Page 31 of Numbers

Sunshine finished her food and stood. “I’ll see you guys later.” She ditched her dirty plate in the sink. “Bye, Candi.”

  Candi watched her and the male walk away together and looked at Hero, arching her eyebrows.

  “They are going to share sex,” he whispered.

  “Oh. They are a couple?”

  “No.” Midnight put her food down. “Our females share sex with males. It’s a casual thing. Do you understand?”

  She didn’t, and shook her head.

  “Most of us don’t want to be with just one male. We like our freedom.” Bluebird shrugged. “It’s tough to choose just one, so why bother? Besides, they get kind of territorial.” She jerked her chin toward Hero. “He’s almost glued to your side. See? That would annoy me. Does it annoy you?”


  “She loves him,” Midnight announced. “It’s probably comforting to her that he cares so deeply that he wants to be with her as much as possible.” She finished eating. “I need to go. I’m supposed to work. It was good spending time with you, Candi.” She glanced at Bluebird. “Do you want me to help you with dishes before I go?”

  “No. I have this. It’s my day off.”

  Midnight left and they finished lunch. Hero stood. “I’ll do the dishes. It’s the least I can do.”

  “Thanks.” Bluebird grinned. “We’re going to bring dinner tonight at six. I’ll see you then.”

  “They are so nice to me.” Candi really appreciated that. “Can you teach me how to load a dishwasher?”

  “Later. You look a little tired. Why don’t you go to our home and I’ll be there in a few minutes? Can you find your way?”

  “Yes, but I want to help you.”

  “Rest.” He reached out and brushed his fingers over her cheek. “Food, sleep and then sex. Remember?”

  She laughed. “Ah. Now I understand.”

  “Go lie down. I’ll be there soon. This won’t take long.”

  She left him and took the elevator to their floor. The door was unlocked. She entered and was halfway to the bedroom when someone knocked. She spun around, went back and opened it. Shock slammed through her at seeing the male who stood there.

  “Hello, Candi.”

  She couldn’t speak.

  “I waited until you were alone to approach you. I heard about you making it to Homeland and came from Reservation, hoping you were the female they spoke of.” His pretty dark-blue catlike eyes peered at her with compassion.

  “You can’t be here,” she finally managed to whisper. “927 will kill you. He knows what happened between us.”

  “Evelyn told me he attacked you for what we did. I’m so sorry. I heard he killed you.”

  “That was a lie. Dr. C took me away and had me locked up elsewhere. You must go. I’m glad you survived, but he can’t see you. It would upset him.”

  The male blinked back tears. “I wanted to apologize. I tried not to hurt you. I fought and would have let them kill me before touching you if you hadn’t asked me to. I’ve regretted it ever since. I should have kept saying no.”

  “Stop.” She stepped closer, glanced down the hallway, and then stared up at his face. “We did what we had to do to survive. That technician was killing you. Do you think I don’t remember your blood spilling? I do. It’s done. Don’t apologize, and let it go. Forgive yourself. I hold no pain or anger toward you. We both had no choice. You tried not to hurt me. I thank you for that. Now you must go and forget about the past. Please? It would just hurt him. He thought I chose you over him.”

  “I’ll tell him the truth.”

  “No! He will kill you.”

  “I wouldn’t blame him.”

  “Please? I don’t want you to die, or for him to have to live with another death. Just go and never speak of it. Don’t think of it again. Forget. I have.”

  He hesitated. “Anything you need, anything I can do, contact me. I took the name Dreamer.”

  “I will. Please, let this go, Dreamer. For me and for yourself. It’s the past. Go in peace.”

  He nodded. “I’m glad you are alive.”

  “I’m glad you survived as well.”

  She backed up and closed the door, her heart pounding. Fear and dread consumed her. What if Hero ran into the feline leaving the floor? What if Dreamer decided to confess to him that he was the male who’d mounted her so many years before? If it opened up old wounds anew, would it make him so angry and upset that he would decide not to be her mate anymore? Would Hero kill him and be locked up?

