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  servants: relationship with masters and mistresses, 14.145-6&n3; 15.374-79; 411. See also maidservants; slavery Seven Against Thebai, 15.247n5

  shame. See modesty

  shape-shifting, Proteus', 4.417-19, 456-48; 380

  Sharp Islands (possibly Echinades), 15.299&n7; 451

  shearwaters, 5.51-53, 353; 12.418-19; 14.308-9

  Shelmerdine, C.W., 7.107n1

  shield, Laertes', 22.183-86

  ships: building of, 5.232-26, 246; 6.22; cables, 21.389-91; 22.465-67&n5; 433. See also raft, Odysseus'; seafaring Sicily, 20.383&n3; 24.307&n5; 438; Trinakria, confused with Thrinakie, 480. See also Sikels Sidon, Sidonians, 476; synonymous with Phoenicia, -ans (q.v.), 4.83-84, 618; 13.285; 15.118; 473, 476; wealth and craftsmanship, 4.615-19; 15.117-19, 425

  Sigeion, 24.82n2

  Sikanie. See Sicily

  Sikels, 20.383&n3; 428; Laertes' woman servant, 1.191; 24.210-12, 366, 388-90; 439

  silver: Alkinoos' house decorated with, 7.89, 90, 91; 387; bathtubs: 4.128; door furniture, 1.441-42; furnishings decorated with, 7.162-63; 8.65-66; 10.366-67; 19.55-58; 22.341; gold-overlaid, 23.159-62; 435; Helen's work-basket, 4.125, 131-34; simile of craftsman working in, 6.231-35; swords decorated with, 8.403-5; 10.366; vessels, 4.52-54; 7.172-73; 9.204; 10.357; 15.103, 136; 24.275, (gold-inlaid bowl, made by Hephaistos) 4.612-19; 15.103, 114-22; 381, 409

  similes, 13. See also under Artemis; aspen leaves; bats; birds; bitch; blacksmith; blood sausages; bull; cattle; crafts; drill; father; fishing; horses; illness; lions; lyre; plowing; quivers; seafaring; slavery; snow; winds Sintians, 8.294&n3

  Sirens, 1, 7, 14; 12.36-54, 158-200; 23.326; 401-2, 436; 476

  Sisyphos, 22; 11.593-600&n12; 401; 476, 481

  Skylle, 7; 12.73-100, 108-26, 223-33, 245-59, 309-10, 445-46; 23.327-28; 402-3, 404, 436; 476

  Skyros, xmap; 4.5n1; 11.509; 401; 477

  slavery: Eumaios' sale into, 14.48&n1, 140-43; 15.390-484; 411; Eumaios' slave, Mesaulios, 14.449-52, 455; 408; market in Libya, 14.295-97; 464; Odysseus almost sold into, in cover story, 14.295-97, 337-57; 407-8; simile of widow taken into, 8.523-30; 391; Taphian traders, 15.427-28; 411; 477. See also Laertes (and slaves) sleep: akin to death, 13.80; brings forgetfulness, 20.85-86

  smells, 1

  snares, Hephaistos', 8.271-81, 296-99; 390

  sneezing, 17.541-47&n4; 418

  snow, simile of melting, 19.205-9

  society: attitudes to craftsmen, 446, 457; attitudes to merchants, 8.158-64; 389; differences from Iliadic, 1, 11, 13. See also aristocracy; behavior; honor, code of; servants; slavery Solymoi, 5.283&n7

  Sophocles; reading of ex halos, 11.134n2

  Sounion (Sunium), ixmap; 3.278; 477

  sparring, verbal, 14.439n4

  Sparta, Lakedaimon, ixmap; 463, 477; Agamemnon's shade wonders if Orestes is in, 11.460; Odysseus' visit as youth, 21.13-21; Telemachos' visit, (sent by Athene) 1.93-95, 279-88; 375, (planning) 2.212-23, 255-434; 376-77, (Nestor sends on to) 3.316-28; 378, (visit) 5; 4.1-624, 701-2; 13.412-24; 379-81, (Athene summons home) 13.412-24, 439-40; 15.1-42, (departs) 15.1-181; 409, (tells Penelope about) 17.116-47; 415. See also Helen; Menelaos speeches, translation of, 12

