Page 27 of Loving Lies

  “Well, I think you’re going to like part two anyway.” Her grin was almost too bright, and her eyes were a little glassy as she lifted up onto her toes. Realizing she’d done that toe-lift thing before at the hospital when she’d been nervous, he blinked, wondering what would make her nervous. “Because you’re the first boyfriend I ever had, and—wait. It is okay to call you my boyfriend, right?”

  He blinked. Had she really just asked that? “Yeah. Yes. My God, Tess. I hope so.” Because he’d been feeling pretty proprietary of her. She was his now, and he wasn’t sharing her with anyone.

  Her bright grin returned. “Great. So…as your girlfriend, I want this birthday to be special. Better than special.”

  Oh, Jesus. She wasn’t thinking to do what he was beginning to think she was going to do. Because the very idea—remote as it was—that she might possibly want to give him birthday sex thrilled, excited, and downright scared the shit out of him.

  “But it’s already—”

  “You’re not seriously going to decline this, are you?” Her big blue eyes pleaded, and suddenly she looked as scared at he felt. “It’s the most important one yet.”

  He gulped loudly and caved. “Of course I won’t. I’m just saying—”

  “Great.” She clapped with joy and bounded to him, holding out her hand. “Come along then. We’re going to have to leave the apartment for it.”

  Jonah couldn’t help but grin back as he pushed to his feet and took her hand, looking forward to his most important birthday present yet. His nerves eased a little as well, thinking if she had to take him somewhere to give him his gift, it must be a physical object and not her virginity.

  “Is it a pony?” he couldn’t help but ask.

  Tess laughed and swept herself against him for a hug. “Better.”

  “Better? What’s better than a pony?” He kissed her hair, inhaling the soothing, familiar scent of her shampoo, thinking he knew exactly what would be a million times better than a pony. When his hormones stirred, he tried to convince himself he wasn’t disappointed it wasn’t sex after all. But damn, he was a guy, and once sex entered his head, it didn’t want to leave.

  Tess pulled back from their hug just enough to grin up at him. “Let’s find out, shall we?”

  They walked to his truck hand in hand. He could become addicted to handholding. As he paused at the passenger side of his truck, he lifted her knuckles to his mouth for a quick appreciative kiss before he opened her door for her. And he loved that she was so short; it gave him the perfect excuse to grasp her waist and lift her up into the cab so she didn’t have to try to crawl in by way of the running board.

  She gasped from the unexpected boost but grinned back at him once she was nestled in her seat. “Thanks.”

  He winked and shut the door.

  “So, where to?” he asked, once he was behind the wheel and had the engine started.

  “We need to get to four twenty-four East—” She paused a moment, opening her mammoth purse and pulling out a scrap of paper. She unfolded it and turned it up-right to read. “—Poplar Street. Do you know how to get there?”

  Jonah squinted at her. “What’s at four twenty-four East Poplar Street?”

  This time, she was the one to wink at him. “Why don’t you drive us there and find out?”

  He rolled his eyes but had to bite his lip to keep from grinning. “Okay, four twenty-four East Poplar Street it is, then.”

  Ten minutes later, he strained forward in his seat to read the numbers on the businesses on East Poplar Street. When he came to a fairly fancy hotel with a beveled glass atrium and brick-laid circle drive curling around to the front door, he glanced over at her. “A hotel?”

  Oh, shit. Now the thought of sex was never going to leave his head.

  Tess bobbed her head, smiling uncontrollably as she pulled a key card from her purse and flashed it at him. “We’re in room two twenty-five. It has a Jacuzzi, fifty-inch television, and a king-sized bed. Won’t it just be awesome to sleep in a real bed that’s larger than two feet wide? I’m so excited.”

  “You—” His mouth went dry, and his hands froze to ice chips. With his heart thumping madly in his chest, he pulled into the parking lot. Once he had the engine off, he turned to face her fully. “Tess…”

  What if she only wanted to rent a real bed for him to sleep in for the night, while he was over here with all his dirty, presumptuous thoughts?

