48. 209.
49. De incantatione, ch. iii, in Symonds, Italian Literature, II, 476.
50. Ibid., ch. xii, in Symonds, op. cit., 477.
51. Owen, 201.
52. De immortalitate animae, ch. xiv.
52a. Ibid.
53. In Owen, 204.
54. Ibid.
55. De fato, iii, 7.
56. In Cambridge Modern History, II, 703.
57. Pastor, V, 157.
58. Molmenti, Part I, Vol. II, 1.
59. Burckhardt, 453.
60. Ranke, History of the Popes, I, 56.
61. Pastor, I, 27.
62. Pastor, X, 422.
63. Encyclopaedia Britannica, nth ed., XXIII, 85a.
64. Symonds, Italian Lit., II, 479.
65. Ibid.
66. Lea, Inquisition in the M.A., III, 576.
67. Erasmus, Epistle xxvi, 34, in Robertson, J. M., Freethought, I, 370.
68. Guicciardini, I, 4.
69. Mather, F. J., Western European Painting of the Renaissance, 150.
70. In Villari, Machiavelli, I, 417.
71. Guicciardini, I, Introd. xvi.
72. Guicciardini, Ricordi, xxviii, in Burckhardt, 464, Pastor, VIII, 178, and Villari, Machiavelli, II, 86.
73. Ricordi civ and cclxvii, in Villari, Machiavelli, II, 86.
74. Opere inedite, ii, 51, in Sismondi, 389.
75. Ricordi, cccxlvi, in Villari, II, 85; Guicciardini, History, III, 104.
76. Villari, II, 158–9.
77. Ibid., 325.
78. In Roeder, 209.
79. Cf. the letters in Villari, I, 469 and II, 48.
80. In Pastor, V, 160.
81. Machiavelli, Discourses, ii, 10.
82. Ibid., ii, 18.
83. In Villari, II, 344.
84. Discourses, iii, 43.
85. Ibid., proem to book ii.
86. Machiavelli, History, v, i.
87. Machiavelli, The Prince, ch. xxv.
88. Discourses, i, 3; Prince, iii.
89. Robertson, I, 374.
90. Discourses, i, 11.
91. I, 12.
92. I, 11–12.
93. I, 10.
94. II, 2; iii, i.
95. I, 12.
96. III, 1.
97. III, 41.
98. I, 9.
99. History, v, 2.
100. In Villari, II, 143.
101. Discourses, i, 9.
102. Prince, i.
103. Discourses, 1, 12.
104. In Villari, II, 151.
105. Prince, xi-xii; History, vi, 1.
106. In Pastor, V, 164.
107. Prince, xv.
108. Prince, xviii.
109. Ibid., xvii.
110. Discourses, iii, 19.
111. Ibid.1, 10.
112. Prince, xxi.
113. Ibid., viii.
114. XVIII.
115. Ibid.
116. VII, xvii.
117. XXVI.
118. Villari, II, 193; Treitschke, H. von, Lectures on Politics, 29.
119. Bacon, F., De augmentis scientiarum, vii, 2.
120. Hegel, Philosophy of History, in Symonds, Despots, 367.
1. Burckhardt, 485.
2. Coulton, Medieval Panorama, 192.
3. Platina, Vitae, in Burckhardt, 501.
4. Sismondi, 468.
5. Pastor, V, 84.
6. Decameron, i, 2 and 7.
7. Symonds, Despots, 458n.
8. In Roeder, 512.
9. Pastor, I, 31.
10. Molmenti, Part I, Vol. II, 222.
11. Aretino, Dialogues, p. 82.
12. Guicciardini, Considerazione on Machiavelli’s Discourses (i, 12), in Villari, II, 151.
13. St. Catherine of Siena in Coulton, Five Centuries of Religion, II, 399.
14. Pastor, V, 171–3.
16. Robertson, I, 369.
17. Burckhardt, 502.
18. Robertson, I, 369.
19. Pastor, VI, 443.
20. Pastor, X, 457–76.
21. Bandello, Novels, Vol. I, Part I, Story I; Maulde, 178.
22. Ibid.
23. Pastor, V, 113.
24. Lea, Auricular Confession, III, 417.
25. Pastor, V, 133; Symonds, Despots, 477.
26. Pastor, V, 132.
27. Aretino, La cortigiana, Act. iii, p. 219 of Works.
28. Chubb, T. C, Aretino, 216.
29. Pastor, I, 26.
30. Molmenti, Part II, Vol. II, 239.
31. Ibid., 238.
32. Castiglioni, 464; Burckhardt, 400, who considers the estimate exaggerated.
33. Castiglioni, 464.
34. Molmenti, 250n.
35. Pastor, VIII, 121.
36. Gregorovius, Lucrezia, 96.
37. Symonds, Italian Lit., II, 225.
