Chapter 33

  Ash drops me off to Violet’s and I don’t look back. He has made me so angry. How on earth does he think that it’s ok to treat his friends like that? Thank goodness I am working; at least it gives me some time away from him.

  As if sensing my mood Violet keeps me busy. I catch her looking at me from time to time with a worried expression and before long she corners me in the kitchen. “What’s up Grace, is it Ash?” Sighing I lean back against the wall. “Sort of, but if I’m honest it’s more about how I am feeling.”

  She puts her hand on mine and squeezes it gently. “Tell me honey, maybe I can help.” Raising my eyes I look at her concerned face and find myself telling her what I feel. “It’s just that he has no moral compass whatsoever. I mean he punched his friend today just because he asked me not to tell him something.”

  Looking thoughtful she says, “And what was this thing that you shouldn’t tell him?” “His ex girlfriend sort of had a word with me and threatened me. Jace pulled her away and was awful to her, I mean it was brutal what he said and she just ran off. Killian told me that it was better if Ash didn’t find out. The trouble is I can’t get some of her words out of my mind and it worries me.”

  Frowning Violet asks, “What words are they?” I sigh heavily. “She said that he would get bored with me and go back to her, that only she knew how to handle him and give him what he wants. The trouble is Violet she is probably right. Why is he bothering with me at all? I mean someone like him could have any girl he wanted. I think that she is right and he will soon get bored. I don’t belong with him and it is just a matter of time.” Violet snorts loudly. “Look in the mirror girl. There isn’t a girl here who is a patch on you. Ash isn’t stupid. He knows a good thing when he sees it and that my dear is you. Let me tell you something. I have known him a long time now, since he was a small child. I have never seen him look at anyone the way he looks at you. He worships you and you have absolutely nothing to worry about. He was right about his friend. If this girl was threatening you then he should have been told. I know he’s dangerous and I wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of him but looking like you do you need someone like him to keep the wolves at bay. Don’t over analyse it and just enjoy the ride because if I’m right he’s not going anywhere.” Smiling at her I feel comforted by her words. She is right of course, I know that he doesn’t like anyone keeping secrets from him and I should cut him some slack, after all he is trying.

  Cheering up a bit I say, “Thanks Violet, that’s helped me a lot. Sorry to be a burden.” “Nonsense you can come to me anytime at all. Like I said, I know more than most what it’s like to be around that family, who better than me to confide in.”

  My shift ends and as I leave I see Ash waiting for me. As I walk over towards him he raises his eyes and looks at me with a worried expression. “Are we good Grace, have you forgiven me yet?” Nodding I sit behind him and wrap my arms around him. Burying my face in his back I inhale the scent that I love. Turning around he pulls my face towards his, “What is it Angel, something’s bothering you?” Looking down I wonder whether to say anything at all but then it all comes rushing out. “When Skylar threatened me Ash she said that you would soon get bored of me and go back to her as only she could give you what you need. I’m just worried that she’s right. I mean we are so different in a lot of ways and don’t share the same outlook on what’s right and wrong.”

  Looking down I say quietly, “You also have certain needs that I am worried I may not be up to. What happens if we do, you know, and then you’re disappointed? It just worries me that’s all.”

  Looking at me incredulously Ash tilts my face up to his. I catch my breath at the sight of his beautiful face and see the love pouring out of it towards me. Softly he says, “You are everything I need Grace and much much more. When the time is right we will be together in every sense of the word but I am not rushing it for your sake. This isn’t about not wanting you though. If you only knew what I am going through trying to be a good person for once you wouldn’t have any doubts. Skylar knows nothing at all about me, she just thinks she does. She’s just angry that she’s not queen bee any more. Her status has gone and she is now a nobody. She will say and do anything that she thinks I want to hear. I used her Grace because she suited my purpose, but I never loved her or promised her anything. In fact I was never faithful to her and just had any girl I wanted. That is who I am Grace, or should I say was. Now I have you I don’t need or want anyone else. Like I said before though, I am who I am and even if I want to change it will be difficult. What worries me the most is that you will tire of me and that my Angel I don’t even want to think about.”

  Leaning towards him I take his face in my hands and kiss him gently. Winding my hair around his hands he pulls my lips towards him and leaves me in no doubt at all about the intensity of his feelings for me. By the time we come up for air we both know where we stand. It’s not going to be easy for either of us but at least we both want the same thing.