Phobus – fear, 18.a; 100.d

  Phocus – seal, 46.5; 76.b, c; 81 passim; 165.k

  Phoebe – bright moon, 1.d; 14.a,2; 51.b; 74.c, p

  Phoenissa – bloody one, 58.2

  Phoenix – palm-tree, or blood-red, 18.h; 58.a, d,2; 88.b,2; 105.6 son of Amyntor, 160.l, n,5; 163.f; 166.h; 169.f

  Phoenodamas – restrainer of slaughter, 137.b, g,3

  Pholus – read, 126 passim; 138.1

  Phorbas – fearful, 146.h; 148.i; 170.t

  Phorcids – sow’s children, 33 passim

  Phorcis – sow, 24.7; 33.5

  Phorcys – boar, 16.b; 33 passim; 73.t; 123.2; 133.b; 170.q, t, z,1,7,9

  Phormio – seaman’s plaited cloak, 74.l

  Phoroneus – bringer of a price, or fearinus, of the Spring, 27.12; 28.1; 42.3; 50.1; 52.a,1,4; 57 passim; 64.c; 77.1; 118.5; 134.1

  Phosphorus – Morning Star, 40.b,2; 45.a

  Phrasius – speaker, 133.k

  Phrixus – bristling, or stiff with horror, 70 passim; 148 passim; 151.f; 152.b,3; 153.3; 155.2; 157.d

  Phronsis – care, 15 1.f

  Phthia – waning, 21.i; 160.l

  Phylacus – guardian, 72 passim

  Phylas – guard, 143.b

  Phyleus – tribal chief, 127 passim; 138.g; 142.e

  Phylius – leafy, 82.4; 123.i,1

  Phyllis – leafy the Bisaltian, 169 passim the Thracian, 86 passim; 169.j

  Phylonome – tribal pasture, 70.2; 161.g

  Physcoa – fat paunch, 110.b

  Phytalids – the growers, 98.x,8

  Phytalus – orchard-keeper, 24.m,13; 97.a

  Picus – woodpecker, 56.2

  Pielus – plump, 169.f

  Pieris – juicy, 159.d

  Pimplea – she who fills, 136.j

  Piram, 159.4

  Pitthea – pine-goddess, 95.1

  Pittheus – pine-god, 95 passim; 101.a; 110.c

  Pityocamptes – pine-bender, 96.b,2,6

  Pitys – fir, 26.e,2

  Plciades – sailing ones, or flock of doves, 39.d; 41.e,6; 45.3,4; 67.j,5; III.e

  Pleione – sailing queen, 41.e; 45.4

  Pleisthenes – strength in sailing, or greatest strength, 93.c; 110.c; 111.f, g; 159.d, s; 163.a

  Plexippus – braided horse-hair, 80.h

  Pluto – wealth alias Hades, 24.5; 31.g mother of Tantalus, 108.a

  Plutus – wealth, 24.a,5,6; 142.d; 143.1

  Podaleirius – without lilies where he treads, i.e. discouraging death, 50.i; 165.f; 166.d; 169.c, d

  Podarces – bear-foot, 137.k; 153.e; 158.l

  Podarge – bright foot, 81.m

  Podargus – bright foot, 130.a,1

  Podes – ? podiaios, only a foot high, 162.l

  Pocas – grazier, 92.10; 145.f,2; 148.i; 154.h; 166.c

  Poene – punishment, 147.a,3

  Poliporthis – sacker of many cities, 171.k,3

  Polites – citizen, 158.o; 168.a

  Poltys – porridge, 131.i

  Polybus – many oxen, 105.b, c, d, j

  Polybutes – rich in oxen, 35.f

  Polycaon – much burning, 74.n

  Polycaste – ? polycassiterë, much tin, 92 passim

  Polydectes – much welcoming 73.c, d, e, o, s

  Polydeuces – much sweet wine, 62.c,1; 74 passim; 80.c; 84.1; 103.a,3; 148.i; 150 passim; 155.i

  Polydora – many gifts, 74.a; 162.d

  Polydorus – many gifts son of Hecabe, 158.o; 168.l son of Laothoë, 162.m; 168 passim

