Page 10 of Rose

  * * *

  “Yourdoingwhatwithwho?” Lia’s words come out garbled as she gapes at me. I’d filled her in on my weekend as we sat sipping a cup of coffee in my new office. We’d been reviewing existing employee files today and are sitting in the small seating area in the corner.

  “Um—Max and I have decided to pursue a relationship. You know, a little bam bam,” I joke, trying to keep the mood light. Lia doesn’t expect serious from me when talking about men, thank God.

  “But you’ve been avoiding each other like a scalding case of herpes,” she murmurs, causing me to burst out laughing. That’s totally something I can hear myself saying. I think I’m finally rubbing off on her.

  “You know I’ve been hot for the man since the moment I laid eyes on him wearing one of those sexy suits. If I spend more than five minutes in his company, I need a panty change. He’s just that gorgeous, and if you could feel the size of what he’s packing between those muscular thighs.” I make a big production of fanning myself. “Chick, when the chance presented itself, I jumped all over it—and him.” Oh, how I wish that were true.

  Lia’s eyes are round as saucers as I continue to tick off Max’s many considerable attributes. It’s scary how I’m not even pretending. He’s everything I’m saying and more. Finally, she holds up her hand and halts me when I circle back to the size of his cock. “Hey, I know,” she snaps her fingers to make sure I’m listening, “let’s go out to dinner together.” She’s practically bouncing in her seat now, which is cute for someone who is usually more reserved. God, when did my best friend turn into me? “Anna has already said that anytime Lucian and I want an evening out alone, she’d be happy to babysit Lara.” Grabbing her cell phone, she says, “I’m going to text Luc right now and tell him to arrange it with Max. Her fingers are flying over her phone while she talks. I see her hit the send button and then she freezes. “Oh crap, has Max told Lucian about you two? If not, I just totally betrayed your confidence.” She’s wringing her hands now and the devil in me wants to let her sweat a little, but I just can’t do it. Not after all she’s been through in the last year. Torture her with talk of Max’s dick size, hell yeah, but I can’t accuse her of being a bad friend. I don’t have it in me. Not for this girl.

  “Cool your jets, sister,” I say dryly. “If your hubby doesn’t know by now, he will soon. Max was going to tell him this morning, so it’s all good.” Lia visibly sags in her seat, clearly relieved to be out of loose-lips prison. I give her another moment to relax before I say idly, “So are we talking a swap kind of date or what? I know we can’t do it at your place with the whole baby thing happening there, but I’m sure Max would be willing to host. Are you and Luc all caught up on your STD checks?” I smack my lips dramatically while her mouth drops to the floor. “I’ve wanted a go at Mr. Quinn forever.” I throw my arms around her and pull her against me. “You might be the best friend I’ve ever had!”

  Silence … complete and utter silence fills the room as she remains ramrod stiff against me for all of a minute before she dissolves into a fit of laughter. “You ass! You really had me going there for a while. I swear I could almost picture the whole thing playing out. You’re such a pervert!”

  We both continue to giggle like teenage girls. I’m fanning myself before it’s over and hoping that no one is close enough to my new office to overhear our conversation. Just in case, though, I lower my voice for one last zinger before we get to work. “I was kidding, but admit it, you’re curious about what my chief counsel is packing under those suits, aren’t ya? And trust me, it’s—”

  She claps a hand over my mouth as her face turns an adorable shade of red. We both let the topic of penises drop while we get to work. We’ve been at it for a few hours when there is a knock on the door and Lia’s father Lee Jacks strolls in. Holy hot daddy. I’m not lying when I tell Lia that her father is a stud. As if sensing my thoughts, she turns to me and shakes her head. “Don’t go there,” she whisper-hisses before turning back to Lee.

