Page 12 of Tink's Neverland

  If there was one thing you didn’t do with Tink, it was tell her she couldn’t do something she wanted to do. And there was no way in hell she was giving up her parents, sisters, and Cosmos without a fight. She would raise so much hell he would be begging to send her home by the time she was finished.

  “Lift activate.” J’kar said.

  He didn’t like the look in his bond mate’s eyes. He had a feeling it did not bode well for his peace of mind. While he tried to gently probe her mind to see what she was up too, all he felt was a repeated rhyme he did not like saying over and over, ‘All the king’s horses and all the king’s men…’.

  Chapter 17

  Tink was in no mood to deal with the arrogant alien jerk. He took her to what appeared to be his living quarters and pushed her inside without another word. Of course, he couldn’t get one in since she was letting him know how much hell she was going to give him if he didn’t take her home immediately. When he locked the door and even RITA replied she couldn’t open it was when Tink finally let loose with all the really good expletives she had learned working at the garage. If she had her tool belt she would have dismantled the damn door and half the ship. Instead, she was left with no one to listen to her rant and rave.

  After a twenty minute tri-aide of all the evil things males were made up of Tink decided it was time to explore her surroundings. Maybe she could learn more about the ‘insane evil alien’ as she had now categorized the new male in her life. Sinking down on the bed, she pulled the pillow into her arms and rested her chin on it. She still tired easily. Burying her nose in the pillow, she inhaled J’kar’s scent. She was honest enough to admit she loved the smell. If he wasn’t such a bone-head she could see herself dating him. He just needed to drop the He-man attitude. Lying back on the bed Tink felt her eyes growing heavy again. Yawning, she struggled for just a moment before giving into the need to sleep again. She would deal with He-man after she had a good sleep. Yeah, she would deal with him. She liked his kisses and wanted more. A smile curved her lips as her last thoughts were of his lips against hers.

  J’kar paused before ordering the door to open to his room. He, one of the fiercest warriors on Prime, was nervous of a tiny human female. When the door slid open J’kar moved silently inside scanning the room. His breath caught in his throat when he did not see Tink at first. His first thought was she had been taken again. A sudden sound from his bed caused him to release the breath he was holding. Sleeping peacefully, Tink let out a slight sigh in her sleep. She was lying on her side with her arms wrapped around his pillow.

  J’kar sank down next to her on the bed. Removing his boots and outer jacket he laid down besided her. Pillowing his head with one arm, he reached over to gently pull Tink closer to his body wondering if she would resist in her sleep. She had been extremely furious with him when he refused to return her to her home. When she snuggled closer to his body he tightened his grip around her waist splaying his hand over the bare skin of her stomach.

  Closing his eyes, he rested his chin on the top of her head. J’kar let his mind reach out for Tink’s. He didn’t know how she would feel knowing they could communicate this way. From what he had learned from Lan and RITA, this was not possible between a human male and female. It was common on Prime for bonded mates to be able to communicate telepathically between each other. It was another way they bonded. It helped build the bond between the couple and helped with protecting the female. Tink had much to learn. So did he. He had learned much from the report Lan and Derik provided him on humans, especially females. They were a spirited, independent race who prided themselves on their individuality and freedoms. Tink would not be happy with some of the constraints that would be placed on her. A Prime male’s first instinct with their mate was to protect and care for her. After her protection, he did what he could to make her happy. Prime women were not very demanding. His mother never seemed to demand much from his father. She just accepted what he gave to her as was her right. Burying his nose into Tink’s hair, J’kar had a feeling this would not be the case with his mate.

  Slowly, images began to appear in his mind. Images he was not familiar with. J’kar realized he was catching glimpses of random thoughts flickering through Tink’s mind. He caught bits of different women, laughing and singing together. An older male with his arm wrapped around her shoulders. He stiffened and a low growl escaped him before he could stop himself when an image of the human male, Cosmos, appeared. It was a memory of them laying together in a bed laughing. The growl grew when the imaged shifted to one of Cosmos kissing her.

  Tink was dreaming. It was one of those ‘I know I’m dreaming but is it real and I know I won’t remember it when I wake up’ kind of dreams. In the middle of the kaleidoscope of memories flowing in and out like a tide in dreamland, a low growling slowly infiltrated through her consciousness. Rolling over onto her back and pushing the pillow away from her, Tink was vaguely aware something warm was pressed against her. It felt warm and smelled good. Continuing her roll she kept her eyes closed as she inhaled deeply. Yep, warm, masculine, delicious. If this was a dream she wanted it to continue. Her thoughts went to J’kar and how good his lips had felt. How she wanted to kiss him again and again. Letting the feeling take over her mind she remembered the feel of his hands on her and shivered. Running down her back to her hips and pulling her up so she could wrap her legs around his waist. The feel of his huge cock against…

  “You must stop or I will not be able to.”

  Tink’s eyes flew open. She was lying in J’kar’s arms. His body was pressed against hers tightly and he had those funny looking flames in his eyes again.

