Grant, Ulysses S., 407–8
Gray, Maude, 273, 337, 374, 619, 620
Great Britain, 23, 210
Atlantic Charter and, 266
in Battle of Britain, 138, 146, 151–152, 192, 195–96
in Battle of the Atlantic, 233, 449, 468
Chamberlain-Churchill transition in, 32–33, 38
conscription of women in, 380–81, 392
convoy issue and, 233–34, 236
Dumbarton Oaks Conference and, 580
Dunkirk evacuation and, 62–64
ER’s inspection tour in, 379–84, 391
financial crisis of, 190–93, 233
India’s colonial relationship with, 343
and invasion of Soviet Union, 254–255
North Africa victory celebrated in, 389, 391
Polish border question and, 581
postwar unity and, 457, 470
race relations in, 382–83, 392
U.N. Security Council structure and, 580–81
U.S. aid to, see convoys; destroyers-for-bases deal; lend-lease
Great Depression, 22, 46, 548, 608
Greece, 233, 455
Green, Constance, 55
Greene, Norma, 522
Greenway, Isabella, 109–10
Greer, 277–78
Grew, Joseph, 293
Grey, Edward, 291
Gromyko, Andrei, 577, 614
gross national product (GNP), 487, 625
Groves, Leslie, 347, 590
Guadalcanal, Battle of, 384, 404, 437, 468, 609
Guam, 295, 303, 529, 531
Gulf of Tonkin incident, 278
Gullion, Allen, 322
Gunther, John, 18, 71, 190, 200
Gustav V, King of Sweden, 149
Gymnast, Operation, 348
Haakon VII, King of Norway, 149–50
Hackett, Shirley, 623
Hackmeister, Louise, 512
Hahne, Dellie, 623
Halifax, Edward Wood, Lord, 32–33, 301, 307
Halifax, Lady, 307
Hall, Anna, see Roosevelt, Anna Hall
Hall, Elizabeth, 564
Halsey, William F., 457, 462, 464, 465
Halsted, James, 180
Hamlin, Mrs. Charles, 301, 310, 312
Hannegan, Bob, 524, 526, 527
Harald, Prince of Norway, 149
Hargrove, Marion, 359
Harper, John, 245, 285, 495–96
Harriman, Averell, 290, 345, 347, 349, 404, 405, 407, 457, 461, 573, 577, 578, 581, 585, 597, 605
Harriman, Kathleen, 579
Harriman, Marie, 349
Harriman, Pamela Churchill, 31, 212, 214
Harrison, Gordon, 506, 511
Harron, Marion Janet, 339, 593
Hassett, William, 317, 336, 346, 349–350, 354, 384–85, 394, 412, 439, 442, 470, 486–88, 492–93, 502, 512, 519, 535, 541, 542, 550–53, 570, 592, 595, 601–3
Hastie, William, 172, 523
Hawaii strategy conference, 527–28, 531–32
Hayes, Philip, 539
Hearst, William Randolph, 181, 452, 632
Heart Mountain internment camp, 428, 514
Held, Adolph, 396
Hemingway, Ernest, 198
Henderson, Leon, 55–56, 231–33, 314, 316, 384, 394–95, 588
Hepburn, Katharine, 181–82
Hickok, Lorena, 36, 182, 201, 298, 350, 467, 560, 561, 613, 632
career of, 222, 593–94
Churchill’s White House visit and, 461
ER’s correspondence with, 90, 178, 221–22, 272–73, 383, 462, 618
ER’s relationship with, 219–25, 338–39, 373
and ER’s role as first lady, 91, 208
Hopkins and, 222–23
Madame Chiang and, 594
“My Day” conceived by, 221
1940 election and, 127, 132
Thompson’s correspondence with, 136, 594
White House stay of, 9–10, 219, 225, 338, 593
Higgins, Andrew, 505
Hill, Arnold, 168, 173
Hillman, Sidney, 55, 184, 231, 249, 251, 295
Hilton, James, 341
Hiroshima bombing, 621
Hitler, Adolf, 15, 33, 122, 363
assassination attempt on, 530–31
Battle of Britain and, 138, 151–52
Battle of Bulge and, 564
Casablanca Conference and, 402
death of, 620
and declaration of war on U.S., 197–198
