Chapter 34

  As its Saturday the next day I told Ash that Gabe would drop me off at the library on his way to football practice. I could tell it annoyed him but I wanted some time alone with my cousin as I haven’t seen much of him since Ash came along.

  As we set off I question him about Piper. “How are things going with Piper Gabe?” He grins at me happily. “She’s great. I never knew just how funny she is, I mean she can have me in stitches with just a quick remark. She’s also so hot, who’d have thought it underneath that cloak of invisibility that you all used to wear, I mean seriously how did I miss that?” Teasing him I say, “You’ve got it bad Gabe.” Raising his eyes up he puts his finger to my lips. “Sshh don’t tell anyone, I’m playing it cool. Anyway how are things with you, you know since Ash?”

  Sighing I look at him with what I know is a troubled look. “The trouble is Gabe, I think that I have fallen in love with him and that worries me. We are so different and I am not sure that it will work out.”

  Looking thoughtful Gabe shrugs. “I can’t believe I’m saying this but he is right for you. You calm him down and he protects you. I have never seen him like he is with you with anyone before and I’d say he has fallen heavily for you. Just be careful Grace and don’t give too much of yourself too quickly. If it’s meant to be then you have a lifetime to get to know each other.”

  Grinning I say, “And is that what you’re doing with Piper?” Laughing Gabe pulls a face. “Mind your own business little cuz that’s between the two of us.”

  Gabe pulls into the Gas station and I watch as he fills the tank. I have really grown to love him as the brother that I never had and always wanted. He goes off to pay and then I notice Skylar across the street. Sinking down into my seat I try to stay hidden. The last thing I want is another run in with her.

  As I watch her I notice that she is looking around her anxiously. Then suddenly the unmistakeable sight of Mr Knight’s car stops beside her and she gets inside, all the time looking around her as if she doesn’t want to be seen. As they speed away I wonder what that was all about. She probably knows him from her time with Ash, but it all seemed so furtive.

  Gabe comes back but I don’t tell him what I saw. The least I talk about her the better.

  Gabe drops me off and it feels like it’s been ages since I was here last. Pushing open the door my eyes adjust to the darkened interior and I can see that Mr Watson is sitting at the desk as usual. He looks worse than normal and I notice how tired he looks.

  As he sees me I notice that he looks worried and sighing gestures for me to sit down. As I sit across from him he smiles sadly. “I’m sorry Grace but I’ve got some bad news.” I look at him anxiously. “The state have withdrawn my funding and are closing me down.”

  In shock I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes as I take in what he is saying. “They can’t Mr Watson, this is your life. Why are they doing it?” Looking down he fiddles with his fingers. “Nobody comes here anymore Grace and they don’t have the resources to keep it going. I can’t afford the rent and owe the landlord thousands of dollars in unpaid rent. I have to close it’s the only way. I will have to get a job to afford paying off the debt.”

  I stand up angrily. “It’s not fair Mr Watson, why doesn’t anyone come here anymore? It’s a public library for goodness sake. Can’t we get some help and restore it to what it once was? I bet people would come then.” Smiling ruefully Mr Watson shakes his head sadly. “It’s too late my dear. I have heard that the landlord wants the building back to develop into something else, I’m not sure what. It’s better to just cut my losses and move on.”

  Standing up he looks at me gratefully. “I don’t want you to waste any more of your precious time in helping me Grace. I have enjoyed you being here but as you can see there is no need anymore, I’m sorry, I feel as if I have let you down.” Rushing over to him I hug him which I can tell takes him by surprise. “Please don’t give up yet Mr Watson. I’m sure that we will find a way.” He flushes and looks sadly at me. “You are a kind girl Grace, but as I said it’s too late. I’m sorry.” Watching him sink down into his chair I notice how defeated he looks. I can’t believe that this is happening and as I walk over to the exit my mind is in turmoil.

  As I leave the library I remember how happy it made me to be here with Ash. Sinking down on to the steps I put my head in my hands and sob uncontrollably as I picture Mr Watson and his wife back when they were happy. How could things go so wrong for such a lovely man?

  As I sit there crying on the steps I suddenly hear the roar of a motorbike. Raising my eyes I see Ash screeching to a halt and rushing quickly over to me. “What’s the matter Grace, tell me.”

  Through my tears I tell him and he looks annoyed. “Now where will I study?” Hitting out at him I say angrily, “This isn’t about you Ash. What will poor Mr Watson do now? He owes thousands of dollars in rent that is probably going up all the time. He’s lost his wife and now his business. This isn’t about you or me it’s about him. Well I’m not giving up. I am going to find a way to help him if it’s the last thing I do.”

  Looking thoughtful Ash pulls me up. “Come on, I’ll take you for a coffee. We’ve got time before your shift, maybe we can both come up with a plan.”

  As I look at him in surprise he grins wickedly. “What? It’s my favourite place to make out with the librarian. What will I do for kicks if it closes?” Raising my eyes up I pull myself behind him on the bike. Sometimes he surprises me; maybe he does have a heart after all.

  By the time my shift starts at Violet’s we have mulled over several possibilities. I decide to enlist the help of my Aunt Sarah. She knows lots of people and if we can get enough volunteers we could have the library back up and running and make it a cool place to hang out. Feeling a little brighter I kiss Ash as he drops me off. As I turn to go he pulls me back. “Don’t forget the beach party tonight. I’ll pick you up after your shift and take you home to get ready.” Nodding I race off to work. I am quite excited about the thought of another party. Hopefully it will cheer me up.