Medusa – cunning, 9.a; 33.b,3,4; 50.e; 73 passim; 75.3; 132.l,4; 134.c

  Megaera – grudge, 6.a; 31.g; 115.2

  Megamede – great cunning, 120.b

  Megapenthes – great grief, 73.q, s; 117.c; 159.d

  Megara – oracular cave, 122 passim; 135.a, e

  Megareus – of the oracular cave, 91.e; 94.e; 110.d.f

  Megarus – cave, or cleft of rock, 38.e

  Megera – passing lovely, 122.a

  Melaenis – black one, 18.4

  Melampus – black foot, 40.b; 68.f; 72 passim; 126.e; 148.i

  Melaneus – black one, 14.a,1; 144.b

  Melanion – black native Atalanta’s husband, 80.k, l,4 son of Phrixus, 151.f

  Melanippe – black mare, 43.c,2; 100.2; 131.e, g; 164.a

  Melanippus – black stallion, 72.5; 96.c; 106.b, j,4

  Melanius – black, 135.a

  Melantheus, or Melanthus – with blossoms, or swarthy, 171.d, i

  Melas – black, 144.a

  Meleager – guinea fowl, 45.a; 74.a, i; 80 passim; 134.c; 141.d; 142.a,1; 148.i; 152.i; 155.i; 162.d

  Melia – ash-tree, 57.a,1

  Meliae – ash-nymphs, 6.4; 32.3; 86.2

  Meliboëa – sweet cry, 77.b

  Melicertes – melicretes, sweet power, 42.c; 67.1; 70 passim; 71.a,4; 90.7; 92.7; 96.d,3; 109.5; 110.2; 122.2; 156.2,3,

  Melisseus – honey-man, 7.3

  Melite – attention, 95.a; 146.i

  Melkarth, 72.3; 92.7; 122.2; 156.2

  Memnon – resolute, 91.5; 162.g,2; 164 passim

  Menedemus – withstanding the people, 127.d

  Menelaus – might of the people, 31.a; 74.k; 93.c; 111.f, j; 112 passim; 114 passim; 116.n,2; 117.c,5; 146.6; 159 passim; 160 passim; 161.d; 162 passim; 163 passim; 165 passim; 166 passim; 167 passim; 168 passim; 169 passim; 171.a

  Menestheus – divine strength, 99.e; 104 passim; 131.11; 157.a; 160.o,3; 168.e; 169.n

  Menja, 154.1

  Menodice – right of might, 143.a

  Menoeceus – strength of the house, 105.i,4; 106.j; 121.a

  Menoetes – defying fate, 132.d,4; 134.d,1

  Menoetius – defying fate, or ruined strength, 39.a, c,11; 130.c; 134.d; 145.k; 160.m

  Menos – moon, 52.1

  Mentor – ? menetos, patient, 146.c

  Meriones – share of payment, 160.n

  Mermerus – care-laden, 156.e, f

  Merope – eloquent, or bee-eater, 41.a, b; 67.a, h, j,4; 92.a; 108.f

  Merops – eloquent, or bee-eater, 108c; 158.m, n

  Mestor – counsellor, 162.j

  Metaneira – she who lives among maidens, 24.d, e,5

  Metapontus – oversea, 43.e, g

  Metharme – change, 65.a,1

  Metiadusa – distressingly full of counsel, 94.b

  Metion – deliberator, 94 passim

  Metis – counsel, 1.d; 4.a; 7.d; 9 passim; 86.1

  Metope – metopedon, headlong, or metapon, forefront, 66.a; 154.a,1; 158.o

  Mettus Curtius, 105.4

  Michael, 4.3; 92.9

  Midas – mita, seed, 21.h; 83 passim

  Midea – medeia, cunning, 118.b

  Miletus – ? milteias, painted with red ochre, 21.i; 88.b,2,4

  Mimas – mimicry, 35.e,4

  Minos – ? meinos osia, the moon’s creature son of Lycastus, 88.5 son of Zeus, 29.3; 30.1; 31.b; 58.c; 66.i,4; 87.2; 88 passim; 89 passim; 90 passim; 91 passim; 92 passim; 98 passim; 110.d, h; 129.a; 136.e; 160.n; 167.2; 169.6; 170.p

