Page 32 of Numbers

  “Your job is safe.” Bluebird leaned against Kat. “We like you. I especially enjoy it when you get angry. I’ve learned all kinds of words.”

  “Fuck,” Kat muttered.

  “Motherfucker,” Sunshine chanted.

  “Cocksucker,” Rusty chimed in.

  “I love this game.” Halfpint grinned. “What a dickhead.”

  Bluebird frowned. “Cock, dick or head. I’m coming up blank on what to associate that with.”

  “Son of a bitch.” Sunshine chuckled. “Dick, in that sense, makes me think of a bastard.”

  “Enough,” Kat pleaded. “Come on. I’m going to go upstairs and get Missy. That will make me feel better. I know a lot of you are reading her books. She’s teaching you way worse things.”

  “You aren’t going to disturb her. She’s working on the next book.” Rusty crossed her arms over her chest. “I want to read it and she promised to let me see whatever she writes.”

  One of the feline females crossed the room and stood next to Rusty. “We’re Missy’s beta readers. We’ll restrain you and call your mate to come collect you if you try to interrupt what she’s doing. He’ll see you all tied up and want to share sex with you. You’ll find yourself over his shoulder and hauled home immediately. Missy thinks she might finish the book at some point today so don’t try it.”

  Candi was stunned. They were threatening to tie up Kat, but the female didn’t look alarmed. She just rolled her eyes and shook her head.

  “Great. Missy gets a set of guards for writing about sex, but what do I get? Jokes about liking a dominant man. You all suck.” She shoved the cookies at Candi again. “Do me a favor. Eat every single one of those. Please.”

  Candi accepted the plate. “There are a lot of them.”

  “I’ll get you some milk.” Kat spun around and stalked back toward the kitchen.

  Rusty chuckled. “She’s the one who sucks,” she announced and pointed down at her groin. “She admitted doing that for her mate.”

  The females around Candi burst into laughter. She didn’t understand what was so funny but they were amused.

  “I heard that!” Kat slammed something in the kitchen. “I’m never answering your questions again if they involve sex.”

  Hero entered Security and discovered Justice, Slade and Fury waiting for him. He followed them into a conference room and everyone took a seat. He wasn’t sure why he’d been called away from his post but he didn’t see any alarming expressions on the males around the table.

  “What is it?” Hero glanced at each of them.

  Justice spoke first. “A few FBI members wish to speak to Candi.”

  “They have questions for her,” Slade interjected. “It’s her choice whether she agrees to talk to them.”

  “They can’t force us to give them access to your female.” Fury paused. “You need to speak to her on the matter. They implied they wouldn’t upset her in any way.”

  “No.” Hero shook his head. “I don’t want any humans around Candi. Why is the FBI involved? I thought human police were hunting for my mate.”

  Justice answered. “Darkness’s mate worked for the FBI. She informed me that they have better resources to handle something like this and your Candi was effectively kidnapped as a child, held at Mercile, and then transferred across state lines when she was taken to that psychiatric hospital. She fears local law officials from the jurisdiction where Penny Pess died might overlook details that could prevent your female from being charged with murder. I agreed with Kat, and asked them to get involved. They took over the investigation.”

  “Candi only killed so she could survive and reach Homeland. I refuse to allow anyone to upset my mate. She’s been through enough.”

  Fury nodded. “That’s what I suspected you’d say, Hero. We still had to ask.”

  He rose to his feet. “I’ll return to duty.”

  Slade stood. “Go home to your mate. We have someone covering your post for the rest of the day. Tell her what is going on. You need to discuss this with Candi, and at least ask her if she wants to talk to them. Trust me on this. Females get pissed otherwise.”

  Justice nodded. “They sure do. Jessie throws a mean right punch to my gut when I make decisions for her. That’s what I get for mating with someone from Tim’s team. She’s sneaky and waits until my guard is down. One second I’m standing there, and the next I’m doubled over and she begins to yell about how she hopes that hurt, like I hurt her feelings.”

  Fury laughed. “Ellie just yells at me and slams things around.”

  “Trisha has threatened to slip sleeping pills into my meals and swears one day I’ll wake up with my penis glued to my stomach.”

  Everyone gaped at the male.

  He shrugged. “She said it would be the kind that will melt off if I soak in a warm tub so there is no lasting damage but it’s an effective threat. I don’t ever want to discover how uncomfortable that would be.”

  “You have a mean mate,” Hero assessed.

  He shrugged. “She’s a doctor. There are a lot worse things she could threaten. My Trisha has a temper, but she gets over things quickly. She hasn’t actually done it.”

  “Just tell your mate what is going on and ask if she wants to speak to the humans.” Fury sighed. “Females like to make decisions, and you’re newly mated. You have a lot to learn. I’m certain she will agree with you. Humans have never done anything but harm her.”

  Hero nodded and left Security. He decided to walk, thinking as he made his way to the women’s dorm to pick up Candi. He reached the front door and knocked. One of the females let him in and led him to the conference room where a group of females were talking with Candi. They were laughing and seemed to be having a good time. Conversation stopped as he hesitated just inside the open doorway. She spotted him and stood to rush toward him. She looked happy to see him, and he didn’t detect any stress.

