Hecate – one hundred, 16.a; 24.g, k,12; 28.h,4; 31 passim; 34.1; 35.e; 37.1; 38.7; 42.3; 50.6; 55.a,1; 76.1; 79.1; 89.2; 116.c; 117.1; 118.h,5; 123.1; 124.4; 134.1; 152.c; 168.1; 170.t the Younger, 117.b

  Hector – prop, or stay, 158.o,8; 159.o; 162 passim; 163 passim; 164 passim

  Hecuba – see Hecabe

  Hegemone – mastery, 13.3

  Helcius – warty, 118.b

  Helen – moon, or basket used for offerings to the Moon-goddess Helen Dendritis – Helen of the trees, 88.10; 105.4; 114.6 daughter of Leda, 31.c,2; 32.b; 58.3; 62.a, b, c,3; 74.b, o; 79.2; 103 passim; 104 passim; 112.c, e; 114 passim; 116.n; 159 passim; 160 passim; 162 passim; 163.c, o; 164 passim; 166 passim; 167 passim; 168 passim; 169 passim; 170.1 daughter of Paris, 113.e.k; 159.v

  Helenus – of the moon, 158.o, p; 159.p; 162.b; 166 passim; 169.f

  Helicaon – burning sun, 168.b, d

  Helice – willow, 28.5; 44.b,1; 58.3

  Helius – the Sun, 1.3; 16.e; 18.a; 24.g; 28.d; 35.b; 37.a; 40.a; 42 passim; 67.2; 70.e, l; 72.i; 80.b; 88.e; 109.2; 111.e; 118.c; 127.a,1; 132.c, w; 148.3,9,12; 152.b,3; 154.e,4; 155.3; 160.n; 170.i, u,6

  Helle – bright, 38.9,10; 43.1; 58.3; 62.3; 70 passim; 159.2

  Hellen – bright, 38.h,9; 43 passim

  Hemera – day, 40.a,3; 164.i

  Hemithea – half divine, 161.g, h

  Henioche – she who holds the reins, 96.f

  Hen Wen, 96.2

  Hepa, 145.5

  Hepatu, 82.4; 145.5

  Hephaestus – ? hemeraphaestos, he who shines by day, 9.d; 12.c,2,3; 18 passim; 23 passim; 25.b; 35.e; 39.h,10; 41.c; 42.a; 51.c; 92.m,1,4,7; 98.o,5; 108.c; 109.m, q; 128.b; 132.l; 137.o; 143.f; 163.l; 164.l

  Hepit, 145.5

  Hepta, 13.4

  Hera – protectress, 7.a; 12 passim; 13 passim; 14.c; 21.3; 23.a, b; 24.11; 27.a, b,2,5,10; 35.b, d, e; 43.i.4; 54.a; 51.f; 53.3; 58.3; 61.a; 64.2; 68.d,4; 70.b, d, g; 72.6; 84, a; 85.b; 97.4; 105.h,8; 110.a,1; 113.4; 118 passim; 119 passim; 122.b, e; 123.d; 124.a, g; 128.d; 129.b; 132.d, u; 133.a, c, f,4; 135.e; 137.o; 139.b,1,2; 140.d; 145.g, i; 148.d, e,15; 156.d,2,4; 159 passim; 161.k; 163.h Argive, 154.k Eriboea, 37 3 Goat-eating, 140.d,1 Hellotis, 58.3