  Polycidus – shape-shifter, 75.b; 90 passim; 141.h

  Polygonus – with many children, 131.i

  Polymede – many-wiled, 148.b

  Polymela – many songs, 81.f, g

  Polymele – many songs, 148.b; 155.a; 160.m

  Polymnestor – mindful of many things, 168.l, m, n

  Polyneices – much strife, 69.1; 74.i; 105.k; 106 passim; 107.d; 160.w

  Polypemon – much misery, 96.b, k

  Polypheides – exceedingly thrifty, 112.a

  Polypheme – famous, 148.b

  Polyphemus – famous Argonaut, 148.i; 150 passim Cyclops, 170 passim

  Polyphontes – murderer of many, 105.d

  Polypoetes – maker of many things, 171.k

  Polyxena – many guests, 69.2; 158.o; 163.a, o; 164.k,3; 168 passim

  Polyxenus – many guests, 97.f

  Polyxo – much itching, 88.10; 114.0; 149.b

  Porces – ? phorces, fate, 167.i

  Porphyrion – dark-blue moon-man, 35.d,3

  Porthaon – plunderer, 170.q

  Portheus – sacker, 167.m

  Poscidon – potidan, he who gives to drink from the wooded mountain, 7 passim; 9.c; 13.c; 16 passim; 18.d; 19.2; 25.b,1; 27.9; 22.b,4; 39.b,7; 43.i; 47.d, e,3; 49.a, b; 54.a; 56.b; 60.g; 66.i; 68.c,2; 70.l; 73.h, j; 75.d; 78.a; 88.b, e, f; 90.7; 95.b, d, f; 97.1; 98.i; 99.f; 101.f; 104.k,2; 108.i; 127.2; 133.g; 137.a; 137.b, e,1; 150.i; 158.l; 162.f; 163.h; 164.l; 167.h, i,4; 168.f; 169.l,1; 170 passim; 171.k Erechthcus, 47.4

  Post-vorta, 154.3

  Potidan, 127.2

  Potniac – powerful ones, 71.2

  Pramanthu, 39.8

  Prax – doer, 164.p

  Praxithea – active goddess, 47.b; 97.h,2

  Presbon – right of inheritance, 70.m

  Priam – redeemed, 112.e; 131.d,11; 137.k, l; 141.g; 153.e; 158 passim; 159 passim; 160 passim; 161 passim; 162 passim; 163 passim; 164 passim; 166 passim; 167 passim; 168 passim

  Priapus – pruner of the pear-tree, 15.1; 18.e, k,2; 20.b,1

  Priolas – ? from priein, to grate out, and olola, I am ruined, 131.h

  Procleia – challenger, 161.f, g

  Procles – challenger, 146.k

  Procne – progonë, the elder, 46 passim; 47.a; 94.1; 95.a

  Procnis – progonë, the elder, 47.b

  Procris – preference wife of Cephalus, 89 passim; 170.o Thespiad, 120.b

  Procrustes – stretchcr-out, 96.k,6

  Proctus – first man, 69.1; 72 passim; 73 passim; 75.a, e; 81.8; 93.1; 118.g; 126.e; 138.6

  Promachus – champion, 132.r; 155.a

  Prometheus – forethought, or swastika, 4.b, c,3; 38.c; 39 passim; 57.a; 92.9; 126.c; 133 passim; 152.g

  Pronomus – forager, 145.i

  Proserpina – fearful one, 24.2

  Prosymne – addressed with hymns, 124.b,4

  Prote – first, 42.d

  Protesilaus – first to rush into battle, 74.a; 162 passim; 163.i; 169.n

  Protcus – first man, 27.b,7; 33.2; 82 passim; 90.7; 112.0; 131.i,6; 133.5; 159.u, v; 169.a,7

  Protogenus Phaëthon – first-born shiner, 2.b,2

  Protogonia – first-born, 47.b, d,2

  Pryderi, 27.9

  Prylis – dance in armour, 167.a

  Psamathe – sandy shore, 81.a, p,1; 147.a,1

  Psophis – uproar, 132.r

  Psylla – flea, 109.d

  Pteleon – elm grove, or boar-like, 89.c, e, j,5

  Pterelas – launcher of feathers, 89 passim

  Pterelaus – feathered riddance, 89.i,7; 91.1; 118.a, c; 119.c

  Pwyll, 27.9

  Pygmalion – shaggy fist, 65 passim

  Pylades – ? pylades, gate of Hades, 113 passim; 114 passim; 116 passim; 117 passim

  Pylaemenes – strength of the pass, 168.b

  Pylas – gate, 94.c

  Pylenor – on the threshold of man-hood, 126.e

  Pylia – of the gate, 94.c

  Pylius, or Pelius – of the gate, 104.e; 134.a; 166.b

  Pylon – gate, 94.c

  Pyraechmus – point of flame, 122.b,2; 163.i

  Pyrene-fiery reins, 132.j; 133.d

  Pyrrha – fiery red, 38 passim (see also Cercysera)

