Devon folded his arms over his chest and leaned against the wall as he waited impatiently for the bell to ring. He'd tried to sit through the whole study hall thing, but he didn't understand what he was supposed to be doing, or why he had the class. Then again, he didn't understand any of this high school stuff. They were like rats in a maze, going through the same thing day after day.

  He supposed education was a good thing; he simply had no use for it. Maybe if he was a human in this day and age he might find it useful, but he wasn't. When he'd been human, he'd had schooling because he'd been a member of the aristocracy, and it was expected of him. Even before he died, he'd seen no reason to continue with his education as he'd discovered better ways to spend his time with gambling and women. What he didn't have he simply took with no regard for the person he took it from. Death hadn't lessened that trait but only made it far worse. It wasn’t something he was proud of, it was just something he had to live with, and try to atone for every day of his lonely existence.

  Just as he'd already suspected, his dreams had been nothing compared to the reality of her. Her skin was softer and warmer; her hand more delicate and supple. Though he knew where his intense urge to possess her might be coming from, he was still unwilling to explore that possibility, yet. Her safety was number one as far as he was concerned, and she could never be truly safe with him in her life. It was essential he be able to walk away, but if what he suspected was true, there was a good possibility he may not be able to.

  He'd meant what he'd said to her earlier, he was not lost when she was near. When he was around her, he didn't feel adrift in a world where he wasn't welcome among humans or vampires. If staying here, and torturing himself in high school was the only way to be close to her, then he was going to suffer through the classes like everyone else.

  He shifted as the discomfort in his veins increased. He should have fed before he came here today, but he hadn't realized how arduous it would be to keep control around her outside of their dream. The burning in his veins had kicked into hyper drive the minute his skin brushed against hers. The sweet scent of her blood had slammed into him, causing his mouth to water and his body to burn with hunger. It had taken every bit of self restraint he had not to pull her against him, sink his teeth into her delicate white throat, and drain the delicious blood flowing through her veins.

  He hadn't touched a drop of human blood in a hundred and thirty-seven years, and until then he'd never felt the craving so acutely. He'd never had his control nearly shattered, never nearly cracked and drained a person simply from touching them. However, as much as she rattled his firm restraint, she also had an odd calming effect on him. His baser instincts were held at bay when her delicate fingers curled around his. Touching her had locked the demon inside him back in its cage; it had calmed his raging urge to drain the blood from her more than it had enticed it. Whatever spell she had cast over him had him completely ensnared.

  The annoying bell rang suddenly, its sound was exceptionally piercing to his sensitive ears, but it was a welcome distraction from his disconcerting thoughts. Stepping away from the wall, his arms fell back to his sides as he eagerly waited for her to emerge from the class. Doors were flung open around him, chatter spilled into the halls as students emerged. He was barely aware of the humans as they filtered around him, the boys instinctively left a larger gap than they would with anyone else. The girls drifted closer, "accidentally" bumping into him, and giggling flirtatiously.

  He ignored them as his attention fixed on the people filing out of Cassie's class. He could smell her and feel the beat of her delicate heart. She appeared in the doorway, her mouth parted, and her step faltered as she spotted him. The small redhead who had been speaking to her broke off abruptly and her brown eyes widened in surprise.

  He didn't think about what he was doing when he instinctively held out his hand; relief filled him as her fine boned fingers slid into his. The beast inside of him stilled instantly. The burning in his veins lessened as her presence calmed his edgy instincts. He couldn't separate from her again. If he did, he wouldn't make it through the rest of this day.

  "Um yeah, I'll talk to you later Cass."

  Cassie glanced at the redhead and gave her a brief nod before turning her full attention back to him. "You got here quick."

  He shrugged. "I don't really see the point of study hall."

  The sound of her laugh was beautiful and sweet, like the gentle ring of wind chimes. He would do everything in his power to make her laugh as often as possible. Her eyes twinkled merrily as her laughter broke off, but she continued to smile at him as they made their way down the hall.

  "Most people look forward to study hall; it's their favorite time of day, other than lunch of course," she informed him.

  "I don't see why, there's nothing to do."

  "That's exactly why."