  Heracles – glory of Hera son of Alcmene, 24.l; 31.5; 35 passim; 39.d,1; 51.g; 53.6; 58.d; 60.4; 68.f; 69.c,3; 70.d; 74.1; 75.3; 93.g; 95.g, h,2; 100.a; 102.b,2; 103.d, e; 104.j; 109.q; 118 passim; 119 passim; 120 passim; 121 passim; 122 passim; 123 passim; 124 passim; 125 passim; 126 passim; 127 passim; 128 passim; 129 passim; 130 passim; 131 passim; 132 passim; 133 passim; 134 passim; 135 passim; 136 passim; 137 passim; 138 passim; 139 passim; 140 passim; 141 passim; 142 passim; 143 passim; 144 passim; 145 passim; 146 passim; 148.i; 149.a, d; 151.4; 152.j,3,4; 153.e; 154.e; 157.a. 161.k, l,6; 166.c,1; 170.p,4,10 Averter of Ills, 137.k Bright-eyed, 134.h Buphagus – ox-eater, 138.h,3 Celestial, 132.3 Cornopion – locust scarer, 145.k the Dactyl, 53.b,1,4; 118.2; 119.3; 125.1; 131.9; 138.l,4; 145.l Dorian, 119.3 Egyptian, 118.2; 135.c the Healer, 148.12 Horsebinder, 121.d,3 Ipoctonus – grub-killer, 145.k,4 Melkarth – protector of the city, 70.5; 96.3,6; 133.11 Melon – of apples; 125.1 Nose-docker, 121.e Ogmius – of the Oghams, 52.4; 119.3; 125.1; 132.3 Ophioctonus – serpent-killing, 145.4 Saviour, 35.3; 103.5; 104.f; 145.4 Scythian, 132.6 Tyrian, or Phoenician, 58.d,5; 128.4; 133.11; 156.2 Victor, 137.k of the Wounded Thigh, 140.1

  Heraclides – sons of Heracles, 117.h; 135.3; 138.n; 146 passim

  Hercele, 118.2

  Hermaphroditus, hermaphrodite, 18.d,8

  Hermes – cairn, or pillar, 1.3; 14 passim; 15.b,1; 17 passim; 21.h; 24.h, j; 25.d,4; 26.b,2; 31.a; 41.f; 52.a,6; 62.b; 67.h; 73.9; 76.2; 93.b; 109.o; 122.g; 132.p,5; 136.a; 159 passim; 170.k Egyptian (son of Zeus), 56.d Infernal, 113.g Ram-bearer, 82.3

  Hermione – pillar-queen, 114 passim; 117.b,2; 159.d, s; 169.g

  Herne, 31.3

  Herophile – dear to Hera, 135.3; 159.g

  Herophilus – dear to Hera, 18.d

  Herse – sprinkled with dew, 25.d,4; 48.1

  Hesione – queen of Asia, 74.7; 81.e; 131.i; 137 passim; 158.l, r,9; 157.p; 160.b, p; 165.d; 168.6

  Hespera – evening, 40.a

  Hespere – evening, 33.d

  Hesperides – nymphs of the West, 4.a,1; 12.b; 33 passim; 39.d; 133 passim; 142.d, h; 154.e; 159.3

  Hesperis – evening, 33.d

  Hesperus – evening star, 33.d,7; 133.2

  Hestia – hearth, 7.a,8; 13.c; 20 passim; 27.k,5; 31.8

  Hesychus – silent, 115.e

  Hezekiah, 111.3

  Hicetaon – suppliant, 158.l

  Hiera – priestess, 160.z

  Hilaeira – shining, 74.c, p

  Hileus- see Oileus

  Himera – longing, 164.i

  Himerus – longing, 125.c,3

  Hippalcimus, Hippalcmus, Hippalcus – horse strength, 110.c; 148.i

  Hippasus – horseman, 27.g,9; 110.c; 144.a

  Hippeus – horse-like, 120.b

  Hippo – mare, 131.c, d

  Hippocoön – horse stable, 74.b; 103.b; 140 passim

  Hippodameia – horse tamer, 73.d, o; 102.c, e,3; 103.a; 109 passim; 110 passim; 143.2

  Hippodamus – horse tamer, 109.c

  Hippolochus – born from a mare, 162.n,9; 163.c

  Hippolyte – of the stampeding horses, 72.4; 100.c, g; 131 passim; 138.c; 164.a, b

  Hippolytus – of the stampeding horses son of Theseus, 42.2; 50.f; 70.2; 71.1; 90.b; 99.a; 100.h,2; 101 passim; 135.c; 169.k giant, 35.g,4