  I let myself be drawn into their discussion and feel warmth invade me as they both express their pleasure at having me on board. For one of the few times in my life, I feel as if I belong. I’m part of something that my father can’t take away from me. I’ve only felt like this one other time and that was this morning standing within the circle of Max’s arms as he vowed to save me. For years, I’ve felt as if I had nowhere to go in life and nothing to gain. I’ve existed as would an expensive, well-maintained figurine. Shone to ensure its beauty but voiceless to ensure its silence. Alone. Now, I fear that I have everything to lose, and I pray I’m finally strong enough to stand against those who would take great pleasure in seeing me fail. How could the man who raised me so easily discard me, throw me literally out onto the streets? How could he? In contrast, Lee Jacks has done everything possible to be included in his daughter’s life, to shower her with love despite not knowing of her existence for so many years. My father probably doesn’t understand that the cost of his victory could well be my life. And a part of me has to wonder if he would care either way.



  I haven’t been on a double date since high school, but it appears I’m doing it tonight. Lia had messaged Lucian during our meeting this morning, and since he rarely says no to his wife, the deed was as good as done. Truthfully, I think the bastard was vastly amused at the prospect of seeing me squirm for an evening. I also believe it’s a big possibility that he and Lia want to observe how Rose and I are as a couple. I’m not sure why it was such a surprise to either of them. I might have no intentions of acting on it, but there is no denying the chemistry that crackles when I’m with her. Even Luc had noticed it.

  After Rose was so upset over her clothing this morning, I’m wary of what will happen this evening, so I hurry through my own dressing. I slip into a pair of dress pants and a button-up shirt but leave off the tie. We’re going to Leo’s for dinner. The Italian restaurant is a favorite of mine as well as Luc’s.

  Rose’s door is open when I reach it, and I quickly take in the room, not seeing any sign of her. I note with some relief that the bathroom light appears to be off. Then I spot a glow coming from beneath the walk-in closet door. My gut clenches as I move quickly toward it. I push it slowly open and hiss audibly. She’s standing there in a lacy black bra, tiny matching panties, and thigh-high stockings. Her back is to me and I am having a hell of a time tearing my eyes from her tight ass. My hands clench as I fight the urge to touch her. I clear my throat but still my voice is husky as I ask, “Need some help picking an outfit?” Without waiting for her reply, I step around her and peruse the row of clothing hanging there. When I spot a short, black sheath dress, I pull it from the hanger and put it in her hands. A quick glance shows her eyes fixed straight ahead and beads of sweat dotting her forehead. Oh, baby, where are you? I think as she seems oblivious to my presence.

  I’m not sure what comes over me, but I know at that moment that I need to do something to shock her back to the present and force whatever thoughts are filling her head to flee. I cup her head gently in my hand and lower my lips to hers. I lick the seam of her mouth, coaxing her to let me in. She’s still for a moment then suddenly her breath flutters out as her lips part. I waste no time thrusting into the nectar waiting there. When I feel her tongue seek entrance into my mouth, I’m lost. I lower my hands to her ass and pull her snugly against my hard length. “Max,” she whimpers as I knead her flesh.

  “I’m right here, sweetheart,” I groan as I trail kisses down the slender length of her neck. Before I can think better of it, I sink my teeth into the tender skin of her shoulder and feel a shudder wrack her slender frame. “What are you doing to me?” I ask, not really expecting an answer. I lower one side of her bra and feel weak in the knees when her raspberry nipple pops free. Fucking hell, has anything ever looked sweeter? Just a taste, I promise myself as I palm a perfect handful before sucking the taut peak into my mouth. Her fingers sink into my hair, pulling me closer
as I nip and suck her into a sensual frenzy. My other hand is slipping across the supple skin of her stomach, and well on its way to the apex of her thighs when the music begins playing nearby. The song is so out of place that I pause, trying to decipher what’s going on. “What the hell?” I grumble as I look around.

  Rose leans her forehead against my chest as she giggles. The sound is so carefree that I’m instantly captivated, regardless of the raging hard-on that is threatening to punch through my slacks. “I … set an alert earlier,” she wheezes out.

  I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date. I’m late …

  I stand still, listening, and then I begin to chuckle as well. The song from Alice in Wonderland—“I’m Late”—is the tone that she chose. Raising a brow, I say, “Only you would think of that.” As I pull back to put some space between us, I can’t miss the irony that yet again, I’ve been cock-blocked in my own home. Either some higher power is trying to save me or serve up death via blue balls. To distract myself from the painful issue in my pants, I hold the dress up that had fallen to the floor during our embrace and help her into it. Having all of her major parts covered right now is crucial to my survival. “You look beautiful,” I say truthfully when I’ve zipped the dress into place.