Dunkirk evacuation and, 62
French surrender and, 70
as overworked, 419–20
Paris visited by, 72–73
Russian campaign and, 253–54, 304
Hoffman, Clare E., 202
Holland, see Netherlands
Holley, Irving, 45
Holocaust, see Jews; refugee crisis
Holt, Rush, 107
Homefront (Estes), 315–16, 388–89, 509
Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC), 481
Hong Kong, 295, 303, 316
Hooker, Harry, 140, 198, 479, 591
Hoover, Herbert, 47, 71, 295, 419, 453, 454
Hopkins, Barbara, 34, 87
Hopkins, Diana, 87–89, 306, 350–51, 354–55
Hopkins, Harry, 32, 44, 58, 69, 72, 85, 188, 189, 216, 237, 268, 306, 311, 336, 346, 347, 390, 399, 435, 438, 589
appointed lend-lease administrator, 214–15
“arsenal of democracy” coined by, 195
at Atlantic Conference, 264–65
and attack on Pearl Harbor, 289, 290
Baruch’s WPB appointment and, 412
bathtub story related by, 312
at Casablanca Conference, 402–7
Churchill’s friendship with, 212–13, 215, 545
Clayton appointment favored by, 562–63
Clementine Churchill and, 313, 342–43
ER-FDR relationship and, 86–89
ER’s relationship with, 86–88, 135–136, 351–54, 373
Farley and, 114–15
on FDR, 46, 193, 308, 620
FDR’s death and, 605, 614
FDR’s relationship with, 37, 88–89, 103, 203–4, 235, 242, 245, 350, 361, 458–59, 545, 546, 583–84
health of, 31–32, 212, 257, 264–65, 284–85, 313, 462, 501, 509, 545, 576, 583–84, 587
Hickok and, 222–23
Knudsen’s ouster and, 315
Lash-CIC incident and, 421
LeHand’s relationship with, 34–35, 89, 350
Lewis’s attacks on FDR and, 183–84
London missions of, 212–13, 342–343
Louise Macy and, 334, 349–51, 372
media’s attack on, 458–59
Moscow mission of, 257–58, 260, 261
in “My Day,” 87
national emergency speech and, 238, 239
Negroes in military and, 171–72
at 1940 Democratic Convention, 113–15, 125, 127–28, 135
Overlord command and, 478
as possible successor to FDR, 106–107
at Quebec Conference, 459, 460, 462
Stalin’s talks with, 257
at Teheran Conference, 473, 474, 478
Waller controversy and, 351, 352–353, 354
White House stay of, 9, 37, 459, 480
WPA tenure of, 87, 162–63
at Yalta Conference, 574, 576, 577, 579–80, 583–84
Hopkins, Louise Macy, 334, 349–51, 354, 372, 390, 399, 458, 459, 480, 489, 490
Hopkins, Robert, 403, 405, 473, 474, 576, 584
Hopkins, Stephen, 480, 501
House of Commons, British, 308, 345
House of Representatives, U.S., 40, 44, 202
anti-lynching bill in, 163–64
anti-strike bill in, 230
extension of draft and, 267, 609
Foreign Affairs Committee of, 210
GI Bill passed by, 512
lend-lease and, 210
national service bill passed by, 589
Neutrality Acts amended i
n, 283
1942 election and, 385
OCD appointments in, 324–25
selective service legislation and, 139, 148, 149
Smith-Connally Act and, 441–43
Sojourner Truth project and, 326
tax legislation and, 159
Un-American Activities Committee of, 122
Ways and Means Committee of, 156
housing, 205–6
Housing Authority, U.S., 236
Howard University, 532–33
Howe, Louis, 20, 37, 90–91, 118, 208, 219, 222–24, 245, 535–36, 584, 588–89, 594
Howland, Rebecca, 75–76
Hubbard, LeRoy, 117
Hudson Naval Ordnance strike (1942), 370
Hull, Cordell, 22, 30, 44, 83, 101, 107, 128, 238, 284, 286, 287, 288, 289, 301, 470, 500, 514, 562
Hungary, 515