  Hippomedon – lord of horses. 106.d

  Hippomenes – horse might, 80.l; 91.e

  Hipponoë – horse wisdom, 72.g

  Hipponous – horse wisdom, 158.o

  Hippothoë – impetuous mare, 110.c

  Hippothous – impetuous stallion, 49.a, b,1,2; 141.f

  Hipta, 145.5

  Historis – well-informed, 118.g

  Hodites – wayfarer, 142.l

  Holle, Frau, 18.1

  Homadus – hubbub, 126.d

  Hoples – weapon man, 95.a

  Horus, 21.2,3,10; 41.3,4; 42.1; 73.4; 89.2; 118.6; 123.3; 126.1; 138.1

  Hours, 118.c

  Hu Gadarn, 148.5

  Hundred-handed Ones, 3.c; 6.b; 7.e,5,7; 131.2

  Hyacinthides – daughters of Hyacinthus, 91.3

  Hyacinthus – hyacinth, 21.m,8; 85.2; 91.g,3; 125.c; 165.2

  Hyades – rain-makers, or piglets, 27.2; 39.d,1; 41.6

  Hybris – shamelessness, 26.b

  Hydra – water creature, 34 passim; 60.h,4; 124 passim; 131.1; 133.4; 134.8; 145.c; 166.1

  Hygieia – health, 50.i,2

  Hylaeus – of the woods, 80.f; 126.b

  Hylas – of the woods, 24.5; 126.f; 137.e; 139.d; 143.a,1; 148.i; 150 passim

  Hyllus, or Hylleios – ? woodsman, 142.l; 145 passim; 146 passim; 171.4

  Hyperboreans – beyond-the-North-Wind-men, 21.12; 83.b

  Hyperea – being overhead, 95.1

  Hyperenor – overbearing, 58.g,5

  Hyperion – dweller on high, 1.d; 40.a; 41.2; 42.a,1; 154.4; 170 passim

  Hyperippe – heavenly mare, 64.a

  Hypermnestra – excessive wooing, 60.k, m,7

  Hyperochus – excelling, 109.b

  Hypseus – high one, 82.a

  Hypsipyle – of the high gate, 67.2; 106.g,3; 116.b; 149 passim

  Hypsipylon – of the high gate, 67.c,2

  Hyria – beehive, 123.i

  Hyrieus – of the beehives, 41.f

  Hyrmine – ? murmur of the beehives, 38.b

  Hyrtacus (non-Greek word), 158.m

  Iacchus – boisterous shout, 24.a

  Iahu – exalted dove, 1.1

  Ialebion – ? ialemobion, hapless life,132.k

  Ialysa – wailing woman, 42.4; 54.1; 60.2

  Iambe-limping, 24.d,9

  Iao, 2.2

  Iapetus – hurrier, 4.b, c; 39.a,2; 56.d; 87.c

  Iapys – see Iapetus

  Iasion – healing native, 24.a; 158 passim

  Iasius – healer
, 24.a,6; 53.b,1; 143.1

  Iasus – healer, 57.a,1; 80.c, j

  Icadius – eicadios, twentieth, 87.c,3

  Icarius – iocarios, dedicated to the Moon-goddess Car, or of the Icarian Sea the Athenian, 79 passim; 82.f King of Caria, 168.1 father of Penelope, 74.b; 159.b; 160.d; 170.1; 171.l

  Icarus (same meaning as Icarius), 29.2; 92 passim; 109.4; 161.a, b

  Idaea – of Mt Ida, or of a wooded mountain, 150.l; 158.a, g

  Idaeus – of Mt Ida, or of a wooded mountain, 158 passim; 159.v

  Idas – of Mt Ida, 21.k; 74 passim; 80.c, d, l; 103.b,3; 141. f; 148.i; 151.c

  Idmon – knowing, 82.c,1; 148.i; 151.c,2; 161.b

  Idomeneus – ? idmoneus, knowing one, 157.a; 159.a; 160.n,6; 162.t; 163.h; 169.f, l,5; 171.a

