Page 82 of The Odyssey

  Laistrygonians, 7, 14; 10.81-132, 198-99; 23.318-20; 395, 436; 463

  Lakedaimon, 463, 465. See also Sparta lameness, Hephaistos', 8.308-12, 332, 349, 357; 463; gods deride, 446, 457

  Lamos, 10.81&n1

  Lampetie, 12.131-36, 374-75

  Lampos, Dawn's colt, 23.245-46

  language of poem: differences from Iliad, 1, 3, 12-13; issues of translation, 12, 24; vividness, 3, 9; 22.467&n5; 465

  Laodamas, son of Alkinoos, 7.170-71; 8.117-25, 130-39, 143-51, 207-8, 370-80; 387, 389; 443

  Lapiths, 21.293-98&n8; 454, 463, 471

  Lattimore, Richard, 20-21, 23

  laundry, and marriage prospects, 6.26-35, 66-67; 385

  Lede, 11.298-300; 400; 463

  Leiodes, son of Oinops, 21.144-66; 22.310-29; 429, 432

  Lemnos, xmap; 8.282-84, 292-94&n3, 301; 463

  length of Odyssey and Iliad, 13-14

  Leokritos, 2.242-57; 22.294-96; 376-77, 432

  Lesbos, xmap; 3.168-69; 4.342-44; 17.133-35; 19.201n7; 379-80, 415; 463

  Lethe, river of Hades, 10.514n5

  Leto, 6.106-7; 11.318, 576-81; 401; 463

  Leukas, ixmap; 464

  levers used to move raft to shore, 5.261

  Lewis, Cecil Day, 22-23

  libations, 2.431-33; 3.333-42, 390-95; 14.446-47; 378, 408; on guest's departure, 15.147-49; 409; heralds' role, 7.164, 178-83; 13.49-54; 387

  Libya, 4.85-89; 14.295-97; 407; 464

  life of man, philosophizing on, 19.328-34; 424

  light shed by Athene, miraculous, 19.33-43; 422

  Linear B tablets, 444, 447, 451, 458

  line-by-line equivalency, 12

  lions: enchanted by Kirke, 10.212-19; 395; Polyphemos eats men whole in manner of, 9.292; similes, (bloodstained) 22.402-5; 23.48, (and deer) 4.335-40; 17.126-31, (emerging from den) 6.129-34

  literacy, 13-14

  Little Iliad, 5

  livestock: raiding of, 24.111-13; 437. See also animal husbandry locks, 21.6n1

  Lord, Albert., 7.182&n2

  Lotus-Eaters, 1, 6, 14; 9.82-104; 23.311; 392, 436; 464

  Lucifer (Phosphoros, star), 13.94n3

  lukabas ('interlunar period'), 19.306-7&n11

  lyre, simile of stringing, 21.406-11; 431

  madness, 23.11-14; 434; Odysseus' feigned, 24.117n3

  magic: popular medical, 19.457-58&n15. See also Kirke (enchantments) magnetism, 19.13&n1

  Maia, 14.435; 464

  maidservants: Penelope's ruse betrayed by, 19.154; 24.144; 423, 437; deride Odysseus disguised as beggar, 18.310-45; 19.44-45, 59-95, 370-75; 421, 422, 424; Odysseus' anger, 3, 13; 19.489-90, 497-501; 20.5-21; 425; in aftermath of suitors' deaths, 22.433-39, 446-56, 494-501; 433; Eurykleia identifies disloyal, 22.417-27; 433; execution of guilty, 15; 22.431-73&n5; 433

  ------. one knows secret of bed's construction, 23.227-29; 435; realism of portrayal, 3; 18.320-36; 20.6-8; Telemachos and, 17.33-35; 22.424-25; 415, 433

