Page 81 of The Odyssey

  Eurytos, 8.223-28; 21.32-33; 389, 428; 457

  Eusebius, 8

  expulsion of populations, 4.174

  eyes; as if of horn or iron, when holding back tears, 19.211

  falcons, 5.66; 13.86-88; 15.525-34; 411

  fantasy element in narrative, 13

  farming, 2; on Ithake, 13.244-47; 405. See also animal husbandry; fodder crops; mowing; plowing farmsteads: Eumaios', 2; 14.5-20; 406; Laertes', 24.205-12, 220-27, 334-44, 361-62; 439, (events centred on) 23.137-52, 359-60, 366-72; 24.205-548; 434-35, 436, 438-40

  fate, 11; 1.348-49; 3.236-8; 6.187-90; 386, 378

  Fates, Spinners (Klothes), 7.197-98&n3

  father greeting long-absent only son, simile of, 16.17-19

  fawn, brooch with design of, 19.226-35, 256-57; 423

  Fear (Deimos), 8.277n1

  ferrymen, 20.186-88

  fictions, Odysseus'. See cover stories, Odysseus'

  fig trees, 7.116, 121; 24.340-42; 387

  film-like quality of narrative, 2, 3, 4

  fines for adultery, 8.332-33, 346-56; 390

  fishing, similes concerning, 12.250-55; 22.384-89

  fodder crops, 4.603-4

  folktale element in narrative, 13

  forgetfulness, 20.85-86; 426

  formulaic language, 1, 3, 12-13; retention in translation, 24

  funerary rites: for Achilles, 24.44-94; 436-37; for Elpenor, 11.66-80; 12.8-15; 398, 401; games, 24.84-92; 437; importance, 11.66-80; 24.32, 79-84, 186-90, 292-96; 398, 437-38; 470; for Klytaimnestra and Aigisthos, 3.309-10; 470; oar placed on top of mound, 11.77-78; 12.15; 398, 401; for suitors, 24.186-90, 417-19; 437-38, 439. See also mourning practices; tumuli, burial Furies, 1.134-36; 2.135-36&n3; 11.279-80; 15.234; 17.475; 20.77-78&n1

  furniture, 4.123, 136. See also beds; chairs gadflies, simile of cattle pursued by, 22.299-306; 432

  Gaia (Earth), 5.184; 7.206n4, 323-24&n7

  galingale, 4.603

  games: Achilles' funeral, 24.84-92; 437; Phaiakians', 8.100-233; 389

  Ge (Earth), 5.184; 7.206n4, 323-24&n7

  geese and eagles: omens, 15.160-81; 17.160-61; 410, 415; Penelope's dream of, 19.535-69; 425; 472

  Geraistos, ixmap; 3.176-79; 454

  Gerenia(n), epithet of Nestor, 454

  Giants, 7.56-62, 205-6&n4; 10.119-20; 11.305-20; 387; 455, 471

  gifts and gift-giving: Odysseus' bow and quiver received as, 21.11-41; in Odysseus' cover stories, 19.241-42; 24.273-79, 283-87; 423, 438; Odysseus' crew believe Aiolos' bag contains, 10.35-45; 395; Odysseus' skill at profiting from, 19.282-86, 293-95; 423; to Odysseus as thanks for protection, 9.201-205; 392; tripods, 13.12-15, 19; 404; wealth from receiving, 11.355-61; 14.285-86; 15.82-85; 19.282-86, 293-95; 409, 423, (Menelaos') 4.43-46, 71-75, 81-82, 90-93, 125-32, 465. See also under Alkinoos; Menelaos; Phaiakians; suitors; Telemachos Gigantomachy, 7.206n4

  goatherd. See Melanthios

  goats: hunting of mountain, 9.156-60; 392; number of Odysseus' troops, 14.101-6; paunches filled with fat and blood, 18.44-47&n3; 20.25-27; 419, 425

  gods: Athene's pre-eminence in poem, 11; 447-48, 458 conclaves on Olympus, 4, 15-16, 19; 1.26-95; 5.1-42; 375, 383; domestic cult, Eumaios', 14.57-58, 83-88, 420-35, 444-47; 408; and fate, 11; 1.348-49; 3.236-8; 6.187-90; 386, 378; illness controlled by, 5.394-97; intervention, 18-20; Kronos as ancestor of Olympian, 462; long-sightedness, 5.283&n7; madness sent by, 23.11-14; 434; new morality, 8, 11; 469, 482; Phaiakians' relations with, 7.199-203; 387; reasonableness, 8; 13.125-64; sacrosanctity of suppliants, 5.445-50; 7.164-65, 180-81; 467; strangers may be gods in disguise, 17.483-87; 418. See also individual gods