  Iliona – queen of Ilium, 188.l

  Illyrius – ? ill-ouros, squinting wild bull, 59.e

  Illyunka, 36.3

  Ilus – troop, or he who forces back (Oileus), 18.f; 108.a; 109.a; 168.2 brother of Erichthonius, 158 passim the Younger, 158.i

  Inachus – ? making strong and sinewy, 16.e; 56.a, d; 57.a,1; 58.2; 60.g

  Indra, 7.6; 132.5

  Ino – she who makes sinewy, 24.3; 27.6; 51.5; 70 passim; 96.6; 156.3; 170.y

  lo – moon, 7.b,3; 14.b,4; 52.a,2; 56 passim; 57.a; 68.4; 72.4; 90.3; 154.c,1

  Iobates – he who goes with the moon, 73.a; 75 passim

  Iocaste – ? io-cassitere, shining moon, 105 passim, 170.o

  Iodama – ? iodamalis, heifer calf of Io, 9.b,6

  Iolaus – the people of the land, or land-boulder, 92.l; 118.2; 122.c, g; 124 passim; 127.d; 131.a; 132.s; 133.11; 135.a; 137.h; 138.d; 139.d; 142.f; 143.g; 145.d, k; 146 passim; 155.i (Protesilaus), 162.c

  Iole – ? ioleis land-flock, 144 passim; 145.a, e,2; 146.d; 171.4

  Ion – land-man, or native, 43.b,1; 44 passim; 47.g

  Ioxus – ? ioxus, of battle din, 96.c

  Iphianassa – mighty queen, 64.a; 72.g, j, k; 112.d

  Iphiboë – strength of oxen, 127.a

  Iphicles – famous might son of Amphitryon, 74.1; 80.c, g, h; 104.i; 118 passim; 119 passim; 122.a; 138.c, d Argonaut, 140.c; 148.i

  Iphiclus – famous might, 72 passim; 162.c

  Iphigeneia – mothering a strong race, 104.e; 112.d, h,1; 113.a; 114.o; 116 passim; 117 passim; 160.j; 161 passim; 162.6

  Iphimedeia – she who strengthens the genitals, 37.a,1; 170.o

  Iphimedon – mighty ruler, 146.c

  Iphinoë – mighty intelligence, 72.g, j,4; 91.e; 92.a; 94.b; 110.e

  Iphitus – shield strength, 135 passim; 136.a; 140.a; 152.i; 171.h brother of Eurystheus, 148.i

  Iris – rainbow, 15.b; 24.g; 81.j; 123.c; 150.j; 160.a; 171.f

  Irus – masculine form of Iris, 171.f

  Isander – impartial, 162.n,9

  Ischepolis – strong city, 110.e.f

  Ischys – strength, 50 passim

  Ishtar, 11.1; 24.11; 29.2; 51.1; 73.7; 103.2; 118.2

  Isis – she who weeps, 18.3; 21.2; 22.7; 41.3; 42.1; 56.b; 68.4; 73.4; 83.2; 89.2; 123.3; 134.4; 138.1

  Ismenius, R. – knowledgeable, 119.g; 147.a

  Itonus – willow-man, 9.b,4

  Itylus – little Itys, 108.g

  Itys – willow, 46.a, c, d; 47.a

  Iuchar, 24.3; 132.5

  Iucharba, 24.3; 132.5

  Ixion – strong native, 50.2; 63 passim; 67.2; 70.a, l; 102.a, f,1,3; 103.e

  lynx – wryneck, 56.a

  Jacob, 39.8; 67.1; 37.2; 92.2

  Janus, 34.3; 37.2

  Japhet, 39.2

  Jason – healer, 58.5; 68.e; 80.c, g; 98.r; 103.2; 129.1; 148 passim; 149 passim; 150 passim; 151 passim; 152 passim; 153 passim; 154 passim; 155 passim; 156 passim; 157 passim; 161.k

