Chapter 25

  It must be an hour later when I spot a familiar face heading towards us looking just a little bit nervous. Jacob is holding on tightly to Cally’s hand as she looks around her fearfully. Jumping up I rush over to her and she relaxes as she sees me. Jacob grins and I pull her away from him and hug her.

  Piper also sees her and rushes over and we group together looking at each other with wide eyes. Piper says, “Oh my God. I never thought I’d see this day happen in a million. You two have got some serious explaining to do.”

  Cally grins at us. “Jacob turned up at mine and told me that he’d finished with Teagan. He wouldn’t take no for an answer and made me get ready and come here with him. He said that we didn’t need to hide anymore and that nobody would bother about us now that Ash and Grace were official.”

  Blushing, I see the incredulous expressions on their faces as they look at me. Before I can answer I feel an arm pull me against a hard muscular frame and know at once who it is. I watch as Jacob grabs hold of Cally and in front of everybody kisses her and holds her tightly against him.

  Piper laughs as she sees us both blushing. “You two had obviously better get used to this, I have a feeling that it won’t be long before word gets out and then you’ll have a lot more than me looking at you.”

  Ash laughs. “Welcome to my world girls, you’d better start getting used to the attention, you’re no longer invisible shall we say.”

  Just then Gabe comes over and I can feel Ash tense up as he grips my hand. Gabe nods at them both and pulls Piper against him. Turning to Ash and Jacob he says seriously. “Listen I just want to say that I am cool with this as long as you treat them right. If you don’t then we’ll have a problem and I don’t care who you are. Grace is like a sister to me and I love her as one. Cally is both her and Piper’s friend and so the same goes for her.”

  I can feel Ash relax. “You don’t have to worry Gabe, we all want the same thing. No harm will come to the girls; you have mine and Jacob’s word on that. There is nobody better to look after them and we don’t have a problem with you.”

  Gabe nods and whispers something to Piper. Nodding she looks at us apologetically. “Sorry guys, I’ll catch up with you both later.”

  Watching her go I think about how quickly our lives have changed over such a short period of time.

  Cally grins at me as Jacob pulls her away to get a drink. Leaning down Ash whispers. “Your cousin really does have nothing to worry about. Nobody could love you more than I do and if anyone dares to even upset you then I’ll sort them out. You know you’re safe don’t you Angel?”

  Smiling at him I kiss him gently. “I know that Ash. Gabe just worries about me and you know why. I just hope that all of this isn’t too premature. As soon as my guardians find out they may not be as understanding.”

  A shadow crosses his face. “All I ask is that they meet me first before making any decisions. If I lost you now then I don’t know what I’d do.” He pulls me tightly against him and I can feel his heart beating quickly in his chest. As I hold him to me I share his worry. This could just be the beginning of the end.

  Cally and I sit with Ash and his gang and it feels so wrong and yet so right at the same time. They spend their time joking around and drinking. Lucian, Quade and Killian are different to the others and I find that I warm to them a lot more than I do Jace, who still intimidates me. I wonder what will happen between him and Skylar now.

  Lucian is a quiet guy who just sits there taking it all in. I notice that he is always alert and looks around him constantly as though he is looking for something. Ash sees me looking at him and whispers, “Lucian has a nose for trouble. He is like an early warning system. He hears things and what’s the saying, oh yes, he’s silent but deadly.”

  Seeing my eyes widen in alarm Ash laughs and pulls me on to his knee. Looking over I see that Cally is sitting on Jacob’s knee and she grins at me. I am glad that they are together. I like Jacob and he seems a decent guy, who obviously adores her. I realise that Ash seems to spend more time with him than anyone else and I am glad about that.

  After a while I need the rest room and whisper to Ash that I won’t be long. His eyes narrow and he says, “I’ll come with you.” I laugh at him. “Don’t be ridiculous. You can’t come everywhere with me and especially not there. If it makes you feel any better though Cally can come.”

  I shout over to her. “Cally, do you need to freshen up?” Jumping up she heads over and I laugh as I see Jacob frown. Shaking my head I wonder just what we have gotten into to. Ignoring the two of them I pull Cally along after me. We push our way through crowds of people, all having fun either chatting or making out. The music is extremely loud and we have to shout to be heard. As we get inside the house it is no different. Seeing some stairs we decide to head upstairs in search of the rest room. We grin at each other as we see that there are several couples all kissing on the stairs and in every corner. Pushing open a few of the doors to find the right room we are greeted with shouts of anger as we disturb couples making out in the bedrooms. By the time we find the right room we are both laughing hysterically.

  As soon as we get inside Cally sinks down on to the floor and says laughing, “If you had told me all of this last week I would have thought you were mad.” Sitting beside her I nod in agreement. “Things have certainly changed. I’m worried though.” Suddenly looking serious Cally says, “So am I. What if Jacob and Ash can’t protect us from Teagan and Skylar? I mean we’ve taken their guys and they’re gonna be mad as hell.”

  Silently I think that they are just but one of my worries. I may not even make it back to school if my Aunt makes that call. Pushing the unwelcome thought away I jump up. “Come on, let’s do we what came here for and then go and enjoy our new found happiness whilst we can. We’ll worry about the rest some other day.”

  As we head back towards the group I see Easton chatting with a group of people. As I look at him he catches my eye and smiles at me with a worried expression. I smile at him reassuringly. He is a nice guy and I don’t want him to get involved in any of this. Hopefully he will keep away and find another girl to take out. Judging by the amount of them around him it won’t be long.

  As we get outside I can see Ash and his friends all laughing together. A couple of girls have joined the group. One of them I recognise as a friend of Skylar’s. Her name is Paisley and I see that she is holding on to Killian. I also recognise her friend Indie, who is also part of Skylar’s group. She is a pretty girl with a gentle face. I always liked her despite the company she keeps and as we approach she smiles shyly at us. I notice that she is holding on to Quade’s hand and realise that they must be going out.

  Seeing us coming Quade says, “Grace, you know Indie don’t you?” Nodding I smile warmly at her saying, “Hi Indie. Good to see you.” Looking nervously at Paisley she smiles and says a quiet, “Hi.” Paisley looks at me with interest but I can detect no animosity in her, just curiosity. Her eyes widen as Ash pulls me against him, dropping a light kiss on the top of my head. Turning to look at the girls he says, “Grace and Cally are one of us now. Tell Skylar and Teagan to keep away from them from now on. If I hear that they have threatened these girls in any way or anyone else for that matter then Jacob and I will show no mercy. Got it?”

  The girls nod nervously and then Ash pulls me down next to him. Turning towards me he pulls me against him and kisses me so deeply and passionately that I think I am going to burst into flames. By the time we have come up for air I notice that we aren’t the only ones and look with amusement at the couples making out around me. Only Lucian and Jace are alone and are deep in conversation instead. I wonder if Jace will continue seeing Skylar. The thought of her in this group is not a pleasant one, but I know that they are together so it may not be as easy as I think.