Chapter 35

  The beach looks amazing. There are torches blazing around little camps that have been set up with smoking barbeques nearby promising all types of food. There is a sort of makeshift dance area where a DJ is playing the latest tunes.

  Walking in with Ash is certainly an experience. I was actually surprised that we were going. I was told that they never attended these parties, not wanting to hang out with the others from school. However tonight appears to be the exception and as we make our way through the crowd I notice many a stunned glance thrown our way.

  It must be quite an intimidating sight. Ash and his gang look totally hot tonight. They move through the party like they own it. They are all wearing their trademark leather jackets and black jeans and their T Shirts do little to cover up their amazing bodies.

  I notice the envious stares of the other girls and grip hold of his hand a little tighter. Cally is walking beside us with Jacob’s arm slung over her shoulder. Jace has brought a girl called Polly with him who has long dark hair and smouldering grey eyes. She is tall and skinny and looks around her with an indifferent air.

  Quade is with Indie and Killian with Paisley. Only Lucian has come alone and I laugh to myself as I see that this hasn’t gone unnoticed and he is getting rather a lot of attention from some of the girls. I really like Lucian. He is quieter than the others but I heard that even though he is quiet he is a good fighter and you wouldn’t want to see him angry.

  The crowd parts to let us through and we deposit ourselves just outside on the edge of the party. We have our own little group that doesn’t allow anyone else in.

  Sinking down on to the sand Ash pulls me in front of him, tucking me securely between his legs, his arms wrapping themselves around me. I feel safe and content and wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.

  Somebody throws him a beer and catching it he hands it to me and then catches another. Jace lights a fire and we all sink down in a circle. I watch as Cally snuggles closer to Jacob. Seeing me looking she grins and I can’t help but grin back at her. She looks so happy and I know that he adores her, you can tell. I watch as he kisses the back of her neck and I can tell that she is totally into him.

  Jace is making out with Polly on the sand and I hear Ash laughing softly as he sees him. I feel a bit embarrassed as they are leaving nothing to the imagination and feeling my face burn I am just glad that it is dark.

  I feel Ash pull me closer and kiss my neck. His touch is pure torture to me. It is driving me mad and I know that there will be no letting up. I hope that he manages to win his inner battle soon because I am not sure how much longer I can hold out. I watch as Cally and Jacob start kissing and finally I can’t stand it anymore.

  Jumping up I whisper, “I’m going to find Gabe and Piper. I just want to let them know we’ve arrived.” Ash laughs, “You think they don’t know that already?” Quade laughs too. “Grace, the whole school knows we’re here. Didn’t you see their faces? It will be all over this party, we never normally come so this is big news to them.”

  Blushing I look down. “Um, I think I’ll go anyway; I want to see Piper.” Ash jumps up. “I’ll come with you.” Smiling gently at him I push him back down on to the sand. “No need, I won’t be long and you’d be bored. Anyway I don’t want the drama that follows you; I just want a quick word with her and for nobody to notice me. I won’t be long.”

  Kissing him on the lips he smiles and I can feel him watching me as I go. To be honest I just want to get away from them for a minute. Being a part of their gang is quite intense and I need some space to breathe.

  As I wander through the crowds I look for Piper and Gabe. I can see a few of their friends and head off over to them. As I reach the group I see Easton and when he sees me he looks around him nervously. Seeing that I am on my own he visibly relaxes and comes over.

  “Hi Grace, are you looking for Gabe.” Smiling at him I nod and he takes my arm. “Come on they’re over here.” I follow him but pull my arm away. I don’t want anyone to see and tell Ash. Easton is a nice guy and wouldn’t deserve the fallout that would occur.

  As we head over to them Easton smiles ruefully at me. “It appears that I was too late in the line to ask you out. I should have got the courage sooner.” Feeling myself blush I say quietly, “I’m sorry Easton. For some reason Ash just couldn’t stay away and…well you know.” He smiles gently at me. “Yes I know. There’s not a man alive that can compete with him that much I do know. As long as you’re happy that’s fine with me.”

  By now we have reached Gabe and he pulls me beside him looking worried. “Are you ok Grace, where’s Ash?” Raising my eyes up I laugh at him. “I’m fine, Ash is with his friends and I just wanted a word with mine.”

  Relaxing he smiles and Piper looks at me with surprise. “I can’t believe that you all came. It’s so out of character and it’s all anyone is talking about.” Laughing I say, “What are they Gods or something? They’re just like us, kids that go to this school.”

  Piper looks at me as if I’m mad. “They are hardly just like us Grace. In fact come to think of it neither are you. No you belong with them that’s obvious. The rightful King and Queen of Falcondell High.”