  She paced the living room and didn’t know what to do. She was torn between telling Hero the truth and keeping silent. A few minutes later the door opened and Hero entered, a smile on his face.

  “You seemed to enjoy your first cooking lesson.”

  “I did.” She stilled and tried to slow her heart rate.

  “You should take a nap.”

  “Will you lie down with me?”

  He nodded. “Of course. You are to sleep though.” He approached her. “Nothing else.”

  She loved him with all her heart. The last thing she wanted was to see him hurt or angry. The words to tell him who had visited refused to form. “I know. I would just like to be held by you.”

  His expression sobered. “Are you feeling well?”

  “I’m fine. I just want to be close to you.”

  He pulled her into his arms, lifted her, and carried her to the bedroom. “I’m not going anywhere.” He laid her on the bed and bent, removing his shoes and then hers. He stretched out alongside her and opened his arms. “Come here.”

  She curled into him and rested her cheek on his chest. “It feels perfect right now.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “It does. Sleep, Candi. Get some rest.”

  She closed her eyes and focused on him, instead of the unfairness of their pasts. They never should have been parted. She blamed Dr. C and Evelyn for being taken away from her male.

  “Hero?” It was getting easier to say his name.

  “Yes?” He stroked his hand down her back, his fingers playing with her hair.

  “Do you know what happened to Evelyn? Was she caught?”

  His body tensed.

  “I’m sorry. Forget I asked.”

  “No. It’s all right. I was taken from that facility before it was raided. Once I was freed from where they held me captive, I asked about her and Dr. C. They weren’t able to find him, but I identified her from photos they showed me of known Mercile employees. She died after what they did to us was released to the public. She had to know the authorities would come after her, and she had family who knew she worked there. Most humans were horrified to learn about us, and what was done. She chose to take her own life rather than face the consequences.”

  Candi felt torn. She’d hated Evelyn, but a small part of her still grieved. The doctor had been a big part of her childhood, even if it had been mostly bad interactions. “I’m glad she isn’t free, but it hurts a little,” she admitted.

  “We were given counseling when we were freed. Perhaps you should get some. It helped to talk to the shrink. Some of the techs and doctors were so bad that learning they died somehow, or are locked up, is comforting. Some weren’t so awful, and that leaves us feeling conflicted. They were wrong for what they did to us, but they were all we knew for so long.”

  She nodded. “I wanted them to pay for what they did to us.”

  “The shrink I spoke to compared us to children who had been raised by severely abusive parents. I didn’t really agree with that since we were never treated as if we were human at all, but I was assured it’s normal not to feel total relief over discovering they met with unhappy endings. It shows we have compassion, something they never had for us. Evelyn made her own choices, Candi. She could have saved us by calling the human police to tell them what was happening but she didn’t. She helped keep us prisoners and viewed us as test subjects. I know she was nice to you occasionally, but there were many times she wasn’t. She had to know that Dr. C kille
d your mother, but she protected him. She allowed him to bring you to that place and treat you as if you were a test subject too. Remember that. It helps alleviate any bad feelings we may feel over their fates.”

  “Thank you. I was so filled with rage all these years, and all I thought about was revenge. Now I just want to be happy with you.”

  “I want that too. We’re together again and that is what matters. They couldn’t keep us apart forever.”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” He wrapped his arms around her. “Now try to rest. We need to get you stronger and healthier. That’s our future.”

  She bit her lip, still unable to shut her mind down. “Can I ask you something else?”


  “Do you want to try to have a baby with me?”

  He tensed, but relaxed quickly. “We’ll discuss it in a few months.”

  “I’m not saying now. I just want to know if you want to try at some point.”

  “I would never do anything that would put you at risk. You’re the most important thing to me.”