  Spinners (Klothes, Fates), 7.197-98&n3

  spinning, 4.122; 6.53; 7.105-6; 387; Helen's luxurious equipment, 4.125, 129-35; 379

  Springs, The (Krounoi, stream in Triphylia), 15.295&n6

  squeaking, simile of bats', 24.6-9; 436

  stag hunt on Aiaia, 10.156-71; 395

  stars: morning, 13.93-94&n3; navigation by, 5.269-77&nn5-6; 448, 474. See also Orion; Pleiades; Ursa Major; Ursa Minor stone, keeping secret as close as, 19.494

  storms raised by gods, 7; see also under Poseidon; Zeus Strabo, 15.295n6, 299n7

  strangers: gods in disguise, 17.483-87; 418; sent by Zeus, 6.207-8; 9.476-79; 14.57-58, 283-84, 388-89, 406; 386, 394, 406, 408; xeinos as 'host', 'stranger' and 'guest', 14.53&n2

  Stratios, son of Nestor, 3.413, 439

  stress, ictus, 21

  structure and organization of poem, 4-10; first sequence, Ithake before Odysseus' return, 4-5; second sequence, Odysseus' travels, 5-8; third sequence, events following Odysseus' return home, 8-10

  Styx, river of Hades, 5.185-86; 10.514&n5

  suitors, 471-72; behavior and extravagance introduced, 3; 1.104-17, 144-65; 375; Athene's advice to Telemachos, 1.224-29, 158-65, 243-51, 265-74, 293-302; 375; Telemachos asserts authority, 1.358, 368-404; 2.296-336; 376, 377; Telemachos' complaint to assembly, 2.48-79; 376; Athene gets to go home, 2.393-98; 377; Telemachos tells Nestor and Menelaos about, 3.205-15; 4.318-21; 378, 379-80; plan to ambush and kill Telemachos, 4.625-74, 768-86, 842-47; 14.174-84; 22.53; 381-83, 407, 431; Athene warns Telemachos, 5.18-20; 13.425-26; 15.27-35; 383, 406, 409; Odysseus lays plans with Athene against them, 13.375-428; 406; Eumaios warns disguised Odysseus about, 14.88-95; 15.307-39; 407, 410; Odysseus and Telemachos discuss, lay plans, 16.91-134, 233-320; 412, 413; reaction to Telemachos' return home, 16.342-408; 413-14; come in to dinner, 17.166-82; 416; and Odysseus disguised as beggar, 9; 17.336-504; 417; and his fight against Iros, 18.34-86, 99-100, 110-23; 419; Odysseus treated well by Amphinomos, attempts to warn him, 18.119-50; 420; Penelope appears, coaxes into more gifts, 18.158-213, 244-303; 420-21; humiliate Odysseus, Telemachos sends home, 18.346-428; 421-22; Odysseus and Telemachos remove arms from hall, 19.1-52; Odysseus and Athene plan murder, 20.5-53; Zeus sends omens concerning, 20.102-22, 242-46; 426; abandon plans to kill Telemachos, 20.241-46; 427; at feast, 20.247-56, 284-399; 427-28; Telemachos asserts rights, 20.264-75; 427; collective hysteria, 9; 20.345-57&n2; 428; 479; mock Odysseus, 20.373-86; 428; and contest of the bow, 21.90-100, 140-43, 167-87, 245-68, 285-342, 360-78, 396-404, 411-12; 428-31; killing, 21.428-30; 22.1-389; 23.39-51; 24.178-86, 443-49; 431-33, 434; 457-58, 465 Odysseus' excessive violence, 8; 18.346-48; 20.284-86; 457-58; Odysseus attempts to avoid revenge for killing, 23.117-52, 361-65; 434-35, 436; souls in underworld, 24.1-204; 436-38; 456, 458; bodies collected or sent to families, 24.417-19; 439; kinsmen's revenge, and establishment of peace, 24.419-548; 439-440