Husky, Operation, 439
Hyde Park, N.Y., 278, 280, 470, 512
Christmases at, 481, 568–69
Clementine Churchill at, 545–46
family reunion at, 205–7
Farley’s visit to, 110–13
after FDR’s death, 620
as refuge, 72, 390, 412–13, 419, 462, 541
royal visit and, 73–74
after second Quebec Conference, 545–46
Hymes, James, 417, 418
Iceland, 266
Ickes, Harold, 32, 62, 71, 101, 158, 214, 242, 255, 260, 261, 288, 395, 500, 604
aid to Allies as viewed by, 262
attempted resignation of, 563–64
FDR as viewed by, 234–35, 245
Hopkins-LeHand relationship and, 35
internment of Japanese-Americans and, 427, 430, 514
LeHand and, 35, 182–83, 234–35, 502, 535
1940 election and, 125, 182–83
oil embargo and, 265, 266
“portal to portal” pay and, 443
on Stimson’s appointment, 71
on tax legislation, 157
UMW strike of 1943 and, 440, 442, 443
Woodring problem and, 24
WPA criticized by, 87
Ickes, Jane, 35
income tax, 487–88
India, 342, 343
Indochina, 283, 286
Indonesia, 356
inflation, 359, 485
inspection tours, 176–77, 182, 424–27
see also national inspection tour
International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs and Warehousemen, 547–59
International News Service (INS), 25, 612
internment camps, 427–28, 429, 514
Iowa, 473
Ireland, 24
Ishihara, Jiro, 296, 429
Ismay, Hastings Lionel, Lord, 347, 460, 475, 543
isolationism, isolationists, 22–23, 43–44, 47–48, 70, 84, 194, 210, 214, 233, 236, 255, 295, 469–70, 609
Italy, 23, 68, 195, 404, 424, 437, 439, 460, 468, 516, 563
Allied campaign in, 470–71, 508
Mussolini’s ouster in, 449
surrender of, 470
war entered by, 67
Iwo Jima, Battle of, 582, 589–90
Jack Benny, 240
Jackson, Andrew, 111–12, 189, 519
Jackson, Robert, 22, 82, 107, 142, 322
Jackson, Samuel D., 529
Jackson, Stonewall, 438
Jackson Daily News, 446
James, Edwin, 448
Janeway, Eliot, 17, 21, 88, 120, 236, 245
Japan, 23, 195, 270, 297, 303, 327, 356, 465
in Atlantic Conference talks, 265–66
Doolittle raid on, 340–41, 609–10
Indochina invaded by, 266
military success of, 316–17
prelude to Pearl Harbor and, 283–289
in second Quebec Conference discussions, 544–45
Singapore captured by, 317
surrender of, 621
U.S. bombing campaign against, 531–32, 621
U.S. oil embargo and, 265–66, 283
and war with Soviets, 477, 580, 582, 621
Japanese-Americans, 610, 628
FDR’s distribution idea for, 514–15
Ickes and, 427, 430, 514
internment of, 321–22, 427–31, 429, 514
racial incidents and, 513–15
Stimson and, 322, 430
in U.S. Army, 430, 514
War Department and, 322, 430
Jaqua, John, 440
Jeffers, William, 411
Jefferson, Thomas, 14, 113, 147, 189, 282
Jeffries, Edward, 327, 446
Jessel, George, 573
Jews, 100, 610, 621, 630
Congress and, 455
Long’s obstructionism and, 173–75
mass murder of, 396–97, 453–55, 515–16
proposed bombing of concentration camps and, 515–516, 610
on Quanza, 174
as refugees, 101–4, 174–76, 396–97
rescue proposals for, 453–55, 515–516
Riegner report and, 396, 454
Roper poll on, 102
War Department and, 515–16
White House meeting with, 396–97
Jodl, Alfried, 254
Johnson, Byron, 166, 167
Johnson, Hiram, 141
Johnson, Hugh, 55, 332
Johnson, Louis, 24, 71, 343
Johnson, Lyndon B., 278
Johnson, Mordecai, 532–33
Johnson, Mrs. Paul, see Mercer, Lucy P.
Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S., 304–5, 344, 478, 564, 580
Jones, Anna Faith, 532
Jones, Henry, 421–23
Jones, Jacqueline, 540
Jones, Jesse, 129, 500, 575
Jordan, James, 341
Juliana, Crown Princess of the Netherlands, 198, 467, 592
Justice Department, U.S., 259, 398
Kaiser, Edgar, 416, 417
Kaiser, Henry, 318, 368, 416–18, 541
Karski, Jan, 454, 516
Kasserine Pass, Battle of, 436–37
Kaufman, George S., 37
Kearney, 282
Kelly, Colin, 324, 329
Kelly, Edward, 126, 128, 129
Kempton, Murray, 248
Kennedy, John F., 27
Kennedy, Joseph P., 25, 27, 61, 210–212, 536
Kennedy, Joseph P., Jr., 27
Kikuchi, Charles, 322, 429–30
Kimmel, Husband, 293
Kindleberger, J. H., 365
King, Ernest, 263, 305, 311, 335, 341–342, 404, 544, 577, 609, 613, 615
King, MacKenzie, 142, 145–46, 275, 310, 343, 345, 545, 587–88, 591–592, 596
Kiplinger, W. M., 46
Kirchwey, Freda, 175, 390
Kirkland, Meta, 358
Klingaman, William, 200
Knox, Frank, 47, 238, 255, 283, 294, 410, 523
appointed navy secretary, 71–72
and attack on Pearl Harbor, 287–88, 292
at civil rights meetings, 168–69, 251
convoy issue and, 233
death of, 500
destroyers-for-bases deal and, 139, 142
discrimination in Navy and, 172, 328–30
Knudsen, William, 54–57, 196–97, 229, 231, 232, 233, 249, 251, 252, 314–15, 411
Konoye, Fumimaro, 265, 283
Kowalick, Edward, 513–14
Kurile Islands, 582
conscription and, 183, 230, 485
economy and, 359, 625–26
ER’s activism for, 628
FDR’s economic program and, 359
GI Bill and, 469, 512
management and, 451, 608
PPB concept and, 451
public anger at, 440–41
Smith-Connally Act and, 441–43
strikes and, see strikes
wage controls and, 339, 384
War Department and, 225, 227
“work or fight” bill and, 589
Labor Department, U.S., 413
Labor of Love, Labor of Sorrow (Jones), 540
labor unions, 225, 384, 540, 608, 628
Labour Party, British, 32, 305, 621
Lacey, Robert, 229–30
Ladies Home Journal, 80, 556
La Follette, Robert, 359
LaGuardia, Fiorello, 250–52, 280–81, 295–96, 323–24, 416, 453–54, 458, 509
Lahey, Frank, 495–96
Landon, Alf, 47, 71, 606
Lape, Esther, 18, 207, 237, 299, 338, 350, 354, 412–13, 420, 458, 528, 530, 541, 554, 555, 560
Larooco, 115–16, 121
Larrabee, Eric, 236, 320, 610–11
Lash, Joe, 10, 18, 30, 60, 84, 86, 97, 102, 103, 122–24, 127, 135, 157, 188, 198, 203, 221, 236–37, 251, 256, 275, 279, 281, 282, 339, 393, 554
CIC and, 420–21
on ER, 95, 123, 306
ER’s correspondence with, 187, 397, 410, 438, 442, 447, 453, 456, 459, 467, 468, 471, 492, 496, 507, 512, 525, 535, 541, 543, 546, 574, 615, 616, 618, 619
ER’s relationship with, 122–24, 334, 337, 373, 420–21
ER’s South Pacific tour and, 462, 465, 466
FDR and Churchill compared by, 312
marriage of, 560–61
Trude Pratt and, 338
Lash, Trude Pratt, 104, 201, 221, 338, 447, 467, 468, 471, 479, 503, 517, 528, 541, 560–61, 615
Last Time I Saw Paris, The (Paul), 359
Latvia, 585
Lawrence, David, 210, 231, 278
League of Nations, 44, 551
League of Women Voters, 207, 220
Leahy, William, 305, 311, 473, 497, 499, 545, 546, 574, 577, 582, 585, 609
Lee, Robert E., 407, 438
LeHand, Bernard, 117
LeHand, Marguerite “Missy,” 9, 20–22, 37, 58, 72, 82, 111, 113–19, 138, 153, 164, 188, 201, 218, 277, 297, 480
Bullitt’s romance with, 154–55
death of, 534–35
ER and role of, 120–21
FDR’s children and, 155–56
FDR’s gubernatorial tenure and, 118–19
FDR’s 1940 nomination and, 131–132, 134
FDR’s relationship with, 21, 35, 36, 115–19, 121, 199, 235–36, 241, 306–7, 335, 361, 399–400
FDR’s Warm Springs visit to, 286–87
in FDR’s will, 246
Frankfurter on role of, 336
Hopkins’s relationship with, 34–35, 89, 350
Ickes and, 182–83, 234–35, 502
illness of, 294, 334–36, 385, 399–400, 413
Miller’s romance with, 154
nervous breakdowns of, 117, 119, 307, 336
1942 election and, 385
Princess Martha and, 154, 241–42
Rosenman on, 119, 127, 336
strokes suffered by, 242–46, 284–285
suicide attempts of, 307, 336
Tully and, 335–36, 490
at Warm Springs, 284–87, 294
White House role of, 21, 83, 119–120, 184, 237, 242, 336, 489–90, 589
will of, 536–37
Lehman, Mrs. Herbert, 260
lend-lease, 190, 210–15, 233–34, 314, 366, 598