"Looks like you have company."

  Cassie's mouth parted at the spectacle of the sleek Challenger sitting in her driveway. Sighing in relief, she realized she'd truly feared she wouldn't see Devon tonight. But there was his car, sitting in her driveway, and he was inside doing God only knew what with her grandma. "Well, I'll be," she murmured.

  Chris managed to give her a shaky smile, but it was nowhere near the normal, self-assured, cocky grin she loved. His eyes looked older, more worn and tired than she'd ever seen them. His confident aura had been replaced by a beaten one. For the first time Cassie was truly grateful she hadn't received any of the "gifts" that had been bestowed upon Chris and Melissa. "Chris…"

  "I had better get going," he interrupted as he turned away from her and shut off the car.

  "Are you going to come over tonight?"

  He sat for a moment before shaking his head. "No, I had better stay with my mom. She may need my protection."

  Cassie glanced at his house. All the lights were on, music and loud laughter poured from the open windows. There were five cars in the drive that Cassie didn't recognize. These were the nights Chris always fled to her room.

  "Did you tell her what was going on?"

  He shrugged absently. "Yes, but you know her, there isn't anything she can't drink away."


  "Go on Cassie, I'll be fine. You have company."

  "After he leaves…"

  The haunted look in his eyes robbed her of her breath. "I'll be ok."

  Before she could say anything more, he flung the door open and climbed from the car. Cassie waited for a moment before she threw her door open and joined him in the brisk fall night. She inhaled greedy gulps of air. She couldn't rid herself of the worry that she was losing Chris.


  "I'll see you in the morning."

  He didn't look at her as he shoved his hands in his pockets and hurried forward. Her heart broke for him as she watched him disappear into the house. Tears slid down her cheeks as she made her way to her door. She paused before going in to wipe away her tears as she valiantly tried to regain control of herself. It took her a few minutes, but eventually the tears dried up and she felt stable enough to enter.

  The warm aura of the room seemed out of place with her dark mood. The wonderful scent of roasted chicken and banana bread filled the air and Cassie's eager stomach rumbled. She was far more ravenous to see him than she was for food though. Moving through the kitchen, she eagerly followed the drifting voices coming from the dining room.

  Stepping across the threshold, she was surprised to find her grandmother and Devon sitting at the dining room table. A plate of banana bread, and a deck of cards, sat between them. A lively smile lit her grandmother's pretty face as her eyes gleamed with amusement.

  "Cassandra, you're home!" The vast relief in her voice caused Cassie a twinge of guilt. "Your friend stopped by."

  Cassie braced herself before turning her full attention to Devon. Her heart knocked against her ribs, and her breath froze as his emerald eyes seared into her. He was sitting casually in the chair with his cards held loosely in his fine boned hand and his legs stretched before him. Though his posture was one of relaxation she could still feel the tension between them.

  "Cassie." She loved the sound of his voice, the melodic flow of it. It didn't wipe away the awful events of the night, but it helped to alleviate some of the raw guilt that had taken up residence in her soul.

  "I told you she'd be home before ten, that's when the library closes." Her grandma threw a card onto the table and moved some pegs on the cribbage board. "Your dinner is still warming in the oven dear, why don't you grab it while I finish beating your friend in cribbage."

  He was playing her grandma in cribbage? She stared at him in disbelief as he grinned back at her. "She thinks she's going to beat me, but she's wrong."

  "Oh, but I will."

  Cassie shook her head and turned away. The whole night had been surreal, but this part of it seemed absolutely ludicrous. The object of her obsession was sitting at her dining room table playing cribbage with her grandmother for crying out loud! She wondered if she'd fallen asleep in the cemetery, she felt that would make more sense than this.

  Though she wasn't hungry anymore, she robotically gathered the warm plate of chicken from the oven. The extra plate still sitting there, waiting for Chris, tugged at her heart. Her gaze slid to the window, but nothing had changed across the street. Turning away, she gathered silverware and napkins. She was stretching for a glass when she felt him against her. She started slightly, he'd been as soundless as a ghost, but the feel of him was instantly soothing to her raw nerves. His chest pressed against her shoulder as he stretched around her to grab two glasses from the cabinet.

  Cassie instinctively melted against him as she sought his strength to wash away the ragged memories of the night. Seeming to sense her need, he brushed her hair back. His fingers caressed her neck as he kissed her temple. "How did studying go?"

  She'd been so lost in his touch that the question took her by surprise. "Huh? Oh ah, fine, it was fine."

  "That's good. Your grandmother would like a ginger ale."

  Cassie took the glasses from him. Turning she met his heated gaze. It took all she had not to throw her arms around him, bury herself in his embrace and forget all the worries of the world. But she couldn't do it. Not with her grandmother in the next room, not with Chris across the street wounded and broken, and not with some monster hunting the innocent people of their town.

  "Ok." She reluctantly moved away from him. Opening the fridge she removed the ginger ale and root beer. "Have you been here awhile?"