  “And the best part,” she went on as if she had no clue he was about to have a nervous breakdown. “I bought a new bra and panties I think you’ll like.” When she tugged down the side of her jeans to show off a peek of pale blue silk fringed with black lace, he croaked out a whimper, his mouth falling open.

  “Plus…these.” When she pulled a box of condoms from her purse, he blanked out for a second.

  But it was all…everything was just too…fuck. He didn’t know how to process this. He’d wanted to go slow with Tess, give her time to adjust and possibly even back out of their relationship once her reason caught up with her, because, seriously, soon she was going to realize being with him was awful.

  Except, with the only woman he’d been daydreaming about lately offering herself to him, saying no seemed impossible.

  “So…” She let go of her waistband, and her shirt fell back down over her jeans. When he still hadn’t responded, she bit her lip. “Why do you look like you’re going to throw up?”

  He could only shake his head. “I think I just experienced my first taste of performance anxiety. But, Jesus, Tess.” He looked at the hotel and back to her. “This is big. This is huge. Are you sure—”

  “I am so sure, it’s not even funny. So, please, please don’t say no. My confidence will plummet, and I’ll probably never have the nerve to do something like this again if you turn me down tonight.”

  After a speech like that, there was no way he’d be able to turn her down. But he was too moved to speak immediately. No one had ever done anything like this for him before.

  No doubt taking his non-answer for hesitation, Tess clicked off her seatbelt and crawled toward him. “I just want to make this the best birthday you’ve ever had.”

  When she cupped his face, he gave a shaky laugh. “It was already the best.”

  She kissed him, a simple press of her lips against his. Surging into her, he sank his fingers in her hair and opened his mouth, trying to show her how much all this meant to him.

  But it wasn’t enough, would never be enough. “I love you,” he said as one long drugging kiss bled into the next. “I love you so much. It’s crazy to love someone this much, but you’re just…you’re…Jesus.” He crushed his mouth back to hers. He was better at showing than telling.

  When Tess broke off to laugh breathlessly, she curled her fingers around his neck and pressed her cheek to his. “I love you too. And it is crazy, but it’s still amazing.”

  “Crazy amazing,” he agreed, caressing her soft cheek with his beard.

  She hummed out her pleasure and ran her fingers over his facial hair. “Have I told you how much I like this?” she asked, slipping her fingers up his beard and into his hair. “And this new length you’re growing this out to. It’s rugged and sexy and…” She shivered. “Maybe we should go inside, and I’ll show you just how much it turns me on.”

  He came a little in his pants, but her words were just that powerful. Kicking open his door, he dashed around his truck with a one-legged hop, putting weight on his bad leg every two or three steps. Once again, she didn’t wait inside the cab for him to come around and open her door but met him at the edge of the curb.

  “You left your cane in the truck,” she immediately noticed.

  He took her hand and nearly dragged her into the first entrance he saw. “Later.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  THEY UNDRESSED NEXT TO the king-sized bed, facing each other. It started out as a race, Jonah ripping his shirt over his head, Tess kicking off her shoes, and both of them laughing at t
heir eagerness.

  But when he realized he was rushing through one of the best parts, he paused, his hands hesitating on his fly. She seemed to understand because she slowed her pace too, dragging out the process with the most seductive moves he’d ever seen. She brought her shirt up and tugged it over her head. There was second when the hem caught on the swell of her breasts, and he had to hold his breath until the cloth popped free, showing off the pale silk and black lace cups hugging her perfect breasts and making them bounce.

  “Lord have mercy,” he murmured, forgetting what he was doing so he could just stare.

  “Hey, don’t stop.” Scolding playfully, she motioned to his hand stalled out at the top button of his pants. “You were just getting to the best part.”

  He shook his head. “This entire night is the best part.” But he freed the button to please her and drew the zipper down with the least amount of haste he could manage.

