Page 21 of Siren Unleashed

  “They’re not underage and Barnes isn’t running a prison,” Chase said, his eyes back on the screen. “And I’m way more worried for those two poor boys. Georgia would eat them alive. Why can’t she get to the point? Did she just start talking about her makeup?”

  “She’s doing fine. If she just went in and started asking for drugs, they would guess something was up.” Ben was actually a little impressed. Georgia’s dumb blonde routine had nicely baited the hook. “She’s an actress. Give her a little credit.”

  Chase rolled his eyes. “Dude, she’s done a couple of plays so far off Broadway it was on the West Coast. One of them she didn’t even have a line in. And a commercial for hemorrhoid cream. I had to explain to her what a hemorrhoid was and then all I got was a hearty ‘ewww.’”

  And sometimes her dumb blonde thing was more than an act.

  “So, what do you guys do around here for fun?” Georgia asked, her smile wide and seemingly innocent.

  Cowboy Number One took a deep breath, as though he needed to fortify himself in order to speak. “Well, miss, we do enjoy the rodeo.”

  “OMG! Me, too. It’s my favorite street. I just love Louis Vuitton.” Georgia bounced a little. And so did her breasts.

  And still he had to admit there was an open enthusiasm for life his sister had that was infectious. He would give a lot to see Natalie smile the way Georgia did, without a single reservation.

  Making Natalie smile was rapidly becoming his reason for living.

  Cowboy Number Two scratched his head. “Uhm, I don’t rightly know anyone on the circuit named Louis Vuitton. He sounds a little foreign to me.”

  Cowboy One leaned over, his eyes wide. “The diner in town is real nice. They have great pie. I really love pie. Cream pie, especially. You should come with us.” Though the monitor was black and white, there was no mistaking the way the boy blushed. “I mean, we could take you into town. Not make you come.”

  “Darryl,” Cowboy Two hissed.

  “Idiot. Someone needs to teach that boy some manners,” Logan muttered under his breath. “This isn’t working. I should go and get her out of there now. This could get dangerous.”

  Ben stared at Logan. Supposedly he had some law enforcement experience. If the kid couldn’t see that those two cowboys couldn’t even talk around a girl much less assault one, he needed to change professions. “I think she’ll be fine.”

  “That might be fun, but where can a girl get a glass of wine around here?” Georgia asked. She was actually damn good. She never paid attention to one more than the other, giving both sweet smiles. She wasn’t overly seductive, just the right amount of sex appeal and innocence.

  It was obviously working on Logan.

  Cowboy Two gave her a weak smile and pulled a little at his collar. “Well, miss, we’re really more beer drinkers.”

  Ben looked at Logan, who had crossed his arms over his chest and glared at Georgia’s marks like they could see him through the screen. “You know, I could arrange a date for the two of you.”

  Logan sighed. “That’s not happening. She’s a brat. I don’t need that kind of tension in my life. Though I will admit, she’s awfully hot. If she could keep her mouth closed, maybe. Nah. She does this thing with her eyes that makes me feel like an idiot. Besides, I’m not doing the whole love and marriage thing. Do you know what happens to dudes in Bliss who fall for a chick? Bullets happen. Every man I’ve known who went loopy for a girl in Bliss got his ass handed to him. Rye took a baseball bat to the head. Max, shot. Nate, shot, Caleb’s truck got trashed. Don’t discount that. It was a nice truck. Alexei got shot numerous times, and on more than one occasion after he met Holly, but I think he deserved every fucking bullet. Hell, Alexei fell for Holly and I got tortured. Nope. Ain’t happening to me. My momma sent me a note just yesterday talking about a new trio in town. Seems like the new mechanics hooked up with some girl from New York City. Yeah. Jesse, shot. Gemma nearly drowned. Cade nearly damned drowned. I’m playing it safe. No hearts and flowers for this boy. Bachelor for life.”

  Georgia was going on and on about some terrible jogging accident she’d just had. Maybe Chase was right and this was going to be a horrible bust. “The good news is you aren’t in Bliss so it’s safe to give it a try.”

  Logan huffed a little. “But I’ll go back.”