  She gives me a soft smile, before smoothing the fabric across her waist. “Thanks, you look pretty hot yourself, counselor.” She eyes me for another moment before adding, “You do realize that we’re going to have to be convincing tonight, right? That means making two people who know us very well believe that we’re in love, or at least something akin to it.” She appears uncertain as she asks, “Will you be able to do that? Pretend you have feelings for me? I know I’m not the type of woman you’d usually date, and they’ll be aware of that, as well. Maybe if you imagine I’m someone else, it’ll be easier.” She looks so damn forlorn now. It breaks my fucking heart to know that I’ve done this to her with my studied indifference. After that kiss, how could she still think I’m not attracted to her? I want to strip her out of that dress and fuck her till morning. She honestly believes I could never love her. Her parents have made sure that her self-confidence never had the opportunity to grow and blossom, and I’ve unwittingly reinforced those feelings of inadequacy with my fierce need to protect my heart.

  Even though I know it opens me to a vulnerability I haven’t allowed in years, I pull her into my arms and speak with complete honesty. “You may not have moved in here because we were in a relationship, but the fact I don’t want you to leave has nothing at all to do with fooling our friends. You terrify me, baby, and it’s everything to do with you. When we meet Lucian and Lia for dinner tonight, it will be because you’re my date and I want you by my side. You’re a gorgeous, intelligent woman who keeps me on my toes with your sassy mouth and incredible body. You’re who I want to be with tonight, no one else.” And fuck me if that isn’t the absolute, shocking truth.

  An impish light enters her eyes and I’m not at all surprised when she jokes, “You were thinking of me during your one-man show, weren’t you?”

  Puzzled, I stare at her, trying to figure how what she’s talking about. “Pardon?” Then she steps back and lowers her hand to the level of her groin before making an unmistakable hand gesture. I groan, letting my head fall forward. “I thought you were actually going to let that one go.”

  “Are you kidding?” She smirks. “I’ve thought of that a million times since then. Do you have any idea how sexy that was?” Wiggling her brows, she adds, “And trust me, you have nothing to be embarrassed about from what I saw. That wasn’t a simple choking of the snake; it was more like trying to corral your dragon. Or would you prefer beast? Either is pretty accurate.”

  I shake my head as I’m hard once again. This woman is going to be the death of me. Still, what man wouldn’t want to have their cock referred to as something huge? “Out. Now. Car.” I order with a tap on her ass for emphasis. I take her hand and pull her from the closet and out to my car. We’re probably going to be late, but knowing how Lucian and Lia are with each other, I doubt very seriously that they’ll even notice.

  * * *

  The hostess leads us to a private table in the corner where our friends are waiting. Lucian has his hand resting possessively on the nape of Lia’s neck. Her face is flushed and her eyes are glowing. Either those two have had a quickie in the back or they’ve been discussing the logistics of it. If ever two people could give me hope for the future, it’s them. Lucian Quinn, once the king of ‘get it and quit it,’ is now a dedicated husband and a doting father. I’m certain it wouldn’t have happened if he hadn’t met Lia. He would have continued through life as he was, never suspecting his soulmate was just across town at the local college.

  Lucian gets to his feet and kissed my cheek before clasping Max’s shoulder. Lia and I hug as if we hadn’t just been together a few hours earlier. When we’re seated across from them, I’m surprised to feel Max take my hand under the table. I instantly feel warm, not because he’s touching me, but because it’s not for the benefit of our friends. They have no idea that underneath the tablecloth, his finger is tracing circles in my palm as we laugh at Lia’s tale of Lucian’s diaper changing disasters.

