
  Midna stirred at the onslaught of restless dreams. None were concrete, just snatches of shadow, fire, and fear; signs of such enemies which would surely befall Hyrule, Termina, and her shadow world of Twilight if evil was not soon banished....

  Abruptly, she woke. Shock gripped her, so starkly it took a moment for the gasp to escape her lips. Complete darkness enveloped her. No sign of even the stars crept from the heavens overhead. Had darkness already come? Were they later in saving their worlds than she’d even fathomed?

  A light shimmered faintly. Glancing over, she fixated upon the thin stream of light cascading vertically through the dark. It was hard to tell from how high above, since she could not tell whether the light shone from sky or up from the ground or if either sky or ground still existed. She felt light, almost weightless, though also secure.

  Just as this feeling began to dawn on her as familiar, a figure materialized in the column of light , and as the figure stepped from the light, Midna gasped again.


  She was swathed in an elegant, elf-green cloak which shimmered like stars in the pillar of light, bright and pure. Her Zora eyes gleamed with a smile that encouraged Midna’s heart. Even if this was the end, how good to see a friend in such a time....

  Pami stepped towards Midna slowly, and Midna started steadily forward in turn. But when she had half-way closed the gap between them, Midna stopped again. The closer Pami drew, the more and more she...transformed.

  Tight curls cascaded down her back, a dark blue at first. Quickly though, the blue lightened into a golden hue like a queen lion’s fur. Her skin morphed from blue to a lovely porcelain cream. Her eyes, ever a lovely sapphire, became rounder, fuller. Her ears lengthened to the prestigious points of a Hylian. The leather band about her head changed into a gold circlet encrusted with rubies. Then, at the last, the cloak fell from her shoulders to reveal a simple but stunning gown of soft pink and white, adorned with gold. Threaded with golden silk into the dress’ pattern was the royal crest, the winged Triforce.

  “Zelda,” Midna gasped, catapulted back to a time so long ago yet seeming as though it only happened yesterday. Just as when she’d first beheld Link. This may not be the Zelda she knew, but the same spirit lingered so strongly within her; she wondered how she’d overlooked it before. Then again, perhaps she’d blinded herself to Pami’s identity for the same reasons she blinded herself to other truths....

  “Midna,” Zelda returned, bowing her head in respect, and Midna returned the gesture. “I apologize for worrying you and Link. But I believe in doing all things in the right time. And now was the time for me to reveal Pami’s true identity. Do forgive me and accept my explanation.

  “I traveled in an alternate form because I was brutally sought by Ganon, especially being alone and vulnerable. I did not wish to be captured and thus not be able to help you on your journey.”

  “Thank you,” Midna breathed. Then, in the next moment, guilt weighed on her heart. She longed to glance away from Zelda’s calm, steady gaze as she spoke her next words but could not show such cowardice. Zelda was her equal, both as a ruler and a sage. She deserved to be told the truth and to be looked in the eye while hearing it.

  “Thank you,” Midna repeated more solemnly. “But then...perhaps you know that I have failed in protecting your kingdom, as well as my own, and Termina too. In my foolishness, I led Link on a quest to find my Requiem, forsaking the possibility of your Lullaby.

  “I worried about your fate, yes...but not as I should have. I was afraid only that the past might repeat itself, that the man I’d come to love so much might be stolen away by another, more fitting to be with him. So, I didn’t even think upon the real importance in finding you, learning from you. Your song was completely abandoned in my mind. Despite everything I knew about powers of both Shadow and Light being needed to resurrect the Master Sword, I never even considered the necessity of your Lullaby, which had been used so many times in the past to resurrect the Sword....

  “In that, I blinded myself to everything we needed to complete our quest and save our realms. I failed, I forgot....”

  “But I did not.”

  Midna stared. The princess’ smile and gaze were calm, placid as a sea of lilies. Gentle, open, welcoming, completely at peace. Mingled awe, respect, and a deeper guilt struck Midna’s heart.

  “You have a good heart, Midna,” Zelda said. “Sure, strong, brave, and pure. I did remember my Lullaby, and you did all that you were meant to. As I said, I could not have peace without knowing I was helping in whatever way I could.

  “You see, you could not have known my lullaby, no matter if you’d looked for it after all. A Sage’s Song must be first known to the Sage herself, and she, in turn, must teach the song to others. As you collected the notes for your Requiem, I followed and listened in secret. When the bearers of the songs played their notes, while you heard those of your Requiem, I heard those of my Lullaby. I have saved my song that I may play it for you now, in full. Commit it well to the memory of your heart....”

  In a flash of light, a lyre rested in Zelda’s hands, and in Midna’s, her silver flute. 

  Zelda’s eyes met Midna’s with a new intensity and question. Midna nodded. Then, the Princess of Light began to play.

  As the Princess of Shadow echoed Zelda’s Lullaby, a mixture of new calm and excitement flooded her. Peace, and an exhilaration because of that peace. The song enveloped her heart until it penetrated deep, nestling close beside her Requiem.

  There was a moment in which both princess and queen somehow just knew the song was inscribed perfectly in both their hearts, and they ceased playing.

  With a smile, Zelda lowered her lyre, that mingled serenity and thrill glistening in her eyes. “There. You truly do have a good heart. Go now and teach my song to our Hero. He will need it to wield that final weapon against evil. I must tarry in your world a little longer as a stranger. However, know that when the time comes, I will meet the battle alongside you, whatever may come....”

  Midna nodded and opened her lips to thank the princess, but already, a great light wrapped around her, blocking out all else.

  Midna’s eyes opened, and a small gasp slipped from her. Sitting up, she sidled over to shake Link, pausing to reflect how beautiful he looked as the soft moonlight washed over his features, so much less troubled in sleep than wakefulness.

  When at last he stirred then sat up, gazing at her with all concern, she said,

  “I have seen Zelda. And obtained the Song of Light. Let us make straightway for the Blade of Evil’s Bane.”

  With a look of wonder, followed by a hearty nod, Link helped Midna pack up their few things. Then, they started towards the Temple of Time.