  Minotaur – Minos bull, 88.e, f; 91.4; 98 passim; 129.a

  Minthe – mint, 31.d,6

  Minyas – moon-man, 27.g; 70.9; 148.j,8; 154.12

  Mitra, 7.6; 132.5

  Mnemon-mindful, 161.h

  Mnemosyne – memory, 13.a

  Mnesimache – mindful of battle, 127.f; 138.c

  Moera – share, or fate, 98.8

  Moerae – see Fates

  Molione – queen of the moly, or warrior, 138.a, f,6

  Moliones – warriors, 138 passim, 139.e, f

  Molionides – sons of the warrior queen, 138.b

  Moloch, 70.5; 77.2; 92.7; 110.2; 170.3

  Molorchus – tree-planter, 123.d, f, h

  Molpadia – death song, 100.e, f

  Molpus – melody, 161.g

  Molus – toil of war, 138.a; 160.n

  Mopsus – ? moschos, calf the Lapith, 51.g,8; 73.i; 78.b; 89.2; 107.i; 131.o,5; 148.i; 149.h; 154.f,6 grandson of Teiresias, 154.6; 169 passim

  Morning Star – see Phosphorus

  Moses, 88.6; 99.1; 105.1

  Mot, 73.2

  Mother of the Gods, 131.n,4; 136.f; 158.e

  Moxus, 89.2

  Mummi, 36.2

  Munippus – solitary stallion, 159.g,4,5; 168.d

  Munitus – single shield, 168.e

  Musaeus – of the Muses, 134.a

  Muses – mountain-goddesses, 13.a,4; 17.3; 21.f, o; 28.e, f; 37.c,1; 59.b; 75.b; 81.l; 82.e; 95.c; 105.e, z; 126.g; 132.o; 147.c; 154.d,3; 161.4; 164.l; 170.q

  Mygdon – ? amygdalon, almond, 131.e

  Myles – mill, 125.c

  Myndon – dumb, 136.f

  Mynes – excuse, 162.j

  Myrine – sea-goddess, 131 passim; 149.1; 151.3

  Myrmex – ant, 66.g,2; 81.9

  Myrmidon – ant, 66.g

  Myrtilus – myrtle, 71.b; 109 passim; 111.c

  Myrtle-nymphs, 82.c, d,2

  Myrto, Myrtea, Myrtoessa – sea-goddess, 109.l,6

  Myscelus – ? little mouse, 132.t

  Naiads – water-nymphs, 60.b; 82 passim; 111.g

  Narcaeus – benumbing, 110.b,1

  Narcissus – benumbing, or narcotic, 21.8; 26.d; 85 passim

  Naucrate – ship mistress, 92.d,5

  Naupiadame – pursuer of ships, 127.a

  Nauplius – navigator, 60.o; 93.c; 111.f; 112.f, h; 141.c; 148.i; 160.c, d; 162.t; 169 passim

  Nausicaa – burner of ships, 170.z,1; 171.2,3,5

  Nausinous – cunning sailor, 170.w

  Nausitheus – in the service of the sea-goddess, 98.f, m

  Nausithous – impetuous sailor son of Odysseus, 170.w King of Phaeacians, 146.i

  Neaera – the younger, 141.a, b

  Nebrophonus – death of a kid, 149.c

  Necessity, 10.c

  Neis – water-nymph, 64.a

  Neith, 8.1; 39.2; 61.1; 73.6; 114.4; 131.3; 133.10; 141.1; 154.5;

  Neleus – ruthless, 7.3; 67.j,3; 68.d, e, f,3; 72.b; 77.b; 94.c; 135.c; 138.b, m; 139 passim; 140.a; 148.11

  Nemea, of the glade, 123.c

  Nemesis – due enactment, or divine vengeance, 4.a; 7.3; 16.6; 32 passim; 62 passim

  Neoptolemus – new war, 81.s, t; 117.b; 161.e; 164.j; 165.i; 166 passim; 167 passim; 168 passim; 169 passim; 170.p; 171.j

  Nephalion – sober, 131.e

  Nephele – cloud, 63.d; 70 passim; 126.b

  Nephthys, 31.3; 42.1; 123.3; 138.1

  Nereids – the wet ones, 4.b; 33 passim; 73.j; 81.l,1; 98.j; 154.k; 164.l

  Nereis – wet one, 16.1; 33.2

  Nereus – wet one, 33.a, g,2; 133.d, e,5; 141.f

  Nergal, 1.3

  Nessus – ? neossus, young bird or animal, 126.d; 142 passim; 145 passim

  Nestor – ? neostoreus, newly speaking, 27.5; 67.j; 68.f; 74.k; 80.c, g; 102.c; 135.c; 139 passim; 160 passim; 164.e; 165.a; 166.i; 169 passim

  Ngame, 39.11

  Niamh of the Golden Hair, 83.6

  Nicippe – conquering mare, 24.b; 110.c; 118.d

  Nicostrate – victorious army, 132.0

  Nicostratus – victorious army, 117.c; 159.d

  Night, 2.b,2; 4.a; 10.a; 33.7; 137.o

  Nile, R. – 133.k

  Ninib, 1.3

  Niobe – snowy, 1.3; 76.c; 77 passim; 108.b, g, i,1,9; 118.f

  Nisus – brightness, or emigrant, 67.1; 91 passim; 92.4; 94.c, d, e; 95.5; 110.d son of Hyrtacus, 158.m

  Noah, 27.6; 38.3; 39.2; 123.1; 154.12

  Nomia – grazer, 17.