  Lia watches us as if she can hardly believe what she’s seeing; Lucian looks faintly amused, but I also see a hint of curiosity in his gaze. Regardless of Max’s earlier assurances, I can’t help but wonder if his friend is thinking I’m way out of my league. Max is a lawyer, for God’s sake, and I’m … well, I’m the daughter of Hoyt and Celia Madden. That’s all I’ve ever needed to know in order to open doors and blend into society. Now, it seems as if I’m simply Rose Madden, currently broke and homeless friend to Lia Quinn. Yeah, on paper I’m not exactly a catch. If Lucian knew everything that Max does about me, he’d probably be advising his friend to run for his life.

  “So how is the whole living together thing going?” Lia asks. “I bet it’s been a big adjustment.” I’m puzzled for a moment when I see her face redden, and then it hits me. She’s remembering our earlier conversation about Max’s cock size.

  I rub my forehead as if in pain and say, “It’s been a huge adjustment, but Max has been so patient with me. He’s good at anticipating my needs even before I’m aware of them.”

  Lia chokes on her sip of wine, and Lucian pats her on the back as he looks from his wife to me. The twitch of his lips lets me know that he’s noticed the double entendre in our conversation. Max’s hand flexes against mine under the table as he says, “Behave,” under his breath.

  As the evening progresses, I find myself relaxing and falling a little more under Max’s spell. I’ve mostly only known the reserved man, but tonight, he’s showing me yet another side. He’s charming, considerate, and funny. Overall, he’s the perfect date. I am finding it more and more difficult to remember that this isn’t real. When his arm settles around my shoulders and he drops a kiss on my brow, it seems so genuine. I know he desires me; he’s admitted as much. But there’s something else in his eyes tonight when he looks at me. I’m fully in the moment with him when I feel it. That tingle you get when you’re being watched. I do a quick sweep of the restaurant and see no one familiar. I’m ready to shrug it off as I gaze beyond Lucian’s shoulder and see my ex-boyfriend Jake staring daggers at me. And he’s not alone. It looks as if he’s also on a double date. He has his arm around a dark-haired girl who I luckily don’t recognize, and there is another couple sitting in front of them. Freaking wonderful. Out of all of the restaurants in Asheville, he had to be in this one. I see their waiter dropping off the check and realize with relief that they’re preparing to leave. I lean in to Max and say, “I’m going to the ladies’ room. Be right back.” Normally, Lia would have accompanied me, but she’s just placed a call to their nanny, Anna, to check on Lara, so I wave her off as I leave the table.

  I go straight to the last stall and close the door behind me. I’ve just flushed the toilet when the sound of the outer door opening and women’s chatte
r fills the room. I’m not in the mood for polite conversation with strangers, so I stay where I am, hoping they’ll make it quick.

  When I hear a snide voice say, “Did you hear Jake saying his psycho ex is here tonight? The woman is a nut job. I can’t believe she hasn’t been locked up somewhere by now.” I freeze, unable to move and am barely breathing. Oh dear God, she’s talking about me.

  “No!” another voice gasps out. “Why didn’t you point her out to me? I knew you two were staring at someone, but I had no idea it was her. Didn’t she try to kill him?”

  “Hell yes, she did,” the girl I assume is his girlfriend says. “She carries a gun and will put a bullet in anyone who gets in her way. A total trashy redneck.”

  “Girl, you better hope she doesn’t want him back.” The other girl laughs.

  “I’m not worried about her.” The girlfriend snickers. “Jake wouldn’t have her back if she begged. He said it was bad enough that he had to worry about her waving a gun around all the time. But he said the real mess was what she looked like under her clothes.”

  “So maybe he should have given her a gym membership.” The friend chuckles. “Of course, he was probably afraid to risk pissing her off.”

  “Oh no, that’s not it,” the girlfriend interjects. “She’s covered in scars from where she cuts herself. He said he’d been forced to hide every sharp object in his apartment for fear of what she’d do if she found them. She’s a fucking sicko.”

  “Damn.” The friend whistled. “Poor Jake. They were together for quite a while. Why in the world did he stay with her?”

  I can almost see the girlfriend shrug as she says, “He felt sorry for her. Plus, he was afraid of what she’d do to him when he did. That’s why we had to sneak around for months until he worked up the nerve to end it with her.”