Page 104 of The Renaissance

Palazzo di Schifanoia, 266, 267

  town planning in, 263

  Ferrara–Florence, Council of, 69, 79, 83, 231, 370–371, 387

  Ferrari, Defendente (c. 1495–after 1535), 176, 283

  Ferrari, Gaudenzio (c. 1484–1546), 228

  Ferrari, Giambattista (d. 1502), 423

  Ferrucci, Francesco (1530), 636–637

  Festa, Costanzo (c. 1490–1545), 603

  festivals, 290–291, 569, 596–597

  feuds, family, 500

  Fiammetta, see Maria d’Aquino

  Fiammetta (Boccaccio), 29

  Ficino, Marsilio (1433–99), 80, 109, 110, 115, 120–121, 123, 464, 477, 526, 528, 538, 543, 544, 571

  Fiesole, 129

  Filarete (Antonio Averlino: c. 1400–69), 87, 91, 195, 372

  Filargis, Petros (c. 1340–1410), see Alexander V, Pope

  Filelfo, Francesco (1398–1481), 78, 79, 80, 83, 184, 185, 192–194, 262, 334, 377, 378, 379, 383, 398, 571

  Filioque clause, 370

  Filocopo (Boccaccio), 11, 222

  Filostrato (Boccaccio), 11

  Finiguerra, Tommaso (1426–64), 107, 338

  Fioravante, Neri di (1345), 28

  Fiorenzo di Lorenzo (c. 1445–1525), 244

  Firenzuola, Agnolo (c. 1493–1545), 582–583, 697

  Flaminio, Marcantonio (1498–1550), 492–494

  Flaubert, Gustave (1821–80), 728

  Flavio Biondo (1388–1463), 84, 217, 371, 386–387, 495

  Florence, 3–4, 23, 29, 45, 59–60, 61, 67–169

  passim, 422, 423, 593, 596, 611, 633, 636–637, 642, 686, 609–705

  Annunziata, 166, 167, 208

  Baptistery, 24, 91

  Boboli Gardens, 701

  Brancacci Chapel, Carmine, 140

  Campanile, 24, 198

  duomo, 27–28, 88, 97, 371

  Laurentian Library, 119, 488, 705

  Loggia dei Lanzi, 90

  Medici tombs, 499, 636, 641–644

  Ognissanti, 129

  Or San Mi–chele, 92, 93*, 132

  Palazzo Medici–Ric–cardi, 89, 97, 134

  Palazzo Pandolfini, 163

  Palazzo Pitti, 90, 129, 701, 705

  Palazzo Vecchio, 28, 89, 129, 132, 135, 149, 166, 210–211, 470, 637, 704

  Ponte Vecchio, 28

  San Lorenzo, 88, 94–95, 109, 129, 132, 163, 499, 641, 703, 718

  San Marco, 102, 147

  San Miniato, 90, 97

  Santa Croce, 28, 88, 555, 721

  Santa Maria Novella, 135–136, 140

  Santa Trinità, 135

  Santo Spirito, 89, 164

  Scalzo, 167

  Uffizi, 129, 705

  La Vacca, 637

  Foix, Gaston de (1489–1512), 446, 606, 618

  Foix, Germaine de, Queen of Aragon and Naples (1488–1538), 616

  Folengo, Girolamo (1491–1544), 278–279, 572

  folk song, 599

  Fontainebleau, 259

  food, 594

  Foppa, Vincenzo (1427–92), 184, 197, 198

  forgeries, pious, attack on, 352

  forks, 593–594

  Forli, 338, 395, 420

  Fornovo, battle of, 189, 256, 612–613

  Foscari, Francesco, Doge of Venice, (1423–57), 283, 287–288, 293, 295

  Foscari, Iacopo (d. 1456), 287

  Four Books of Architecture (Palladio), 652

  Fournier, Jacques (c. 1280–1342), see Benedict XII, Pope

  Fracastoro, Girolamo (1483–1533), 492, 535–536

  Fragonard, Jean Honoré (1732–1806), 683

  France, Anatole (1844–1924), 728

  Francesco di Giorgio Martini (1439–1502), 238

  Francesco da Bologna (1501), 317

  Francesca da Rimini (d. 1285), 339

  Francesco I da Carrara (1350–89), 21, 22, 42, 280

  Francesco II da Carrara (1389–1405), 280

  franchise, 72–73

  Francia (Francesco Raibolini: 1450–1517), 310, 328, 334, 336–338, 452, 501, 512

  Franciabigio, Marcantonio (1482–1525), 166, 168

  Francis I, King of France (1515–47), 176, 204, 212–213, 214, 226–227, 259, 410, 467, 400, 505, 513, 517, 518, 554, 619, 620, 621, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629, 633, 634, 635, 638, 642, 643, 645, 657, 665, 678, 686, 690, 701, 708–709, 710