  It was the first time he’d heard Logan talk about going back to Bliss. Everyone was making progress today. “I thought you couldn’t live in the same town as that Russian dude who got you tortured.”

  Georgia had her ankle out, letting the cowboys inspect it. Where the fuck was she going?

  The former deputy shrugged. “I’m not going to let him keep me out of my home. He can stay on his side and I’ll stay on mine.”

  Ben wasn’t sure how that would work out.

  Chase laughed a little. “Well, I’ll be damned.”

  Georgia was sighing. “It really hurts. And I haven’t been able to sleep for days. I need to relax a little.”

  “Yeah.” Number One couldn’t seem to get his eyes off Georgia’s cleavage.

  “Do you know where I could get some valium or something? I would smoke a little weed, but it’s illegal here. Can you believe that?”

  Both cowboys stared at her.

  “It’s illegal everywhere,” Two sputtered.

  Georgia threw back her head, all those blonde tresses shaking. “No it’s not, silly. It’s totally legal where I come from. In California we use it in guacamole.”

  Ben let his head hit his hand. Seriously. She’d gone through college. No wonder his father stopped paying for tuition.

  “Y’all put marijuana in guacamole?” Logan asked, scratching his head.

  They really were a good match. “No, in California medicinal marijuana is legal to treat glaucoma. My sister sometimes gets things wrong.”

  Chase snorted. “I wish we were taping this. This is some family Christmas viewing.”

  “You’re looking for drugs?” Two asked, his eyes narrowing.

  Damn. She’d just stepped on a minefield. Logan stood up. It was his job to get Georgia out when the time was right.

  “Give her a minute,” Ben said.

  Georgia sighed as though she could feel the judgment. She stood up, managing to hobble just a little. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you. Where I’m from I guess it’s not so serious. I just wanted to be able to sleep. I’ll see you guys around.”

  “Little sister, I do not give you enough credit,” Chase muttered.

  One reached for her hand. “Hey, we weren’t judging you. I’m sorry. We’ve just seen meth hurt some of our friends.”

  Georgia’s eyes widened. “Meth? Oh my god. No. I would never touch that stuff. It’s horrible. I seriously wouldn’t touch it. I had a friend who died because of heroin.” She actually got teary. “I’m sorry I asked. It’s just really bugging me, and I don’t have health insurance. I’m just going to go.”

  Son of a bitch, but the two cowboys stared at each other like they were making a decision. It was working and maybe Georgie had left acting too soon.

  Two cursed under his breath. “Look, we’re not involved in any of that, but the rumor is if you see the owner of the strip club out on the highway, he can hook you up with a lot of things. But it’s dangerous, darlin’. I can’t let you go in there. Let’s just talk to Mrs. Barnes. She’s a nurse and a damn fine one.”

  And Georgia seemed to know just when to let the fish off the hook. The smile she gave them damn near lit up the screen. “I hadn’t even thought of that. You two are so smart.”

  “Logan, you can go get her now,” Ben said, watching his sister work her magic.

  “He was out the door the minute they said strip club. That boy has it bad,” Chase said with a shit-eating grin. His brother had smiled more in the last couple of days than in the year before. “I’m starting to think Georgia can handle him.”

  Ben winced as Logan walked on screen.

  “Do you two mind telling me
why you’re alone with my wife?” Logan stared the very startled cowboys down as he strode into the room.

  “Wife?” Georgia’s screech threatened to break the monitoring equipment.

  Logan didn’t argue, simply shoved an arm under Georgia’s knee and hauled her to his chest. He turned back to the door. “I catch you boys with my wife again and we’re going to have a problem. You understand?”

  “Yes, sir.” Both cowboys took a step back.

  “We didn’t know she was married,” Two said.

  Logan got her out of the dorm before she could say another word.

  Chase was already on his computer. “Found it. Wispers. Without an h. Classy. It’s on the highway about ten miles out of town. And they have a buffet. Strippers and public food. What a combination. I think I’ll wait for dinner.”