  Maira, 11.326; 400

  Malea, Cape, ixmap; 6; 3.286-87; 4.514; 9.80; 19.187; 392; 464

  Mantios, son of Melampous, 15.242, 249

  Marathon, ixmap; 7.80-81; 387; 464

  Marmor Parium, 7-8

  Maro, priest of Apollo at Ismaros, 9.197-211; 392

  marriage: consanguineous, sibling, 10.6-7; 394; description of happy, 6; 6.180-85; 386; 467, 469, 471; Helen gives Telemachos gift for his bride, 15.104-8, 123-28; 409; reputation, and girl's prospects of, 6.26-35, 66-67, 262n3, 273-88; 385; suitors' gifts and, 15.17-18; 16.77, 390-92; 412, 414. See also adultery master-servant relationship, 14.145-6&n3

  measurements. See cubits

  meat, roast. See chine; sacrifice medicine, 19.457-58&n15

  Medon, 16.251-52; 17.172-76; tells Penelope of suitors' plot against Telemachos, 4.677-715; 16.411-13; 382, 414; spared in slaughter, 22.355-80; 433; speaks against retribution for suitors' deaths, 24.439-49; 439

  Medousa, Gorgon, 11.633-35; 401; 441, 455

  Megapenthes, son of Menelaos, 4.11-12; 15.100&n4, 103, 121-22

  Megare, wife of Herakles, 11.269-70&n4; 21.30n3; 457

  Melampous, 15.225-42; 410; 464

  Melanthios, son of Dolios, goatherd, 451, 464-65; insults Eumaios, and Odysseus disguised as beggar, 17.212-53; 416; tells suitors about Eumaios' visitor, 17.369-73; 417; insults Odysseus again, 20.173-84; 426; serves at feast, 20.255; 427; and contest of the bow, 21.175-83, 265-66; 429, 430; brings armor for suitors, 15; 22.135-46, 152, 159, 161-66, 273n4; 432; caught and bound, 22.166-200; 432; death, 22.474-77; 433; 465; characterization, 464-65

  Melantho, daughter of Dolios, 3; 451, 465; insults Odysseus disguised as beggar, 18.321-36; 19.64-95; 421, 422; death, 22.461-73; vivid language, 3; 18.321-42; 19.65-95

  meliphrona, 'mind-honeying', 7.182&n2; 10.356; 13.53; 15.148; 24.489

  Memnon, king of the Aithiopes, 4.186-88&n6; 11.522; 401; 449, 465

  Mendelsohn, Daniel, 25

  Menelaos, king of Sparta, 465; afterlife to be in Elysian Fields, 4.561-69; 381; and Agamemnon's death, 4.89-92&n3, 584-85; 379, (arrives too late to avenge) 3.255-61, 311-12; 4.89-92&n3; 378, (told of by Old Man of the Sea) 4.512-47; 380-81; characterization, 5; 465; in Egypt, 3.299-302; 4.83, 125-32, 351-52, 481-83, 581-85; 380, 381; 465; epithets, examples of, (fair-haired) 4.163, 203, 265, (of the great war cry) 4.307, 609; 15.14, 57, (leader of troops) 4.155, (nursling of Zeus) 4.138, 155, 235, 291, 316, 391, (son of Atreus) 4.185, 235; gifts, (amassing of) 4.43-46, 71-75, 81-82, 90-93, 125-32, 617-19; 15.117-19; 465, (gives to Telemachos) 4.589-92, 600-619; 15.51-52, 75-76, 99-132, 159, 206-7; 16.326-27; 17.71-83; 381, 409, 413, 415; hospitality, 4.30-66; 15.51-55, 68-85; 379, 409; on Odysseus, 4.103-19, 169-82, 100-19, 548-60; 379; on Old Man of the Sea, 17; 4.347-570; 380-81; 475; reminiscences, 14, 17; 4.78-96, 81-112, 333-592; 379; return from Troy, (chronology) 3.255-61, 311-12; 4.89-92&n3; 378; 460, (Nestor's account) 3.135-48, 168-69, 276-312, 316-22; 378, (own account) 14, 17; 4.81-91, 347-586; 379; Telemachos' visit, 4.1-624; 379-81, (initiated by Athene) 1.279-88; 375, (sets out to impress) 4.59-305; 465, (tells news of Odysseus) 4.112-19, 306-624; 379-81, 415, (and Telemachos' return to Ithake) 15.14-15, 51-119, 133-70; 409-10, (Telemachos tells Penelope of) 17.116-47; 415; and Trojan War, 4.265-89; 8.517-18; 14.470; 24.115-19&n3; 379, 391, 408, 437; 465; wealth, 4.42-83, 90-93, 125-32; 379; 465. See also under Nestor Mentes, lord of the Taphians; Athene assumes form of, 1.105-318, 180-88, 404-20; 375