  ------. Athene ensures behavior justifies extreme response, 8; 18.346-48; 20.284-86; character portrayals, 5; funerary rites, 24.186-90, 417-19; 437-38, 439; gifts to Penelope, 15.16-18; 18.244-303; killing as dinner, feast, 20.392-94; 21.428-30; 428, 431; Leiodes' disapproval, 21.146-47; 429; Melanthios and, 17.220, 222, 256-57, 369-73; 20.180-82, 255; 465; numbers and localities, 15; 16.246-53; 22.246n3; 413; supplied from estate, 14.16-17, 26-28, 41, 81-82; 21.265-66; 23.302-5, 356-58; 406, 407, 430, 436; Teiresias foretells deaths, 11.113-20; 398-99; vividness of description, 3; 1.104-12. See also Agelaos; Amphimedon; Amphinomos; Antinoos; Eurymachos; and under Penelope; Telemachos sulfur, 22.481, 493; 23.50-51; 433, 434

  suppliants: clasping of knees by, 6.141-47; 7.142, 147; Polyphemos does not recognize status of, 9.265-78; 393; sacrosanctity, 5.445-50; 7.164-65, 180-81; 467; Zeus as protector, 7.164-65, 180-81; 9.265-78; 16.422-23; 393

  swallow, Athene takes form of, 22.239-40; 432

  swineherd. See Eumaios

  swords, 8.403-5; 9.391-94; 10.261-62; 390, 393

  synopsis, 12-13; 375-440

  syntax of speeches, 12

  Syria (Aegean island, near Ortygie), 15.403-14&n8; 411

  talent (weight of metal), 4.129&n5, 526; 8.393; 9.202; 24.274; 438

  Tantalos, 11.582-92; 19.522n16; 401; 477, 481

  Taphos, Taphians, 14.449-52; 15.427-29; 16.424-30; 411, 414; 477. See also Mentes Tayygetos, ixmap; 6.103; 477

  technical skill, attitudes towards, 446, 457

  teeth, barrier of, 1.64; 3.230; 5.22; 10.328; 19.492; 21.168; 23.70

  Teiresias, Odysseus' meeting with shade of, 7; 11.90-151; 478; Kirke's instructions, 10.490-95, 516-40; 397; 478; Odysseus tells men of destination, 10.561-65; Odysseus' preparations, 11.32-33, 47-50, 88-89; 397, 398; meeting, 11.90-151; 398-99; prophecy, 7; 11.100-149; 12.266-73; 23.247-87, 322-23; 399, 435-36; 478

  Telemachos, 5, 6, 9; 478; Athene, as Mentes, s
ends to Peloponnese, 19; 1.88-323; 375; recognizes her as deity, 19; 1.322-23, 419-20; 376; asserts authority with suitors, 1.113-17, 358, 367-420; 375, 376; and assembly of Ithakans, 2.1-14, 35-81, 129-45; 376; preparations and departure for Peloponnese, 19; 2.208-23, 257-434; 377; in Peloponnese. See under Helen; Menelaos; Nestor; Pylos; Sparta; suitors' plans to ambush, 4.625-786, 842-47; 14.174-84; 22.53; 381-82, 407; Athene thwarts them, 5.18-28; 15.27-35; 382-83, 409; Athene summons home from Sparta, 9; 13.412-27, 439-40; 15.1-43; 406, 409; returns to Pylos, avoiding Nestor, 15.44-221; 410; 468; gives passage to Theoklymenos, 15.222-86; 410; journey, arrival on Ithake, 15.284-300, 495-554; 410, 411; goes to Eumaios' hut, 15.555-57; 411; meeting with Odysseus, 9, 13; 13.403; 16.1-320; 24.151-55; 412-13, 437; Penelope's attack on suitors for plot, 16.409-51; 414; visits Penelope, 17.1-56; 414, 415; in town, 17.61-83; 415; takes Theoklymenos home with him, 17.52-56, 71-73, 84-98; 415; tells Penelope about journey, 17.96-149; 415; at dinner with suitors and Odysseus as beggar, 17.328-34, 342-55, 392-408, 481-91, 541-47&n4; 18.60-65, 166-71, 214-42, 405-11; 417-20, 422; puts away weapons, 19.1-34; 22.150-59; 24.165; 422, 432, 437; rises next day, 20.124-43; 426; suitors abandon plans to kill, 20.241-46; 427; assertiveness to suitors, 20.264-75, 281-83, 303-44, 373-86; 427-28; and contest of bow, 21.101-39, 343-55, 368-78; 24.175; 429, 430, 437; 478; killing of suitors, 18.155-56; 21.431-33; 22.91-115, 150-59, 236-39, 267, 277-78, 284, 294-96; 431-32; 478; and sparing of Phemios and Medon, 22.350-60, 365-72; 433; and aftermath of killing, 22.390-400, 435-39; 23.29-31, 297-99; 433; execution of maidservants and Melanthios, 22.454-79; 433; end of day, 23.297-99; 436; goes to Laertes' house, 23.367-72; 24.362-64; 436, 439; fights suitors' kinsmen, 24.505-12, 526-27; 440

