Devon was standing by the window when she woke early the next morning. The sky was still dark, but the stars had blinked out and the moon had disappeared. Though she didn't make a sound upon waking, he turned toward her. A smile played over his full mouth, but his eyes remained distant.

  Frowning, Cassie tossed back her blankets and climbed to her feet. She was surprised to realize she'd fallen asleep with her clothes on. The hardwood was cool against her bare feet as she silently padded over to him. His arm wrapped around her waist, as he pulled her against his side.

  "Anything out there?" She tried to sound carefree but failed miserably.

  "Just a few early birds." He briefly nuzzled her hair before kissing her temple and straightened from her.

  Cassie studied the early morning as it lightened to pink, and a few birds began to chirp. She could see nothing wrong with the morning or sense any evil out there. His muscles rippled beneath her touch as her fingers entangled in the soft cotton of his shirt.

  They watched as the sun rose over the horizon and the sky flamed with a brilliant array of colors. It was one of the most serene moments of her life. The glow played over his magnificent face, highlighting the rugged planes of it and illuminating his stunning eyes.

  His lips brushed briefly over hers. A firestorm of emotion crashed over her like waves on the sand before he pulled away. "I'll see you at school."

  Cassie managed a quick nod, as he briefly kissed her again and reluctantly released her. With startling grace he grasped hold of the tree limb and rapidly swung himself down. Cassie watched in awe as he leapt from the tree, still ten feet from the ground, and landed on the ground effortlessly.