  Her eyes grew a little glazed as she watched. When she unconsciously licked her lips, he hit a snag because he swelled even larger. With a wince, he pulled the tab down and let his erection fill the gap.

  Tess’s mouth dropped open. “Oh…my…God. You’re not wearing underwear.”

  Jonah shook his head, giving her a slow smile. When his girlfriend shuddered from pleasure, he was suddenly grateful he was nearly two weeks behind on laundry and had had no clean boxers today.

  She stepped toward him, her gaze fixed on his swollen dick. He tensed from the anticipation, impatient for her touch. When she reached out, he had to hold his breath.

  “You painted your nails again,” he noticed, doubly turned on by the flash of bright red polish highlighting the tips of her fingers. Imaging them on him was—Shit, he didn’t have to imagine anymore. He could only gape as he stared down, watching her envelop him with her tight, warm grip.

  “God, you are so hot,” he choked out. Swooping in, he kissed her hard and thoroughly.

  She backed toward the bed, literally leading him by his erection. He growled against her mouth and picked her up by the hips to lower her onto the mattress as he followed her down, covering her completely.

  “I just can’t stop touching you,” she admitting, trailing her fingers from his neck, down his chest, pausing every few inches to kiss the warm flesh she stroked.

  “Ditto.” He started at her hips and worked across her smooth, flat belly.

  Cupping her breasts, he took a hard peak into his mouth, coaxing her to cry out and arch her back. After licking and sucking on one, he moved over to roll the other nipple with his tongue and bit her lightly.

  She was so responsive. She grabbed fistfuls of his hair and writhed under him. And that was it; he had to feel her. Running his free hand down her hips while he cupped her breast with the other, he grinned against her nipple when she lifted up her hips as soon as he trailed his fingers across her abdomen and toward their destination. Burying his digits in soft red curls, he held his breath and slid two fingers in the warm, wet hollow of her womanhood.

  “Jonah,” she breathed. The caress of his own name on his ears did him in. He abandoned her breast to kiss his way down her ribcage, across her abdomen and into those curls. His tongue found her most intimate nub and batted it gently. But her response was anything but gentle. She cried out her pleasure and nearly yanked him bald.

  Growling against her, he licked her harder and moved his fingers faster.

  Under him, she mewed and twisted and begged. Her breaths came in rapid bursts that made him match his pace with each pant. He didn’t mean to rush, but he was sucked into her pleasure. The insistent thrust of his fingers and swirl of his tongue had her coming way too soon. Not that he was complaining, but it made him want to go even faster and forget about savoring every second.

  “Here,” Tess said.

  He glanced up to find her holding a condom. He stared at it—when had she pulled the box from her purse? He transferred his gaze to her.

  How could she look so sure of herself when he was all torn up inside—nervous, and scared, and as excited as he was afraid. What if she regretted it as soon as it was over? That was not something he could handle.

  “Aren’t you scared?” he asked, hoping she didn’t see his own worries lingering in his gaze.

  She bit her lip and then smiled softly, cupping his cheek. “I’m not exactly sure what to expect, but there’s no one I trust this with more.”

  He closed his eyes. When he opened then and blew out a breath, she finally appeared concerned. “Why? Are you scared?”

  “Only shitless.” His laugh was shaky, almost as shaky as his hands as he took a piece of her hair and wound it around his fingers.

  Concern wrinkled her brow. “Is…is this your first time too?”

  He shook his head. “It is with you, and that’s all that matters.” Pressing his brow to hers, he leaned in to nip a quick kiss to her lips. “I want it to be amazing for you, Tess.”

  She smiled and closed her eyes. “It already is.”

  He took the condom from her and put it on. She sat up to watch curiously.

  “You are too cute, you know that?” Kissing her, he stretched her back and positioned himself above her, settling most of his weight on his right side and lowering his hips to rest his body against hers.

  When she pulled in a breath, he kissed her cheek. “You doing okay?”

  Bobbing her head immediately, she swallowed loudly. “I’m doing great.”