38. Maulde, 361.
39. Gregorovius, VIIIa, 306.
40. Lanciani, Golden Days, 67.
41. Ibid., 64.
42. Maulde, 360, 164.
43. Ibid., 27, 98.
44. Villari, I, 315.
45. Pastor, V, 105, 127.
46. Burckhardt, 416.
47. An example in Cartwright, Isabella, II, 288.
48. Maulde, 43.
49. Burckhardt, 456.
50. Maulde, 353; Sismondi, 747.
51. Ibid., 456.
52. Coulton, From St. Francis to Dante, 14.
53. In Symonds, Italian Lit., II, 86.
54. Burckhardt, 346.
55. Molmenti, II, II, 92.
56. Burckhardt, 374.
57. Molmenti, 94; Taylor, Leonardo, 484.
58. Ibid.
59. Sismondi, 452.
60. Addison, Julia, Development of Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages, 192.
61. Cagnola in Noyes, Milan, 133.
62. Cartwright, Isabella, II, 115.
63. Maulde, 131.
64. Ibid., 70–1.
65. Cartwright, Beatrice, 172.
66. Pastor, V, 17–9.
67. Symonds, Despots, 240f.
68. In Burckhardt, 404.
69. Ibid.
70. Pastor, VIII, 124.
71. Pastor, V, 107.
72. Ashley, W. J., Introd. to English Economic History, 447.
73. Pastor, V, 106.
74. Cambridge Modern History, I, 250; Symonds, Despots, 474.
75. Taine: Rome and Naples, 172.
76. Chubb, 23.
77. Guicciardini, III, 59.
78. Ibid., VII, 69; Machiavelli, History, vi, 4.
79. Pastor, V, 134.
80. Sismondi, 456.
81. James, Bologna, 138.
82. Schevill, Siena, 223.
83. Robinson and Rolf, 123.
84. Cartwright, Isabella, II, 59.
85. Lanciani, 99.
86. Brinton, The Gonzaga Lords, 88.
87. Fattorusso, 247.
88. Thorndike, Science and Thought in the Fifteenth Century, 53; Burckhardt, 374.
89. Friedländer, II, 176.
90. Wright, T., Homes of Other Days, 462.
91. Molmenti, II, II, 162.
92. Decameron, i, 1.
93. Molmenti, 231.
94. Villari, Savonarola, 246.
95. Gibbon, VI, 562.
96. Symonds, Italian Lit., I, 307–8.
97. Vasari, II, 178–9, Fiero di Cosimo.
98. pastor, V, 48.
99. In Lang, P. H., Music in Western Civilization, 299.
100. Cellini, i, 32.
101. Lang, 302.
102. Castiglione, B., The Courtier, p. 76.
103. Ibid.; Oxford History of Music, Introd. Volume, 215; Lang, 300.
104. Oxford History, Introd., 188.
105. In Einstein, Alfred, The Italian Madrigal, I, 39.
106. Symonds, Ital. Lit., I, 217.
107. Einstein, 7.
108. Tr. Symonds, Sketches, II, 332.
109. Rabelais, Pantagruel
, bk. iv, Prologue.
109a. Grove, Dictionary of Music, IV, 809.
110. Einstein, 6, 8.
111. Luther, in Gregorovius, VIIIa, 249.
112. Ascham, The Scholemaster, 87.
113. Machiavelli, Discourses, i, 12.
114. Guicciardini, VIII, 354.
115. Pastor, V, 181.
1. The phrase is from Michelet, Histoire de France, III, i, 2, p. 5.
2. Lacroix, Paul, Arts of the M.A., 99.
3. Guicciardini, I, 147.
4. Guizot, History of France, II, 554.
5. Cambridge Modern History, I, 240.
6. Roscoe, Leo X, I, 200–1.
7. Prescott, II, 307.
8. Guizot, II, 511; Sismondi, 676.
9. Lacroix, Prostitution, II, 1130.
10. Pastor, VII, 105.
11. Ibid., 141; Roscoe, Leo X, II, 39; Guicciardini, VI, 382, however, thought that Leo agreed.
12. De Grassis in Roscoe, Leo X, II, 40.
13. Pastor, VII, 139.
14. Beuf, 222.
15. Guicciardini, VII, 266.
16. Pastor, IX, 27.
17. Chubb, 76.
18. Symonds, Despots, 440.
19. Pastor, IX, 73.
20. Burckhardt, 162.
21. Pastor, IX, 91–113.
22. Ibid., 125.
23. Cartwright, Isabella, II, 232.
24. Tr. Symonds, Ital. Lit., II, 368.
25. Pastor, IX, 266.
26. Ibid., 271.
27. Guicciardini, VIII, 230f
28. Pastor, IX, 304.
29. Ibid., 328.
30. 331.
