Page 19 of Anthony

  His eyes widen slightly, the only indication I’ve caught him off guard. But he simply says, “I see. This information hasn’t been made public.”

  This next part is trickier, and I’m struggling with where to begin. Fuck it. “Two nights ago, Clint brought Jacey to the compound. When they walked in, I was meeting with Caulder and a couple of his guys in the foyer. She recognized him, lost it, fell, and hit her head. She was terrified. Thankfully, Dr. Atwell was there checking Marco again, and she sedated Jacey because of her distress. When she woke and cried out again in fear, very long story short, I made her tell me who and why she was so afraid of.”

  When I pause, Lee motions with his hand. “And?” He really doesn’t give a fuck.

  It’s hard, but I manage to push back my irritation. I keep reminding myself that I’d feel the same way if our positions were reversed. But he’s not heartless. “Your father-in-law forced Jacey to entertain men beneficial to the company. One of them was Jeremy Caulder.” Again, there’s a flicker of surprise, but it’s quickly gone. “Jeremy was a sadistic bastard who hurt her, then brought over some friends to join the party one night. I don’t want to go into all the details, but she was injured badly, and has since felt terrified of seeing him again.”

  Lee shrugs his shoulders before saying, “Why did she agree to be Wrenn’s and therefore Caulder’s entertainment to begin with?”

  “Because it was either her or Jade,” I say bluntly. Enough dancing around it. He’s a big boy. “Wrenn terrorized Jacey for years, forcing her to do whatever he asked of her. When she resisted, Jade had a few ‘accidents’ until Jacey acquiesced. If she refused any of his requests, Jade paid the price.”

  He’s furious. I can see it in the narrowing of his eyes and the clenching of his hands. Much like me, he wishes Wrenn were still alive so he could kill him. He gets to his feet and walks to the glass wall behind my desk, staring into the darkness of the club as he processes. Finally, he says, “And you believe her?” It’s not really a question, but I answer it anyway.

  “Without reservation. The level of abject terror I witnessed not once but twice wasn’t faked.”

  “Fuck,” he murmurs softly. “It strangely makes sense. Her behavior at times was oddly inconsistent, even more so in the last year. I put it down to a late attack of conscience even though Jade has always defended her.”

  I move to stand next to him, silently lending my support. He’s grappling to take it all in just as I was a short time ago. “Jacey said their mother told her many times that she had to take care of her sister.”

  “I’d say she fulfilled that,” he replies, still appearing lost in thought.

  “Agreed. But you cannot tell Jade. This is not your story to share. I feel like a piece of shit divulging her past with all of you, but something like this could destroy a woman as soft-hearted as your wife. Whether or not Jade knows is up to Jacey. And considering what she went through to protect her sister, if she ever does reveal it to Jade, she won’t tell her why.” Because my woman is one of the strongest women I’ve ever known. And she killed the bastard who stole so much from her.

  Lee puts his hands in his pockets and rocks back on his heels. When he drops his head forward, I know he understands. “There is only one reason I’d ever keep anything from my wife, and that is to protect her. This would destroy her. She loves Jacey and longs to form a relationship with her despite what’s happened between them.” He’s silent for a moment before clearing his throat, and saying, “Let’s hear the rest.” We return to where a silent Marco, Mike, and Nic sit waiting for us. Their solemn expressions tell me that hearing Jacey’s story again is almost as hard for them as it is for me to disclose it. In a very short amount of time, they’ve grown fond of the woman who has stolen my heart.

  How in the fuck did that happen?

  I lay the facts of the previous night out for Lee. Due to the life he’s lived, very little surprises him. Jacey did. “We think they may be—“

  “They’re connected,” he mutters. “Caulder was a calling card. Collateral damage to get your attention. The murder isn’t the most unsettling aspect here. It’s the fact that someone knew you would go after the fucker. Answer the question of how that’s even possible, and it leads you to the guilty party.”

  “Your house is compromised,” Marco hisses in frustration. “There’s either a bug there or someone’s eavesdropping. You need to have it swept without telling anyone ahead of time. We also need to know everyone who was there when this was discussed.”

  Lee rubs a hand over his chin before looking at me. “I realize this is going to be hard for you, but we must assume that everyone is a suspect until we can exclude them. I know Lester and Cassandra have been with you for a long time, but the fucked-up truth is that everyone has a price. And often it has nothing to do with money. What happened to Jacey tells you that.”

  “He’s correct,” Mike concurs. “I’ve had similar thoughts, so I took the liberty of compiling a preliminary list. I realize you employ people there, but since this conversation took place after hours, that narrows down the suspects a bit. His fingers fly over his phone screen before he continues. “There’s Lester and Cassandra, Dr. Atwell, four security guards, and a cook. Does that sound right?”

  “Fuck me,” I say as I attempt to deal with the ramifications of what Lee is suggesting. He’s right. I should have thought of it myself but acknowledging that someone close to me might have betrayed me is a blow difficult to absorb. More so possibly than anyone else, Lester and Cassandra are in a power position within my inner circle, and I trust them with my life and the lives of those I love. A betrayal of that magnitude would be staggering. They hire and train my security detail for every aspect of my life. Including hers.