  gold: Alkinoos' house decorated with, 7.88, 90, 91, 100; 387; armor, 11.609-14; funerary jar for Achilles, 24.73-77; 437; Hermes as 'golden-staffed', 5.87; 24.2-5; jewelry, 15.460; 18.293-94; sacrificial heifer's horns gilded, 3.384, 425-26, 432-38; 378; similes of craftsman working in, 6.231-35; 23.159-62; 435; spinning and weaving equipment, 4.122, 131, 134-35; 5.622-63; talents, 4.129&n5, 526; 8.393; 9.202; 24.274; 438; vessels, 4.52-54, 58; 7.172-73; 8.430-32; 15.135-36, (silver bowl with gold inlay, made by Hephaistos) 4.612-19; 15.103, 114-22; 381, 409

  Golden Fleece, 459

  Gorgon, 11.633-35; 401; 441, 455

  Gortyn, xmap; 3.291-94; 455

  gossip, Nausikaa's concern to avoid, 6.262n3, 273-88

  Graces (Charites), 6.18; 8.362-65; 18.192-96; 455

  grain, grinding of, 7.104; 20.105-19; 387, 426

  grief: simile of captive widow, 8.523-30; 391. See also mourning practices guest-friendship: Agamemnon and Amphimedon, 24.102-4, 114-17; 437; formula 'this guest-friendy board', 17.155; 20.230; in Odysseus' cover stories, 17.522; 19.185, 119; 24.262-317; 438; Odysseus and Iphitos, 21.11-41; Odysseus and Mentes, 1.175-76, 187-88; 375. See also gifts and gift-giving guests: xeinos as 'host', 'stranger' and 'guest', 14.53&n2; Zeus as protector of, 9.476-79; 394. See also guest-friendship; hospitality guile. See trickery

  Gyrai, rock(s) of, 4.499-511; 455

  Hades (god of underworld, and his realm), 1; 455-56, 481 Helios' threat to shine in, 12.383; 403; hound, Kerberos, 11.623-26&n15; 457; Odysseus' journey to. See under Underworld; Persephone as queen, 10.491; 11.213, 216, 226, 385-86, 635; 399, 401; 472, 481; topography, 24.11-13; 436; 456, 481. See also Underworld hair; curly, compared to hyacinth, 6.230-31; 23.158; 386, 435

  Halios, son of Alkinoos, 8.118-25, 370-80; 389

  Halitherses, 2.157-76, 253; 17.67-71; 24.451-62; 376, 439-40

  handicrafts. See crafts and craftsmen handmaids. See maidservants

  Harmonia, 8.277n1

  Harpies, 456

  head: movement indicating negation, 21.129&n6; as summation of individual, 24n12; 10.521

  Hebe, 11.603-4&n1

  Helen, queen of Sparta, 4.120-305; 456; and Atreid family treasure, 4.96n4; 379; characterization, 3, 5; and drugs, 4.219-32; 379; 464; handicrafts, 15.104-8, 123-28; 409; Hermione as only child, 4.12-13; Penelope on reason for folly, 23.218-24; 435; and Telemachos' visit, 4.120-46, 184, 219-64, 296-97; 17.118-19; 379; 465, (recognizes him) 4.138-46; 379, (drugs wine) 4.219-32; 379; 464, (story about Odysseus) 4.239-64; 379, (parting gift) 15.100, 104-8, 123-29; 409, (prophesies Odysseus' return) 15.171-78; 410; Trojan War as caused by, 4.145-46; 11.384n9, 438; 14.68-69; 17.118; 22.226-30; 23.218-24; in Troy, 4.239-64, 270-89; 379; 481; Zeus' daughter, 4.184, 569; 381; 456

  Helios, 456-57; Aiaia as rising place, 12.4; all-seeing, all-hearing, 8.302; 11.109; 12.323; cattle, on Thrinakie, 12.260-398; 19.275-76; 403-4, 423, (Odysseus warned against harming) 11.104-13; 12.127-40; 398, 402; 461, (killing) 7; 12.327-98; 23.329; 403, (Helios' anger) 12.374-90; 403, (gods' retribution) 1.5-9; 12.403-25; 19.275-76; 403-4; 423; 482; father of Kirke and Aietes, 10.138-39; as Hyperion, 1.24; 12.133, 176&n2, 263, 346, 374; 457; kills netted fish, 22.388; 433; tells Hephaistos about Aphrodite and Ares, 8.270-71, 302