  "Not long. I wanted to check on you after today, maybe take you for a walk."

  Cassie shuddered at the thought of being outside again, exposed to that evil, vulnerable to it. "That would have been nice, little late now," she mumbled in response.

  "Hm." He was studying her intently when she turned back around. Before she knew what he was doing, he plucked a blade of grass from the arm of the jacket she'd forgotten to take off and held it up before her.

  "Gym," she lied poorly.

  She had the feeling he didn't believe her for a second. "Didn't realize it was so cold out today," he remarked.

  "I chill easily."

  His smile widened as he took the glasses from her. "I'll have to keep you warm then." Cassie's mouth went dry, her toes curled at the promise in his husky words. "Come watch me whip your grandmother in cribbage."

  Cassie swallowed heavily and managed a small nod. Settling down at the dining room table, her nose involuntarily wrinkled at the sight of the board. Try as she might, she'd never caught onto cribbage. Her grandma found it disappointing, as she loved the game. "Thank you Devon, very kind of you."

  There was a suggestive tilt to her grandmother's eyebrows as she took her glass from him. Cassie fought against the blush creeping up her cheeks. Focusing on her plate, she picked absently at the pieces of chicken and mashed potatoes. She watched as they continued the game, trading quips and laughing as their pieces progressed around the board. Cassie didn't have the foggiest idea who was winning, but from the smile on her grandma's face she assumed it was her.

  With a cry of joy, her grandma moved her peg again and leaned victoriously back in her chair. "I believe that is game."

  Devon grinned back at her grandmother, Cassie's fingers itched to brush back the hair falling boyishly across his forehead. "And a very good one, I wouldn't mind a rematch some time."

  "My cribbage team only plays every two weeks, and I wouldn't mind a few practice games in between myself."

  Devon turned his charming grin on Cassie. "Don't you play?"

  Cassie shook her head as she pushed her plate away. "Cassie has never liked cribbage," her grandma explained.

  "Truly? It is a very interesting game, when played right."

  Cassie wondered over his words, they sounded so grown up, so outdated
. Who said truly anymore? Her fingers clenched around her glass as she tried to think of something other than the nagging suspicions lurking in her mind.

  "I never really grasped it," she admitted as she searched his gaze for the answers she sought.

  "Then I'll have to teach you one day. You'll enjoy it once you learn."

  "I've tried, but it's not my game."

  "But if you want a rousing hand of rummy, poker, or spades, Cassie is your girl," her grandma chimed in, apparently unaware of the sudden tension in the room.

  "Interesting." Devon's gaze never left Cassie's. "Spades and Faro are two of my favorite games."

  Her grandma perked up. "You know how to play Faro?"

  Devon finally broke the stare. Cassie hadn't realized she'd stopped breathing until her lungs greedily gulped down air. "Yes, my grandfather taught me."

  "How fascinating, I love Faro! Though, I know almost no one who can play it."

  "I have the same problem, it's a lost game."

  Cassie couldn't stop herself from speculating just how lost it was. She'd never even heard of the game before. Her gaze darted to her grandma, fear turned her stomach as she realized she may have also put her grandma's life in peril by allowing this stranger into their lives.

  The thought was absolutely ludicrous, he'd never harmed her before, and he'd had plenty of opportunities to do so. He'd put himself in between her and Mark's crazed advance's today. He'd risked his own safety in order to keep her protected.

  "But a very interesting, entertaining game!" her grandma said happily. "We must play sometime, I'm sure Cassie would love it. She enjoys all of the gambling games, and she's very good at them."

  "I would like that. A card shark huh?" His intense, penetrating gaze swung back to Cassie. "Wonders never cease."

  "Just lucky," she mumbled.

  "Exceptionally lucky. If she ever hits Vegas, she'll break the place."

  "Let's test that luck." Devon shuffled so swiftly through the deck Cassie barely saw the cards flashing by. "What would you like to play? Three hand spades? Seven card? Dealer's choice?"

  "Dealer's choice," her grandma piped up. "I'll get the pennies."

  Her grandma leapt to her feet and headed into the kitchen where she kept the jar of pennies they used when they played cards. There had been many nights when Chris would join them, and almost as many, when Luther and Melissa would come over. Those nights had become less and less over the past year, something Cassie hadn't realized until now.

  A stab of guilt hit her as she realized just how distant she'd grown from her grandma. She turned toward Devon, thankful for giving her this opportunity to spend time with her grandmother again, especially now, with the circumstances being what they were. There may not be many of these nights left to share with each other.

  She met his gaze, her doubts slipping away as she found herself charmed by the smile he gave her. "Are you feeling lucky tonight?" he taunted.

  Her toes curled and her face flamed. She hadn't been feeling lucky at all, not until now. "Maybe," she responded with a teasing grin.

  His eyes twinkled merrily. "I hope so."

  Her mouth went dry, her fingers clenched at the innuendo beneath his smooth tone. "Here we are."