  Ben looked over his shoulders. Wispers had a website but it was clunky and did nothing more than give a phone number, address, pictures of girls who would never in a million years work a strip club in rural East Texas, and a single shot of the owner, a man named Bill “Cooder” Jones. He was a large, bald man dressed in jeans, a Western shirt, and suspenders. He was shaking hands with another man, both smiling at the camera like the good old boys they were. Or used to be. “That’s Stan.”

  Stanley Kirkman, pervert, was standing next to the owner of the strip club. Connections. They were on the right path.

  “I thought you would say I was your sister,” Georgia complained as Logan walked into the kitchen. He was still carrying her. Ben couldn’t help but notice she wasn’t trying to get out of his arms. Nope. She was snuggled close, though her bratty mouth was running full-steam ahead. “I couldn’t possibly be your wife. I’m too pretty. And smart.”

  “Yeah, I really got the smart part. Smart-ass, maybe.” Logan set her on her feet.

  Georgia practically vibrated with pleasure. “Benny? Chase? Wasn’t I good? It’s a strip club. I totally got the information. I’m going to be a private investigator. I finally found my life calling!”

  Ben shuddered at the thought. Still, she’d done what they needed. “You did a good job, Georgie. Thanks. Chase, can you write down that address? We can get out there, scope out the place, and still be home for dinner.”

  “And I can get a job as a stripper,” Georgia said with a brilliant smile as though she was talking about something cool and awesome and not threatening to begin a new life as a pole dancer. “This is perfect. It’s in my blood.”

  “You are not stripping.” Logan ground the words out of his mouth. He turned to Ben. “You’re her brother. Tell her.”

  “You’re not stripping.” Chase didn’t look up from his notepad. “Go check on Nat. We won’t be gone long. This is going to take a day or two. We can’t just walk in and ask to be invited to the supersecret underground club. We’ll go in, spread some cash around, and then show up again tomorrow night and the night after until someone starts talking.”

  Georgia frowned. “But I have the shoes.”

  Ben glanced down at her feet. Well, at least he knew where their dad’s cash had gone. Georgia wore crazy high platform shoes with gold spikes coming out the sides. “Those are Louboutins.”

  “Hello, all top-selling designer shoes are really based on stripper shoes. Well, unless they’re based on tranny shoes, but seriously, it’s one of the two.” She gripped the bar and shoved her backside out. “Watch me. I’ve taken cardio striptease. I can throw down with the nastiest stripper around.”

  “Ready?” Chase stood, shaking his head at the sight of his baby sister grinding on a barstool. “I don’t want to leave Natalie for long.”

  “What are you doing?” Logan asked, watching Georgia. “I don’t think that’s right.”

  Oh, he was so ready. “Yep. Bye, Logan. Take care of Georgie.”

  “You’re an asshole, Ben.” Logan frowned his way.

  But he was the asshole with keys to the car and a plan. They finally had a plan. He followed Chase out the door. It might take a day or two, but they would figure this out. They would save Natalie and they would find a way to keep her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chase Dawson had never wondered what the day shift at a rural strip club would look like. He didn’t have to. Logic pointed the way to that conclusion, but as the skinny, obviously on drugs and missing a couple of teeth young lady shook her bony ass in his face, he realized logic hadn’t led him far enough down reality road.

  “Don’t.” His brother gave the girl named Misty Dawn a five, tucking it into her G-string. “Thanks, darling.” Charming Ben winked the girl’s way and off she went to shake that thing at a couple of truckers two tables over.

  At least he thought her name was Misty Dawn given that her lower back was covered in a faded tattoo of a star and bunnies and the words Misty Dawn Rocks. Perhaps the girl simply had a friend she really liked named Misty Dawn. Chase doubted it. “I was only going to point her to the nearest rehab. And ask her to take a bath.”

  Ben laughed. “See, I love going undercover. This is where I kick your ass, big brother.”

  Chase lowered his voice. He doubted anyone could hear them over the loud thump of decades-old Southern-fried rock, but they should be careful. “I’m going to kick your ass if you keep referring to us being undercover.”