  Pyrrhus (later Neoptolemus) – fiery red, 160.j

  Python – serpent, 14.a,2; 21.a, b,2,3, 12; 32.a; 36.1; 51.b; 58.5; 96.6

  Pyttius – ? inquirer, 138.a

  Queen of the May, 26.4

  Queens, 138.o,4
r />
  Q’re, 1.5; 57.2; 82.6; 95.5

  Ra, 41.3; 42.4; 117.1

  Rahab, 33.2

  Rama, 135.1

  Rarus – abortive child, or womb, 24.m,8

  Recaranus – see Trigaranus, 132.n

  Remus, 68.3; 80.2

  Rhacius – ragged, 107.i

  Rhadamanthys – ? rhabdomantis, he who divines with a wand, 31.6; 58.c; 66.i,4; 88 passim; 119.g; 146.f

  Rhaecus – breaker, 80.f

  Rhea – earth, 1.d; 2.b,2;7 passim; 12.a; 13.a,2; 16.f; 24.k; 27.a, e,7,12; 30.a,3; 39.8; 47.2; 53.a, c,2; 54.a; 86.2; 91.3; 108.a, h,7; 149.h,3,4; 151.g; 164.6; 169.j,3 Rhea Silvia, 68.3

  Rhene – ewe,160.q

  Rhesus – breaker, 163.g

  Rhexenor – manly deeds, 95.a

  Rhiannon, 27.9; 154.3

  Rhode – rhodea, rosy, 16.b,1; 42.c, d

  Rhodus – rose, 18.d

  Rhoeo – pomegranate, 160.t,7

  Rigantona – great queen, 26.9

  Rimmon, 27.10

  Robin Hood, 119.4; 162.10

  Romulus, 21.13; 68.3; 80.2; 105.1,5

  Sabazius – breaker in pieces, 7.1; 27.3,7,9

  Sagaris, R. – single-edged sword, 136.f

  Salamis – ? eastern, 81.d

  Salmoneus – beloved of the Goddess Salma, 64.c; 67.e, i,3; 68 passim

  Samas, 1.3

  Samson, 82.4; 83.3; 91.1.5; 110.2; 145.4; 154.i; 164.3

  Sangarius, R. – fit for canoes, 158.o

  Sarah, 169.6

  Saranyu, 16.6

  Sarpedon – rejoicing in a wooden ark uncle of Glaucus, 162.9 brother of Minos, 58.c; 88 passim; 94.f; 131.1 son of Zeus, 162.n,9; 163.i, j; 164.h

  Saturn, 7.1

  Satyraea – of the satyrs, 87.2

  Saul, 169.5

  Saurus – lizard, 126.b

  Scamander, R. – crooked man, 68.2; 137.n,3; 163.l son of Deimachus, 137.n, t; 158.a, g, l,6,9

  Scarphe – black hellebore, 148.b

  Schoeneus – of the rush basket, 80.l,4

  Schoenus – of the rush basket, 111.p

  Sciron – of the parasol, 23.1; 70.h,7; 81.a; 94.e; 96 passim; 110.c

  Scorpion-men, 41.3

  Scotia – dark one, 18.4

  Scylla – she who rends daughter of Nisus, 91 passim; 92.4; 168.1 daughter of Phorcys, 16.b,2; 61.a; 90.7; 148.1,9; 154.11; 170.t,1,9

  Scyrius – stony, 94.c

  Scythes – Aeolic for scyphes, goblet, 119.5; 132.v

  Seasons, 11.a; 12.a,4; 13.a, e

  Selene – moon, 1,3; 14.5; 26.e,4; 35.b; 42.a; 62.3; 54.a, b; 67.6; 74.3; 123 passim

  Semele – moon, 14.c,5; 27.k,2,6,11; 28.4; 124.b,4; 134.g,4

  Set, 18.3; 21.2; 36.1; 41.4; 42.1; 73.4; 83.2; 89.2; 123.3; 133.8; 138.1

  Sheol, 24.11


  Sicalus – silent, 135.e

  Sicyon – cucumber, 94.b

  Sidero – starry, 68.b, d,2,4

  Silenus – moon-man, 17.2,4; 27.b; 35.h; 83 passim; 126.b,3

  Sillus – jeerer, 136.c

  Simoeis – snub-nosed, 158.g

  Sin, 1.3

  Sinis – robber, 96 passim; 97.a

  Sinon – plunderer the Greek spy, 167 passim son of Sisyphus, 67.a

  Sinope – moon-face, 151.d

  Sipylus, 108.g; 131.o

  Sirens – those who bind with a cord, or those who wither, 126.d,3; 128.1; 148.1,9; 154.d,3; 169.4; 170 passim Names Aglaope – beautiful face Aglaophonos – beautiful voice Leucosia – white being Ligeia – shrill Molpe – music Parthenope – maiden face Peisinoë – persuading the mind Raidne – improvement Teles – perfect Thelxepeia – soothing words Thelxiope – persuasive face