  Mentor, 19; 2.224-41, 253; 17.67-71; 24.456; 376; 465

  ------. Athene impersonates, 16, 19; 465, (goes with Telemachos to Peloponnese) 2.260-95, 399-406, 416-18; 3.1-31, 51-63, 225-38, 330-37; 4.653-56; 377, 381, (and killing of suitors) 22.205-38, 249; 24.443-49; 432, 439, (and fight with Ithakans) 24.502-4, 516-20; 440, (and peace treaty) 24.545-48; 440, (prays to herself) 3.62; 377

  merchants, 8.158-64; 389

  Mesaulios, 14.449-52, 455; 408

  Messene, ixmap; 21.15-18&n2; 428; 463, 465

  metals: craftsmen in, (in similes) 6.231-35; 9.391-94; 23.159-62; 435, (social attitudes to) 446, 457; trade in copper and iron, 1.184; 477, 478. See also gold; iron; silver metamorphoses. See appearance, changes in metre, 20-24

  millet, 4.604

  milling of grain, 7.104; 20.105-19; 387, 426

  Milton, John, 22

  Mimas, xmap; 3.172; 466

  Minoan civilization, 466, 470

  Minos, king of Krete, 11.322; 17.523; 19.178-80; 423; 466; judge in underworld, 11.568-71; 401; 466, 481

  minstrels: blind, 3; 8.63-64; 450; divine inspiration, 8.43-45, 63-64, 73, 479-81, 488-89, 497-98; 9.4; in Menelaos' house, 4.16-17; in Mykene, killed by Aigisthos, 3.267-71; 378; Odysseus' regard for, 8.471-91; 9.1-11; 391, 392; play for dancing, 8.261-64; 23.133-34, 143-45. See also, Demodokos; Phemios Minyan, -s, 11.284; 466, 469

  modernity of Odyssey, 1, 24-25

  modesty, female: goddesses, 8.323-24; 390; and marriage prospects, 6.26-35, 66-67, 262n3, 273-88; 385; Nausikaa, 6.262n3, 273-99; 466; Penelope, 1.334; 18.184, 207; 21.65; 420

  moly he
rb, 10.287-88, 291-92, 302-6; 396; 461

  Molyvos, 19.201n7

  moon, cycle of, 19.306-7&n11

  morality: differences from Iliad, 8, 11; 469, 482; men blame gods for own failings, 1.32-43; 482; Poseidon's old-style Iliadic, 11; 469, 474; limiting of vengeance, 8; 13.125-64; 24.539-40

  mother of Odysseus. See Antikleia Moulios, 18.423-25

  mourning practices, 4.195-98; 10.178-79&n3; 17.49&n1; 18.172-74, 178-81; 420. See also funerary rites movie, similarity of narrative to, 2, 3, 4

  mowing, 18.366-70; 421

  Muses, 466; and death of Achilles, 24.60-62; 437; and minstrels, 8.63-64, 73, 480-81, 488; opening invocation, 4; 1.1-10; 375; tell lies as though they are truth, 19.203n8

  musician stringing lyre, in simile, 21.406-11; 431

  Mykene, mother of Argos, 2.120-21&n2

  Mykene, Mykenai (Mycenae), ixmap; 466; Menelaos' arrival on return from Troy, 3.311-12; 378. See also Agamemnon; Aigisthos; Atreus, House of; Klytaimnestra; Orestes