  Ben sat back, the collar on his shirt open and a decadent smile plastered on his face. Georgia wasn’t the only one of his siblings who could act. Ben looked like he didn’t notice the stench of the place. It smelled like pickles and despair. The minute they had driven into the dirt parking lot and looked up at the dilapidated prefab building, Chase had kind of wanted to run home.

  “Hiya, you boys aren’t from around here, are you?” A woman dressed in what appeared to be strings fashioned into some sort of bikini plunked herself right down on Chase’s lap. She was far better looking than Misty Dawn, but that was only because Chase thought he saw all her teeth. He could be wrong. She wasn’t a wide smiler.

  God, she was sitting on his lap and he hadn’t offered. He was so offended he thought seriously about dumping her on her not very well-covered ass. She snuggled up, placing a set of not well-done breasts in his face. And she needed deodorant.

  His little brother kicked him under the table, a reminder that they were supposed to be two high-rolling city slickers out for a good time and not one reasonable guy and one picky prick.

  Yeah, he knew what Ben was thinking, but Chase was perfectly fine being the picky prick. It normally kept him out of trouble and out of the clutches of women who wore way too much makeup and needed a shave.

  Still, he had a job to do. He tried to find the best place to put his hand where he didn’t touch too much skin. Nope. He settled back and hoped he looked like he enjoyed the view.

  “What are you city boys doing out here? Come on now. You can tell Twilene.” Twilene wiggled on his lap. God, why hadn’t she picked Ben? She was looking for a hard-on. She was trying to get him erect and all he wanted to do was toss her off his lap and run home to Natalie. Natalie would protect him from strippers.

  Natalie, who was still lying in bed sleeping because she’d taken his flogger with such beauty and grace. Natalie, who would look gorgeous on a St. Andrew’s Cross. Natalie, with her delicious pink hair and that jewel on her pussy he wanted to play with.

  Twilene giggled. “Someone’s happy to see me.”

  Ben gave him an encouraging smile.

  “Yeah, uhm, I love strippers.” It was the best he could do. This was why Ben did the undercover and Chase just set everything up.

  Ben’s smile turned to a frown, which quickly turned seductive when he looked up at Twilene, who Chase would bet was divorced. There was a tan line on her hand where a wedding ring used to sit. She’d been divorced no more than a couple of months. Faint lines on her abdomen were stretch marks from a pregnancy. Likely more than one.

  Her husband had left her, and this was the only job she could get to feed her kids.

  His distaste was
being crowded out by a nauseating empathy. God, what the fuck was happening to him?

  “We all love a beautiful woman, darlin’.” Ben poured on the Texas charm. They’d been here long enough that Ben had picked up the accent. He used it when it amused him.

  Twilene giggled again, but now Chase could hear the affectation. Before he’d really studied her, he would have put it off as trying to manipulate a man into paying her way. Now he heard it for what it was, a way to feed her kids and keep a roof over their head.

  “Come and have a drink with us,” Chase said. He was aware that his invitation wasn’t as charming as Ben’s but suddenly it was sincere.

  “Really?” Twilene hopped off his lap. She blushed a little. “What can I get you boys?”

  “Whiskey on the rocks for me,” Ben said.

  “Rum and Coke.” He was still in the mood for something sweet. “And can you get us all some fries or chips or something?” He winked, a forced move, and gave her a hundred dollar bill. “And you can keep that change as long as you come back and share it with us.”

  Twilene ran as fast as her stripper shoes, which did indeed look shockingly like Georgia’s Louboutins, would carry her.

  “That was good, brother. Except for the wink thing. It looked more like a tic. I thought maybe you were having a stroke. Otherwise, nice job.” Ben smiled up at the girl awkwardly twisting her body on the center pole. She needed work. And potentially yoga classes. “So we’re going to work her gently into finding out where we can find some pharmaceutical relaxation. Just follow my lead.”

  It wouldn’t be pharmaceutical. It would likely have come straight out of a trailer park meth lab.

  “And don’t blow the cover,” Ben said.

  Chase looked down at his phone, trying to ignore the horrors around him. No texts. Kitten was supposed to text him the minute Natalie woke up. The last thing he wanted Natalie to think was that he didn’t care enough to watch over her.