  Jehovah, 1.1; 4.3; 9.4; 51.1; 73.7; 83.4; 84.2; 92.9; 141.1

  Jephtha, 161.2; 169.5

  Jonah, 103.2; 137.2

  Jonathan, 169.5

  Jordanes (Semitic word), river of judgement, 136.a

  Joseph, 75.1

  Joshua, 133.i; 169.6

  Juno, 118.2

  Juppiter, 1.4; 118.2; 158.3

  Kali, 56.2

  Karn – son of Car, 95.5

  Ker, 1.5; 57.2

  Keret, 159.2

  Kilhwych, 148.4,5,6; 152.3

  Kingu, 46.2; 39.8

  Krishna, 92.10

  Kumarbi, 6.6; 27.5

  Laban, 67.1

  Labdacus – ? lampadōn aces, help of torches, 105.a,1

  Labicus – girdled, 90.g

  Labryadac – men of the axe, 51.2

  Lacedaemon – lake demon, 125.c,3

  Lachesis – measurer, 10 passim; 42.c; 60.2

  Lacinius-jagged, 132.t

  Lacone – lady of the lake, 125.3

  Ladon – he who embraces, 33.b, f,1; 66.a; 133 passim

  Laelaps – hurricane, 89.f, g, h; 118.b

  Laertes – ant, 67.c; 148.i; 160 passim; 171 passim

  Lahamu, 7.5

  Lahmu, 7.5

  Laidley Worm, 132.6

  Laius – ? lēios, having cattle, 76.c; 105 passim; 110.g.h

  Lamia – gluttonous, or lecherous, 61 passim; 72.4; 135.3

  Lampado – torch, 131.c

  Lampetia – brightness of the year, 42.b; 170.v

  Lampon – beaming, 130.a

  Lampus – torch, 130.1; 158.l

  Lamus – gulper, or glutton, 136.g; 170.h

  Laocoön – very perceptive, 167 passim

  Laodameia – tamer of people nurse of Orestes, 113.a wife of Protesilaus, 162.d, n,8,9

  Laodice – justice of the people, 112.d; 141.g; 158.o; 160.z; 168.d

  Laomedon – ruler of the people, 13.c; 29.1; 81.e; 131.11; 136.g; 137 passim; 141.g; 149.f; 152.d; 153.e, 158.l

  Laonome – law of the people, 138.d

  Laothoë – rushing stone, 158.8; 162.m; 168.l

  Lapiths – ? lapicidae, flint chippers, 102 passim

  Lat,14.a; 21.12; 22.7;62.2; 88.3

  Latinus – Latin, 132.p; 170.k, w

  Latona – queen Lat, 14.2; 62.2; 88.3

  Latromis – wanton, 27.i,8

  Lear, 73.2

  Learchus – ruler of the people, 27.a,2; 70 passim; 162.9

  Leda – lady, 32.2; 62 passim; 74.b.j; 113.4; 159.a; 170.o

  Leiriope – lily face, 85.a,1

  Leontophonus – lion killer, 171.l

  Leonymus – lion name, 164.m

  Leos – lion an Athenian, 97.g, h son of Orpheus, 97.2

  Leprea – scabby, 113.7

  Lepreus – scabby, 74.2; 138.h,2

  Lethe, R. – forgetfulness, 14.b,4

  Leto – ? stone, or lady, 14.a,2; 21 passim; 22.b; 32.2; 62.2; 77 passim; 88.3; 89.a

  Leuce – white, or white poplar, 31.d,5; 134.f

  Leucippe – white mare, 27.g; 141.h; 158.l; 161 passim

  Leucippides – white fillies, 74.c, p,3; 103.b

  Leucippus – white stallion, 21.l,6; 74.b, c; 109.c

  Leucon – white, 70.a, i

  Leucophanes – white appearance, 149.1

  Leucothea – white goddess, 42.c,4; 45.2; 70.h,4,8; 88.9; 170.y,9

  Leucus – white, 162.t; 169.l

  Libya – dripping rain, 56.d,2,3; 58.a,2; 82.b, c; 154.e

  Lichas – sheer cliff, 117.d; 145.b, d

  Licymnius – lichymnios, hymn at winnowing time, 118.b; 140.a; 144.a; 145.d; 146 passim