  Nomius – guardian of the flocks, 82.d

  Norax – ? norops, with face too bright to look at, 132.d,5

  Norns, Three, 6.4

  North Wind – see Boreas

  Nycteus – of the night, 76.a; 154.a

  Nyctimus – of the night, 38.b; 108.c

  Nysa-lame, 27.b

  Oceanus – of the swift queen, 1.d; 2.a,1 4.a; 11.b; 32.4; 132.a, c; 136.c; 170.8

  Ocypete – swift wing, 150.j

  Odin, 6.4; 35.4; 150.j

  Odysseus – angry, 67.c,2; 123.2; 132.p; 154.d,11; 159 passim; 160 passim; 161 passim; 162 passim; 163 passim; 164 passim; 165 passim; 166 passim; 167 passim; 168 passim; 169 passim; 170 passim; 171 passim

  Oeagrus – oea-agrios, of the wild sorb-apple, 28.a,1; 147.b.4

  Oeax – ship’s helm, 111.f; 112.h; 114.b, 116.1; 117.a; 162.t

  Oebalides – ? sons of the threshold, 84.1

  Oebalus – ? from oebalia, speckled sheepskin, or from oecobalos, threshold of the house, 67.4; 74.a, b

  Oedipus – swell-foot, or perhaps child of the swelling wave, 67.1; 105 passim; 106.b,2; 114.1; 163.p

  Oeneis – vinous, 26.b,2

  Oeneus – vinous, 79.a; 80 passim; 106.b; 112.a; 138.c; 142 passim; 159.h; 169.k

  Oeno – of wine, 160.u

  Oenomaus – impetuous with wine, 53.7; 71.1; 109 passim; 116.5; 143.2

  Oenone – queen of wine, 159 passim; 160.w; 166.e

  Oenope – wine face, 91.e

  Oenopion – wine in plenty,27.i,8; 41 passim; 79.a; 88.h; 98.o,1,2; 123.4

  Oeonus – solitary bird of omen, 140.a

  Oetolinus – doomed Linus, 147.a,1

  Ogier le Damois, 103.1

  Ogma Sunface, 52.4; 132.3,6

  Oicles – noble bird, 137.h, j, m

  Oileus, or Hileus – gracious (early form of llus), 148.i; 151.f; 160.q

  Oisin, 83.6

  Olus – ? olesypnos, destroyer of sleep, 136.c

  Olwen, 148.4,5

  Omphale – navel, 108.a,9; 131.j; 134.6; 135.d; 136 passim; 137.a

  Oncë – pear-tree, 74.6

  Oncus – hook, 16.f; 24.d; 138.g

  Oneaea – serviceable, 87.a

  Onn, 42.4

  Opheltes – benefactor, or wound round by a serpent, 106.g, h,3; 123.f,5

  Ophion – native snake, 1.a, b, c,2; 2.1; 25.5; 48.1; 62.3

  Opis – awe, 41.d,4; 110.e

  Orchomenus – strength of the battle rank, 111.g

  Orcus – boar, 123.2

  Oreithyia – she who rages on the mountains, 25.2; 47.b, c; 48.a, b,1,3,4; 100 passim; 103.4; 160.a

  Orestes – mountaineer, 85.1; 112.d, g,1; 113 passim; 114 passim; 115 passim; 116 passim; 117 passim; 160.z; 169 passim

  Orestheus – dedicated to the Mountain-goddess, 38.h,7; 114.k

  Oreus – of the mountain, 126.b

  Orion – dweller on the mountain, 40.b; 41 passim; 50.f; 123.1,4; 132.1; 143.a; 170.p

  Orneus – orneon, bird. 94 passim

  Ornis – bird, 128.d

  Ornytion – bird-man 46.5; 67.a; 81.b

  Orpheus – ? ophruoeis, of the river bank, 26.2; 28 passim; 53.a; 82.i; 83.a; 97.h; 103.1; 147.b,5,6; 148.i; 149.a; 150.a; 151.a; 153.4; 154.d, g

