Chapter 18

  Princess of the Lullaby

  Link and Midna sat beneath the comforting shade of one of the trees flanking the Temple. Its familiar earthy scent provided little true comfort, rather mocking them of the mission they’d failed to achieve in saving all such trees...and peoples...and all creatures in Hyrule....

  “Link.” Midna inhaled a deep, difficult breath. He glanced up at her, forcing himself to watch her eyes which struggled with her last bit of strength to fight back the tears and the defeat which created them.

  “I did not account for a Song of Light along with a Song of Twilight,” she whispered. Her eyes fell, the glistening tears tumbling like broken waves. “In my selfishness, I sought only to travel alone with you, Link, to collect the notes for my Requiem. I did not consider there being another, and that other also having a song. I was blinded because....”

  Her eyes rested upon him. Grey, overcast with clouds of sorrow, deep remorse, hatred for the trouble she’d caused in their quest, spite for considering herself above all the peoples of their three realms.

  But, no, she did think of more than herself. Through the clouds of her eyes, waves of passion with flecks of sunlight that could not help but dance through all the turmoil. As she looked at him, it was plain she could not contain such joy and hope. It was plain that her “because” was him and the love so clearly fixated in her heart. No words could have ever replaced such beauty in her eyes. If she had been blinded in their quest, it was by love; nothing could amaze or humble him more.

  Effortlessly and almost without thought, his hand crept to her cheek. It was surprisingly warm, balancing the cool silver hues of her skin and matching the fires flickering in her eyes at his touch. He did not know exactly why she loved him. Perhaps by some memory of the Link she once knew. Perhaps entirely for who he was, though he could only be honored and humbled by such a thought. It didn’t matter though. He loved her too. The same urge that had gripped him so many times on their short but vital quest again took hold, and with it, the courage that he needed to lean in close to her.

  Her eyes softened as if melting; their clouds lifted as the stars’ reflection peeped between the shadows, dispelling them. Then, her eyes closed, and she exhaled a sweet, zephyr which lightly caressed his hair. He drew closer, heart beating wildly. His lips could almost taste hers—

  Her eyes opened, ablaze with longing but also with deep and sudden caution. Though crushed, he obeyed and instead kissed her forehead.

  “I’m sorry,” she breathed, heaving a sigh as heavy as though the weight of so many waters crashed once more upon her shoulders. “I’m sorry, but it’s possible I’ve already messed up our chances of saving Hyrule. I’d like to save us until it is the right time. I couldn’t bear to mess that up too....”

  He nodded, eyes fervent with a desire for her to see it was okay. When she wouldn’t look at him, he squeezed her hand. She shivered at his touch. Faintly. He almost grinned, half awed and half pleased that he could enlist such a reaction in one so sure of herself, that she would dare to let her guard down for him, however slightly. She looked up, studied him, and permitted the light dispel the storms of her eyes once more.

  With a small smile, she said, “Come. We should sleep. Nothing can be properly thought over and decided upon without good rest for both mind and body.”

  Waving her cloak in a wide, almost magical arc, she swept it down to cover the earth then curled up upon it. Link snuggled against the soft earth. He reached out, taking her hand in his. With small but sure smiles, they drifted to sleep as one, connected by that small touch and the even greater touch of their hearts.