  “I’m going to get better and stronger. I’d like to try to have a baby with you.” She opened her eyes and lifted her chin to peer at him. “I was afraid when they explained about breeding experiments to me. I feared, if they allowed us to be together, we’d have a child and they’d steal it from us. I was terrified because I knew you’d attack them to keep us together and I’d lose you both.” She paused. “They can’t hurt us anymore. Will you think about it?”

  Tears filled his eyes. “Only if Doc Trisha is certain you wouldn’t be in danger. I can’t lose you again. I won’t.”

  She nodded. “Only if Doc Trisha thinks it’s safe.”

  “Then I will agree.”

  She smiled. “Can you imagine having a baby?”

  “It kind of frightens me.”


  “We know nothing about how to care for one, and what kind of parents will we be when we didn’t have any?”

  “I had a mother for a while. I remember her kissing my injuries and singing to me. She read me stories before bed. You will make a wonderful dad, because you will love our baby and keep it safe. I know how good you are to me. We’ll learn and be the best parents because we are motivated.”

  He smiled. “We’ll try, if we’re able, one day.”

  “Good.” She lowered her chin, closing her eyes. “I’ll try to dream about that.”

  “It will be a male and look just like me. Our altered genetics are strong and carry on into our children. All the babies born are almost mini-replicas of their fathers.”

  Warmth spread through her. “You were such a cute little pup.”

  He chuckled. “You were such a funny-faced little human with your tiny, squishy nose. I wish we could have a mini-replica of you.”

  “Genetically enhanced is better. Our baby will be strong and big like you. You’re so handsome.”

  He kissed the top of her head again. “We’ll both try to dream of one then.”

  Chapter Eleven

  She’d feared she would hate being left at the women’s dorm when Hero had to work. He’d kissed her goodbye and made her swear to call him if she wanted to leave. He’d said he could have someone cover his shift, but she didn’t want to interfere with his duties.

  Candi put her hand over her mouth, trying to smother her laughter. The females around her tried to hide their amusement as well. Some outright chuckled, a few were doubled over with laughter, and two of the Gifts had just turned around to spare Bluebird from seeing their reactions.

  “Darn it!” Bluebird shut off the loud machine and dropped to her knees, yanking on the vacuum and the rug corner that had been sucked into the machine. “It hates me! I told someone else to show her the fast way to clean the wood floors.”

  Sunshine shook her head, still grinning. “I said it was a bad idea to be lazy by not sweeping. You’re the one who insisted, so you got to demonstrate.”

  Halfpint turned back around, her features masked. “Let me help you.” She went down on her knees next to the larger Species and pushed her hands away. “I have small fingers.” She freed the rug. “See? You have to make the wheel thing turn that way.”

  “These machines are dangerous.” Bluebird sat back and glanced at her toes. She sighed. “At least I didn’t lose any. That’s my fear.”

  “Come on,” Rusty teased. “There are no blades on that thing. I’d be more worried about the garbage disposal. That’s a dangerous appliance. You could lose a hand.”

  “That’s why we stand way back and don’t put our hands near it when we turn it on.” Halfpint rose. “Humans invent crazy things.”

  Kat, the human mate of Darkness, sighed. “I told you what garbage disposals are for. You dump uneaten food off plates into it and it keeps the drains from plugging up. It’s a smart invention.”

  “As if we don’t eat all our food.” Midnight snorted. “No Species allows it to go to waste.” She looked over at Candi. “You’re Species. Eat all your food and you won’t have to use the blades of death in your sink.”

  “Come on!” Kat laughed. “Blades of death?”

  “Metal teeth of finger destruction then. Is that better?” Midnight laughed. “We watch those human horror movies. We just saw one where a man shoved another’s fist into the hole and turned it on to force him to talk. He removed a bloody stump. I’d tell someone anything to avoid that.”

  “I’m with Midnight,” Rusty muttered. “Metal teeth of finger death. We should all start calling it that.”

  “Those movies don’t help.” Bluebird stood. “Show of hands on who fears shower curtains now after last week’s horror movie we saw.” Fourteen of the sixteen females present raised their hands. “The glass shower doors would stop some crazy male from stabbing at us. I’d push it outward, knock him on his ass, and use his weapon on him.”