  I know that she is joking; well at least I hope she is. Shoving her playfully I say, “Look I just wanted to say that I don’t want us to be separated because of who we are dating. If you want to come over to be with us then you are welcome and the same for us. Don’t be intimidated by Ash and his gang. You are our friends and I don’t want us to drift apart.”

  Piper looks at me and to my surprise I see tears in her eyes. Hugging me to her she says, “Thanks Grace. I have felt a bit left out if you must know. I kind of miss us three hanging out and Cally seems so wrapped up in Jacob that I feel a bit awkward.

  I link my arm in hers. “Come on let’s go and dance. Just us no boys allowed.” Giggling we push our way on to the dance floor and make complete fools of ourselves. I haven’t laughed so much in ages and I realise that Piper is right. We have neglected her and this feels good just being ourselves once more.

  Suddenly though things change. There is a sound of screaming and lots of shouting. Looking up in confusion I notice that people are running from the beach. The music stops and I hear the most awful commotion heading our way.

  Somebody races past and I hear them say, “It’s those goons from Freyview; they’ve come to make trouble.” Catching hold of him I say, “What do you mean, what’s going on?” The guy looks at me with a fearful expression. “I heard them say they want to get back at us for beating up some of their crowd. This isn’t going to be pretty so you’d better run.”

  Piper grabs hold of my hand. “Come on Grace, let’s not hang around. We’d better find Gabe.” Turning to follow her I am amazed by what I see next. Standing behind us like a wall of steel is Ash and his gang looking like I have never seen them before. They are all lined up facing us waiting for the trouble to reach them. I see their faces set in hard masks and I can see the promise in their eyes.

  Turning in surprise I see the trouble approaching and watch as they suddenly stop short as they see what’s waiting for them. Their expressions change to one of disbelief and even from here I can sense their fear.

  Turning back in confusion I see Ash nod to someone. All at once I see Gabe rushing towards Piper and I. Grabbing hold of us he shouts, “Come on, let’s get out of here.” Shaking my head I try to pull away; I don’t want to go as I can’t leave Ash. “No Gabe, I won’t leave him here.” Looking as if I am stupid Gabe just picks me up and throws me over his shoulder as though I am one of his footballs and followed by Piper dashes back up the beach. I know that it is useless to struggle and just accept my fate. I am worried though. Despite the fact that I know they can handle themselves, the other guys looked like they meant business and as the guy said, it wasn’t going to be pretty.

  As we reach Gabe’s car he throws me in and Piper scrambles in after me. Locking the doors he s
tarts up the engine and drives away. Piper looks at me fearfully. “I can’t believe that just happened. They’ve never crashed one of our parties before. Do you think they knew that Ash and his gang were there?”

  Shaking his head grimly Gabe says in a tight voice, “I think they were banking on the fact that they weren’t. Everyone knows that they never go to these things. No they were after retribution for what happened at the game and it wasn’t going to end well.”

  I feel so worried about what is now happening at the beach. “Do you think they’ll be ok Gabe?” Gabe snorts. “Freyview certainly won’t. They will regret the day they thought this was a good idea. This is right up Ash’s gang’s street. It will just be a gentle workout to them. I don’t think you fully realise what they’re like Grace. They are evil and totally get off on violence of any kind.” I shrink back into my seat. I know he’s right. It’s the other guys that I should be worrying about. Images of what happened to the creepy guys come into my mind and I picture their fate.

  I suddenly notice that Gabe isn’t driving us in the right direction for home. “Where are we going Gabe, this isn’t the right way?” Laughing softly Gabe says, “Ash told me to go to his house. Apparently the party is going to continue there.” Piper looks at me and I can see the excitement shining in her eyes. “Oh my God. The Knight mansion. I have always wanted to see inside that place.”

  I feel confused. “When did this all get arranged?” Gabe laughs again. “Ash told me to bring you here and why. I’ll say one thing for him he’s cool in an emergency.” I shake my head in disbelief. “How will we get in, and won’t his uncle have something to say about it?”

  Gabe shrugs his shoulders. “I’ve heard he’s out of town this weekend. Probably doesn’t know a thing about it. We’re to wait outside by the pool house.” Looking outside I tune out as Piper starts chatting away incessantly. I am still worried as to what’s happening at the beach. I won’t be able to relax until I know that he’s safe.

  We soon pull up outside The Knight mansion. It is certainly intimidating and I can see that we are not the only ones here. It appears that word has spread and there are several cars now jostling for position in the driveway.

  In disbelief I follow Gabe and Piper through the crowd to the pool house. This place is amazing. The pool is one of those made to look natural. There is a makeshift water fall and it reminds me of our lake at the ridge as I see the rocks strategically placed around it. Lights illuminate the area and I can see tables and loungers dotted around and to the side is a huge pool house that is now open and full of people already helping themselves to the drinks inside.

