Cassie played idly with a blade of grass she pulled from the ground. She was tired, achy, and more than a little chilled. The sudden drop in temperature had started earlier in the week, had made the night far cooler than she was prepared for with her flimsy windbreaker. She huddled deeper into her jacket; she knew it wasn't only the night that chilled her, but also the events of the day.

  She'd seen Devon only briefly at the end of the school day. He'd still seemed detached, and not completely himself. He hadn't mentioned going over to his place again and she hadn't brought it up either. She'd needed to get away from him for a little bit, to clear her mind, but it wasn't working out as well as she'd hoped.

  She tried not to think about his seeming detachment or the doubts continuously plaguing her mind. She tried to keep herself focused on the here and now, but her mind wouldn't cooperate. She shuddered as she flipped her collar up.

  "It's not that cold out," Chris muttered as he scanned the cemetery.

  Cassie shrugged absently before she returned to picking at the grass. She just wanted to go home as soon as possible; she hoped Devon would come to her room again tonight. Her heart lurched in her chest and her pulse pounded in her ears. It was unreasonable, unnatural the way she felt. Her concerns about him should slow her down, should make her more wary of him, but they didn't. She cared more about seeing him than she did about the possibility there might be something truly off about him.

  Melissa threw aside the English essay she had been working on. Cassie thought something was about to happen, that a fight was finally about to ensue, and she was spoiling for a fight. Then, Melissa pinned her with her intense, steady gaze. "Ok, what's up?"

  "Nothing," she answered automatically.

  Melissa gave her the 'I'm not an idiot look,' and lifted her dark eyebrows almost to her hairline. "Come on Cassie, we know you better than that. Something's on your mind and it has you pretty upset. Now spill."

  Chris and Luther gazed at her inquisitively. Cassie tossed away the blades of grass and climbed to her feet. She felt as if she might be betraying Devon by talking with them, but she knew Melissa and Chris were the two people who would have the most insight into him.

  She paced back and forth, not sure how to begin. Finally, she just decided to jump in. "What exactly have you seen about Devon?"

  Melissa's dark eyes becoming turbulent and distant before she shook back her black braid and focused on Cassie once more. "Aside from his arrival, I've seen nothing else about him."

  "What did you see about his arrival?" Cassie demanded.

  Melissa tilted her head curiously. "Not much Cass, I just saw him coming, and I saw brief glimpses of the two of you together. I knew he was coming for you."

  Those last three words caused a chill to run down Cassie's spine. Coming for her, he was coming for her. But why? Cassie felt like a turtle as she tried to pull all of her exposed skin into her jacket. "You saw nothing wrong with him though?" she asked.

  The three of them exchanged surprised, wary looks, before focusing their attention on her once more. "No Cassie, not at all. I would have warned you if I had. Why are you asking this?"

  Cassie chose to ignore the question as she turned to Chris. "And what did you feel from him?"

  Chris looked briefly confused before shaking his head. "Not much," he admitted. "I told you I can't really read him."

  "Why is that?" The chill in her became an ice storm.

  "I don't know Cassie, I really don't. For the most part there is an impenetrable wall around him that I can't break through, and believe me I've tried. That guy is a challenge I would love to master, but I can't."

  She swallowed heavily, trying to huddle deeper into her jacket, but there was nowhere for her to go. There was nowhere for her to hide anymore. How did a human keep Chris at bay? Unless, of course, he really did possess the same ability as Chris, and somehow that kept Chris blocked out.

  Then, she caught something he'd said. "For the most part?"

  He folded his arms over his chest as he leaned back against a white oak tree. "There is one thing he can't keep blocked out."

  "What's that?" Melissa asked eagerly when Chris didn't continue.

  Chris's gaze pierced Cassie. "His feelings for you. He can't keep those hidden, they radiate from him like a lighthouse beacon calling home the ships. It's why I kinda like the guy."

  She felt warm and giddy all the way to her frozen toes. "Really?" she croaked.


  Tears burned the backs of her eyes, but she wouldn't let herself shed them. Not here, not in front of them. "Why are you asking this Cassie?" Luther inquired.

  "I was just wondering," she tried to bluff.

  "You never just wonder, now what is going on?"

  She restlessly paced back and forth, unsure of how much she should say. "Didn't you find the incident in the cafeteria today odd?"

  Chris's face darkened like thunderclouds, Melissa nodded eagerly. "I can't believe Mark said those things to you! I was going to punch that guy myself, if Devon hadn't got there first!" Chris spat.

  "He was wicked quick to defend you," Melissa added.

  Cassie sighed as Melissa's eyes took on a dreamy look; apparently she'd decided to jump on the "I love Devon" bandwagon also. Was she the only one who had noticed something off about what had happened today? And just how quick had Devon been to get there? The last time Cassie had seen Devon, he'd been across the cafeteria, and then suddenly he was tossing Mark around like a rag doll.

  "Another reason I like the guy," Chris muttered.

  Luther studied them all carefully before piercing her once again with his intense gray eyes. "There's more, isn't there?"