31. Sismondi, 687.
32. Young, 330.
33. In Cartwright, II, 272.
34. Guicciardini, IX, 98, 113.
35. Pastor, IX, 362.
36. Ibid., 390–405; Cartwright, II, 260.
37. Pastor, IX, 400, 413.
38. Guicciardini, IX, 305; Lanciani, 108.
39. Ibid., 107.
40. Guicciardini, IX, 307.
41. Pastor, IX, 400.
42. Symonds, Revival, 444–5.
43. Guicciardini, IX, 308; Pastor, IX, 413.
44. Symonds, Despots, 444; Job, x, 18.
45. Guicciardini, IX, 320–2; Pastor, IX, 424.
46. In Cartwright, Isabella, II, 270.
47. Burckhardt, 123; Symonds, Despots, 445:
48. Guicciardini, X, 139.
49. Sismondi, 729; Symonds, Despots, 446.
50. Fattorusso, Florence, 192.
51. Sismondi, 731.
52. Symonds, Michelangelo, 279.
53. Young, 351.
54. Pastor, X, 199.
55. Vasari, II, 295, Peruzzi.
56. Symonds, Michelangelo, 441.
57. Ibid., 372.
58. 255.
59. Vasari, IV, 119n.
60. Symonds, Michelangelo, 267.
61. Ibid., 282.
62. 324.
63. Cambridge Modern History, II, 67.
64. Pastor, X, 235.
65. Ibid., 322.
66. Letter of Gregorio da Casale, Oct., 1534, in Young, 358.
1. Burckhardt, Cicerone, in Vasari, IV, 320n.
2. Vasari, IV, 327.
3. Ibid., 329.
4. In Anderson, Architecture of the Renaissance in Italy, 145.
5. This section is especially indebted to Thomas Caldecott Chubb’s Aretino.
6. Chubb, 46.
7. Vasari, III, 77, Marcantonio Bolognese.
8. In Chubb, 117.
9. Symonds, Ital. Lit., II, 395.
10. Ariosto, Orlando furioso, xlvi, 14.
11. Maulde, 391.
12. Symonds, Lit., II, 399–400.
13. Ibid., 404.
14. Chubb, 205.
15. Aretino, Dialogues, p. 55.
16. Aretino, 108, 83.
17. Roeder, 498.
18. Ibid., 441.
19. Taine, Italy: Florence and Venice, 289.
20. In Gronau, Titian, 46.
21. Chubb, 437.
22. Vasari, IV, 286.
23. Ruskin, Stones of Venice, I, 10.
24. Vasari, IV, 298.
25. In Mather, Venetian Painters, 340.
26. Soulier, G., Le Tintoret, 12.
27. Ibid., 19; Mather, 342.
28. Soulier, 115.
29. Ruskin, Stones, III, 285.
30. Ibid., 295.
31. Symonds, Fine Arts, 377.
32. Soulier, 75–6.
33. Ruskin, Stones, II, 243.
34. Siviero, R., Catalogue of the Second National Exhibition of the Works of Art Recovered in Germany, 45.
35. Mather, Venetian Painters, 396.
36. Ibid., 168.
37. 416; Venturi and Skira-Venturi, Italian Painting: The Creators of the Renaissance, 164.
38. Ruskin, Stones, II, 10.
39. Quoted by E. Herriot in a lecture at Cannes, Jan., 1951.
1. Thompson, J. W., 376.
2. Adams, Brooks, The New Empire, 90.
3. Cf. Barnes, H. E., History of Western Civilization, I, 867.
4. Robertson, J. M., I, 469.
5. Symonds, Catholic Reaction, I, 33.
6. Ibid., 38, 234–334; Sismondi, 763.
7. Symonds, Catholic Reaction, I, 273.
8. Coulton, Medieval Panorama, 679.
9. Ranke, History of the Popes, I, 181.
10. Guicciardini, X, 257.
11. Ibid., 258.
12. Cardan, Jerome, Book of My Life, ch. ii.
13. Ibid., ch. vi.
14. Hallam, H., Literature of Europe, I, 451–2.
15. Duhem, Leonardo, I, 229f Wolf, A., History of Science, Technology, and Philosophy in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, 537.