  ------. Antikleia's shade gives Odysseus news of, 11.174-76, 184-87; 399; Athene's support, 19; 478, (against suitors) 16.233-35, 260-69, 282, 297-98&n2, 454-59; 17.360-64&n3; 18.69-70; 18.155-56; 412-13, 414, 417, 419, 420, (she assumes his form) 19; 2.383, (and journey to Peloponnese) 9, 19; 1.93-323, 404-20; 2.260-95, 382-406, 416-21; 13.412-27, 439-40; 15.1-43, 292; 375, 377, 406, 409, (as Mentor, in Pylos) 16; 3.1-31, 51-63, 225-38, 330-37, 371-85; 4.653-56; 377, 378, 381, (he recognizes her as god) 1.322-23, 419-20; 376, (and reunion with Odysseus) 16.155-77, 207-12; 412-13, (sheds grace on him) 2.12; 17.63-64, (sheds wonderful light) 19.33-43; 422, (tests valor) 22.236-39; 432; characterization, 5; 478; childhood, 11.448-51; 400; and chronology of poem, 17-18; 460; Elpenor invokes, 11.68; 398; epithet, pepnumenos, 5; Eumaios' close relationship, 16.12-26, 56, 61, 130; 17.589-605; 412; gifts, (offers to Eumaios for beggar) 16.78-84; 412, (promises to Mentes) 1.306-18, (receives from Menelaos) 4.589-92, 600-619; 15.51-52, 75-76, 99-132, 159, 206-7; 16.326-27; 17.71-83; 381, 409, 413, 415; longing for Odysseus' return, 14.122-23, 173; 15.156-59; 407, 409-10; and maidservants, 17.33-35; 22.424-25; 415, 433; Melanthios wishes him dead, 17.251-2; 416; mood swings, 5; 1.114-36, 345-59, 365-80; 2.40-84, 129-45, 208-23, 309-20; 17.46-56; 478; Orestes as model for, 16, 18; 1.293-300; 3.195-200; 378; 470; Peisistratos' friendship with, 15.44-47&n1; 15.194-214; 409, 410; and Penelope, 5, (edgy relationship) 5; 1.345-61; 17.35-56, 101-6; 18.166-71, 214-42; 21.350-55; 22.424-25; 23.96-103; 376, 420, 430, 434, (her concern for his safety) 4.675-767; 16.409-51; 382, 414, (on her situation regarding remarriage) 1.243-51; 16.73-77, 126-27; 20.320-44; 375, 412, 427-48, (see also under events above); and property, 15.19-26, 87-91; 16.125, 384-92; 19.159-60, 530-34&n17; 409, 414, 423, 425; shyness, 3.21-28; 4.158-60; 379; sneeze as omen, 17.541-47&n4; 418; and suitors, (his hostility and resistance) 1.113-17, 358, 368-404; 2.48-79, 296-336; 16.69-72, 85-89; 17.394-408; 18.405-11; 19.530-34&n17; 20.264-75, 303-44; 375, 376, 377, 417, 422, 425, 427, (makes flattering reference to) 18.65, (tells disguised Odysseus about) 16.91-134; 412, (tells Nestor and Menelaos about) 3.205-15; 4.318-21; 378, 379-80, (their plan to ambush and kill him) 4.625-74, 768-86, 842-47; 5.18-20; 13.425-26; 14.174-84; 15.27-35; 20.241-46; 22.53; 381-83, 406, 407, 409, 427, 431, (see also events and Athene's support above); and Theoklymenos, 15.222-86; 17.52-56, 71-73, 84-98; 410, 415