  Francis II, King of France (1559–60), 627

  Francis of Assisi, St. (1182–1226), 25–26, 558, 574

  Franciscans, 574, 589

  Frederick, Archduke of Austria (d. 1439), 365

  Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor (1215–50), 47, 349, 375, 594

  Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor (1440–93), 183, 263, 383, 384, 385, 389

  Frederic II the Great, King of Prussia (1740–86), 266, 564

  Frederick Augustus II, Elector of Saxony (1733–63), 511*

  Fregoso, Federigo (c. 1460–1541), 345

  Fregoso, Ottaviano, Doge of Genoa (1513–22), 345

  Freud, Sigmund (1856–1939), 692

  Frundsberg, Georg von (1473–1528), 626, 628–629, 630, 655

  Fulvio, Andrea (1515), 496

  Fust, Johann (c. 1400–66), 315


  Gabriele da Salò (1497), 529, 573

  Gabrieli, Andrea (1510–86), 649

  Gaddi, Agnolo (1343–96), 99

  Gaddi, Gaddo (c. 1260–c. 1333), 99

  Gaddi, Taddeo (1300–66), 26, 99

  Gaeta, siege of, 615

  Gaetano, St. (Gaetano de Thiene: 1480–1547), 574

  Gaffuri, Franchino (1442–1522), 600

  Galen (Claudius Galenus: c. 129–200), 531, 532, 537

  Galileo (Galileo Galilei: 1564–1642), 530

  Gallerani, Cecilia (fl. 1490–95), 186–187, 192, 204

  Gallio, Tolomeo (1527–1607), 712

  Gallipoli, battle of (1416), 284

  Gallo, Iacopo (1498), 466

  Gambara, Veronica (1485–1550), 327, 582, 584

  gambling, 595

  games, 290

  Garigliano, battle of the, 615

  garlic, 594

  Garnett, Richard (1835–1906), 427*, 435–436

  Garofalo (Benvenuto Tisi: 1481–1559), 267–268, 712

  Gattamelata (Erasmo da Narni: c. 1370–1443), 94, 285

  Gaza, Theodoras (c. 1400–75), 79, 262, 316, 378, 538

  Gebir (Jabir: fl. 721–776), 692

  Gemistos Pletho, Georgios (c. 1356–1450), 79, 80, 341, 387, 538

  Gennadius (Georgios Scolarios), Patriarch of Constantinople (1453–58), 371

  Genoa, 39, 41, 173, 176–178, 182, 280, 711

  Via Balbi, 711

  Gentile, da Fabriano (1360–1427), 240–241, 297, 367, 650

  gentleman, 347, 543, 599

  geography, 530

  George of Trebizond (1396–1486), 379

  George Poděbrad, King of Bohemia (1459–71), 388

  Georgics (Virgil), 536, 606

  German mercenaries, 628, 629–632

  Gerson, Jean (1362?–1428), 364, 375

  Gerusalemne liberata (Tasso), 712

  Gharingello, 290

  Gherardo, Maffeo (d. 1493), 406

  Ghibellines, 3, 12, 45

  Ghiberti, Lorenzo (1378–1455), 88, 90–92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 335, 372, 497

  Ghini, Luca (c. 1500–56), 530

  Ghirlandaio, Benedetto (1458–97), 397

  Ghirlandaio, Davide (1452–1525), 136, 468

  Ghirlandaio, Domenico (1449–94), 135–136, 200, 230, 397, 464, 702

  Ghirlandaio, Ridolfo (1483–1561), 168, 702

  Ghislieri, Michele (1504–72), see Pius V, St., Pope

  Gibbon, Edward (1737–94), 28, 728

  Giberti, Gian Matteo (1495–1543), 574, 625, 654, 655

  Giocondo, Fra (c. 1433–1514), 322, 323, 496, 497, 498, 522

  Giorgio da Novara (1500), 573–574

  Giorgione da Castelfranco (Giorgio Bar–barelli: c. 1476–1510), 301, 303, 304–306, 307, 308, 321, 511*, 638, 650, 662, 670, 673, 683

/>   The Concert, 306, 599

  Fête champêtre, 305–306

  Gypsy and Soldier, 304–305

  Madonna of Castelfranco, 305

  Sleeping Venus, 305, 511*

  Giostra, La (Politian), 510

  Giotteschi, the, 26

  Giotto di Bondone (c. 1276–c. 1337), 22, 23–26, 27, 48, 52, 97, 98, 99, 101, 103, 281, 722