  Hellas, Hellenes, 11.496; 457; in formula 'Hellas and mid-Argos', 1.344; 4.726, 816; 15.80; 457

  Hellespont, xmap; 24.82; 457

  Hephaistos, 457; and affair between Aphrodite and Ares, 8.270-84, 300-332, 344-59; 390; 446, 457; and craftsmen, 6.233; 23.160-61; derided by gods, 446, 457; god of fire, 24.71; lameness, 8.308-12, 332, 349, 357; 463; and Lemnos, 8.282-84, 292-9; 463; manufactures, (dogs, gold and silver) 7.91-94; 387; 475-76, (funerary jar for Achilles) 24.75, (mixing-bowl) 4.612-19; 15.103, 114-22; 381, 409, (snares for Aphrodite and Ares) 8.271-81, 296-99; 390

  Herakles, 11.266-70&n4; 399; 457-58; archery, 8.223-25; 389; baldric, 11.609-14; birth, 11.266-68; 444; and Iphitos, 21.24-30&n3, 36-37; 428; kills wife and children, 11.270n4; 21.30n3; 457; Odysseus meets shade, 11.601-26&nn13-15; 401; 481; Twelve Labors, 11.270n4, 620-26&nn14-15; 401; 454, 457

  heralds: attend to blind bard, 3; 8.47, 62-70, 104-7, 254-57, 261-62, 471-73; 391; attend to guests, 4.30; 8.418; 13.64-65; 404; and libations, 7.164, 178-83; 13.49-54; 387; role in sacrifice, 20.276-77; Telemachos', 16.328-37, 467-69; 413. See also Eurybates; Medon; Pontonoos herbs. See drugs; moly

  Here, 4
58; and Agamemnon, 4.513; and Argos, 5.43n1; in formalized wishes, 8.465; 15.112, 180; 458; and Hebe, 11.604; and Herakles, 11.270n4; 444; and Jason, 12.72; 402; 459; and Pandareus' daughters, 20.70-71

  Hermes, 458; accoutrements, 5.44-48, 87; 24.2-5; Aigisthos ignores message, 1.37-43; 375; and Aphrodite's affair with Ares, 8.322-23, 334-42; 390; and Autolykos, 19.395-98; 424; 448, 458; epithets, (escort of dead) 24.1-14; 458, (god of Kyllene) 24.1, (golden-staffed) 5.87; 24.2-5; 436, (slayer of Argos) 1.38; 5.43&n1, 49, 75, 94; 458; Eumaios sacrifices to, 14.434-35; helps Herakles, 11.626; hill of, on Ithake, 16.471&n3; and Kalypso, 1-2; 1.80-87; 5.28-148; 12.389-90; 375, 383-84, 403; 482; and Kirke, 10.330-31; 396, (helps Odysseus withstand magic) 10.277-306; 396; 461; and suitors' shades, 24.1-24, 99-100; 436, 437; 456, 458; as trickster, 19.395-98; 424; 458

  Hermione, daughter of Menelaos and Helen, 4.12-14

  heroic couplet, 22

  heroines, old-time, 11.235-332; 399-400; 481

  Hippodameia, handmaid to Penelope, 18.182-83, 198-99, 207, 211, 303; 420

  Hippodameia, wife of Peirithoos, 21.298n8; 471

  Hissarlik, 458

  historicity of Homeric epics, 14

  homecomings. See returns of heroes from Troy homeland, Odysseus on love of, 9.27-36; 392

  honey, 10.234, 519; 11.27; 13.106; 20.69; 24.68; meliphrona, 'mind-honeying', 7.182&n2; 10.356; 13.53; 15.148; 24.489

  honor, code of, 1, 11; 441; and archery, 468-69. See also aristocracy; gods (new morality); vengeance horn: eyes as if made of, 19.211; gate of, and dreams, 19.560-67&n19; 425

  horses: drawing chariot, in simile, 13.81-83; 404; fodder, 4.603-4; Ithake unsuitable for, 2; 4.600-608; 13.242; 381, 405; Poseidon and, 5.380

