Page 13 of Tink's Neverland

  “What do you mean that is not part of your database?” Lan wailed. He thought for sure RITA would have all the answers. “You know all about human beings.”

  “Well, not all. You have to remember I was a partial download! It is not my fault you want to know information I didn’t think was relevant at the time. Why don’t you ask Tink? She can tell you what you want to know.” RITA said with a huff, like she was Dr. Ruth or whatever.

  Lan grabbed his hair on either side of his head. This was not helping. How could he ask Tink without J’kar knowing what he was doing? J’kar would not be understanding at all if he found out. He also had no idea how the human female would feel about it. He needed to know though. He was burning up inside now with the images his conversation with J’kar had given him. Were they all like that? Was she unique? Grabbing his jacket he headed for the galley. Maybe if he talked to Zariff, Brock, Derik, no not Derik, well, maybe Derik, or Borj they could help him.

  Tink realized after J’kar left the door to the room was no longer locked. She figured it was probably a mistake but what the hay, you didn’t argue with a gift horse. Moving down the corridor, Tink tried to remember Tansy’s advice ‘When doing something you shouldn’t be doing, just act like you aren’t doing anything wrong and no one will notice you’. Great advice if you have nerves of steel which right now she didn’t. Straightening her shoulders she headed out the door. After all, she wasn’t doing anything wrong. He was the one who had left the door unlocked. In her book that meant she was free to come and go as she pleased. Moving to the lift, she paused as she saw one of the crew men ahead of her.

  “Excuse me. Can you tell me where you get something to eat around here?” Tink asked with a friendly smile.

  The crewman looked startled at first then nodded. “Level 3, third door on the right.”

  Touching one of her ears where the translators had been implanted she grinned. “Thanks!”

  Tink moved past the slightly dazed crew man and headed for the lift. Stepping inside she waved before the doors closed. The crewman lifted his hand with a puzzled look on his face.

  "Level 3, please."

  The lift quickly took her down to the level she wanted. She moved down the corridor counting. Sure enough the third door opened to reveal the dining hall. Glancing around Tink’s eyes lit up when she caught sight of Derik. Moving through the tables until she was standing in front of it she grinned down at the men sitting down at the table.

  “Do you mind if I join you?” Tink asked nodding towards an empty seat.

  All three men stood quickly. “Yes, please. Sit. You are much better?” Derik asked quickly.

  “Yes, thank you. Just hungry.” Pushing her hair away from her face, she slid into the seat across from Derik.

  “I would be happy to get you something.” One of the other men said, not sitting down immediately.

  “Oh, would you, please? A little of everything so I can see what I like if you don’t mind.” Tink gave him a big smile showing off the dimple in her right cheek.

  The young crew man blushed and turned hitting his leg on the edge of the table as he hurried to get her food.

  Laughing, Tink leaned forward on her elbows. “Is he always like that?”

  “No, just with you.” Derik grinned back. “He is normally very talkative.”

  “Hmm. So, what have you been up to since I last saw you? You look pretty damn good considering you were almost Iguana bait the last time I saw you.” Tink asked her eyes twinkling at the memory of her first time on board the ship.

  “I am most well, thanks to you. I went to your world. I heard you sing. You are most gifted. Perhaps you can sing for us. We get little entertainment here.” Derik asked totally absorbed in Tink’s natural beauty.

  The crew man who had left to get her something to eat returned with a tray loaded down. Tink laughed when she saw all the food. There was no way she would ever be able to eat it all! Placing the tray in front of her, the crew man blushed again before sitting next to her. Tink couldn’t resist leaning over and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

  “Thank you, this looks great. I hope some of this is for everyone. I could never eat all of this by myself.” She said picking up a piece of purple food. It looked like some kind of root. Smelling it first, she took a small bite before grinning. It was good. It was only when she was about half way done with the piece that she realized silence filled the room.

  “Is something wrong?” Tink asked chewing the purple root slowly. She glanced around the room and noticed everyone was looking at the crew man next to her. Turning, Tink was shocked to see him staring at her with wide eyes and a silly grin on his face.

  “What?” Tink asked again. Shaking her head and wondering if everyone was always this strange. If so, she was going to have some interesting meals.

  Derik cleared his throat replying hoarsely. “You placed you lips upon Von.”


  “Never has a female placed her lips willingly upon one of us.” Derik replied with awe.

  Tink choked on the drink she had just picked up. Coughing, she cleared her throat. “Are you telling me you are all virgins? You’ve never been kissed?”

  “What is this virgin?” Derik asked.