  Myrmidons, 3.188-89; 4.9; 11.495; 378

  mythic world, attitudes to, 7-8, 14

  Naiads; cave on Ithake, 2; 13.103-12&n4, 347-50, 355-60, 365-71; 404, 405-6

  names: fictitious, in cover stories, 24.307n5; 438; Odysseus' trick of using 'Nobody', 9.363-70, 406-14, 455, 460; 393, 394

  narrative, 13-15; density of action, 12-13; fantasy, folktale and myth, 13, 14; movie-like quality, 2, 3, 4; naturalism, 1-3, 12; Odysseus' narration of own adventures, 6-8; vivid, realistic style, 1-3. See also inconsistencies Nausikaa, 466-67; Athene appears in dream, 6, 19; 6.15-47; 381; goes to washing troughs, 6.48-116; 385; meets Odysseus, 6; 6.110-250; 385-86; brings Odysseus to city, 6.251-331; 386; returns home, 7.2-13; 383; Odysseus tells Alkinoos of meeting, 7.290-97; 388; Odysseus thanks her, 8.457-69; 391; 467

  ------. attracted to Odysseus, 20; 6.240-45; 466; decorum, 6.273-99; 466; description of Scheria, 2; 6.255-315; likened to Artemis, 6.102-9, 150-52; 385, 386; Odysseus' wish for happy marriage, 6; 6.180-85; 386; 467, 469, 471

  Nausithoos, king of Phaiakians, 6.6-11; 7.56-63; 8.564-70; 13.130n5; 391; 443

  Nauteus, 8.112

  navel of sea, 1.50

  navigation, 5.269-77; 8.555-63; 384-85, 391; 448, 474

  Neaira, 12.133-35; 402

  necklaces, 15.460; 18.299-300; 421; bribe for Eriphyle, 11.326-2; 15.247n5; 452; gifts for Penelope, 18.295-96, 299-300; 421

  nectar, 5.93, 199; 9.539; 384, 393

  negation, gesture of, 21.129&n6

  Neion, Mount, 1.186; 3.81

  Neleus, king of Pylos, 3.4, 408-10; 4.639; 11.254-57; 399; 467; and Pero's marriage, 11.281-97; 15.225-38; 464

  Neoptolemos (Pyrrhos), son of Achilles, 3.189; 4.5-9&n1; 467; birth, 467, 477; Odysseus tells Achilles' shade of doings at Troy, 11.492-93, 505-40; 401; 441, 481

  Nereids, 467, 480

  Nereus, Old Man of the Sea, 24.58&n1; 467

  Nerikos, 24.377-78; 439; 467

  Neriton, Mount, 9.21-22; 13.350-51

  Neritos, 17.207

  Nestor, king of Pylos, 467-68; Athene sends Telemachos to, 1.279-88; 3.12-28; 375, 377; making sacrifice, 3.32; 377; greets Telemachos and Athene in form of Mentor, 3.67-101; 377; reminiscences and advice to Telemachos, 14; 3.103-328; 377-78; hospitality to Telemachos, 3.343-403; 378; recognizes Athene, prays to her, 3.371-85, 404-72; 378; sends Telemachos and Peisistratos to Sparta, 3.316-28, 474-76; 4.161-62; 378, 379; Telemachos avoids returning to, 15.194-214; 410; 468; Telemachos tells Penelope of visit, 17.109-15; 415

  ------. and Athene, 3.210-24, 371-85, 404-72; 378; characterization, 5; epithet, Gerenian, 454; on House of Atreus, 16, 17; 3.193-98, 253-75, 301-10; 378; loquaciousness, 3.118-29; 15.195-201; 468; and Menelaos, 3.316-28; 4.190-92, 203-11; 15.151-53; 378, 379, 409, (tells of his return from Troy) 3.135-48, 168-69, 276-312, 316-22; 378; parentage, 11.285-86; 399; return home from Troy, 3.135-48, 152-60, 165-85; 377-78; on Trojan War and returns of heroes, 3.102-200, 276-312, 316-22; 377-78; wisdom, 11.512; 24.51-56; 437