  Ligys – shrill, 132.k

  Lilim – children of Lilith, 55.1

  Lilith – scritch-owl, 55.1

  Linda – binder with linen thread, 42.4; 54.1; 60.2

  Linos – linen thread, 108.b

  Linus – flax, or flaxen lyre-string of Argos, 147 passim son of Ismenius, 24.5; 119.g,3; 147.a son of Oeagrus, 147.b,4

  Lityerses (non-Greek word), 7.1; 24.5; 136.e

  Llew Llaw, 29.2; 91.1,4; 112.1; 132.5; 160.5; 164.3

  Llyr, 73.2


  Lugh, 132.5

  Lugos, 132.5

Lycaon – deluding wolf son of Pelasgus, 38 passim; 143.c; 162.i,4; 163.c brother of Polydorus, 162.m,1

  Lycastus – fellow citizen of the wolves, 88.h,5

  Lychnus – lamp, 25.1

  Lycomedes – wolf-cunning, 104.g; 160.j, k; 166.h

  Lycotherses – summer wolf, 59.d

  Lyctaea – ? lycotheia, divine she-wolf, 91.g

  Lycurgus – wolf work, 27.e,3; 50.f; 71.1; 106.g; 141.a of Nemea, 149.e

  Lycus – wolf, 76.a; 88.d; 94 passim; 122.c; 131.e, h; 135.e; 151.c; 159.q; 169.k

  Lynceus – sharp-eyed as a lynx, 60. k, m,4,7; 74 passim; 80.c; 103.b, c; 148.i

  Lysianassa – queen who delivers, 133.k

  Lysidice – dispensing with justice, 110.c

  Lysippe – she who lets loose the horses, 72.g, j, k; 131 passim

  Macareus – happy, 43.h,4

  Macaria – blessed, 120.3; 141.1; 142.l; 146.b

  Machaerus – butcher, 169.h

  Machaon – lancet, 50.i; 163.h; 164.a; 165.f; 166.d, i

  Macris – tall, or far off, 27.b,2; 82.e; 146.i; 148.6; 154 passim; 155.h

  Maeander – searching for a man, 169.5

  Maenads – madwomen, 21.6; 26.1,2; 27 passim; 28.d, e, f,2; 41.1; 44.a; 153.4; 160.10

  Maera – glistening, 77 passim; 168.n.1; 170.o.1

  Maeve, 111.1

  Magnes – Magnesian, 147.b,4

  Maia – grandmother, 17.a, c

  Malis – whitish, 136.g

  Maneros, 1.1; 136.e; 147.1

  Mante – prophetess, 77.a

  Manthu, 39.8

  Manto – prophetess, 107.c, i; 169.c

  Maraphius – ? marathrius, of the fennel, 159.d

  Marathon – ? marathron, fennel, 94.b; 104, c; 156.b,4

  Marathus – fennel, 104.c,3

  Marduk, 1.1; 4.5; 7.5; 35.5; 71.1; 73.7; 92.3; 103.1,2; 137.2; 170.5

  Mariamne, 131.3; 151.3

  Marian, 131.3; 162.10

  Marienna – high fruitful mother of heaven, 131.3; 151.3

  Marmaranax – marble king, 109.4

  Marmax – marmaranex, marble king, 109.e,8

  Maro – ? maris, a liquid measure of three pints, 170 passim

  Marpesia – snatcher, 131.c, d

  Marpessa – snatcher, 21.k,7; 74.a, e,3

  Mars, 27.12; 158.4

  Marsyas – ? from marnamai, battler, 21.e, f,5; 83.g

  Mecisteus – greatest, 148.i; 160.r

  Meda – cunning, 143.b; 162.t; 169.l

  Medea – cunning, 67.d; 92.m,8; 95 passim; 97 passim; 98.a; 135.e; 148.6; 152 passim; 153 passim; 154 passim; 155 passim; 156 passim; 157 passim; 160.a; 164.o

  Medeius – cunning, 148.2 alias Polyxemus, 156.e; 157.a, b

  Medon – ruler, 117.b; 160.q; 161.i; 163.h; 171.i

  Medus – cunning, 97.c