  hospitality: bathing and feeding guest, 8.420-43, 449-57; 17.85-95; 415; beds for guests, 4.296-301; 7.335-45; 388; chine pieces given to guest, 4.65-66; 8.474-83; 14.437-38; 408; as duty, 6.207-8; 386; Eumaios', 14.45-59, 74-81, 413-17, 437-45; 406-7, 408; heralds' role, 4.30; 8.418; 13.64-65; 404; Kirke's, 10.348-72; 396; libations on guest's departure, 15.147-49; 409; Menelaos', 4.30-66; 15.51-55, 68-85; 379, 409; Telemachos and, 1.118-43; 15.512-17; 375; xeinos as 'host', 'stranger' and 'guest', 14.53&n2. See also gifts and gift-giving; guest-friendship; guests

  hounds. See dogs

  house, Odysseus'; structure, 1.436-42; 21.5; 22.126-28&n1, 142-43&n2; 432

  hunting: Artemis and, 6.102-4; 447; boar, 19.388-468; 24.330-35; 424, 438-39; 448; goat, 9.156-60; 392; stag, 10.156-71; 395

  husks in wind, simile of, 5.368-70

  hyacinth, hair compared to, 6.230-31; 23.158; 386, 435

  Hypereia, 6.4

  Hyperesea, 15.254-55

  Hyperion Helios, 1.24; 12.133, 176&n2, 263, 346, 374; 402; 457

  hysteria, suitors' collective, 9; 20.345-57&n2; 428; 479

  Iardanos, 3.292

  Iasion, 5.124-28; 450

  Iasos, Iasian, 18.246; 447

  ictus, 21

  idiom and translation, 24-25

  Idomeneus, king of Krete, 458; in Odysseus' cover stories, 13.259; 14.237; 19.181-84, 190-95; 407, 423; return from Troy, 3.191-92; 14.382-84; 378, 408

  Ikarios, father of Penelope, 1.275-78; 2.52-54, 113-14, 132-34, 195-97; 376; 458

  Ikmalios, 19.55-58; 422

  Iliad, 10-13; authorship, 10-11, 13; code of honor, 1, 11; 441; date, 13; formulaic language, 1, 3, 12-13; gods and religion, 11, 18-20; historicity, 14; incompatibilities with Odyssey, 12-13; language, 1, 12-13; length, 13-14; magic not used in healing, 19.458n15; modernity of Odyssey by comparison, 12-13; morality, 1, 11; 469, 474; opening, 4; similes, 13; society, 1, 11, 13

  Ilion (Troy), xmap; 458; 'ill Ilion', 19.260, 597; 23.19. See also Trojan War illegitimacy, 14.200-10; 407

  illness, 19.458n15; simile of recovery from, 5.394-97

  Ilos, son of Mermeros, 1.259-63

  inconsistencies, 14-15, 25; on Aigisthos and Klytaimnestra, 3.275n3; in plans to deal with suitors, 16.298n2; over structure of house, 15; 22.126-28&n1, 142-43&n2. See also under cover stories, Odysseus'; numbers individualism, 1, 4

  initial impressions, importance of, 25

  Ino, 6; 5.333-53, 373, 459-62; 384, 385

  insertions in text, possible Peisistratid, 479

  'interlunar period' (lukabas), 19.306-7&n11

  invisibility. See under Athene Iokaste (Epikaste), queen of Corinth, 11.271-80&n5; 399

  Iolkos, ixmap; 11.256; 459

  Iphigeneia, 16-17; 448, 459

  Iphikles, ruler of Phylake, 11.288-97; 15.225-38; 399-400; 464

  Iphimedeia, 11.305-7; 400

  Iphitos, son of Eurytos, 21.13-38; 428

  Iphthime, 4.795-841; 383

  iron: eyes as if made of, 19.211; keeping secret as close as, 19.494; magnetism, 19.13&n1; tempering of blade, in simile, 9.391-94; 393; trade, 1.184

  Iros (nickname of Arneios, public beggar), 18.1-123, 233-42, 333-34, 393; 420, 421; name, 18.5-6&n1

  Ismaros, 9.39-42; 392; 460-61; Maro, priest of Apollo, 9.197-211; 392

  Ithake, ixmap; 459; events before Odysseus' return, 4-5; Bks 1-4; events after Odysseus' return, 8-9; Bks 13-24