  "Yes." Taking a deep breath, Cassie decided to just plunge in. She had to unload some of her confusion and doubts on someone. "I've come to care for him, a lot." That was the understatement of the year, but she intended to keep some things to herself. "And I realize I know nothing about him."

  "Well, he's new," Melissa defended. "It takes time to get to know someone."

  "I know that, I understand that. What I don't understand is how he sensed the evil presence the other day…"

  "What?" Melissa interrupted brusquely.

  "He knew it was there, before we did. I felt the tension in him."

  "There are humans with special abilities," Chris interjected.

  "Yes, I know, but this was different Chris. I don't know how to explain it, but it was. Then today, in the cafeteria, the strength he displayed. What human could do that?"

  They exchanged quick glances. "Some humans are very strong."

  "That strong Melissa?" Cassie demanded harshly. "He lifted Mark with one hand, and Mark isn't exactly a lightweight. One hand!" Cassie realized her voice had taken on a slightly hysterical pitch, but she couldn't help it.

  "What are you trying to say Cassie?" Luther prodded. "Do you think he might be a Hunter also?"

  "I don't know. That's why I'm talking to you guys about this. Wouldn't you know if he was?"

  Luther frowned as he absently shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. I would like to think so, but things are so different now. I can look for Hunters, but there is no guarantee I'll know them when I find them. Melissa had a premonition about yours and Chris's location. You were easy enough to find as I'd met your mother once, and you look a lot like her. I don't know if I would recognize him if he is one."

  Cassie slowly digested this, she supposed that would make sense, but it still didn't ease her anxiety. "He said his parents had been killed, but he didn't say how, maybe they were actually killed during The Slaughter. But if he does have Chris's ability, wouldn't he be able to sense us? Wouldn't he come to us instead of being on his own?"

  "He may not know what we are," Melissa said. "If he is keeping Chris blocked, then Chris may be doing the same thing to him."

  "Maybe," Cassie muttered, still not completely convinced.

  "I don't understand where you're going with this," Melissa told her. "W
hat do you think he is?"

  Cassie threw her hands up impatiently as she resumed pacing. "I don't know!"

  "You don't think there is something wrong with him, do you?"

  Cassie frowned as she bit her bottom lip. "I… no… I don't know," she finished lamely.

  They inhaled loudly as their foreheads furrowed with doubt and confusion. "No Cassie, I would have seen that," Melissa said, though her voice was hesitant and not quite as confident as normal.

  "And the way he feels about you." Chris shook his head as he stepped away from the tree. "No. No one can feel that strongly about someone if there's something wrong with them. What he feels is very pure and it's… well I have never felt anything like it before. I know I've never felt that way about anyone. It's amazing Cassie, and it's the only thing that gets through."

  Tears burned her eyes again. "Really?" she breathed.

  He gave her a lopsided grin as his shaggy hair fell into one of his sapphire eyes. "Would I lie to you?"

  She managed a wan smile. Though they'd managed to ease some of her concerns, she couldn't quite shake all of her doubts. There were just so many things she didn't know. She desperately hoped he would come to her room again tonight. Maybe if she talked to him she would feel better about this whole situation.

  A flash of movement amongst the trees caught her attention. Her head shot to the left as she searched the shadowed woods. Though Luther hadn't thought it was a good idea to come out here tonight, they'd insisted upon it. Some of the stories in the paper had led Luther to believe there was also a young vampire on the Cape again. Two bodies had been found, mauled with little or no blood left in their system. It had taken a lot of persuasion, but Luther had finally conceded to let them come to the cemetery in the hopes it would roam this way.

  "It's out there," she whispered.

  "Is it The Elder?" Luther demanded.

  Cassie shook her head as Chris answered him. "No."

  Another flash turned Cassie to the left. She braced her legs and set her shoulders as she prepared for the imminent attack. It didn't matter they outnumbered the creature; it would still come for them thinking they were a buffet of easy targets.

  Leaves from the wood line exploded outward and scattered across the grass of the cemetery. The creature rushed them in a blur of motion that would have been imperceptible to the human eye, but Cassie picked up on it instantly. She braced herself, twisting her stake within her grasp as she bounced on her heels in preparation.

  Though her thoughts had been focused on Devon during training, years of training took over as adrenaline and anticipation coursed through her veins. The monster ran in a heedless charge for Chris first. Chris turned and dodged the creature at the last second. Swinging out, Chris caught hold of him as he slammed a fist into the creature's shoulder. The young vampire, a man, grunted loudly as he staggered forward beneath the force of Chris's blow. Though he was off balance and caught by surprise, he was still hungry and volatile.

  His reddened eyes latched on Cassie, his lips pulled back in a sneer as he caught scent of what he thought would be the easier prey. Cassie grinned invitingly and waved her fingers at him. She welcomed the fight, she needed to rid herself of her pent up, frustrated energy. The creature snarled as it lunged at her with its hands curled into claws as it aimed for her neck. A small chuckle escaped her; the young vamp was stupid that was for sure. It didn't stop to think it might be outnumbered and a retreat should be considered. Instead, all it could think about was blood and feeding, and destroying life.

