Chapter 36

  Finally Ash and I are a couple in every sense of the word. As I lie beside him I wonder at the experience. We just lay side by side staring at each other as he strokes my face.

  “I knew it was you, that first day in the library when you were hiding behind that book. As soon as I looked into your eyes it hit me like a steam train.”

  Smiling my eyes sparkle and I laugh gently. “Rubbish, I was wearing those stupid pretend glasses and a hat. You didn’t see anything.” Pushing me playfully he rolls me on to my back and sits astride me holding me down. “I know everything Grace and I know that you felt it too. You can deny it all you want to but we both know that we were always destined for each other.”

  Leaning down he kisses me gently. My heart fills with love for him. I know that he is no Angel but that doesn’t seem to matter. We can’t choose who we fall in love with and I know that he has good in him; it just needs time to come out.

  Rolling off of me he grins. “We should get back to the party. They will be wondering where we are.”

  He laughs as he sees me blush. “Don’t worry Angel; they probably think we’ve been at it for ages anyway. My reputation would be in tatters if they knew how long I’ve waited.”

  I look at him crossly. “What about my reputation. They are all going to know what we’ve been up to and I’ll be so embarrassed.” Pulling me towards him he says angrily, “Never be embarrassed around me Grace. They know that you aren’t that type of girl. I’m the only guy that will ever know you this way. We just followed our hearts and it was inevitable. You have nothing to be ashamed of.”

  As I look at him I know that he is right. “Ash, I’m not ashamed. I love you and don’t care who knows it. Come on let’s go and face them together and who cares what they think.” Grinning he says, “That’s my girl, and you are Grace, nobody else ever again. You’re stuck with me and that’s final.”

  Smiling broadly at him he steps back in surprise as the full force of my happiness hits him. He looks at me in amazement. “You were beyond beautiful before but now… I would never have believed that you could be even more beautiful. It is all around you.” Walking towards me he tilts my face to his. “Who are you really Grace, you are beyond special that I do know?” Playfully I say, “You think that you know everything don’t you Ash, well this is something you don’t know and I am going to keep it my little secret for a while longer, just to annoy you.”

  I can tell that I have surprised him but he doesn’t push it. Once we are dressed I put the locket back on and feel once again contained within its walls. Looking thoughtful Ash says quietly, “I will find out Grace, it’s only a matter of time.” Nodding I wink at him. “I’m counting on it Ash.”

  As we join the others I feel different. I have changed within me and gone are the worries and insecurities; they have been replaced with a new found confidence and energy. Cally looks up as we approach and as she looks at me I see a knowing look in her eyes. Dragging me over to one side she studies me saying, “Oh my God, you didn’t?” Laughing I tease her. “Didn’t what Cally?” Grinning at me she looks towards Ash and then back at me. “What on earth took you so long? I mean look at him. You must have had more will power than anyone I have ever known.”

  As I follow her gaze my heart swells with love for him. His hair is now tousled and I can see that his face has relaxed into an easy grin. His eyes are sparkling and his body is rippling underneath his tightly fitting T Shirt. As he feels me looking he shoots me a look that could light a fire in another town. Cally gasps beside me.

  “I’m sorry Grace but that is perfection personified. You are one lucky lady.” Laughing I nod towards Jacob saying, “You haven’t done so bad yourself.” Grinning Cally’s eyes sparkle. “I never knew that love would be this good. Come on let’s enjoy ourselves and find Piper. They can wait for a while whilst we catch up.” Dragging me behind her we go to find Piper. As she sees us coming a smile breaks out across her face, lighting it up.

  We spend the next hour laughing and joking like we used to. Occasionally I catch Ash looking at us and he just smiles and looks away. He knows that I need this time with my friends, he does too. It doesn’t matter; we know that neither of us are going anywhere.

  As the evening wears on I drift back over to where Ash is sitting. Pulling me down beside him he whispers, “I missed you Angel.” Kissing him gently I say happily, “Me too.” Snuggling into his arms I never want to leave them. All around us couples are kissing and making out. Some are playing pool in the pool house and some are enjoying the real pool. It is a magical evening and one that I will never forget. Leaning down Ash kisses my neck saying, “Are you happy little Tess?” I smile up at him. “I have never been happier Ash. Thank you.” He kisses me again and I never want him to stop.