Chapter 24

  Ash and I sit together on the porch side by side on the swinging seat. Holding my hand in his he says gently. “This is all I wanted Grace. To be able to spend time with you out in the open and not in the shadows. You are my girl and I want everyone to know that. No more hiding and we will deal with every obstacle as it comes.”

  Seeing my worried expression he reaches up and traces the worry lines around my eyes. “Don’t worry little Tess. You and I are good together; nobody will want to mess with that.” I try to relax but my mind is buzzing with everything that has just happened. I wonder if it will all be as straight forward as he seems to think it will be.

  Suddenly Ash jumps up. “Look I’m going to leave you to eat something and get changed.” I look at him in surprise. “Why, what’s happening?” Grinning he says, “I am taking my girlfriend to the party. We may as well have some fun whilst we still can and I am going to deal with the next barrier standing in our way.”

  As I look at him with a puzzled expression he winks. “It’s time our friends knew about us. That way there will be no more worrying about Skylar and her bunch of losers and it will also send a message to all those other guys that are after you that you are taken.” I look at him in surprise. “What other guys?” His eyes flash angrily. “You obviously don’t know but I hear them talking. You are in demand more than you know. They all want to date you and it won’t be long before one of them plucks up the courage to ask. They won’t dare when they realise that you are already taken.” Thinking about Easton I know that he is right. I watch as he leaves and my thoughts turn to the evening ahead. I am not sure if I am ready for this.

  Ash picks me up at around 9pm. It feels strange to be going out on an actual date and watching my Aunt look at us with a worried expression I try to contain the nerves that I am feeling. Gabe never came back and I know that she is worried.

  Tucking myself behind Ash on his motorbike I wave at her as we speed off. Wrapping my arms around his body I savour the feel of him. I can feel him tense up underneath my touch and laugh to myself as I realise the effect I have on him.

  As we draw near to the Sullivan’s place I see several other motorbikes parked outside. I can tell that they are Ash’s friends and my heart sinks.

  Turning to face me Ash kisses me gently. Pulling back I see his eyes flashing in excitement. “Are you ready Grace?” I nod nervously and grabbing his hand I follow him inside.

  The party is in full swing and I look around me with interest. The music is extremely loud and there are people milling around everywhere. As we enter the house I notice the stunned looks as people see us walking in together hand in hand. Most of the kids here are from our school and I can see the shock on their faces as they see us.

  Ash squeezes my hand and walks through them all, acknowledging nobody and looking around him with the arrogance that follows him wherever he goes. I can see his friends grouped outside by the pool. They are laughing and joking loudly with each other and with a sinking feeling I see Skylar draped all over Jace. Teagan is sitting opposite them looking annoyed at something and I watch as they all turn to us in surprise.

  Jacob comes towards us looking worried. Smiling gently at me he turns to Ash with a worried expression. “Are you sure this is a good idea?” Ash looks at him angrily. “Grace is my girl and they have to deal with it. Nobody better get in my way otherwise they will regret it.”

  Raising his eyes up Jacob steps to the side and Ash pulls me with him into the group. Grabbing a beer off the side he hands it to me and takes one for himself. Sitting down he pulls me beside him and just looks around him with a hooded expression.

  Angrily Skylar walks over and stands in front of us. It all goes silent and her eyes flashing angrily she sneers. “Are you kidding me? You can’t seriously be telling me that you have ditched me for that.”

  As she waves her hand towards me Ash grabs it and I see her wince in pain. In a menacing voice he says, “Her name is Grace and she is worth more than you will ever be or ever wish to be. Just you remember who you are talking to and if I ever hear one bad word said about her or if you try anything to hurt her then you will have me to deal with.”

  He pushes her roughly away and she stumbles back in surprise. His friends all look amused, even Jace who I would have thought would have stood up for her. Teagan looks angry and hisses at Jacob. “Did you know about this?” Looking at her with a bored expression he says, “What’s it to you?” Angrily she shouts. “Skylar’s my friend. The least you could have done is tell me. I am your girlfriend after all.”

  Jacob looks at her with a sneer. In a chilling voice he says, “Yes, about that Teagan. It would appear that I have no further use for you in that role. Consider your position terminated, effective immediately.”

  Ash snorts beside me and the other guys laugh out loud. Teagan looks at him in shock and disbelief. “Jacob, no. You can’t mean that. I’m your girl, what are you saying?”

  Raising his eyes up Jacob says, “God you’re so stupid. Let me spell it out for you. You are no longer my girlfriend so get lost. Is that clear enough?”

  Bursting into tears Teagan races off closely followed by Skylar and their friends. The guys all laugh hysterically and I feel extremely shocked at the brutal way that they dealt with them. Ash squeezes my shoulder and leans in saying. “I’m sorry Angel. I forget that you’re not used to this. Don’t think badly of Jacob. He has wanted to do that ever since that night on the beach. All he wants is Cally and like us it has been eating up at them. I did this for them too. He will go and find her and they will be together like us. No hiding anymore, there’s no need. He had to do it that way. Those girls need to know that they can’t mess with us, it’s how we will protect you both.”

  Shrinking back into my seat I feel out of my depth. This is a whole new world for me and I’m not sure that I will fit in.

  Soon the party carries on around us and I notice that Jacob has left. Thinking of Cally I know that she will be as anxious as I am.

  Soon I spot a familiar face and jumping up I race over to Piper who has arrived with Gabe. They both look warily at me and I say, “Please don’t judge me. I can’t do this without you two. Say we’re ok, please.”

  Piper looks at me with a worried expression and Gabe hugs me tightly saying softly, “I’m always here for you Grace. It’s my job remember, the protector. Fat lot of good I am at it though.”

  Laughing I pull away and look at Piper. She also hugs me and whispers. “I’ll always be here for you Grace, what are friends for. I am just worried for you that’s all.”

  Feeling an arm snake around my waist I am pulled against Ash firmly. Piper’s eyes widen and he says, “Listen, we all want what’s best for Grace. You are her friends so now you are mine. You have nothing to fear. I will look after her better than anyone else possibly could. She is safe with me and so are you.”

  Gabe nods and pulls Piper away with him to get a drink. Spinning me around Ash looks deeply into my eyes. “Now I am going to do what I have wanted to do ever since I took that book away from you that first day in the library.” Looking puzzled I say, “Do what?” He leans down and looks at me gently. “Let everyone know that you’re mine.”

  He then reaches down and pulls me towards him. Tilting my face up he kisses me softly and gently with so much love that my knees go weak. Leaning against him he strokes my hair lovingly and I can feel that every set of eyes in the place are upon us. Then he takes my hand and leads me back over to his friends. Sitting down he pulls me on to his lap. Whispering he says, “I think they know now don’t you?” Snuggling into him I do feel safe and loved. I just hope that it won’t all be taken away from me because now that I have found it I never want to let it go.