  Nudging Gabe I say anxiously, “This doesn’t feel right. I feel as if we are intruders. This is their personal property and it’s like we’re stealing their stuff.” Gabe shrugs. “Ash won’t care. Money is no object to this family. It will all get replaced and his uncle won’t even bat an eyelid, he has enough parties here himself. In fact he’ll just be pissed that he’s missed out on the opportunity of scoring with some of Ash’s friends.”

  I can’t believe he just said what he did. “What! That’s disgusting. You’re wrong Gabe, Mr Knight wouldn’t be interested in underage girls, he’s going out with Violet anyway.”

  Turning away Gabe says nothing and Piper looks at him thoughtfully. “Get us a drink Gabe, we’ll just sit here and wait.” As he heads off to get the drinks Piper pulls me down on to a nearby lounger. In a whisper she says, “Gabe’s right. Mr Knight is not a nice man Grace. He doesn’t care about how old a girl is. If he wants them he has them. Violet knows this which is why she keeps him at arms length most of the time. She just uses him as much as he does her.”

  Shaking my head in disbelief I look at Piper in horror. “But he could go to jail if he’s caught.” Piper laughs hollowly. “He will never go to jail Grace. He has too much on the people in authority in this town. Everyone’s afraid of him and wouldn’t dare press charges. He just does what he likes. Just keep away from him and you’ll be ok. Even if you’re unwilling he doesn’t care, in fact it just makes him more determined to get you.” Suddenly I feel sick. I think of Skylar getting into his car and it all slots into place. Despite how awful she is she doesn’t deserve that. Somebody should stop him, it isn’t right.

  As we sit here we suddenly see Cally pushing her way through the crowd looking worried. When she sees us she rushes over and sinks down next to us. “Oh thank God you’re both safe. I couldn’t believe it when we heard the commotion at the beach. We were told to grab everything and get rides to this place and meet them here. Ash took off like a bullet from a gun almost before we heard anything. It’s like he had a sixth sense or something.”

  That doesn’t surprise me. He always has a habit of being there when I need him. Reaching up I hold on to the heart necklace. I hope that he’s safe; I couldn’t bear it if he was hurt. Gabe gets back with some drinks and we all sit around just getting used to what’s happened.

  Before long we hear the distinct sound of the motorbikes coming up the hill. Jumping up Cally and I race to the front and watch as they all screech to a halt. Seeing Ash I race over to him and Cally does the same to Jacob. Before he can even get off his bike I am on him, looking at him anxiously for signs of any injuries.

  Looking amused Ash says, “Who are you Florence Nightingale?” Crossly I say, “I was worried about you. What if you’d been hurt, what would I do then?” I hear the others laughing as they witness the exchange. Jace snorts, “You should worry about those Freyview geeks instead. They didn’t know what hit them.”

  The others laugh but Ash glares at him. “Can it Jace, go inside and sort out the drinks. I’ll be a minute.” Laughing and joking they all go inside and Ash pulls me closer to him. Holding me against him he breathes in deeply. “How I love your smell little Tess. Never leave my side again. If you had been caught up in that there would’ve been hell to pay.”

  I can feel his fear; it is there inside of him as he holds me. Pulling back I kiss him gently and then to my surprise he crushes me to him and kisses me more passionately than I have ever been kissed before. My insides melt with desire and I don’t want him to stop. I return his kiss with a new found urgency. Something has changed; I can feel it inside him. Sweeping me up he says in a tortured voice, “You are coming with me.”

  He takes me inside the house. It is eerily quiet inside compared to the noise of the party outside that is now in full swing. I don’t register my surroundings though. My heart is pounding as he leads me up several flights of stairs and pushes open a door which I can see leads into what must be his bedroom.

  Pulling me inside he kicks the door shut and with a wicked grin he locks it. Grinning he says, “I’ve got you now little Tess. You can’t escape from my lair.” Smiling at him I approach him slowly. “Who said I wanted to?”

  His eyes flash and turn as black as the darkness that surrounds us. Standing before me he reaches for me and removes the locket from around my neck. Instantly I feel the release and the room lights up around us, bathing us in a new light. He gasps in disbelief as I fill the entire room with my energy.

  Stepping back he takes in the sight of me and I see tears come to his eyes which shocks me. Moving closer to him I reach up and looking into his eyes I pour all that I have into them. “Please Ash. Let go of your demons. You are nothing like your father and I am not your mother. We are our own people and can make our own history together.” I watch as he battles with himself and then I know that I have won. Pulling me towards him he whispers, “I love you Grace. Seeing you here in my room standing before me as you truly are, I know that we are meant to be together. You have my heart and I yours. I can’t resist this anymore.”

  Then he kisses me with so much love that I know that I am lost forever. This is it; the time for waiting is over.