  Sirius – Dog-star (see Orthrus), 31.7; 34.3; 37.2; 82.f,3; 132.3

  Sisyphus – ? se-sophos, very wise, 41.e;67 passim; 68.b,2; 70.h,9; 71.b; 75.a,3; 96.d; 105.7; 108.2; 155.i; 156.d; 160.c; 170.p

  Sita, 135.1

  Sleep, 4.a; 118.c; 137.o; 163.j

  Smyrna – myrrh, 18.h,5,6; 77.2; 131.3; 160.g

  Solemn Ones – (see Erinnyes), 105.k; 115 passim; 117.i

  Soloön – egg-shaped weight, 100.b,2

  Solyma, 75.4

  Som, 118.2

  Sophax – ? sophanax, wise king, 133.i

  Sosipolis – saviour of the state, 138.o,4

  Spermo – of the seed, 160.u

  Sphaerus – boxer, or ball, 95.d; 109.i

  Sphinx – throttler, 34.a,3; 82.6; 105 passim; 106.1; 119.e; 121.3; 123.1

  Spites, 15.1; 39.j

  Staphylus – bunch of grapcs,27.i,8; 88.h; 148.i; 160.t,7

  Sterope – stubborn face, or lightning, 109.c; 170.q

  Steropes – lightning, 3.b,2; 22.d

  Sthcino – strong, 33.b,3

  Stheneboea – strength of cattle, 72.g,4; 73.a; 75.a

  Sthenele – strong light, 160.m

  Sthenelus – strong forcer back son of Capeneus, 160.r 162.t; 167.c father of Eurysthcus, 111.b; 112.a; 118.a, d of Paros, 131.e

  Stheno – strong, 73.f, h

  Stichius – marshal, 135.e

  Strophius – twisted head-band, 113.b, i, j; 114.e the Second, 117.b

  Strymo – harsh, 158.l

  Strymon – harsh, 163.g

  Stygian Nymphs, 73.g,9

  Stymphalus – ? priapic member, 66.h; 109.n,7; 128.d; 141.c

  Styx – hated, 13.a; 31.4; 37.d

  Susannah, 164.2

  Sylea – plunderer, 99.b

  Syleus – plunderer, 136.e

  Syrian Goddess, 62.a,3; 98.7

  Syrinx – reed, 26.e

  Talos – ? sufferer bronze man, 23.1; 90.7 pupil of Daedalus, 12.c,3; 92 passim; 154 passim; 161.7

  Talthybius – tzalthybius stormy life, 161.d

  Tammuz, or Thamus, 18.6,7; 24.11; 26.5; 27.10; 91.4

  Tanais, R. – long, 131.b

  Tantalus – lurching, or most wretched, 77.c 105.7; 108 passim; 109.a,1,7; 111.4; 125.3; 136.b; 158.6; 170.p son of Brotcas, 108.k the Second, 111.g; 112.c, h; (see Talos), 92.c,1

  Taphius – of the tomb, 110.c

  Taras – troubler, 87.2

  Taraxippus – horse-scarer, 71.b,3

  Tartarus (Cretan word) – ? far west, 4.a; 15.a; 36.a; 103 passim; 134 passim

  Tauropolus – bull slayer, 27.i,8

  Taurus – bull, 58.4; 88.7; 92.7; 98.p,2; 99.f

  Taygete – ? tanygennetos, long-checked, 125.c,1,3

  Tecmessa – ? from tecmairesthai, she who ordains, or judges, 162.m,9; 165 passim

  Tectamus – craftsman, 88.a,1

  Tecton – carpenter, 159.q

  Tegcates – roof-man, 88.h

  Tegyrius – beehive coverer, 47.c,1

  Teiresias – he who delights in signs, 25.g; 77.a; 85.a; 105.h, i, j,5,8; 106.j; 107.b, i; 119.e,2; 154.6; 170 passim; 171.3

  Telamon – he who suffers, supports, or dares; also baldric, i.e. supporting strap, 66.e, i; 80.c, g; 81 passim; 108.4; 131.a; 137 passim; 158.r; 160.p; 165 passim; 168.6