  Telemos, son of Eurymos, 9.508-12

  Telepylos, 10.82&n1; 23.318; 436

  Temese, 1.184; 478

  Tenedos, xmap; 3.159; 478, 481

  Terpes, son of. See Phemios

  Terror, Rout (Phobos), 8.277n1

  textiles: Athene as patron, 7.110-11; 13.289; 20.72; 405; treatment with oil, 7.107&n1. See also embroidery; spinning; weaving Thebe, Egypt, 4.126-27; 478

  Thebe/ai (Thebes), Boiotia, ixmap; 478-79; building of, 11.262-65&n3; 399; 444, 478-79; expedition of the Seven, 15.247n5; 452; story of Oedipus, 11.271-80&n5; 399

  Themis, 2.68-69; 479

  Theoklymenos, 479; Telemachos gives passage, 15.222-86; 410; interprets omen, 15.508-38; 411; Peiraios' hospitality to, 15.539-46; 17.54-56; 20.372; 411, 428; Telemachos takes home with him, 17.52-56, 71-73, 84-98; 415; assures Penelope of Odysseus' return, 9; 17.151-65; 415-16

  ------. antecedents, 15.222-82; 479; prophecies 15.525-38; 17.151-65; 411, 415-168; 479, (ecstatic) 20.345-72&n2; 428

  Theseus, 11.321-25&n8, 630-31; 400, 401; 479

  Thesprotia, -ans, ixmap; 479; and Eupeithes, father of Antinoos, 16.424-30; 414; in Odysseus' cover stories, 14.314-57; 16.65-67; 19.269-99; Odysseus supposedly in, 14.320-30; 17.526; 19.270-73, 293-99

  Thetis, 4.404n8; 24.46-59, 73-75, 84-92; 436-37; 450, 479-80

  thistledown, 5.328-31

  Thoas, son of Andraimon, 14.499-501; 408

  thoeisin (Sharp Islands), 15.299&n7

  Thon, Egyptian, 4.228

  Thoon, 8.113

  Thoosa, 1.71

  thorn, evergreen, 5.476-81

  Thrace, xmap; 8.361; 390; 480

  Thrasymedes, son of Nestor, 3.39, 414, 442-43, 448-50

  Thrinakie, 7; 11.104-13; 12.127-40, 260-398; 19.275-76; 403-4; 480. See also Helios (cattle, on Thrinakie) thunderbolts, 7.249-50; 12.415-17; 14.305-8; 17.437-38; 23.330-31; 407, 436; 482; composed of meteoric iron, 19.13n1; omens sent by Zeus, 20.97-121; 21.413; 426, 431; 482; Zeus ends fighting on Ithake with, 8; 24.539-40; 440; 482

  Thyestes, 16; 4.517-18; 448, 480

  time displacements. See under chronology Tithonos, 5.1; 449, 480

  Tityos, 7.323-24&n7; 11.576-81; 401; 463, 480, 481

  tombs. See tumuli, burial

  tools, shipbuilding, 5.232-26, 246; 384

  topography, 13.112n4; Egypt, 4.355-57; 473; Ithake, 2; 4.605-8; 9.21-27; 13.95-112&n4, 242-47; 404, 405; Krete, 19.172-81; Odysseus' house, 22.126-28&n1, 143&n2; 431-32; Syria (Aegean island), 15.403-14; underworld, 24.11-13; 436; 456, 481

  trade: attitudes towards merchants, 8.158-64; 389; metals, 1.184; 477, 478; Phoinikians, 15.415-82; 411; Taphians, 1.184; 15.427-28; 411; 477. See also slavery transformations. See appearance, changes in; disguise translation, issues of, 12-13, 20-24

  trees: in orchards, 7.112-21; 24.336-44; 387, 439; for raft-building, 5.238-40; woodland by Kalypso's cave, 5.63-65. See also aspen leaves; olive trees; osiers; palm tree; poplar trees trickery: Athene and, 13.290-302; 405; Kretans, 462; Odysseus, 13.290-302, 331-40; 14.468-502; 19.203&n8; 405-6, 408; 462, 468, 469; Penelope's ruse of web, 4-5; 2.87-110; 19.138-56; 24.125-48; 376, 423, 437; 472; Sisyphos, 476. See also under Autolykos; Hermes; Phoenicia Trinakria (Sicily), 480