  Her grandma happily slapped the jar of pennies down in front of Cassie. "Count them out dear, a dollar each." Cassie dove at the pennies, grateful for the distraction they offered from the man sitting beside her. "Maybe Chris would like to play with us."

  Cassie shook her head; she paused counting at twenty-three to look at her grandma. "He's staying home tonight, he's tired."

  A knowing, sad gleam came into her grandmother's eyes as she leaned back in her chair. "I see."

  Cassie couldn't stop herself from glancing back at Devon. He was smiling at her, a promising gleam in his eyes as he leaned forward. "Get those pennies counted."

  Her heart hammered with the knowledge he would return to her room tonight. She thought her head would explode from the blood rapidly pounding through it. Anticipation caused her fingers to shake as she returned to counting the copper mound before her. She had to recount them three times as she kept losing her concentration, but she was finally able to get one dollar together.

  Devon took mercy on her and counted out the remaining two dollars. When he was done, he leaned back in his chair and dealt the cards out to them. "Five card stud, penny ante."

  Cassie took hold of her cards, but her thoughts were not on the suits before her. She didn't think she would ever be able to concentrate on anything when he was near. After a little while Cassie found herself relaxing as she laughed and joked with them both. The horrifying events from the night weren't forgotten, but they didn't weigh as heavily on her as they had earlier in the evening. She hadn't realized how badly she needed a relaxing, easy night, until now.

  They played for almost two hours, until somehow Cassie managed to win all of the pennies. Tossing in the last hand, Devon leaned forward as Cassie happily scooped up her winnings, which would be returned to the jar. "I guess you are lucky," he remarked with an impish smile.

  Cassie grinned back at him. "I suppose so."

  "Well kids, it is getting late, don't forget you have school tomorrow," her grandma said pointedly.

  Cassie shook her head. "Subtle Grandma."

  "I try dear," she replied cheerfully. "Devon it was a pleasure to meet you." She extended her hand to him and grasped hold of his. "You must come by more often. We will get everyone together to play next time. Perhaps we'll teach them Faro, maybe it will be the one game Cassie can't win."

  "I doubt it." He flashed the beautiful smile Cassie was sure had melted many female hearts before, and her grandmother appeared to be no exception. "But it will be fun to see if we could beat her."

  "Yes, yes it would. Goodnight kids."

  Her grandma kissed her on the cheek before slipping from the room. "I suppose I should be leaving."

  Cassie nodded as she licked her lips nervously. "Ok."

  She followed him to the back door and anxiously stood by as he opened it. Bending low, he wrapped his hand tenderly around her neck and pressed his lips to her ear. "It will be easier if you just leave your window open for me tonight."

  Cassie froze, trapped like a dear in the headlights as his words seared into her. There was no describing the feeling of longing slamming through her. She realized no matter how many doubts she had about him, her feelings for him would always win out.

  She could only manage a small nod as his fingers stroked over her cheek. "See you soon." He brushed a kiss on the bridge of her nose.

  He reluctantly pulled away and headed out the door. She watched him until she was sure he’d made it safely to his car. She wished she could go with him to make sure he arrived safely at home, or wherever he was going until he came back, but she wouldn't be able to follow him in his car. Her heart pounded, and it took all she had not to flee to her room to eagerly await his return.

  Her grandmother was leaning against the doorway of the dining room with a knowing smile when Cassie came back through. "He seems like a very charming and pleasant young man."

  Cassie tried to keep her face as impassive as possible while her heart pounded like a jack hammer. "Yes, he is."

  There was a knowing gleam in her grandmother's bright eyes. "You seem to like him very much."

  "I do," Cassie admitted.

  She stepped away from the doorway, moving with brisk agility as she came forward to clasp hold of Cassie's hands. "I'm glad for you dear, but you must be careful."

  "I know grandma, I am being careful, I promise."

  "I'm not talking about out there dear." She nodded toward the windows. Slipping her hands free she pointed to Cassie's chest. "I'm talking about in here."

  Cassie swallowed heavily, knowing that it was already too late to be careful with her heart. It was no longer hers to be careful with. "I will," she said hesitatingly.

  Dropping a kiss on her grandmother's cheek, she forced herself n
ot to run as she quickly left the room. Her heart pounded with every step. Arriving at her doorway, she froze, and her legs locked in place. Devon was already standing by her window, with his arms folded over his chest as he casually leaned against the sill. He studied her with a predatory gleam in his eyes that caused her throat to go dry and butterflies to flutter through her stomach.

  She didn't know how he'd gotten there so fast, nor did she care. She was just glad he was there. His muscles rippled mouthwateringly as he dropped his arms and stepped away from the window. Her heart pounded as she closed the door and made her way to him.

  His arms enveloped her as he pulled her against him. She clung to him as hands entwined in her hair and he cradled her head against his shoulder. "Cassandra." He sounded like a starving man who had just been given a meal. She was more than willing to be that meal.