  ------. animal husbandry, 4.605-6; 13.246-47; 14.5-22; 96-108, 409-12, 524-33; 17.593-94; 20.162-64; 405, 408, 409, 426, (see also under Eumaios); assembly of Ithakans, 2.15-259; 376; cave sacred to Naiads, 2; 13.103-12&n4, 347-50, 355-60, 365-71; 404, 405-6; descriptions, 2; 4.605-8; 9.21-27; 13.95-112&n4, 242-47; 404, 405; 459; farming, 13.244-47; 405; grove of Apollo, 20.277-78; harbor of Phorkys, 2; 13.95-112&n4, 345; 404, 405-6; 473; hill of Hermes, 16.471&n3; location, 9.21-26&n1; 392; 459; Raven's Rock, 13.408; springs, 2; 13.408; 17.204-11, 238-46; 416; suitors from, 16.123-25, 251; 19.132; 423; suitors' kinsmen's vengeance, 23.117-52, 361-45; 24.353-55, 419-548; 439-400; unsuitability for horses, 4.600-608; 13.242; 381, 405

  Ithakos, 17.207

  Itylos (or Itys), 11.265n3; 19.518-23&n16; 425

  ivory, 8.403-5; 19.55-58; 21.7; complexion compared, 18.196; gate of, and dreams, 19.560-67&n19; 425

  ivy-wood bowls, 9.346; 14.78; 16.52

  jar, Achilles' gold funerary, 24.73-77; 437

  Jason, 12.69-72&n1; 402; 459

  jewelry. See brooches; earrings; necklaces justice; fines for adultery, 8.332-33, 346-56; 390

  Kadmeians (Thebans), 11.276; 399; 459

  Kadmos, 5.333; 459

  Kalchas, 459-60

  Kali Limenes, xmap; 455

  Kalypso, 460; Odysseus washed up on island, 7; 7.248-54; 12.447-50; 404; Odysseus' stay with, 5-6; 1.13-15; 7.244-66; 9.29-30; 388, 392; his wish to leave, 5-6; 1.13-15; 4.556-60; 5.13-17, 81-84, 151-58; 7.259-60; gods discuss his release, 1.44-62; 5.13-17; 375, 383; Hermes delivers Zeus' order to release him, 1.84-85; 5.28-148; 383-84; and his departure, 5.149-227, 232-42, 244, 258-59, 263-68, 276; 7.261-64; 384, 388

  ------. chronology of Odysseus' stay with, 17-18; 7.258-59&n5; 460; description of home, 1-2; 5.58-75; 383; dress, 5.229-32; as Homer's own creation, 460; Kirke's similarities to, 460, 461; location of island, 1.50; 5.55, 101-2; 469; mythical nature of island, 14; 469; name means 'Concealer', 460; Odysseus tells Penelope about, 23.333-37; 436; Penelope's beauty compared with, 5.209-18; 384; Telemachos hears news of Odysseus' being with, 4.548-60; 17.140-46; 381, 45; tells Odysseus of events on Olympos, 12.389-90; 403

  Kassandre, 5.108n3; 11.421-43; 400; 460

  Kastor, Odysseus' father in cover story, 14.200-208; 407

  Kastor, son of Lede, 11.298-304; 400; 460

  Kaukonians, 3.366-68

  Kephallenia, Kefalonia, ixmap; 20.210; 460; death of suitors from, 24.354-55, 429; 439; Laertes as lord of, 24.377-78; 439; 460; possible identification, 451, 459, 460, 475. See also Same Kerberos, 11.623-26&n15; 457

  Kerkyra, Corfu, 453

  Keteians, 11.520-21&n10

  keys, 21.6-7&n1, 47, 50; 428

  Kikones, 9.39-61, 66, 165, 196-211; 23.310; 392, 436; 460-61

  Kimmerians, 11.14-19; 398; 456, 461

  Kirke, 7; 10.135-574; 395; 442, 461; Odysseus on island of, 10.135-574; 11.70-78; 12.1-152; 395,
401-2; her enchantment of crew, 7; 10.230-43, 382-97; 396-97; year's stay with, 7; 9.31-33; 10.466-71; 392; and Odysseus' voyage to underworld, 10.487-574; 397-98; 461; Odysseus' return to, 12.1-152; 401-2; warns of hazards ahead, 12.25-27, 33-141; 401-2, 403; 461; gives following wind, 11.5-8; 12.148-50; 398, 402