  Nic, appearing unusually solemn, speaks up. “Tony, if it’s any consolation, I don’t think it’s Lester or Cass. They’ve been privy to what we’ve been doing for a while now. I don’t see them plotting to take you down and using this kind of obscure message to fuck with your head. That’s not Lester’s style. He’d go for the kill shot every time.”

  “Agreed,” Marco pipes in. “That shit with Caulder was the work of a pussy. Someone without the balls for a head-on attack.”

  Then it hits me. I know what my next move must be, and no one here is going to like it. “That’s right”—I nod— “which is why I’ll go to Rutger and lay my cards on the table. He’ll either kill me or help me. At this point, I’m not sure I give a good fuck.”

  “You’re insane,” Marco says incredulously. “Tony,” he implores, “there must be another way. He’s by the book. Draco’s death still haunts him. There’s no way he’ll be a party to putting his son in danger.”

  Nic slides to the edge of his seat as he glances around the room before looking at me. He gets it. “That may well be why he’ll agree to help.” I might have been a teenager back then, but even I remember how he idolized Draco and Victor. He took their deaths hard. He took over as head of the family, and I don’t believe it was a love of power that made him do it. He wanted to preserve what Draco started. He held the family together when everyone else was too busy fighting for position. If there is anyone that wants to see justice served, it’s Rutger Moretti.”

  “I lean in that direction as well,” Lee agrees. “I’ve known Rutger a long time. We’re not best friends, but I’d count him as an ally if I needed one. He won’t be happy that we’ve been digging into Draco’s death without informing him—especially as we suspect it’s someone within the family.”

  “What he’ll be is fucking pissed at me.” Marco sighs. “Then he’ll probably tell my mother and let her have a go at me as well.”

  Nic shudders, giving his friend a sympathetic look. “I’d rather face your old man in a dark alley, than your mom. That woman is scary.”

  “Mrs. Moretti is a bit on the…intimidating side,” Mike agrees. “But you’ve survived them thus far, so statistically, they’re unlikely to kill you now.”

?Why thanks for that, Einstein,” Marco grumbles before giving me a nod. “I’m in. Whatever you think is best.”

  I brace myself for protests, knowing they’ll be coming. “There is no reason any of you should fear the wrath of the family. As far as Rutger will know, I acted alone.”

  Marco begins laughing. “As if he’d believe we weren’t involved in some way. My father’s not a fool, Tony. He’s fully aware of how close the three of us are to you. It’s possible he might not include Lee in the equation, but yeah, that would simply insult his intelligence.”

  “The facts support his argument,” Mike tosses out.

  Well, fuck. “All right,” I concede. “But I will not allow any of you to take the blame for this. If there is a price to pay, then it’s all mine. In this, you cannot and will not protect me. Understood?”

  There is general grumbling and objections, but in the end, I have their agreement. “I’ll contact Rutger today and set up a meet for tomorrow if possible. I’ll let you know as soon as I have the details.”

  Lee glances at his watch, and I know he needs to go. We’ve covered everything anyway. I hadn’t expected him to accompany us to meet with Rutger, so I’m surprised when he says, “I’ll expect to be notified as well. Rutger is less likely to make a move against you with me there.” It isn’t said out of conceit; it’s simply the truth, and we all know it. The family does not want any trouble with Lee. His involvement will indeed add an extra layer of protection to our group.

  “Thanks, brother.” I clap him on the shoulder.

  With his exit, everyone else gets to their feet and follows suit. Within a few moments, my office is blissfully quiet. I walk around my desk and take a seat, putting my feet up onto the corner of it. As uncertain as the days ahead are, I feel a strange kind of peace for the first time in months. Rutger will be angry, but with Lee’s involvement, I think we can bring him over to our side.

  As I stare at the ceiling, my thoughts go to her—my Duchess. She shocked the hell out of me last night. Taking the initiative and quite literally fucking me wasn’t something I expected. I knew we’d sleep together eventually, but with shit blowing up all around us, I figured it might be later. It was as fucking amazing as it was unexpected. Underneath her bravado, she was sweetly shy, which only made me want her more. The look on her face when she came around me. God, the way she looked at me. With awe. She’s so beautiful, and last night, I learned how incredibly sexy she is too. And she has no clue. My goddess. I thought I’d blow my load in an embarrassingly short amount of time, but an iron will—and some baseball statistics—meant I made it until she found her release. I planned to have a much more leisurely session this morning, but we overslept, and Clint woke us when he arrived to take Jacey to work. So, a hurried kiss was it. I knew she was as disappointed as well, but we’ll have tonight. Jacey has never been with anyone who put her needs first, and I’ve never been with anyone I’ve wanted to make love to. I have no idea what tomorrow will bring, but tonight, I plan to give us both a first—several times.