  So brave, though he could sense her apprehension beginning. He interlaced their fingers before drawing her knuckles to his mouth and kissing them, then let his hardness press against her opening so she could get used to him.

  “The first time I saw you in the hospital when I didn’t have my memory back yet and I had no idea who you were.” He paused until she lifted her face and he knew she was listening. “I thought you were an angel. The light from the hall made your hair glow in this almost halo effect, and I wanted to touch it so bad, just to see if it was real.”

  Smiling softly, he leaned in to kiss her hair. “And when you said you were my girlfriend, the idea was so thrilling I could barely believe it. I couldn’t imagine how someone who looked so angelic and beautiful could be mine. What amazing thing have I done to deserve you?” Closing his eyes, he rocked an inch inside her.

  Tess gasped under him. Her nails dug into his back as he paused to let her adjust some more.

  “Oh, my God, Jonah,” she sobbed. “You don’t even…You have it all wrong. I’m the one who doesn’t deserve you.”

  “Impossible,” he countered, and this time when he began to push deeper, he didn’t stop. He knew it had to hurt her, but it felt so damn erotic to him, and when her nails gouged his back, it was the best pain he’d ever experienced.

  “I love you,” she whispered, burying her face in his neck as she clung to him.

  “I love you more.”

  When he moved again, she moved with him, wrapping her legs around his waist and shifting her hips to meet his next plunge.

  “Does it hurt?” he asked, his voice strained as he tried to keep it slow and easy. He’d never been with a virgin and had no idea how bad the pain was or how long it lasted.

  “It’s…different,” she managed to answer. Then she met his gaze with wide eyes. “How the hell do strangers do this with each other? It’s so…intimate.”

  “Not always,” he admitted. He’d never felt this bonded to any other girl while he was inside her before. But mentioning the fact he’d been inside anyone else to Tess at this moment seemed sacrilegious, so he leaned in close and whispered into her ear. “It’s only like this when you’re with someone important.”

  With his next thrust, Tess ground her heels into his spine and gave a surprised yelp. “Oh!”

  He froze solid. “What? Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

  “No, no. Not at all. That actually felt good. I just wasn’t expecting…I mean, from stinging to feeling uncomfortable to actually feeling…Oh, wow. Do that again.”

  “What? This?” He shifted angles and slid deeper with a sure, solid plunge.

  She arched her head back and moaned.

  “You are so…beautiful.” Focusing on nothing but her pleasure, he pumped her again with nearly similar results. Discovering her sweet spot, he took advantage and made sure to hit it with every thrust he made.

  Her nails dug deeper into his back, and he gnashed his teeth because he wanted to come so bad, but not until—

  “Jonah,” she gasped, gaping at him from wide, surprised eyes. “Jone…Jo…” When she fell apart under him, that was it. He pushed into her one last time and found his own release within the bonds of hers.

  Unlike Bailey, Tess was usually a solid sleeper. But for some reason, she stirred when the mattress shifted beside her at some point during the night. Vaguely aware of Jonah leaving the bed, the hush of his bare feet shuffling an uneven hobble across the floor, she roused even more. But she didn’t fully waken until a small stream of light flickered on inside the bathroom and moved across the walls, alternating between red and white.

  Smiling because he was using the gift Bailey had given him, she sat up and shoved unruly hair out of her face. The blankets pooled around her waist, brushing cool air across her bare shoulders. It had to be the first time in her life she didn’t feel completely self-conscious to be without a stitch of clothing. After what she’d just experienced with Jonah, she was still feeling as beautiful as he’d insisted she was.

  A sniff came from inside the bathroom. The flashlight’s beam shifted slightly, and she frowned, pushing the covers the rest of the way off. When she stepped on a piece of clothing in the dark as she tiptoed forward, she paused to pat around the floor until she discovered she’d stepped on Jonah’s shirt. Quickly slipping it on over her head, she finished making her way to the bathroom. Afraid to find him upset for any reason, she clutched the frame and cautiously peered around the corner.