  Orseis – she who stirs up, 43.a

  Orsiloche – inducing childbirth, 116.d

  Orthaea – upright, 91.g

  Orthrus – early, 34 passim; 105.e; 123.b,1; 132.a, d,3,4

  Osiris, 7.1; 18.3,7; 36.1; 38.11; 41.3; 42.1; 73.4; 83.2,3; 116.b,6; 123.3; 126.1; 133.8; 134.2,4; 138.1

  Othrias – ? impulsive, 158.m

  Otionia – with the car-flaps, 47.b, d,2

  Otrere – nimble, 131.b; 164.a

  Otus – he who pushes back, 37 passim

  Oxylus – ? oxylalus, quick to seize, 146.k

  Pactolus, R. – ? assuring destruction, 108.b

  Paeonius – deliverer from evil, 53.b

  Pagasus – he who holds fast, 51.b

  Palaemon – wrestler, 70.h; 87.1; 122 passim; 148.i

  Palamedes – ancient wisdom, 9.5; 17.h; 39.8; 52.a,6; 111.f; 112.f; 116.1; 160 passim; 161 passim; 162 passim; 167.f; 168.1

  Pallantids – sons of Pallas, 99.3; 105.7

  Pallas – maiden, or youth Giant, 9 passim; 35.e,3; 89.c,4 son of Lycaon, 99.a son of Pandion, 94.c, d; 95.e; 97.g; 99.a; 158.b half-brother of Theseus, 99.a Titan, 8.3 daughter of Triton, 8 passim; 21.5; 158.i

  Pammon – pammaen, full moon, 158.o

  Pan – pasture, 76.e,10; 17.j,4; 21.c, h,5; 22.d; 26 passim; 36.c; 56.a,2; 108.h; 111.c; 136.i, j; 160.10; 171.l,2

  Pancratis – all strength, 37.1

  Pandareus – he who flays all, 24.b,4; 108 passim

  Pandarus – he who flays all, 163.c

  Pandion – [priest of the] All-Zeus festival, 46.a, b; 47.a; 94 passim; 114.l

  Pandora – all-giving wife of Epimetheus, 4.3; 39.h, j,8; 169.3 daughter of Erechtheus, 47.b, d,2

  Pandorus – all-giving, 94 passim

  Pandrosos – all-dewy, 25.d

  Panopeus – all-viewing, or full moon, 89.i; 98.n; 167.b

  Panthous-all-impetuous, 158.m; 163.j

  Paphus – foam, 65.a

  Paria – ancient one, 89.4

  Pariae – ancient ones, 90.6

  Paris (or Alexander) – wallet, 105.5; 112.e; 131.11; 158.0; 159 passim; 160 passim; 162 passim; 163 passim; 164 passim; 166 passim; 169.1

  Parnasus – ? from paluno, scatterer, 38.f

  Parthenia – maiden, 109.e

  Parthenopaeus – son of a pierced maidenhead, 80.l; 106.d; 141.d, f

  Parthenope – maiden face, 141.c

  Pasht, 36.2

  Pasiphaë – she who shines for all, 16.2; 21.k; 51.h,5; 88 passim; 89.c, e,4,5; 90 passim; 91.2; 92.d, g,12; 98.c, p; 101.d; 129.a; 167.2

  Pasithca Cale – goddess beautiful to all 13.3; 105.h

  Passalus – gag, 136.c

  Patroclus – glory of the father, 159.a; 160 passim; 163 passim; 164 passim; 168.6

  Pedasus – bounder, 162.l; 163.m

  Pegasus – of the wells, 33.b,4; 67.4; 73.h; 75 passim

  Peirithous – he who turns around, 78.b; 80.c; 95.2; 100.b; 101.c; 102 passim; 103 passim; 104.e,1; 113.3; 126.2; 132.1; 134.d; 159.s; 168.e

  Pelagon – of the sea, 58.f

  Pelasgus – ancient, or seafarer, 1.d,5; 38.a; 57.a,1; 77.1

  Peleus – muddy, 16.b,1; 29.1; 66.f; 70.2; 80.c, g; 81 passim; 131.a; 137.h; 148.i; 155.i; 159.e; 160 passim; 169.f

  Pelias – black and blue, 47.c; 68 passim; 69.a; 71.a; 82.a; 138.m; 148 passim; 152.3; 155 passim

  Pelopia, eia – muddy face, 111 passim

  Pelops – muddy face, 42.2; 53.7; 71.b; 77.a, d; 95.b; 108 passim; 109 passim; 110 passim; 111.a; 113.n; 117.f,5; 118.a; 131.h; 138.i, l, m,4; 143.2; 158.k; 166.h,1,2; 169.6 son of Agamemnon, 112.h