  * * *


  I’m deep in thought as I study the latest financial reports for the company. After selling every part of Wrenn with questionable ties, I expected the company to take a financial hit for a while, but that hasn’t been the case. Our numbers remain strong and steady. Why am I disappointed? A part of me wanted Wrenn to fail so I could close the doors of the place I loathe so much and walk away. No one would question my decision to do just that if we were failing. But we’re not, and I’m at a crossroads now. I want out so badly, yet I don’t know how to leave. When the buzzer on the office phone sounds, I jump, having been so lost in my thoughts that I forgot where I was for a moment. “Ms. Wrenn, your sister is here to see you. You have your next appointment soon, though.” I close my eyes briefly in self-loathing. I told Marsha months ago that if my sister came to see me, I was always to have an upcoming meeting. I hate that I learned to be cruel to be kind.

  “It’s fine, Marsha, you can send her in.”

  A few seconds later, my sister opens the door, giving me a bright smile. She’s nervous as always. No matter how hard she tries to appear as if she’s not, being around me makes her anxious. Why does she keep doing it then? I must give her credit for her tenacity. I’d have long since given up. “Sorry for dropping by unannounced. It’s just that I was going through some stuff I had in storage, and I ran across a box of paperwork that belonged to Mom. I guess it got mixed in with my boxes when I moved into my apartment. Anyway, it appears to be some old financial information. Bank statements and such. I didn’t want to throw it away without asking you.” For the first time, I notice the bankers box at her feet.

  “It’s nice of you to check with me,” I say carefully. “And I’m sure there’s nothing there of value, but if you want to leave it, I’ll glance through it when I get time and then have it shredded.”

  “Oh…okay,” she says, obviously disappointed we aren’t going to do it now—together. It’s getting harder and harder to be around her. She’s still so damn hopeful that I’ll come around and be a real sister to her. I can’t. She has no idea that I simply don’t know how. Being the ice queen is the only thing that’s kept me from cracking all these years. If I drop my shields and let her in, I’ll simply break apart.

  You let him in.

  Tony is different. He knows what I’ve been through. I can be myself around him without fear. But Jade…I can never tell her what I did. It would devastate her, and I’ve protected her for too long to be the one to destroy her. She dons that overly bright smile once again as she asks, “How have you been? Are you still seeing Tony? I left you a few messages about having lunch, but I know you stay busy here. If you ever need me to help you—“

  “Oh no, I’ve got it covered,” I say before she can finish her offer. Please leave. God, leave.

  “Sure, of course you do. I don’t know what I was thinking. You have plenty of staff.” She shocks me when she lowers her voice to add, “This place gives me the serious creeps. How can you stand being here now? Have you ever thought of relocating? Making a fresh start?”

  Only every single day. “Sometimes,” I admit. “But it’s not as if a different address will give me a new life. Wherever I go, the memories will follow.”

  Her eyes fill with tears, and I want to slap myself. I’ve said too much. Revealed a weakness to her. If she can’t handle this, she’ll never deal with the truth. My hands are trembling as I stare helplessly at her. Go. Go. She’s on the verge of an emotional meltdown, and she’s pulling me along with her.

  Can’t breathe.

  Go, Jade, go.

  Then one loud knock sounds on my door before it’s pushed open. I look at him beseechingly and see him nod once. Tony steps inside and appears to read the situation in one glance. “Jade, great to see you again. I had lunch with your husband today.”

  I see her attempt to collect herself as she grabs a tissue from my desk and dabs at her eyes before turning to face him. “Tony, hi, it’s good to see you as well. Lee mentioned he was meeting with you today. I forgot all about that. Do you two have plans?”

  Before I can reply, Tony steps in. “We do. I’m going to take this beautiful lady out for dinner tonight if I can steal her away from the office. She works entirely too hard.”

  I have no idea if he came here for that reason or not, but his timely interruption is enough to have me smiling at him in relief. “You’re one to talk, Moretti,” I say lightly, attempting to shake off the somber mood of a moment ago.

  “Touché, Duchess. So, it’ll be good for both of us. I should have called first, but I didn’t want to take the chance that you’d say no.”

  “As if she would.” Jade winks at me. It appears we’ve both managed to regroup. If not for Tony, I fear we would be well into my box of Kleenex by now.

  He looks from me to Jade before asking, “Can you leave now? I left my car double-parked, so you’ll save me a bundle in parking tickets if you hurry.”
  I have a meeting in an hour, but I couldn’t care less. That pretty much sums up my feelings toward Wrenn most of the time now. I open my bottom drawer and pull my purse from it. My hand hovers over my briefcase, but I don’t pick it up. Fuck it. It feels surprisingly good to leave everything behind for once. I get to my feet and move to his side. His hand automatically goes to my waist, and I feel the warmth that only he can give me. “Fast enough?”

  “Perfect.” He grins, then turns to Jade. “Why don’t you walk down with us? I recognized Lee’s car and driver.” So that’s why he hadn’t appeared surprised to see her here.