, 89–90, 98, 104, 554–55
election of 1940, U.S., 47, 182–89, 224, 385, 527, 617
Democratic Convention in, 11, 113–115, 125–35, 527, 617
Early-policeman incident and, 185–186
economy as issue in, 177
Farley’s Hyde Park visit and, 110–13
FDR’s “inspection” trips and, 176–177, 182
Gallup poll on, 188
Lewis’s speech and, 183–85
“Martin, Barton and Fish” speech in, 185
“no foreign wars” speech and, 187–188
results of, 189
third-term issue in, 106–7, 110–13
Willkie’s acceptance speech and, 143, 144–46
Willkie’s campaign in, 176, 182, 183, 188, 189
Willkie’s nomination in, 141–42
election of 1944, U.S., 470, 515, 517, 524–30, 541, 545–52, 572, 605
Byrnes and, 487, 526, 527, 530
Democratic Convention in, 524–25
Dewey’s concession in, 553
FDR nominated in, 529
FDR’s acceptance speech and, 529–530
FDR’s candidacy in, 524–25
FDR’s health and, 549–50
FDR’s speech to Teamsters in, 547–549
New York City tour in, 549–51
photo episode in, 530
Republican criticism in, 546–47, 548
results of, 552
vice-presidency and, 525–27, 530
war news and, 552
elections, British:
of 1900, 33
of 1945, 621
elections, U.S.:
of 1912, 130
of 1916, 112, 189
of 1920, 16, 21
of 1928, 21, 110, 118–19
of 1930, 110, 385
of 1932, 100, 110, 115, 181, 220
of 1936, 47, 54, 71, 110, 115, 120, 134, 164, 606
of 1942, 359, 384–85, 609
of 1948, 594
see also election of 1940; election of 1944
Elizabeth, Queen of George VI, 73, 379–80
Elliott, Harriet, 56
Elsey, George, 310–11
Embree, Edwin, 328
Emergency Conference to Save the Jewish People of Europe, 453, 455
Emergency Price Control Bill, 316
Emerson, Faye, 480, 561, 568
Emerson, William, 221, 293–94, 506, 531
Essary, Fred, 140
Estes, Winston, 315–16, 388–89, 509
Ethiopia, 100
Ethridge, Mark, 252
Eustis, Edith, 273
Executive Order 8802, 252, 538, 539, 541
Executive Order 9066, 322
Executive Order 9981, 627
Faber, Doris, 222
Faddis, Charles I., 324
Fair Employment Practices Commission (FEPC), 252, 330, 444, 537–41, 627
Fala (FDR’s dog), 200, 218, 284, 287, 298, 306, 312, 362, 424–25, 517, 527, 548, 599, 600, 613, 615, 620
Farley, James, 107, 110–15, 126–29, 132–36, 536, 589, 615
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 296, 371
Federal Works Agency, 326, 327
Felix, Archduke of Hapsburg, 152
Fermi, Enrico, 346
Feuer, Lewis, 122, 123, 124
Fields, Alonzo, 290, 300, 302, 344, 520, 617
fifth columnists, 103
Fifth Marine Division, U.S., 529
Final Solution, see Jews; refugee crisis
fireside chats:
on banking crisis, 57, 221, 320
Bellow on, 450–51
on business-government relationship, 57–59
coining of term, 57–58
on currency situation, 57
on economic program, 339
on fifth column, 103
frequency of, 320
on lend-lease, 194, 195
national morale and, 448–51
on New Deal, 57
on NRA, 57
on overview of war, 319–20
popularity of, 240
on rubber shortage, 357–58
on war production, 297
Fish, Hamilton, 185, 295
Fleeson, Doris, 25, 57, 120, 147
Flynn, Edward, 18, 114, 526, 527, 574, 615
Flynn, John, 283
Ford, Edsel,
Ford, Henry, 55, 226, 229–30, 363–364
Ford Motor Co., 226–30, 362–65
Foreman, Clark, 326, 327–28
Formosa, 532
Forrestal, James, 411, 523–24
Forster, Rudolph, 168
Fort Bragg, N.C., 216–17
Fortune, 358, 416–17, 513
For Whom the Bell Tolls (Hemingway), 198
Fox, George, 242, 408
France, 23, 30, 41, 61, 63, 64, 103, 104, 190, 396, 404
German invasion of, 14
Hitler’s visit to, 72–73
postwar role of, 580
surrender of, 69–70
Vichy, 101, 386, 389, 390
Franco, Francisco, 543, 562
Frank, Karl, 102–3, 104
Frankensteen, Richard, 230
Frankfurter, Felix, 203, 235, 242, 336, 411
Franklin, Benjamin, 281–82
Free French, 389, 519
Freitag, Joe, 231
French North Africa, 386, 436
Frietchie, Barbara, 438
Fulbright, William, 278
Fulton, Robert, 347
Furman, Bess, 149, 183, 605, 614
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 56, 333, 356–357, 394–95
Gallagher, Hugh, 586
Gallup polls:
on aid to Britain, 195
on ER’s popularity, 19, 397
on 1940 election, 188
on public support for FDR, 209
Gandhi, Mohandas K. (Mahatma), 343
Gandy, Kitty, 374
Gannett, Frank, 47
Garner, John, 126, 128
gasoline rationing, 356–59
Gavin, James, 565
Gellhorn, Martha, 74, 215, 279, 281, 392
General Assembly, U.N., 580, 599, 633
General Motors, 362, 440
George VI, King of England, 38, 73–74, 379–80
Germany, Nazi, 22, 23, 42, 176, 190, 195, 210, 327, 424
Allied entry into, 578
in Arcadia Conference plans, 303–304
atomic research in, 346
France conquered by, 69–70
Morgenthau Plan for, 544
Soviet Union invaded by, 253–55
surrender of, 620
tank production of, 363
war declared on U.S. by, 297–98
World War II casualties of, 621
Germany-first strategy, 303–4
Gettysburg, Battle of, 438
GI Bill of Rights, 469, 512–13, 628
Gibson, Truman, 522
Gila River internment camp, 427–28, 429
Gilbert, Martin, 403, 437
Giraud, Henri, 389–90, 406–7
Glass, Carter, 128
Gluck, Sherna, 364
Goddard, Paulette, 39, 192
Goebbels, Joseph, 48, 196, 215, 234, 240, 253, 254, 346, 383, 397, 419, 437
Goering, Hermann, 151
Goldschmidt, Arthur, 259–60
Goldsmith, Harry, 496
Gompers, Samuel, 197
Gone with the Wind (Mitchell), 218
Goodhart, Philip, 148
Good Housekeeping, 243
Good Neighbor Policy, 426
Goodwin, Shannon, 166
Googins, Ruth, 426, 492