  nightingale, 19.518-23&n16; 425

  nightlessness of land of Laistrygonians, 10.82-86&n2; 395

  Nile river, 451

  Niobe, 11.265n3; 19.522n16; 444

  Nisos, father of Amphinomos, 18.126-27; 420

  no, indication of, 21.129&n6

  'Nobody', Odysseus gives name as, 9.363-70, 406-14, 455, 460; 393, 394

  Noemon, son of Phronios, 2.386-87; 4.630-57; 381

  nostoi, see returns of heroes from Troy nostrils, and emotions, 24.317-18

  numbers: inconsistencies, 15; 16.245-53; large, 15

  nymphs: cave of Naiads on Ithake, 2; 13.103-12&n4, 347-50, 355-60, 365-71; 404, 405-6; and death of Achilles, 24.46-59; 436-37; Eumaios prays to, 14.434-35; 17.238-46; 416; Kirke's handmaidens, 10.350-51; 396; send goats to feed Odysseus' men, 9.154-55; 392; spring on Ithake, 17.210-11, 238-46; 416; on Thrinakie, 12.131-36, 318; 402

  oak or rock, no-one sprung from (proverb), 19.163

  oars: on burial mound, 11.77-78; 12.15; 398, 401; Odysseus to journey abroad carrying an oar, 11.121-31; 23.267-76; 399, 435

  oaths: gods swear by Styx, 5.185-86; and peace on Ithake, 24.481-86, 545-48; 440

  Ocean (Okeanos), 468; Aiaia located near, 10.507-8; 442; constellations and, 5.275&n6; and Dawn, 22.197-98; 23.244, 346-47; 436; and Elysian fields, 4.568-69; father of Perse, 10.139; 468; Hermes leads souls past, 24.11; on Odysseus' journey to Hades, 10.508, 511; 11.13, 21-22, 158-59, 639; 12.1; 397, 398, 401; Odysseus meets shades near, 11.628n16; 456; Pandareus' daughters carried away to, 20.65-66; sun rises from, 19.434

  Odysseus, 468-69; introduced, 1.1-10; 375; on Kalypso's island, homesick, 1.13-15; Zeus agrees to his leaving, 1.44-87; 375; Telemachos hears reports of, 2.157-76; 4.103-12, 458-60; 376, 379, 381; Zeus initiates plan for his return home, 5.1-42; 383; on Kalypso's island, 5-6; 5.81-84, 149-268; 383, 384; journey to land of Phaiakians, 2, 6; 5.282-493; 384-85; meets Nausikaa, 6.110-250; 385-86; comes to house of Alkinoos, 6.251-331; 7.14-77, 81-85, 133-45; 386-88; tells of journey from Ogygia, 7.230-345; 387-88; Phaiakian assembly agrees to give conveyance, 8.1-45; 388; entertained in Alkinoos' hall, 8.73-95, 131-240, 367-69, 396-415, 385-448, 457-68, 485-98, 521-86; 388-91; account of travels. See below; Phaiakians give gifts, feast and conveyance to Ithake, 13.1-125; 404; awakes, not recognizing Ithake, 8; 13.187-221; 405; meets and lays plans with Athene, 8-9; 13.221-438; 405; Athene transforms into beggar, 9; 13.397-403, 429-38; 406; in hut of swineherd Eumaios, 2, 9; 14.1-533; 15.301-495; 16.1-320; 406-9, 410; reveals identity to Telemachos, and lays plans against suitors, 9; 16.1-320; 412-13; goes with Eumaios to town, 9; 17.9-25, 182-90; 415, 416; recognized by Argos, his dog, 2; 17.291-327; 416; dealings with suitors, 9; 17.336-58, 367-68, 411-88; 24.155-66; 416-18, 437; Penelope's interest in, 17.505-88; 418; fight with Iros, 18.1-123, 221-25, 233-34; 419, 420; and suitors and maidservants, 18.124-50, 310-404; 19.43-45, 59-95; 420-21, 422; puts away weapons, 19.1-40; 422; converses with Penelope, 9; 19.101-360, 554-99; 422-24, 425; Eurykleia recognizes, 19.343-502; 424; planning revenge, 20.1-55, 92-121; meetings with servants, 20.162-237; 425-27; with Telemachos and suitors, 20.257-75, 281-83, 373-86; 427, 428; reveals identity to Eumaios and Philoitios, 21.188-241; 429; and contest of the bow, 21.129, 274-427; 430-31; killing of suitors, 21.428-34; 22.1-329; 431-33; 457-58; spares Phemios and Medon, 22.337-80; 433; and aftermath of killing, 22.381-501; 23.117-52; 431-33; reunited with Penelope, 22.482-83; 23.1-116, 153-358; 433-34, 435-36; 442; goes to Laertes at farmstead, 23.359-60, 366-72; 24.215-360; 436, 438-39; fights suitors' kinsmen, 24.526-27, 536-37, 541-45; 440; rule in Ithake agreed, with oath, 24.481-86, 545-48; 440