  Staring into a pair of dark, molten silver eyes Tink thought to herself. “I heard you speak to me. In my head.”

  “Yes, little one, it is part of the bonding between mates. It helps the male in protecting the female. It also helps him to know what needs to be done to make her happy.”

  “Well, knock it off. I’m still mad at you.”

  “I can tell. You were most displeased.” J’kar could not keep the hint of amusement out of the tone of his thoughts. He winced suddenly at the new thought in Tink’s mind. He would have to remember she had a very vivid mind.

  Tink raised her eyebrow and thought about what a pair of vice-grips placed on a very strategic part of the anatomy would feel like. “Cool! I think I could like this a lot.”

  “You are a very…” J’kar searched for the right words to use.

  “Difficult, creative, lovable, delightful, adorable…” Tink asked with a grin.

  “Unusual. Female.” J’kar murmured before uttering a surprised hiss.

  Tink had some ideas about being unusual. She might not remember her dreams but she did remember her last thought before going to sleep. There were a few things she wanted to try on the big guy. She just needed to verify a few answers to some questions before she proceeded. She decided a surprise attack might produce some answers. So, with a quick grip to his wrist she twisted out of his arms and up on top of him. Straddling him, she held his arms above his head. They both knew he could easily overcome her but J’kar was so startled by the move he laid still. Scooting down his huge body until she pressed the vee of her jeans against his crotch, she rubbed against him.

  J’kar drew in a deep breath. His eyes turned a deeper silver and his pupil’s dilated. Through clenched teeth he hissed. “What are you doing?”

  “Interrogation.” Tink replied with a wicked glint in her eyes.

  “Interrogation?” J’kar didn’t remember any of this being in the reports he had received.

  “Yes. I have a few questions and I want some answers. So, interrogation.” Tink lowered her head. She slid her lips along the underside of J’kar’s jaw. Rubbing her lips against the rough shadow of facial hair, she asked her first question.

  “Do you live with your momma?”

  “Live. Momma. What?” J’kar was having problems creating a rationale thought. She wanted to know if he lived with a m

  “You know. Do you live at home with your Mother? Are you a momma’s boy? Does your mother tell you what to do, take care of you, tell you who you can date?” Tink added a little nip with each clarifying question soothing each one with a lick of her tongue.

  “Yes. No. I mean, we live in the palace in the city. I have my own home outside the city where I reside most of the time. My mother does not control my life. Her place is beside my father. Yours will be beside me.” The nips and licks were playing havoc with his body. He was on fire.

  “Good enough. Next question. Are you currently involved with anyone? Such as in a short-term, long-term, or married relationship?” Tink moved one of her hands gripping, if you could call not even being able to wrap her hand around one of his wrists but two, with her other. She moved her hand down through his hair running her short nails through it as she went. She shifted her hips again to press it along the huge length now clearly defined in his pants. Stretching so she could run her lips along his ear, she repeated her question.

  Groaning at the feelings she was bringing out in him, J’kar gritted his teeth when she moved across his arousal again. “Yes. I am involved in a long term relationship. With you.” Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead and he closed his eyes. His canines had lengthened against his will. He did not want to frighten the human and knew from some of the things he had learned from RITA this might be a cause of concern. Human superstitions had elongated canines belonging to creatures whom might not be considered good, except if you read the current series on a vampire family and the human girl who had fallen in love with one of them.

  J’kar’s eyes flew open when he tasted the sweet warmth of lips against his. He could no longer control himself when Tink ran her small pink tongue up the length of one of his canines. A primal growl exploded out of his chest as he quickly took control of the situation. Rolling over and pinning Tink beneath him, he ground his arousal against her.

  Tink was startled as she watched J’kar’s canines extend. It should have scared her but she picked up enough bits and pieces in J’kar’s mind to know he would never hurt her. If anything, it turned her on even more than the interrogation she had started. She had only meant to throw him off balance when she started but it soon turned into something much, much more. She could feel his arousal growing and knew she should have stopped but she couldn’t. She was consumed with a fire that burned uncontrollably from her toes to the top of her head. She felt like if she didn’t have an orgasm soon she would spontaneously combust. She had never had an orgasm, she had read about them but right now she would kill to experience one.

  As he pressed down on her she rose up to meet him. Grinding her hips against him, Tink gritted out between her own clenched teeth. “I think I can forget the next two questions. You have passed the interrogation. Now, do something about it!” Twisting in an effort to free her hands, Tink was almost sobbing from the frustration she was feeling. She had to touch him; taste him.

  J’kar was breathing hard. He was very close to losing all of his self control. He tried to breathe in through his nose but that made the situation even worst. Her scent normally stretched his control but the scent of her arousal combined with his own was too much. He had to leave before he did something they would both regret. Closing his eyes he struggled to regain enough strength to leave. Pushing himself off the bed and away from her, he grabbed his boots and jacket and left the room as if the hounds of hell were after him.