  Devon shook his head as he realized he’d never understand teenage humans. There was no pleasure in doing nothing, it drove him crazy. "I see," he said, even though he didn't.

  Her smile slid away as she looked at him questioningly. "Didn't they have study hall at your old school?"

  "Of course," he lied smoothly, sensing that to do anything else would seem odd. "I didn't see the point of it then either."

  She smiled again, and shook back a strand of golden hair that slid into one of her eyes. Without thinking, he brushed the hair aside. She froze, her breath caught in her chest, as his fingers lingered on her skin. He found he couldn't take his hand away as he caressed the delicate contours of her face. He recalled touching her like this last night but it was nothing, nothing compared to this. She didn't move, didn't breathe as she watched him in fascinated awe. In her gaze he could see her own recollection of the dream. Her heartbeat kicked up, her pulse pounded loudly through her veins.


  His hand fell away as Chris's prickly voice broke the odd spell holding them both hostage. He took a step closer to her, a wave of possessiveness tore through him as Chris appeared at her side. Chris's blue eyes narrowed as he met Devon's gaze and his shoulders stiffened. "Hi Chris," she greeted.

  "Did you do the homework?"

  Cassie rolled her eyes. "Yes, but there's not enough time for you to copy it."

  "I was just checking to make sure you had done it."

  Cassie's forehead furrowed in confusion as she frowned at Chris. Devon was nowhere near as confused as Chris shot him a dark look. Though Melissa felt they were more like siblings, Devon was beginning to believe Chris's feelings weren’t so platonic, and Chris didn't like the competition Devon threw into the mix.

  Devon didn't particularly care what Chris thought. Cassie was going to be his no matter what. His shoulder brushed against hers as he took another step closer. "Are you going to English now?" he asked harshly.

  "Of course, I'll see you there." Though it had been a clear dismissal, Chris hung around for a few seconds more. He glanced briefly at Cassie before turning on his heel and disappearing into the thick throng of students. She turned back to Devon, confusion still evident in her features. "Ready for class?"

  He fought back a groan, he wasn't ready at all. He wanted to stay here, with her, but he was in her world now, and unfortunately he had to obey the rules that came with it. Even if the rules sucked. The only good thing was they had the same class now.

  He followed her down the hall, taking note of the people surrounding him for the first time, or at least taking note of the boys. Many of them didn't acknowledge his presence as they watched her go by. His temper bristled at the obvious lust behind their stares. They didn't care about his presence, every one of them would easily ignore him if they thought they had a chance to talk to her. He would remedy that very shortly.

  Following her into a classroom, he reluctantly released her hand when he slid into the desk next to her. He'd been assigned a seat a few desks away from her, but he wasn't going to sit there today. Though he couldn't touch her, he wasn't moving any further away
from her than this.

  Chris and Melissa entered the room with their heads bent close together as they talked quietly. Chris grew quiet as his eyes darted toward him and Cassie. Melissa quirked a dark eyebrow, a smile flitted across her mouth. She gave Devon a brief nod before sliding into the seat in front of Cassie. Chris sat next to Melissa. The boy who had been assigned Devon's seat hesitated for a moment, and looked as if he was going to argue with the new arrangement. Instead, he wisely closed his mouth and resigned himself to Devon's abandoned seat.

  Cassie ducked her head and chuckled faintly. Unable to resist her anymore, he leaned across the aisle and took her hand. Her breath hitched, she watched him in wide eyed wonder. She clung to him with a desperation he recognized instantly, as it resided inside of him also.

  The teacher breezed into the classroom, dropped her books on her desk, and turned toward the chalkboard. Though she hadn't noticed them yet, it was only a matter of time before she did. He reluctantly released Cassie's hand.

  Though they were separated, he kept his hearing attuned to every beat of Cassie's heart. He was well aware of the delicious scent wafting from her skin and hair. His mouth started to water as the burning in his veins intensified. For a moment it took all he had not to grab hold of her and taste her. The temptation was almost more than he could handle. Clenching his teeth, and fists, he forced himself to stay calm.

  He was beside her again the moment the bell rang. Her touch relieved the aching tension coiled within him as her smile warmed him. "Would you like to show me all of the town hotspots tonight?" he teased, unable to stop himself from grinning at her like a fool as they made their way outside.