  Lan had come to the galley for food and the hopes of meeting up with some of the other men to discuss what happened with J’kar earlier. When he noticed Derik eating with another crew man he figured now would be as good a time as any to ask Derik if he had learned anything about human females. Just as he was getting up the nerve to ask Derik, Tink entered the galley. Mayhap, he would be able to ask her some questions discreetly. When she kissed Von he was as shocked as the rest of the crew. Never had a female initiated contact before like that. She was a bonded mate. Yes, he knew the ceremony formally mating them had not been done but she belonged to J’kar. Yet, she placed her lips upon another male. He had seen her do this on her planet and thought it was just a custom there. Cosmos had called the female a ‘people-person’ who was ‘very affectionate’. He needed to know more. Did this have something to do with the interrogation she had given J’kar?

  Tink couldn’t resist laughing. Here she was a highly qualified virgin giving sex ed to a bunch of manly alien males.

  “A virgin is someone who hasn’t been with someone else sexually yet. There are varying degrees of virgins if you ask my mom. I guess if you break it down, there are.”

  Derik blushed. “Do you mean the physical release of the male?”

  Lan leaned forward. He wanted to know as well. Tink realized she had every man’s attention in the room. She was used to working with guys and where there were guys, there was always talk of sex. It was something she had stopped being embarrassed about years ago. You didn’t get to be twenty-two and not know the birds and the bees or whatever name they called it now. Besides, her parents were a walking, talking sex machine couple. They couldn’t keep their hands off each other if their lives depended on it. Tink and her sisters had grown up listening to all the innuendos her parents used to say before they became old enough to understand them. It didn’t stop her parents from making them.

  “You guys do know about the birds and the bees? Don’t you?” Tink asked biting her bottom lip to keep from grinning.

  “We know not of these birds and bees?” Lan said.

  Looking across at Derik and Lan, Tink shrugged her shoulders before calling out in a loud voice. “Raise your hand if you want to know about sex?”

  Laughing when all hands rose. “I hope all of you are old enough for this. Please note this disclaimer that I speak only from my limited knowledge and cannot be held in any way responsible for the outcomes of this conversation.”

  Tink felt she should make some kind of disclaimer. After all, she didn’t know how serious these guys really were. But hey, she was always willing to do her part with world relations. Besides, maybe it would get back to Mr. Ice Cube and he might be interested in alleviating her current virgin status.

with a grin on her face and a very active imagination from all the romance novels, books, internet research, sex education classes, and talks with mom, sisters, girls, and the garage mechanics Tink gave the galley full of interested alien males the highs and lows of sex on twenty-first century Earth. After an hour talk she asked if anyone had any questions.

  “What did you mean by oral sex?” Derik asked.

  Oh, boy. Maybe she should have skipped the question part. Blushing a little, Tink cleared her throat and replied, “Well, oral sex is when a man or a woman, well, they use their mouth to, you know, give each other pleasure.”

  “No. How can using your mouth give pleasure to the other? Why would they use their mouth? How can there be mating with just a mouth?” Confused murmurs went through the room.

  “Okay. Let’s see. Maybe I can give you an example.” Tink was thinking back to the movie with Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal. If it worked for her maybe it would work for Tink. Hiding a grin behind her hand, she couldn’t believe she was going to do this. She couldn’t wait until she shared it with her sisters and Cosmos.

  “Everyone close your eyes. I am going to give you an oral sexual experience to show you how much just talking about it, imagining it, listening to the sounds, and feeling it can be a really big turn on.” Tink said wiggling her shoulders and getting into the role. She cleared her throat, letting it drop down a notch to a husky, sultry level before she started.

  Tink looked around to make sure everyone had their eyes closed. Satisfied, she hoped she could pull this off. She closed her eyes and imagined what it was like with J’kar, the feel of him, the taste of him, the smell of him. She imagined what she wanted to do to him, how she wanted to run her lips and teeth all over his body. How she would slowly undress him and then herself. She imaged how she would dance for him and tie him to the bed where he couldn’t touch her; just feel as she used her mouth, her teeth, her tongue to make exquisite love to every inch of his body. Tink didn’t realize at first she was talking out loud until she heard the first moan come from a table next to the one she sat at. She continued describing in exquisite detail all the ways she would make love to the man of her dreams using just her mouth.

  “Now, slide your thumb in your mouth. Wrap your tongue around it. Feel how it wraps around you, hot, moist, soft and firm at the same time. Suck on it drawing it deeper into your mouth. Oh God, feel how hot and moist it is wrapped around you. Imagine a woman doing that to you. She slides between your legs and takes you deep into her mouth. Her hot, moist mouth wrapped around you down low where she moves slow at first then faster and deeper holding you tight while you watch her running her tongue up and over you again and again. Feel the slight nip of her teeth as she scraps it over you so deep she can feel you as you are coming. She tastes your hot cum, swallowing everything you’ve got to give her. Now it’s your turn to do the same for her. Open your mouth and run your tongue up between two of your fingers and imagine it as being her. Imagine how hot she is for you, how swollen. She begs you to take her and then she explodes with an orgasm so powerful you can feel her clenching you tight as she cries out her release.” Tink moaned as if she was having an orgasm. Unable to continue as she felt her own desire for release build she opened her eyes ready to tell the guys that was what oral sex was when she caught a glimpse of a dozen male faces, eyes closed, in varying degrees of intense sexual release.