  ------. Elpenor's death on island of, 11.70-78; enchantments, 7; 10.212-19, 230-43, 382-97; 395, 396-97, (Odysseus' protection against) 10.277-307; 396; 461; family, 10.135-39; 461; Hermes and, 10.277-306, 330-31; 396; 461; hospitality, 10.348-72; 396; Kalypso's similarities to, 460, 461; knots, 8.448; 391; location of island, 10.507-8; 12.3-4; 442; mythical nature of island, 14; Odysseus tells Penelope of, 23.320-21; 436; 461

  Kleitos, son of Mantios, 15.249-51

  Klothes (Spinners, Fates), 7.197-98&n3

  Klymene, 11.326; 400

  Klytaimnestra, 15-17; 461; and Aigisthos, 17; 1.36-39; 3.263-75&n3; 378; and murder of Agamemnon, 3.234-35; 4.92, 537n11; 11.410, 424-34, 439, 452-53; 24.199-202; 378, 400, 438; 459, 461, (and his companions) 11.384n9, (and Kassandre) 11.421-23; 400; Orestes' killing and burial of, 3.309-10; 378; 470; Penelope compared with, 16; 11.444-53; 24.191-202; 400, 438; 442-43

  Klytios, 15.540; 16.327

  Klytoneos, son of Alkinoos, 8.118-25; 389

  knees, suppliants' clasping of, 6.141-47; 7.142, 147

  Knosos (Cnossos), xmap; 19.179-80; 423; 461-62

  knots, 8.443, 447-48; 391

  Kokytos, river of Hades, 10.514-15&n5; 397

  Kratais, mother of Skylle, 12.124-25; 402

  Krete (Crete), xmap; 3.191-92, 291-99; 462; Ariadne from, 11.323; in Odysseus' cover stories, 13.254-70; 14.199-210, 237, 252, 299-301; 16.61-62; 17.522-23; 19.172-202, 225-48, 338; 405, 407, 412, 418, 423; 462

  Kretheus, son of Aiolos, 11.237, 258

  Kronos, 445, 462; Zeus as son of, 462

  Krounoi, stream in Triphylia, 15.295&n6

  Ktesios, father of Eumaios, 15.413-14; 411

  Ktesippos, son of Polytherses, 20.287-308; 22.279-80, 285-91; 427, 432

  Ktimene, Odysseus' sister, 15.363-66; 410

  Kydonia (Chania), 3.292; 19.176; 462

  Kyklopes, 9.105-566; 392-94; 462; kinship to gods, 7.205-6; 387; 462; Odysseus on island off coast of, 9.116-76, 543-66; 392; and Phaiakians, 6.5-6; way of life, 9.105-15, 125-29; 392. See also Polyphemos Kyllene, ixmap; 24.1

  Kypros. See Cyprus

  Kythera, ixmap; 9.81; 462

  Kythereia (epithet of Aphrodite), 8.288&n2; 18.193-94&n7; 462

  ladder between storeys of house, 21.5

  Laerkes, goldsmith, 3.425-26, 432-38; 378

  Laertes, father of Odysseus, 462-63; Athene rejuvenates, 24.367-74; 439; 463; Elpenor invokes, 11.67; 398; farmstead and orchard described, 24.205-12, 220-27, 334-44, 361-62; 439; in fight against suitors' kinsmen, 24.353-55, 367-74, 497-98, 513-23; 439, 440; 453, 463; Kephallenia was subject to, 460; in line of only sons, 16.118-19; 412; misery and decrepitude, 1.188-93; 11.187-96; 14.173; 15.353-57; 16.138-45; 24.225-33, 248-50; 375, 399, 407, 410, 412, 438; 445, 462-63; Odysseus hears news of, 11.187-96; 15.346-57; 399, 410; and Odysseus' return, 16.302; 23.359-60; 24.215-360; 436, 438-39; and Penelope and suitors, 4.735-41; 15.14-18; 382, 409; Penelope's weaving of shroud for, 4-5; 2.87-110; 19.138-56; 24.125-48; 376, 423, 437; 472; shield, 22.183-86; and slaves, (Eumaios) 14.9, 451; 15.483; 411, (Eurykleia) 1.428-33; 453, (Sikel, wife of Dolios) 1.191; 24.210-12, 366, 388-90; 439, (see also Dolios); and Telemachos' absence, 4.754-56; 16.137-53; 382, 412

Homer's Novels