  Her laugh was enchanting. "You've already seen the number one spot, B's and S's."

  "Yes, and it was amazing."

  "Their shakes definitely are. I'd be happy to show you around town though."

  "Sounds great."

  Her long lashes lowered shyly over her eyes, a dull flush stained her cheeks. "Great, I'll uh… oh crap." The smile slid from her face as her forehead creased. "I forgot, I can't tonight. There's something I have to do."

  He tried to contain his disappointment as she stopped walking and turned to face him. Students milled past them, eager to get to their cars and escape the crowded parking lot. "Tomorrow night then?"

  Her smile returned, but her eyes remained oddly troubled and distant. "I would like that."

  Though she said yes, he sensed something behind the words, disappointment maybe? Anguish?

  "Cassie come on, let's go!"

  She glanced over her shoulder to where Chris was leaning out of his car with his arm resting on the driver's door. Melissa was by the passenger door, her dark eyes narrowed as she studied them. "I have to go."

  "I'll see you tomorrow then," he said though he knew he would see her before then.

  He didn't understand what was going on with her, but she seemed to be releasing him for good. He was not going to let her go. Not now, not after he'd finally broken through some of her barriers.

  "Yes, you will."

  She gave him a wan smile before turning and hurrying away. Briefly glancing back she hesitated for a moment, seemingly torn, before joining her friends and slipping into the beat up Mustang. Melissa and Chris watched him for a moment more, their eyes intense and a little unnerving. There was something strange about those two, something he couldn't quite put his finger on.

  He wracked his brain for what it was about Chris and Melissa that plagued him as they pulled out of the parking lot. Deciding to put it aside for now, he headed to where he had parked his car. A group of students had gathered around it, most of them were female. He nodded and briefly returned their greetings, but barely paid them any attention as he hit the unlock button on his remote. The car beeped in response and the locks popped open.

  "Devon! Devon!"

  He turned as Marcy hurried up to him, smiling cheerfully as she adjusted her books in her arms. "Marcy," he greeted tonelessly.

  She chose to ignore his cool greeting as she touched his arm lightly. He moved away from her grasp. "I was hoping you would give me a ride home."

  He frowned at her, his eyes shot back toward the Mustang stuck in traffic at the entranceway of the school. He knew Marcy was angling to be seen pulling out of this parking lot with him. Though he was new to high school, he had quickly learned how fast rumors spread through the small social network. He wasn't going to have those rumors circulating about him. Not now that Cassie was finally acknowledging his existence.

  "What's the matter with your car?"

  She frowned at him as her eyes darkened. It was apparent she hadn't expected any kind of hesitance on his part. "I usually ride with Kara, but her car isn't starting."

  Devon moved further away from her. He knew his affect on women, but there were some who were drawn to him more than others. Marcy appeared to be one of those girls. It wouldn't end well if he let her pursuit of him continue.

  "I'm sorry Marcy, but there's something I must do. I'm sure one of your other friends could give you a ride." It wasn't a lie; he still had to find a place to stay. He was tired of hotel rooms and floating about. He hadn't had any intention of remaining when he first arrived in this town, now he had no intention of leaving.

  Marcy turned briefly, and glanced at the Mustang now at the front of the line. "I saw you speaking with Cassie."

  Devon's hand slid away from the door handle. Even if he'd been human, he never could have missed the hostility in her tone, or her gaze. "So?"

  She chose to ignore the warning in his tone as her gaze slid back to him. "It would probably be best if you stayed away from her."

  "And why is that?" he grated through clenched teeth.

  Marcy shrugged as she plastered a falsely sweet smile on her face. "You could do better."

  "Like you?"

  "Well, you never know." She lowered her eyelashes flirtatiously. "If you play your cards right."

  Devon stepped closer to her and bent down to make sure his words weren't overheard by the group surrounding them. "That is never going to happen Marcy. I'm sorry, but I have no interest in you."

  She gazed up at him, her eyes wide with surprise before they sparked with fury. He decided that was his cue to leave, before she lost her composure completely. Swinging his car door open, he swiftly slipped inside and cranked the engine to leave.