  Kat shook her head but smiled. “It’s a classic movie. The point of watching them is for entertainment.” She looked at Candi. “You and I are the only ones who like shower curtains.”

  “I don’t know what it is or why to fear one,” Candi admitted. “That’s why I didn’t raise my hand.”

  “They are not solid like the doors on the showers in our apartments. They have safety glass so they would be hard to break, even with a knife. What about where you were held?” Halfpint asked as she got up from the floor.

  “They had an open stall where I showered, and before that I was at Mercile. I don’t remember much from when I lived with my mother.” Candi glanced around. “What is a shower curtain?”

  “It’s a plastic covering that acts like a wall to keep the water from reaching the floor, and it provides privacy.” Kat walked toward the kitchen. “I think we’ve had enough learning today. I say we take a break. You guys are not teaching Candi good things.”

  “Yes, we are.” Bluebird unplugged the vacuum and then kicked it. “These things are dangerous. Remember that. Have your mate use it.”

  “Just offer him sex and he’ll do whatever you want.” Sunshine grinned. “It works for me. I had a male rearrange all the furniture inside my home last week. I told him it turned me on to watch him lift things.”

  Kat groaned from the other room. “I heard that. I’m failing as a role model.”

  “We don’t let our males handcuff us,” Rusty called out. “Should we start? Maybe you and your mate can show us how it’s done. We could hold a class.”

  Kat returned from the kitchen holding a plate of cookies. “Very funny. I’m sorry I shared that with you guys. I’m never going to live it down.”

  Sunshine winked at Candi and lowered her voice. “We like to tease her. Her male is very controlling in the bedroom and she allows it. If you want to change things inside your home just tell Hero it makes you wet seeing his muscles tighten up, and you won’t be stuck moving the heavy things. Most of these homes are set up so the bed is against two walls. It means there’s only one side to climb o
ff or you have to crawl to the end of it. It’s much better to move it to the center so you can have three sides to get off.”

  Rusty nodded. “That’s true. Some of us have grown tired of having the same setups in our homes. I put my bed in the living room and turned my bedroom into a library with shelves of books. The couch and coffee table fit in there where the bed used to be.”

  “Why don’t you just use the library down here? It’s got a ton of books.” Halfpint peered at her curiously.

  Rusty hesitated. “I bought a lot of sexy books. Some of them are quite arousing. I don’t want all of you knowing when I’m reading them and some,” she shot a glare at Bluebird, “tease me when I do. Now I have privacy and can shower afterward.” She directed her attention on Candi. “Expect to be embarrassed sometimes because everyone will know things if you don’t shower. They will make jokes.”

  “I can’t smell that.” Halfpint smiled. “It’s good not having a super-sensitive nose. I don’t want to know when you share sex with a male, or when you are aroused. I just wish some of you were quieter when you have males over, or at least have them pull the beds farther away from the wall so they don’t slam into them.” She pointed at Sunshine. “You’re the worst offender.”

  Sunshine chuckled. “I like a good pounding. What can I say? Less talking if the bed is rocking.”

  “You remembered me saying that, but not how it’s just rude to make guys do stuff for you just because you’re sleeping with them?” Kat looked disgusted. “Fantastic. Don’t tell anyone you got that quote from me, okay? Just do me that favor. I’d kind of like to keep my job.”

  “Your job?” Candi was curious.

  “I help out however I can and teach some classes. It seems I’m also being a bad influence on the women in the dorm.” Kat shoved the plate at her. “Here. Eat the whole thing. I didn’t cook them or they’d be burned. That should put a few pounds on you. Darkness always asks how my day went when I get home, and I want to tell him I at least got you to chow down on a few dozen double-chip chocolate cookies. Otherwise I’ll have to confess that I’ve apparently made everyone here fear household things.” She glanced around. “Those horror movies are supposed be entertainment and help you understand why assholes commit crimes.”