  Triphylia, ixmap; 15.295n6

  tripods, 4.129; 13.12-15, 19; 404

  triumph, cry of, 22.407-16; 433

  Trojan War, 480; Achilles' death and burial, 5.308-310; 24.35-97; 436-37; and Agamemnon's honor, 14.70, 116-17; Athene's role, 18-19; 3.135-36, 218-22; 4.289; 5.108&n3; 8.520; 11.547; 447; chronology, 8; Helen as cause, 4.145-46; 11.384n9, 438; 14.68-69; 17.118; 22.226-30; 23.218-24; Odysseus' role, 3.120-29; 4.240-58; 8.517-20; 377, 379; 468, (cover story to Eumaios) 14.235-42, 468-502; 407, (decision to participate) 24.115-19&n3; 437; 471-72, (and Wooden Horse) 5; 4.5n1, 265-89; 8.494-95, 502-3, 517-20; 11.524-25; 379; 481; sack of Troy, 5.108n3; 8.499-520; 391; 467; shades of heroes in Underworld, 11.386-567; 400; 481. See also returns of heroes from Troy; Wooden Horse Trojans, Troy. See Ilion; Troj
an War tumuli, burial: Achilles', 24.79-84&n2; 437; Elpenor's, with oar, 11.77-78; 12.15; 398, 401; importance to warriors, 24.32, 79-84; 436, 437; Menelaos raises in Egypt for Agamemnon, 4.584-85; 381

  Tydeus, son of. See Diomedes Tyndareus, 11.298-99; 24.199; 460, 480

  Tyro, 2.120-21&n2; 11.235-59; 399; 480-81

  Underworld, 481; rivers of, 10.512-15&n5; 397; 441; suitors' souls in, 24.1-204; 436-38; 456; topography, 24.11-13; 436; 456, 481. See also Erebos; Hades ------. Odysseus' journey to, 7; 11.1-640; 398-401; 456, 481; account to Penelope, 23.322-25; 436; Alkinoos' reception of tale, 14; 11.356-76; 443; Kirke's directions, 10.487-574; 397-98; 461; libation, prayers and blood-offering, 10.517-37; 11.24-50, 146-49; 397, 398; 481; Odysseus meets shades, 11.51-633, (heroes of Trojan War) 11.386-567; 24.15-97; 400-401, 436-37, (insubstantiality) 11.204-22, 391-94; 399, 400, (mythical figures) 11.568-626; 401; 466, (old-time heroines) 11.235-332; 399-400; 481, (Teiresias) 11.100-149, (see also under Achilles; Agamemnon; Aias (1); Antikleia; Herakles) universalism of poem, 24-25

  unwinged words, 17.57&n2; 19.29; 21.386; 22.398

  Ursa Major, 5.273-5&n5, 275n6; 384-85; 448

  Ursa Minor, 5.271n5, 275n6

  vegetable beds, 7.126-28; 387

  veil, Ino's magical, 5.346-51, 373, 459-62; 384, 385

  vengeance: new limiting by gods, 8; 13.125-64; 24.539-40; Poseidon's implacable, 11; 469, 474; suitors' families' intentions, 24.419-71, 481-86, 545-48; 439-440

  Venus (planet), 13.94n3

  Vergil; opening of Aeneid, 4

  vineyards, 7.116-26; 24.220-26; 24.340-42; 387, 438

  violence, excessive: in killing of Melanthios, 22.474-77; 465; Neoptolemos', 467; Odysseus', 457-58, 469

  violets, 5.72

  vocabulary, breadth of, 13

  volcanic activity, 463

  vultures: omen of goose and, 17.160-61; 415; similes, (pouncing on other birds) 22.302-6, (robbed of chicks) 16.216-19; 413

  Wagon, the. See Ursa Major walls, city; fitted with palisades, 7.44-45

Homer's Novels