  Tink laid there for a few minutes trying to control her own erratic breathing. Pheromones were powerful shit, she thought. If she could bottle the stuff she would never have to work again. Groaning, she pushed herself off the bed. Putting her head in her hands, she tried to get her body back under control. Damn, she could feel the wetness between her legs. Her pants were wet from her arousal. She had never gotten so turned on before. Not from all the articles, books, or movies she had watched. She knew one thing for sure, if he thought he was not going to satisfy the ache she was feeling he had another think coming. He thought he could just leave? Like hell. This was war and she planned on winning. She wanted a certain alien. She wanted him very badly and what Tink wanted, she got. A wicked little smile formed on her lips. So, they could talk via mind-to-mind. This could get really, really interesting. First, she needed more information on the alien’s sex life and what they liked and didn’t like. Who better to give her the information than a horny, young alien male? Yes, this could be fun Tink thought as the plan became clearer in her mind.

  Chapter 18

  “Enough!” Lan pulled J’kar off another young crew man. “Enough, J’kar.”

  J’kar went down to one of the cargo areas they used for training during the long months in space. He had to work off some of the excess feelings he was having. For the past two hours he pounded, tossed, and kicked anyone crazy enough to take him on. Sweat dripped off his body and his breathing was heavy as he turned to face Lan.

  “Here. Dry off.” Lan threw a towel at his face. “Do you want to talk about it?”

  Growling, J’kar grabbed the towel drying off his face, chest, and arms. “You did not tell me about human interrogation methods.”

  Lan paused looking at J’kar with confusion. “Human interrogation methods? What human interrogated you? What did they do?”

  “Not they, she. The human female interrogated me. She…” J’kar’s flushed face deepened in color. “She asked me questions and used unnecessary force to get her answers.”

  “Tink? Tink interrogated you? What did she do? What questions did she ask?” Lan was shocked. How did a tiny human female have the strength to interrogate someone as strong as a Prime male? From the look of J’kar when he entered the cargo area he had been in physical pain. Lan had never seen him like this before. He did not remember J’kar being this upset even after he was tortured once by a group of rebels who had captured him in an attempt to take over the Prime leadership. What could the human have done to elicit so much pain? He needed to know. If they were that powerful perhaps it would be best not to try to bring more females to their world.

  “She…” turning away J’kar clenched and unclenched his fists trying to regain control. Even thinking about her with her body pressed against his, her tongue sliding up his extended canines, was causing his body to react.

  Groaning, he turned and sank down on one of the low benches along the wall putting his head in his hands. “She straddled me, running her body up and down against mine. Her lips. She ran her lips over my jaw, nipping and licking as she went. She held me down under her while she…”

  Lan listened in disbelief. Prime women were never this aggressive. “She straddled you. As in, she climbed on top of you?” Lan whispered in awe.

  Groaning again J’kar continued, “That is not all. She rubbed against me over and over. Then, she ran her hands through my hair while she licked my ear and bit it. It was incredible. The feelings were overwhelming but she would not stop. She asked me questions. I don’t even remember what she asked. The thoughts flowing through her were unbelievable. It was nothing like what we were taught. She had images of our bodies doing things I have never seen or heard of before. I would have answered any question she asked. But, when she, when she…” J’kar trailed off. His gaze was glazed as he remembered.

  “What?” Lan all but shouted. He quieted down when he noticed some of the men training stopping to look at them. “What did she do?”

  Lan could hardly believe what he was hearing. Prime women were not very sexually active. They came together with their men for duty and birthing. The mating ritual was done to ensure the best possible match was made so the strongest offspring was conceived. There were places the men could go for gratification but even there the women simply provided a place for them to relieve the buildup of hormones. From what J’kar was saying, not only did this human female enjoy the contact between them, she initiated it.

  “She ran her tongue along my canines.” J’kar looked at Lan.

p; Lan sat back as he absorbed what J’kar was saying. During sexual stimulation a Prime male’s canines grew in length. They were very sensitive. Most of the time, a male would bite the female when it was time to reproduce as the canines secreted chemicals causing the female to be more receptive to the male’s mating. It did not last long but allowed the female to receive some pleasure from the mating. Lan had never heard of a female actively seeking or responding to a Prime male without the bite. He especially never heard of a female finding pleasure in the feel of the canines.

  Lan had a huge grin on his face. With this new information he was more inclined to agree with Borj about invading the planet and taking off with the females. Just the thought of it had him growing hard.

  “What were her thoughts as she interrogated you? You said her thoughts were unbelievable. What did she imagine your bodies doing together?” Lan was almost salivating as he waited for the answer.

  J’kar threw Lan a frustrated look before getting up and moving toward the lift. Lan stared after him in disbelief. He wasn’t going to tell him. He knew he wouldn’t get any more answers out of J’kar. He had to know. He was on fire. He shook his head. If he got this turned on just listening to the few things J’kar told him he couldn’t even begin to comprehend what J’kar must be going through having experienced it. He would have to find his answers somewhere else. Moving towards the lift, he decided he needed to talk to RITA some more. It would appear he missed a critical part of Earth culture, sex. What was it like for a human male and female? Determined, he headed for his office.