  “Hi. Is everything all right? I wasn’t expecting you for a few more hours.”

  He nodded. “How was your day?”

  “Great. I’ve learned a lot.”

  “We’re telling her all about the NSO,” Kat stated. “The history of it and what has been accomplished. We’d just reached the part about how Reservation is being expanded.”

  “And all the rescue animals we accept from all over the country,” Bluebird added. “It gives the Wild Zone residents a purpose to help those poor creatures adjust to freedom. They have a lot in common with animals who’ve been caged and abused by humans.”

  “Thank you.” Hero made eye contact with all the females seated at the table. “I appreciate you taking care of my Candi.”

  “It gives us something to do.” Kat stood. “You’re on duty tomorrow, right?”

  Hero nodded. “Noon.”

  “We’ll see you then.” Kat smiled at Candi. “We’ll teach you about the world outside the NSO gates.”

  Hero took Candi’s hand and they strolled outside. He took one of the carts parked for general use and drove her to the men’s dorm. They didn’t speak until they were closed inside their home. She turned to him, studying him with a frown.

  “What is wrong?”

  “Tell me about your day first.”

  “I had fun. Now what is wrong?”

  “I was called to Security. The FBI has requested to speak to you. I told the males you aren’t interested.”

  “Why do they want to speak to me? Are they planning to arrest me for killing Penny?”

  “I don’t know what they want, and it doesn’t matter. They can’t do anything to you. You’re Species, and they have no jurisdiction on NSO lands. They can request things but that doesn’t mean we have to submit to them.”

  She bit her lip and turned away, walking to the window. She crossed her arms. He clenched his teeth, regretting informing her of what had happened. He shouldn’t have listened to the males. She’d endured enough upset. He stalked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

  “There’s no re
ason to worry. You’re safe here. Humans can’t harm you ever again.”

  She leaned back against him, allowing him to hold her. He followed her gaze out the window. There wasn’t really anything to hold her interest. She took a few deep breaths and finally spoke.

  “I want to talk to them.”

  He stiffened. “What?”

  She turned her head to peer up at him. Their gazes locked. “I tried to tell all the staff at the asylum the truth, but they ignored me. They didn’t want to hear my words or believe them. Someone is finally ready to listen. I want to talk to the humans.”


  She wiggled and faced him completely, gripping his forearms. “Yes. I need to do this.”

  “They will upset you and possibly make threats.”

  “I understand that, but they are at least willing to hear me, Hero. I was locked away to keep me silent about what was done to my mother. She deserves justice too. Dr. C killed her. I know he can’t pay for what he did now that he’s dead, but the truth should be told. She had people who cared about her. I remember some of her friends coming over, and she talked to them on the phone. They deserve to learn who took her away from them. I want everyone to know what kind of monster he really was. I also want them to know what Penny did to me. Humans shouldn’t think she was a good person.”

  “You told Breeze everything, and allowed her to take videos to give to the humans. That’s more than enough.”

  She rubbed her palms against his skin. “I need to do this. It matters to me to look a human in the eyes and tell them my story. Maybe the staff working at the asylum will learn the truth and possibly listen to a patient in the future if they are locked away because someone is paying to keep them there to hide their crimes. I can’t be the only one admitted to a hospital to hide secrets.”

  “It’s not your job to educate humans.”

  “Who does it fall to then? This was done to both of us. Have you thought about what might have happened if just one of them had listened and believed me when I was taken there? You would have been freed long before you were. We wouldn’t have lost so many years.”

  He was torn, and hated the anguished sound of her voice and the haunted look on her face. “I won’t allow them to upset you, and humans will. I don’t trust them.”

  “Some humans freed Species and helped establish the NSO. I heard it was a rocky start, but a lot of them cared enough to make this possible. They wanted to do right by Species.”

  “Not all humans are good.”

  “I heard about that too. There are protestors outside the gates who think we’re not human enough to deserve the same rights they have and it offends them. I learned about some of the churches that believe Species are an affront to their God since other humans engineered Species. These are the same people who believe it’s wrong for couples to have medical intervention to get pregnant if they have difficulty, or to even use birth control to limit the number of children they have. I learned a lot today. I heard about the ones who think we’re a danger to mankind, because they fear we’ll breed with humans and eventually spread beyond NSO walls. That’s why we keep our babies secret. Some humans fear change and the mixing of races. I learned—”

  “Enough,” he rasped. “You know then how bad they can be.”

  “I also met Trisha and Kat. There are a lot of humans like them too. They don’t hate or fear Species. They are good females. They told me about the other mates and some of the humans who work with the NSO. They are great people, Hero. I also heard about the ones who support the NSO. They send letters of love to us, and they buy things off the website set up to sell supportive New Species things like T-shirts and autographed photographs of Fury and Justice. They stand outside the gates in opposition against the protestors just to aggravate them.”

  He sighed. “I appreciate every one of them, but it’s the ones who still hate us that worry me.”