  Pelorus – monstrous serpent, 58.g,5

  Pemon – misery, 96.b

  Pemphredo – wasp, 33.c,5

  Pemptus – fifth, 164.n,6

  Peneius, R. – of the thread,21.k,6; 82.a

  Peneleos – baneful lion, 148.i; 160.x

  Penelope – with a web over her face, or striped duck, 26.b,2; 159.b; 160 passim; 162.10; 171 passim

  Penthesileia – forcing men to mourn, 163.q; 164 passim

  Pentheus – grief, 27.f,5,9; 59.c, d

  Penthilus – assuager of grief, 87.c; 117.b, g

  Perdix – partridge, 92.b,1,6

  Peredur, 142.3; 148.5

  Pereus – slave dealer, 141.a

  Pergamus – citadel, 169.f

  Periboea – surrounded by cattle, 81.e; 98.i, k; 105.c, d, j; 110.e; 137.i; 160.p (Curissia), 167.i

  Periclymenus – very famous, 139.c,1; 148.i

  Perieres – ? surrounded by entrenchments, 47 passim; 144.b

  Perigune – much cornland, 96.c,2,4

  Perilaus – surrounded by his people, 114.m

  Perimede – very cunning, 118.b; 148.b

  Perimedes –
very cunning, 134.i; 146.c

  Periopis – with much wealth, 160.m

  Periphetes – notorious, 96.a,1; 163.h

  Pero – leather bag, 66.a,1; 72 passim; 170.o

  Perse – destruction, 170.i

  Perseis – destroyer, 88.e,6

  Persephatta – she who tells of destruction, or destructive dove, 24.2

  Persephone – bringer of destruction, 13.a; 14.b,4; 16.f; 18.h, i, j; 24.c, k, l,2; 27.a, k,10,11; 30.a; 31 passim; 51.7; 67.h; 69.d,3; 85.1; 94.f; 101.i; 103.c, d,3; 108.c; 121.3; 124.b,4; 134.d; 149.s; 170.l,6

  Perses – destroyer, 157.b

  Perseus – destroyer, 9.a; 27.j,5; 33.b; 39.d; 73 passim; 111.a; 118.a, d, e,1, 5; 137.2

  Peteos – ? peteenos, feathered, 104.d

  Phaea – shining one, 96.2,5

  Phaeax – bright arrival, 98.f, m

  Phaedra – bright one, 70.2; 90.a, b,1; 100.h,2; 101 passim; 103.a; 164.a; 170.o

  Phaeo – chin, 27.2

  Phaestus – made to shine, 145.k

  Phaesyle – ? filtered light, 27.2

  Phaëthon – shining son of Eos, 89.d,9 son of Helius, 2.b; 28.5; 29.1; 42.d,2,3; 71.1; 75.3; 89.9

  Phaethon (bull) – shining, 127.c

  Phacthusa – bright being, 109.f

  Phaetusa – bright being, 42.b

  Phalanthus – bald, 87.c,2

  Phalas – shining helmet-ridge, 164 passim

  Phalerus – patched, or streaked with white, 119.f; 131.11; 148.i

  Phanes – revealer, 2.b,2; 123.1

  Phanus – torch, 148.i

  Pharez, 73.2; 159.4

  Phegeus – esculent oak, 107.e, f, g

  Pheidippus – sparing his horses, 169.n

  Phemius – famous, 171.i

  Phereboea – she who brings cattle, 98.i, k

  Phereclus – bringing glory, 98.f; 159.q

  Pheres – bearer, 148.f; 156.e, f

  Phialo – bowl, 141.i,4

  Philaeus – ? philaemos, bloodthirsty, 165.l

  Philammon – lover of the racecourse, 67.b

  Philemon – friendly slinger, 41.5

  Philoctetes – love of possessions, 92.10; 145 passim; 159.a; 166 passim; 169.m, n

  Philoetius – happy doom, 171.i

  Philolaus – beloved of the people, 131.e

  Philomela – sweet melody, 46 passim; 47.a; 94.1; 95.a

  Philomele – sweet melody, 160.m

  Philomeleides – dear to the apple-nymphs, 161.f,3

  Philonoë – kindly mind, 75.e

  Philyra – lime-tree, 151.g,5

  Phimachus – muzzler of pain, 166.b

  Phineis – sea-eagle, 87.c,2

  Phineus – ? pheneus, sea-eagle, 48.c; 58.a, d; 150 passim; 151.a, f; 153.a; 158.g

  Phlegyas – fiery, 50.a, d; 63.a

  Phlogius – fiery, 151.d