  It launched itself at her with its hands outstretched as it looked to devour her. Thrusting her hand up, she used the palm of her hand to smash upward. His head cracked back, his blood red eyes rolled back in his head as his teeth bit into his chin. Blood spilled down his chin, but it didn't slow him down. Seizing hold of her, his hands painfully dug into her upper arms as he dragged her forward.

  She didn't panic, didn't even feel a spurt of apprehension as his lips pulled back. His fetid breath washed over her, causing her gag reflex to react instantly. Lifting her leg, she slammed her knee into his groin. He howled as he bent over and grabbed the now offended center of his manhood. Fisting her hands, she drove them into his back knocking him to his knees.

  The attack was so fast Chris, Melissa, and Luther hadn't had a chance to react. Now they moved swiftly, converging on the creature trying to get up. He stumbled to his feet, but Chris got to him first. Driving the stake deep into its back, the creature grunted in surprise as Chris twisted it in.

  Cassie tried to turn off her guilt as the creature mewled. It's now brown eyes pleaded for mercy as they met hers, but it was already too late, and no mercy could be given in this situation. Remorse filled her as the young man released another low moan before collapsing before them. She shouldn't feel sorry; he would have killed her if he'd had the chance. It was survival of the fittest after all, and luckily this time they'd been the fittest.

  But as they moved the body into the woods she couldn't stop herself from thinking that before he'd become a monster, he'd been someone's son, possibly someone's brother or husband. She couldn't stand to think about the suffering his family had gone through. Couldn't stand to think about what the man had probably suffered before he'd been killed the first time.

  Cassie inhaled a shaky breath as she tried to rid herself of the lingering thoughts of his pleading gaze. She could never allow herself to glimpse the man behind the monster again. She couldn't do this anymore if she was unable to separate the two. She needed to see Devon, even if he couldn't know about this aspect of her life he could help to ease the choking loneliness and guilt she constantly dealt with.

  A chill shot down her spine, the hair on the nape of her neck and arms stood on end. Alarm and disbelief crossed Chris and Melissa's faces as they turned toward the area where the evil suddenly seeped from. "It's out there," Chris whispered.

  "Yes," Luther agreed as he stepped closer to them. "Let's go. We have to get you out of here. Now!" he barked, when none of them moved right away.

  "Why doesn't it just come after us?" Cassie pondered.

  "I don't know, but let's not tempt it. Come on, we have to leave now," Luther urged as he nudged Chris and Melissa forward.

  Cassie studied the shadowy interior of the woods. She could make out the different elms, oaks, tupelos, and locusts, but she couldn't see anything else amongst the trees. No animals stirred, apparently even they had been scared away by the evil in their midst. "Do you see anything?" Chris inquired.

  Cassie shook her head as she fisted her hands. "We have to go!" Luther hissed.

  Though Cassie didn't want to turn tail and run from the monster in the woods, she found herself hurrying toward Luther's Toyota Camry. She slid into the backseat, and her gaze instantly turned back to the window. She half expected to see it standing at the window, its face twisted into a hideous scowl, ready and eager to slaughter them all.

  But there was nothing there.

  "It's playing with us," Chris said quietly.

  Cassie was taken aback by how pale and hollow his features had suddenly become. "Chris?" she inquired worriedly.

  His hand trembled as he lifted it toward her. He desperately needed to touch her, to connect with something other than the evil overwhelming his ability. He was shaking when he clasped hold of her hand and his fingers dug into hers. He looked sickly in the glow of the dashboard as he inhaled a harsh breath.

  "Chris, what's wrong?" she demanded.

  "Drive," he ordered in a gruff voice.

  Luther jolted a little, shifted the car into drive, and slammed on the gas. Cassie was thrown against the seat, but she didn't lose her grip on Chris's quivering hand. Luther peeled down the road, kicking up a spray of dirt and rocks that rattled off the undercarriage of the car as they fishtailed. Cassie had a glimpse of headstones only inches from the car before the back wheels finally caught on the road once more.

  Luther sped down the loosely graveled road at speeds far bey
ond what was safe, but nowhere near fast enough for Cassie. He barely hesitated before he shot onto the main road. Chris shuddered again, but his eyes cleared, and his face regained some color.

  "Are you ok?" she asked.

  He nodded, inhaled a shaky breath and nodded again. "Yes, yes, I'm fine."

  He sounded as if he were trying to reassure himself as much as her. "What happened?"

  Another tremor wracked through him and his hand tightened on hers. "It let me inside for a moment, I think, on purpose. I wasn't trying to probe it when suddenly I found myself sucked in. The pure evil…"

  He broke off as his gaze flew toward the window. "It was just awful. Whatever that thing is, it's enjoying toying with us, playing with us, batting us around until it's ready to pounce." He shuddered again. "We can't abandon anyone," he whispered.

  "And we're not going to," Cassie assured him as she tried to ignore the pain his grip was causing her.

  "It's playing with us for now, but when it's ready, it is going to kill us. Before then though, it's going to wreak a lot of havoc on this town." He turned toward her, his eyes bright in the dim interior of the car. "It is going to destroy us."

  Cassie couldn't get words past the lump in her throat, but she knew Chris was right.