  ------. account of travels to Phaiakians, 6-8; Bks 9-12; 392-404; tells his name and homeland, 9.1-36; Kikones, 9.39-61, 165; 392; Lotus-Eaters, 9.83-104; 392; Kyklops (Polyphemos), 9.105-566; 392-94; Aiolos and bag of winds, 10.1-76; 394-95; Laistrygonians, 10.81-132; 395; Kirke, 10.135-574; 395; journey to Underworld, 11.1-640; 398-401; Kirke warns of hazards to come, 12.1-141; 401-2; Sirens, 12.152-200; 402; Skylle and Charybdis, 12.200-259; 402-
3; Thrinakie, and cattle of Helios, 12.260-398; 403; loses ship and crew in storm, reaches Kalypso's island, 12.398-450; 403-4; see individual entries for more detail, and see under Alkinoos; Arete; Kalypso; Nausikaa; Phaiakians ------. Achilles' conflict with, at feast of gods, 8.73-82; 388-89; 450; Agamemnon's homecoming contrasted, 13.383-84; 406; 442-43; ancestry and background, 468; archery, 8.215-28; 21.393-427; 22.1-21, 81-82, 116-21; 389, 430-31; 457, 468-69; bed, 23.171-72, 177-204, 225-29; 435; bow, 21.11-41, 393-427; 22.119-21; 428, 430-31; changes in appearance, 4.240-58, (see also under Athene, and Odysseus); characterization, 5; 469; chronology of return home, 17-18; 460; cover stories. See separate entry; death foretold, 11.134-37&n2; 23.247-87; 399, 435-36; end of wanderings, 13.92&n2; epithets, examples of, (clever) 1.48, (godlike) 1.21, 65; 5.198, (much-enduring) 5.171; 16.225, (noble) 5.171; 16.225, (resourceful) 1.1, 205; 5.203, 214; 11.473, (steadfast-minded) 4.241, 270, (wise, subtle-minded) 7.168; extent of kingdom, 460; further journey foretold, 11.119-34; 23.247-87; 399, 435-36; 474; homesickness, 5-6; 1.13-15; 4.556-60; 5.13-17, 81-84, 151-58; 7.259-60; madness, feigned, 24.117n3; masculinity, 6; 6.135&n2; naming, 19.401-9; 424; physical prowess, 4.341-46; 8.179-240; 17.132-37; 21.93-95; 379-80, 389, 415, 429; punning on name (odussomai), 1.62&n2; 5.423&n9; 19.276, 409&n14; 424; scar, 19.388-468; 424; 448, (as identifying mark) 19.364n12, 389-93, 467-75; 21.217-24; 23.73-77; 24.330-35; 429, 434, 438-39; seamanship, 6; 5.270-81; seven-year itch, 5-6; strength. See physical prowess above; Teiresias' prophecy, 7; 11.100-149; 12.266-73; 23.247-87, 322-23; 399, 435-36; 478; trickery, sharp-wittedness, 3.120-29; 4.240-58; 13.290-302, 331-40; 14.468-502; 19.203&n8; 377, 405-6, 408; 462, 468, 469, (see also cover stories, Odysseus'); violence, excessive, 457-58, 469 wealth, 14.96-108; 19.282-86, 293-95; 407, 423. See also detailed entries throughout index, especially cover stories, Odysseus'; and under Athene; Eumaios; Eurykleia; maidservants; Penelope; Phaiakians; Poseidon; suitors; Telemachos; Trojan War; underworld; Zeus Oedipus, 11.271-80&n5; 399; 479

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