  Slapping her hand over her mouth, Tink’s eyes bugged out as she realized this was nothing like the reaction Meg Ryan had gotten. It had been bad enough watching it on the television. To see something like it played out in real life, in front of her was almost more than she could handle. Standing quietly, Tink slowly backed out of the room hoping no one would open their eyes to see her make a fast escape. Once in the corridor Tink took off at a run to the lift. Collapsing in a heap of giggles she was laughing so hard she had tears running down her cheeks. She was in total, deep shit. She didn’t have a clue as to how she was going to get out of this one. She only hoped J’kar didn’t hear about it or she would never be allowed out of the room again.

  Chapter 19

  J’kar was on the bridge after his workout in the cargo area. He had showered and changed in the small cleansing room located in the conference room off the bridge. He was not up to seeing the human female yet. He was barely in control and needed time and exhaustion to deal with her. Prime males could be very aggressive during sex and he had come close to losing his control. If he had, he had been fearful of frightening or hurting the female with his desire. He was in the middle of reviewing a report when the first sense of unease rippled through him. He looked around the room and noticed two of the younger men sitting around one of the view screens. It was not uncommon for the men to work together if they were reviewing a report or had a question about something so he ignore it at first. It was more their body language as if they were excited about something. Soon, more of the men seemed more focus than usual on what was going on at their stations. No one was moving away and they had their eyes closed. Then, the images began. He felt when Tink unknowingly searched for him. He felt the connection when she melded with his mind.

  Closing his eyes, he let the first contact by her wash over him. He had at first been afraid she was in danger. From the instruction he received when he was younger, he had been told the only time a mate searched for her male was when she was in danger. He let the waves of dizziness pass as she seemed to caress him. It was then the images filled his mind. What she wanted to do to him, all the ways she wanted to touch him, taste him, love him with just her mouth. Locked in the mind meld he could barely move. He became instantly aroused as the first wave of what she was thinking washed over his body.

  He staggered back to the conference room and choked out a command to lock the door. He leaned back against the door unable to move at first. The next wave of images had him bending over. He put his hands on his knees as the images became more detailed. Gasping, he reached up and undid the buttons on his pants releasing his swollen cock so it was free from the tight confines of his pants.

  As the images of Tink slowly undressing him filled his mind he could feel her hands on him. His skin burned from the feelings of her hands running over his shoulders and down his chest. He sucked in his breath when he felt her tongue and teeth scrap against his nipples; first one, then the other as she brought them to a hard peak. She ran kisses over his chest before letting her lips slide further down to place small kisses down to the edge of his pants. He gasped as she undid his pants pulling his full and throbbing cock free. He groaned loudly when he felt her wrapping one hand around his swollen cock while the other wrapped around his tight balls. Pushing his pants down until they pooled around his ankles, she gently pushed him down onto the bed where she slid ties around his wrists and ankles. Tied to the bed he could do nothing as she began a slow dance. Moving her hips from side to side, she slid her hands over her flat stomach until she gripped the end of her black t-shirt. She did a slow twist, turning her body as she pulled the shirt over her head. All he could see was her bare back as she smiled wickedly over her shoulder at him. Swaying back and forth, she grabbed the top of her jeans and bending over she let them slide down her legs and stepped out of them giving him a view of her beautiful ass covered by a thin lacey material. Turning, she again ran her hands down over her full breasts stopping to play with the nipples before moving her hands down to the edge of her panties and pushing them down.

  J’kar wrapped his hand around his aching cock. It had drops of pre-cum pearling on the end. Breathing heavily, he couldn’t have broken the image Tink was giving him if his life depended on it. When she pictured coming to him and kissing him as he laid unable to move he dragged in long, deep breaths trying to control the feelings she was building in him. When she moved up and gripped his balls again he sank to his knees on the floor of the conference room. As the image of Tink sliding his cock into her mouth and her sucking him slow at first, then faster, then slow again filled his mind he groaned
and laid his forehead against the floor. Tink’s mouth felt hot and moist as she wrapped it around him drawing him closer and closer to release. When she stopped, he let out a howl of anguish. It wasn’t until the next image filled his mind that he finally couldn’t hold back any longer. The image of her wet, dripping mound above his mouth, her thighs on each side of his face, and her lowering herself down for him to suckle on her as she slid his cock back into her mouth had him throwing his head back, his teeth fully elongated as he felt his release.

  Panting, he growled as he felt her withdrawal from his mind. Growling, he slammed his fist into the floor of the conference room. The conference room floor covered with his cum. His eyes gleamed with a wild flame. He would make her pay for this. No female had ever made him come like this before. None had ever brought him to his knees before. None had ever had the power to do what a tiny human female had done. He had to find out how she did it. He had to know how powerful human females were.