  “Kat worked for the FBI. Her boss ordered her to come to Homeland in an attempt to free a criminal who was being held here. She refused and instead told Darkness the truth. It almost cost her and her best friend their lives to do the right thing. Do you know what that tells me? Perhaps the FBI will send someone here like Kat. They might sympathize with Species and want to do the right thing. I’m willing to give them a chance. That means I need to speak to the agent they send.”

  He closed his eyes. It was logical. He couldn’t dispute anything she’d said. There were good humans, but Candi was his mate. He’d go insane if she was wrong and it turned bad. He’d want to kill anyone who made her cry or yelled at her.

  “My pup? Look at me.”

  He did.

  “I want to do this. It’s important to me. Someone is willing to listen, and I’ve wanted that for so long.”

  “I can’t be there,” he rasped.

  She stopped petting his arms. “Why?”

  “I’d go crazy if they aren’t kind.” She remained silent for a long time, just staring up at him. “I understand that you want to do this and why, but I’d hurt someone if they upset you.”

  “I understand.”

  “Will you refuse to speak to them if I’m not there?”

  She smiled. “Is that what you’re hoping for?”


  “You’re so cute.”

  He scowled. “Does that mean you still will do this?”

  “I need to.”

  He respected her and her decision, even if he didn’t agree with it. His female had always been brave. “I’ll stay close, but I can’t be inside the room. You speak to them here, nowhere else. I’ll attack them if they try to take you away from me. Be warned.”

  “I don’t ever want to leave the safety of the NSO. This is where I belong, with you.” She slid her hands upward to his shoulders. “How was your day?”

  “Good until we had this talk.”

  She tried to hide her amusement, but failed. “I know what will make you feel better.”


  She released him and backed away, offering him her hand. “Come here. I learned something I think you’ll like today.”

  He allowed her to lead him to the couch and released his hand. He tried to sit but she shook her head. “Stay just as you are.”

  She climbed on the couch, on her knees, and gripped his belt. He moved to stand in front of her when she tugged on him. He looked down, watching as she unbuckled his belt.

  “What are you doing? Do you want me to change clothes?”

  “No. I’m just getting rid of this.”

  She used his body to brace as she leaned forward and placed the belt and his holstered weapon on the table. She began unfastening his pants. He wondered what she was up to. It seemed she planned to undress him. He opened his mouth to speak, to point out that he needed to remove his boots first but she yanked his pants down to his knees before he got the words out. Her fingers curled into the waist of his boxer briefs, slowly lowering them until his cock was free.


  She looked up at him and licked her lips. “There was a joke told today that I didn’t understand.” She gripped his vest, used it to pull herself off the couch to stand, and gently pushed. “Sit.”

  He was confused as to why she’d stripped him from his waist to his knees, but she didn’t leave him much choice when she shoved harder. He lost his balance with his pants around his knees and collapsed onto the couch, landing on his bare ass.

  She went to her knees and stared at his cock. His body responded to her as she splayed her hands on his thighs, brushing them closer to his sex. He cleared his throat and swallowed hard.

  “The lotion is in the bedroom.”

  “Kat does this for her mate. I had her explain why the females were saying she sucked.” She held his gaze. “It’s my turn to put my mouth on you. Can I try it?”

  He forgot how to form words.

  “Are you okay? Your mouth is open and you’re staring at me in a strange way.”

  He cleared
his throat. “I’ve never had this done.”

  She smiled. “Never?”

  He shook his head. His dick hardened even more, almost aching at just the thought of Candi performing oral sex on him. Species females didn’t do it, or at least never had with him.

  “I could be bad at this, but I’d like to try. Kat gave me detailed instructions. May I?”

  He managed to nod and dug his fingernails into the couch to grip the cushions. His heart rate accelerated as she licked her lips again, the sight of her pink tongue exciting him even more. Her gaze lowered and she bent forward, one hand wrapping around his shaft.

  He watched with rapt attention as she opened her mouth and timidly ran her tongue over the head of his cock. He locked his body in place to avoid jerking at the sensation. She grew bolder then, actually taking him inside her mouth. It was warm, wet, and she sealed her lips around him too. He had to close his eyes when the pleasure began as she moved, taking a little more of his shaft, and dragged her mouth upward. A growl tore from him.

  He was afraid she’d stop, but she didn’t, seemingly unconcerned with the sound he’d made. She grew even bolder and took more of him. Her mouth was heaven and hell. His toes curled in his boots.

  “Fuck,” he rasped.

  Candi pulled off him and his eyes snapped open. She looked at him with curiosity. “Am I doing it wrong?”

  He shook his head. “No.”

  She smiled. “Good?”

  He nodded. “So good.”

  “Kat said to expect you to snarl and growl. She didn’t say anything about cursing. I was just checking. I am not supposed to swallow. Males come really hard and it can choke me. Tell me before you lose your seed, and I’ll do what she does.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Just grip my shoulder and I’ll show you.” She lowered her gaze and opened her mouth, taking him back inside.

  Pleasure coursed through him as Candi tormented him in the best way possible. He tried to just enjoy it, but watching her turned him on too much. She couldn’t take much of him but she used her hand to stroke his shaft as her mouth worked the top few inches of his dick. His balls drew tight and he felt ready to explode. He gently gripped her shoulder, careful not to bruise.