  Telchines – enchanted, or Tyrrhenians, 42.c; 54 passim; 60.2; 146.4

  Telebus – from telbomai, ill-treater, 118.f

  Telecleia – distant fame, 158.o

  Teledamus – far-tamer, 112.h

  Telegonus – last-born son of Odysseus, 170.k; 171 passim son of Proteus, 56.b; 131.i

  Telemachus – decisive battle, 160.f,4; 171 passim

  Telephassa – far shiner, 58.a, e,2

  Telephus – suckled by a doe, 141 passimi; 160.w, z; 166.i; 168.d

  Temenus – precinct, 12.a; 128.d; 146.k

  Tenes – strip, or tendon, 70.2; 161 passim

  Terambus, 38.11

  Tereus – watcher, 46 passim

  Tcrmcrus – ? termios, destined end, 119.j

  Terminus, 158.3

  Terpsichore – rejoicing in the dance, 170.q

  Tesup, 42.1,4; 66.1; 75.3; 93.1; 170.3

  Tethys – disposer, 1.d; 2.a,1; 11.b,2; 33.2;? 66.1

  Teucer – teucter, artisan, 81.e; 137.l; 15
8.9; 159.a; 160.p; 164.m; 165 passim

  Teumessian Vixen, 89.h,8; 116.4; 118.5

  Teutamides – son of him who repeats himself, 73.p

  Teutamus – repeating himself, 164.d

  Teutarus – continual practice, 119.f,5

  Teuthras – ? of the cuttlefish, 141 passim

  Thalia – festive, 21.i,5; 105.5

  Thallo – sprouting, 13.2

  Thamyris – thick-set, 21.m; 29.3; 110.h; 147.b

  Thasius – the Thasian, 133.k

  Thasus – ? from thasso, idler, 58.a, d,1

  Thaumacus – wonder worker, 148.i

  Thaumas – wonderful, 33.g,2

  Thea – divine, 43.c

  Theagenes – religiously born, 146.j

  Theano – goddess, 43.e, f; 164.l; 168 passim

  Thebe – admirable, 66.b; 76.c

  Theia – divine, 1.d; 40.a; 42.a; 88.b; 136.c

  Theias – diviner, 18.h

  Theiodamas – divine tamer, 143.a, b,1; 150.b

  Theiomenes – divine strength, 143.a

  Theisadie – ? from theiazomenai, oracularly inspired, 159.s

  Themis – order Nymph, 132.o Titanes, 1.d; 11.a; 13.a,2; 16.b; 38.d; 51.b; 81.j; 95.c,1; 101.j; 159.e

  Themiste, oracular, 158.l

  Themisto – oracular, 70.i, j, k,3

  Theobule – divine counsel, 109.f

  Theoclymenus – famous as a god, 136.b

  Theogone – child of the gods, 136.b

  Theonoë – divine intelligence, 161 passim

  Theope – divine face, 97.h,2

  Theophane – appearance of the goddess, 70.l

  Thersander – encourager of men, 107.a, d; 160.w, x

  Thersites – son of courage, 164 passim

  Theseus – he who lays down, or deposits, 49.b; 80.c, g; 88.f; 90.b; 95 passim; 96 passim; 97 passim; 98 passim; 99 passim; 100 passim; 101 passim; 102 passim; 103 passim; 104 passim; 105.7; 106.l, m; 113.3; 117.3; 129.b; 131.a, g,4,11; 132.1; 134.a, d,2,7; 135.e; 146 passim

  Thespius – divinely-sounding, 120 passim; 122.d; 142.f

  Thesprotus – first ordainer, 111.h, i

  Thessalus – ? dark prayer, 137.r son of Medea, 156.e, f

  Thestius – devotee of the Goddess Hestia, 74.b; 120.a,1; 148.i

  Thestor – ? from theiazein, inspirer, 161 passim

  Thetis – disposer, 11.2; 13.c,1; 16.b,1; 23.a,1; 27.e; 29.1; 23.a,2; 43.c; 81 passim; 98.j,11; 108.5; 124.3,4; 154.k,11; 157.a; 159.e; 160 passim; 161.h; 162.b; 163.b, l; 164 passim; 165.a; 168.f; 169.7; 170.v

  Thoas – impetuous, or nimble King of Calydon, 167, c; 171.l Giant, 35.g the Lemnian, 27.i,6; 88.h; 98.o,12; 116 passim; 149.b companion of Theseus, 100.b; 106.g the Younger, 149.c

  Thomas the Rhymer, 170.2 .

  Thoösa – impetuous being, 158.l; 170.b

  Thoth, 17.2; 36.2; 52.6; 82.3; 128.4; 133.3; 162.6