16. Cardan, ch. xiii.
17. Ch. xiv.
18. Prologue.
19. Walsh, The Popes and Science, 116.
20. Cornaro, 43–7.
21. Ibid., 66–72.
22. Ibid., 79, 92, 103.
23. Ibid., Introd., 31. Addison, in No. 195 of The Spectator, III, 328, makes good use of Cornaro’s treatise.
24. Hallam, II, 88.
25. Ibid., 119; Robertson, I, 470.
26. Hallam, II, 260.
27. Bandello, III, 123.
28. Holzknecht, Backgrounds of Shakespeare, 243.
29. Cambridge Modern History, III, 400–4.
30. Cellini, ii, 99.
31. Ibid., ii, 70.
32. James, Bologna, 317.
33. Vasari, III, 237. Pontormo.
34. Ibid., 245.
35. Cellini, i, 2.
36. Ibid., i, 14.
37. I, 26.
38. I, 52.
39. II, 33.
40. II, 50.
41. I, 51.
42. I, 73.
43. I, 64.
44. I, 55.
45. I,74.
46. II, 26.
47. II, 12.
48. II, 28.
49. Ibid.
50. II, 34–5.
51. II, 37.
52. Notes by Symonds, p. 415.
53. I, 58.
54. Symonds, Michelangelo, 484.
55. Vasari, IV, 134, Michelangelo.
56. Ibid., 140.
57. 148.
58. Symonds, Michelangelo, 501.
58a. Ellis, H., Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Vol. II, Sexual Inversion, 19.
59. Maulde, 182.
60. Symonds, 377; Taine, Italy: Rome and Naples, 188.
61. Symonds, 442.
62. Vasari, IV, 198.
63. Symonds, 490.
64. Vasari, IV, 219.
65. Ibid., 203.
66. Ruskin, Modern Painters, Part I, ch. ii, end.
67. Symonds, 372.
68. Balcarres, Lord, Evolution of Italian Sculpture, 271; Spengler, O., Decline of the West, I, 276.
Most abbreviations are self-explanatory. A single date indicates a floruit or, at least, a focal point mentioned in the text; if two dates constitute a floruit, they are preceded by fl. A footnote is indicated by an asterisk (*). All dates of male rulers, lay and ecclesiastical, are regnal. The index is to be used in conjunction with the Table of Contents (xi-xiv), where discussions of the major arts are indicated by section.
Abbate, Niccolò dell’ (c. 1512–71), 258, 259
abbreviatores, 392
Abélard, Pierre (1079–1142), 537
Accademia della Crusca, 696
Accademia degli Umidi, 696, 700
Accolti, Bernardo (1465–1536), 345, 483
Achillini, Alessandro (1463–1512), 531, 536
Aconzio, Iacopo (c. 1492–1565), 695
Adagia (Erasmus), 316
Adrian VI (Adrian Dedel), Pope (1521–23), 266, 491, 621–624, 628, 654
Adriano da Corneto, see Castellesi, Adriano
adultery, 575, 578, 579–580
Aeneid (Virgil), 494
Africa (Petrarch), 9
Agnadello, battle of, 617
agriculture, 530
Alamagna, Giovanni d’ (d. 1450), 297
Alamanni, Luigi (1495–1556), 696
Albergad, Niccolò, Blessed (1357–1443), 377
Alberini, Marcello (b. 1511), 485
Albert of Saxony (d. 1390), 222, 223, 225
Alberti, Leon Battista (1404–72), 107–108, 120, 196, 223, 251, 240, 379, 450, 497, 601, 725
Albertinelli, Mariotto (1474–1515), 165
Albertini, Francesco (1521), 496
Albertus Magnus (c. 1193–1280), 222
Albigensians, 689
Albizzi, Rinaldo degli (d. 1442), 377
Albizzi family, 73, 74
Albornoz, Gil Alvarez Carrillo de (known in Italy as Cardinal Egidio: 1310–67), 20, 57–58, 59, 333, 408
Albret, Charlotte d’, Duchess of Valentinois (d. 1514), 419, 425
Albret, Jean d’, King of Navarre (d. 1516), 439
Aleandro, Girolamo (1480–1542), 488–489, 728
Alessi, Galeazzo (1512–72), 711
Alexander V (Petros Filargis), Pope (1409–10), 364
Alexander VI (Rodrigo Borgia), Pope (1492–1503), 123, 147, 152–155, 156,* 157, 158, 160, 161, 162, 189, 244, 264, 344, 355, 374, 380, 385, 393, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404–417, 418–420, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429–431, 432, 433–437, 440,* 441–442, 447, 449, 480, 481, 485, 487, 492, 517, 520, 535, 561, 562, 611, 612, 614, 615, 616, 690
Alexander of Aphrodisias (200), 539
Alfieri, Vittorio (1749–1803), 301
Alfonso XI, King of Castile (1312–50), 57
Alfonso I, King of Naples (1435–58), 83, 183, 184, 193, 349–35O, 351–352, 353, 575, 579, 610
Alfonso II, King of Naples (1494–95), 114, 184, 185, 188, 354, 355, 430
Alfonso, Duke of Bisceglie (d. 1500), 430–431, 439
Algeri da Nola, Filippo (1560), 538–539
Alidosi, Francesco (d. 1511), 444