Page 85 of The Odyssey

Wandering Rocks (Planktai), 12.59-72; 23.327; 402, 436; 459

  warrior ethos, 24.23-97; 436

  washing troughs, 6.40, 85-92; 385

  wax, stopping of ears with, 12.47-48, 173-77; 402

  wealth: from plunder, 14.230-33. See also under gifts and gift-giving; Menelaos; Sidon weapons: removed from hall before contest of bow, 14-15; 16.281-98&n2; 19.1-34; 22.24-25; 422, 431; Telemachos fetches for Odysseus and supporters, 22.100-114; 431; Melanthios supplies suitors, 22.138-200, 273n4; 432. See also armor; bow; swords weaving, 7.105, 108-11; 387; Kalypso, 5.62-63; Naiads, 13.107-8; Penelope's ruse to defer remarriage, 4-5; 2.87-110; 19.138-56; 24.125-48; 376, 423, 437; 472

  West, Martin; selected references, 12, 13, 14, 18n6

  wheat-growing, 4.604

  White Rock, in underworld, 24.11

  winds: Aiolos' bag of, 10.1-76; 394-95; 443; all combine against Odysseus, 5.295-96, 304-5, 317, 330-32, 383-84; 384; Athene controls, 5.382-87; 385; Bora, 19.199-201&n7; east, 5.295, 332; 12.326; 19.205-7; north, 5.296, 328-29, 331, 385; 9.67, 81; 10.507; 14.253, 299, 475, 533; 19.200; in similes, 1.98; 5.328-31, 368-70; 19.205-7; south(west), 3.295-96; 5.295, 331; 12.287-90, 325-26, 427; west, 2.421; 4.402, 567; 5.295, 332; 7.119; 10.25; 12.287-90, 407-9, 426; 14.458; 19.20

  wine: meliphrona, 'mind-honeying', 7.182&n2; 10.356-57; 13.53; 15.148; Odysseus makes Polyphemos drunk with, 9.196-211, 345-62; 393

  winnowing-fan, in Teiresias' prophecy, 23.267-76; 435

  wolves, enchanted by Kirke, 10.212-19; 395

  women: Agamemnon on untrustworthiness, 11.441-56; 400; 442; authority of Arete, 6.308-15; 7.66-74; 13.56-60; 446; role in sacrifice; 3.450-52; wailing over dead husband, in simile, 8.523-30; 391. See also modesty Wooden Horse, 4.270-89; 8.492-520; 11.523-33; 379, 391, 401; 481; built by Epeios, 8.492-93; 11.523-24; 452, 481; Demodokos sings of, 8.492-520; 391; 450; fleet waits off Tenedos, 478, 481; Helen mimics wives of men in, 4.270-89; 379; 481; Neoptolemos in, 4.5n1; 11.523-33; 401; 467, 481; Odysseus commands, 5; 4.5n1, 265-89; 8.494-95, 502-3, 517-20; 11.524-25; 379; 481

  words, unwinged, 17.57&n2; 19.29; 21.386; 22.398

  work-basket on wheels, precious metal, 4.125, 131-34

  world-view of Odyssey, 1, 7-8, 11

  xeinos ('host', 'stranger', 'guest'), 14.53&n2

  Xenophanes of Kolophon, 7, 11; 469, 482

  Zakynthos, ixmap; 1.246; 9.24; 16.123-25, 250; 19.131; 413, 423; 481-82

  Zethos, king of Thebai, 11.262-65&n3; 19.522&n16; 399; 444

  Zeus, 482; at conclave of gods, 15-16, 19; 1.28-43, 63-79, 299-300; 375; 482; agrees to Odysseus' return home, 1.63-79; 375; 482; initiates his return, 5.4, 21-42, 99-115; 383; 482; Telemachos invokes aid against suitors, 2.143-82; 376; and Poseidon's revenge on Phaiakians, 8; 13.125-58; 404; and resolution of situation on Ithake, 24.472-88, 539-44; 440

  ------. aegis, 441; and Aias' death, 11.558-60; 401; and Aiolos' guardianship of winds, 10.21; and Amphiaraos, 15.244-45; and Antiope, 11.260-65; 399; and Athene, 1.63-79; 24.472-88; 440; 482; and house of Atreus, 15-16; 1.29-43, 299-300; 3.160-61, 286-90; 11.436-39; 24.24-25; 400, 436; doves bear ambrosia to, 12.62-65; of Enclosures, 22.334-36, 379; and fate, 1.348-49; 6.187-90; 386; Hebe as child of, 11.604; and Helios' cattle, 12.375-88, 405-19; 403-4; 482; Herakles' father, 11.266-68; 399; 444; Hermes delivers messages, 5.4, 28-42, 99-115; 383; 482; and Iasion, 5.127-28; in Itylos myth, 19.522n16; Menelaos as son-in-law, 4.561-69; 381; nurslings, princes addressed as, 3.480; 4.64; 5.378; 7.49, (Agamemnon) 24.122, (Agelaos) 22.136, (Menelaos) 4.26, 45, 138, 15, 235, 291, 316, 391, 561; 15.155, 167, (Peisistratos) 15.199, (Odysseus) 10.266, 419; and Odysseus, (and departure from Kalypso) 1.63-79; 5.4, 21-42, 99-115; 375, 383; 482, (looses storms on him) 7.249-50; 9.61-73, 551-55; 12.312-15, 384-88, 405-19; 23.330-31; 392, 394, 403-4, (Odysseus' altar to) 22.334-36, 379, (Odysseus' sacrifices to) 1.60-62, 66-67; 9.551-55; 19.365-68; 394, (sends omen) 20.97-121; 426, (support against suitors) 16.260-69, 297-98&n2; 413; omens, 2.146-82; 20.97-121; 21.413; 376, 426, 431; 482; and Pandareus' daughters, 20.75-76; and panic, 14.268-69; 17.437-38; and Poseidon, 8; 1.63-79; 13.125-38; 375, 404; 474, 482; power, 11; 482; and rain, 14.457-58; and returns of heroes from Troy, 3.130-34, 160-61, 286-90; sacrifice to, 9.551-55; 13.24-26; 17.47-60; 394, 404, 415, (Odysseus') 1.60-62, 66-67; 9.551-55; 19.365-68; 394; and storms, 14.300-312; 24.41-42; 407, (see also under and Odysseus above); strangers and guests sent by, 6.207-8; 9.476-79; 14.57-58, 283-84, 388-89, 406; 386, 394, 406, 408; suppliants under protection, 7.164-65, 180-81; 9.265-78; 16.422-23; 393; and Telemachos, 2.143-45; 14.184; 17.47-60; 376, 415; thunderbolts, 7.249-50; 12.415-17; 14.305-8; 17.437-38; 23.330-31; 407, 436; 482, (omens) 20.97-121; 21.413; 426, 431; 482, (to end fight on Ithake) 8; 24.539-44; 440; 482; and Trojan War, 3.119-20, 152, 160-61, (and heroes' returns) 3.130-34, 160-61, 286-90; and vengeance, 8; 1.63-79; 12.375-88; 13.125-38; 24.539-40; 482



  Homer, The Odyssey

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