Chapter 32

  Reaching the Ridge Ash parks the bike and lifting me off says huskily, “Come on let’s take a swim.” It is a warm evening and I can see the fireflies dancing in the moonlight. Reaching the lake Ash turns to me and leaning down kisses me gently and sweetly. Reaching down he lifts my top over my head and helps me out of my shorts. Running his fingers around my neck he unclasps the locket and lays it down on the nearby rock.

  Stepping back he looks at me in wonder as I escape from my prison. Removing his own clothes he stands before me in just his underwear. His eyes glitter and he says huskily, “My beautiful Angel. I just wanted to look at you. Never before have I ever loved anyone or anything until you came into my life. I will do everything I can to keep you with me. I know that we are different and I hate the way I am, but I can’t change that. I will just have to learn to control it because I don’t want to drive you away.”

  Reaching up I trace the outline of his face and his eyes darken drawing me in. I kiss him gently and then pull him against me, arching my body into his and running my fingers through his hair. Groaning in desperation he pulls back. “I am not my father Grace and I am not going to make the same mistakes. I want you more than I have ever wanted anyone but not yet. Only once I have proved myself to us both can I allow that to happen. For now I will be happy to just be close to you and protect you.”

  Raising my eyes to his I allow the love to pour out from them. He gasps as he feels the full force of it and I say huskily. “You may want to wait Ash, but I don’t. I have never been more certain of anything before and it would be on my terms not yours.”

  Groaning he takes hold of my hands. “Then I will have to be strong for us both. I didn’t bring you here to seduce you Grace. I just wanted to be close to you in our special place. Come on let’s have a swim. I need to cool off before I let both of us down.

  Lifting me up he then proceeds to jump into the lake with me in his arms. Squealing I feel the icy cold water hit my body and then we are under the water and he kisses me, pulling me tightly against him as we surface. Smoothing my hair back from my face he grins. “You’re a temptress Grace, using your power against me. It won’t work though.”

  Running my hands down the front of his chest I whisper, “Are you sure about that?” My hands move lower and he grabs hold of them and twists them around my back, “Naughty girl, I have been warned about girls like you, only after one thing.” Laughing I push him away and swimming away call out, “I’ll get you in the end, just you see if I don’t.” Laughing he chases after me and we spend the next half an hour just playing around in the lake and cooling off.

  Drying off together I lay with my head on his chest, his arm holding me against him. All I can hear is the sounds of nature and his heart beating in his chest. I breathe in his scent and snuggle closer to him. Closing my eyes I drift off to sleep, happier here with him than I have ever been.

  It feels like ages later that I feel him gently shaking me awake. “Come on Angel, I’m taking you home before your Aunt sends Gabe out looking for us.”

  Bleary eyed I scramble to my feet and he laughs as he sees my dishevelled appearance. Helping me with my clothes he then fastens the locket around my neck. I feel myself being drawn in and he sighs heavily.

  “You are still the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen, even in your makeshift prison. I just pray that nobody ever finds out your true beauty. I would have my work cut out keeping you safe then.”

  Arching my eyebrows I say, “You pray huh.” Laughing he says, “Wrong choice of words. You make me say and do things that go against who I am. Like I said before, you are a temptress, sent to bring me down.”

  As I look at him standing there I think that he is the most beautiful man that I have ever laid eyes on. Reaching over I touch his face gently. “I love you Ash. You are not like your father. Remember you also have your mother in you. There is a side of you that is good and kind and loving. Let me bring out that side of you, the side that has been kept hidden until now.”

  Grabbing hold of my hand he kisses my fingers gently. “Only with you Grace. Only you see that side of me, because only you bring it out.” Pulling me after him he says playfully, “Anyway, I’m taking you home before my inner bad boy comes out and everything I have said tonight gets forgotten.” As I follow him I sort of wish that his inner bad boy did make an appearance. I am more frustrated than he is.

  Luckily the week passes by without any drama. By the time the bell rings on Friday I feel well and truly ready for the weekend. As I put my books into my locker I glance over and stare in total shock as I see Killian at his locker. I haven’t seen him for a few days and my heart freezes as I take in the sight of an enormous black eye dominating his face. He sees me looking and just smiles and looks away.

  Cally sees my face and coming over says, “I can see that you’ve seen what Ash did to Killian. It was all over the school at lunch. They must have had a fight because I heard that Ash punched him over an argument.” Feeling sick I look over at him as he walks away. Then I see Ash and Jacob sauntering down the hallway like they don’t have a care in the world. Coming over to us Jacob pulls Cally towards him and Ash grabs hold of me.

  Pushing him away angrily I nod in Killian’s direction. Following my gaze he laughs and holds up his hands. “What?” Angrily I say, “You promised that you would go easy on him.” Grinning wickedly he says, “I did.”

  Gathering my bag I stomp off down the hall. I can hear him laughing as he runs to catch up with me. Pulling me around he looks at me with a worried expression. “Don’t be angry little Tess. Killian and I are good. He knew that I went easy on him. I promised that I would and I did.”

  I pull away from him. “Well if that’s going easy on someone then I dread to think what you are capable of.” His eyes flash and he says darkly, “We both know what I am capable of Grace. Like I said before, I can’t change who I am, I just have to learn to control it.” Staring at him angrily I say, “Well you can deal with it on your own tonight. I am going to work and Gabe can take me. I’ll see you around.”

  Grinning he says, “Gabe has football practice. Come on I’ll take you and then leave you alone. I’ll pick you up later though as I can’t have my girl out on her own at night. You can stay angry with me Grace but I am still going to look after you whether you like it or not.”

  Stomping off down the hallway I accept my fate. I am not going to make it easy for him that much is certain.