  Arena Chapel, Padua, frescoes, 22, 25, 26, 281

  Assisi frescoes, 25–26, 36

  Bardi Chapel, Santa Croce, Florence, frescoes, 25

  Campanile, Florence, 24

  Navicella, 24–25

  Peruzzi Chapel, Santa Croce, Florence, 25

  Giovanna da Piacenza (1518), 328

  Giovanni da Bologna (1529–1608), 701, 702, 713

  Giovanni da Legnano (d. 1383), 592

  Giovanni da Monte Corvino (d. 1328), 62

  Giovanni da Montorsoli (1507–63), 178, 713

  Giovanni da Udine (Giovanni Ricamatore: 1494–1561), 505, 507, 511, 512, 713, 714

  Giovanni da Verona (c. 1457–1525), 322, 325, 457

  Giovanni da Vigo (1460–1525), 533

  Giovanni Pisano (c. 1250–1320), 35

  Giovio, Paolo (1483–1552), 424, 485, 491, 509, 520, 556

  Girolamo da Carpi (1501–56), 712

  Girolamo dai Libri (1474–1556), 325

  Giuliano da Maiano (1432–90), 129, 341

  Giulio Romano (Giulio Pippi de’ Jannuzzi: (1492–1546), 258, 348, 449, 505, 507, 508, 511, 638, 654, 656, 704, 714

  Giustiniani, Antonio (fl. 1502–05), 414, 415, 420, 426, 433, 435

  Giustiniani, Bernardo (1408–89), 287

  Giustiniani, Lorenzo, St. (1381–1456), 298

  glass, 313, 649, 657

  Goering, Hermann (1893–1946), 678*

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749–1832), 307, 545, 728

  Golden Legend (Iacopo da Voragine), 669

  Goldoni, Carlo (1707–93), 291, 683

  goldsmithery, 706, 707, 710–711

  Gonzaga, Eleanora, Duchess of Urbino (d. 1543), 662

  Gonzaga, Elisabetta, Duchess of Urbino (1472–1526), 196, 256, 286, 325, 343–344, 345, 346, 421, 422, 517, 568, 579, 584

  Gonzaga, Ercole (d. 1563), 259, 542

  Gonzaga, Federigo I, Marquis of Mantua (1478–84), 253, 255

  Gonzaga, Federigo II, Marquis (1519) and Duke of Mantua (1530–40), 259, 260, 330, 346, 447*, 460, 654, 655, 661, 662

  Gonzaga, Ferrante, Prince of Molfetta (1506–57), 712

  Gonzaga, Francesco (d. 1483), 253, 392

  Gonzaga, Gianfrancesco I, Marquis of Mantua (1432–44), 249, 250

  Gonzaga, Gianfrancesco II, Marquis of Mantua (1484–1519), 190–191, 253, 254, 345, 422, 612

  Gonzaga, Guglielmo, Duke of Mantua (1550–87), 674

  Gonzaga, Lodovico, Marquis of Mantua (1444–78), 251, 253, 258, 592–593

  Gonzaga, Luigi (1328), 249

  Gonzaga, Taddea, Countess of Scandiano (d. after 1504), 271

  Gonzalo de Córdoba (1453–1515), 438, 613, 615, 617

  Got, Bertrand de (1264 –1314), see Clement V, Pope

  government: in Florence, 72–73, 74, 116, 149–150

  in Milan, 183

  in Rome, 12, 17, 374–376

  in Siena, 35

  Gozzoli, Benozzo (1424–98), 76, 89, 134, 230, 244

  Granacci, Francesco (1469–1544), 464, 596–597

  Grassis, Paris de (d. 1528), 484, 506

  Greco, El (Domenico Theotocopuli: c. 1541–1613), 103, 666, 727

  Greek Academy, 486, 487

  Greek studies, 43–44, 78–80

  Gregory I the Great, St., Pope (590–604), 380

  Gregory VII (Hildebrand), St., Pope (1073–85), 413

  Gregory XI (Pierre Roger), Pope (1370–78), 54, 56, 57, 59–61 64, 361

  Gregory XII (Angelo Correr), Pope (1406–15), 363, 364, 365, 366

  Gregory XIII (Ugo Buoncompagni), Pope (1572–85), 692

  Gregory III, Patriarch of Constantinople (1443–50), 371

  Greuze, Jean Baptiste (1725–1805), 683

  Grimani, Antonio, Doge of Venice (1521–23), 665

  Grimani, Domenico (1461–1523), 315, 489

  Grimani, Marino (d. 1546), 289

  Grimoard, Guillaume de (1310–70), see Urban V, Pope

  Gritti, Andrea, Doge of Venice (1523–1538), 656, 665

  Grocyn, William (c. 1445–1519), 123

  Grotius, Hugo (1583–1645), 592

  Guariento (d. before 1378), 675, 682

  Guarini, Giovanni Battista (1537–1612), 602, 712

  Guarino da Verona (1374–1460), 80, 84, 262, 268, 269, 270, 315, 334, 353, 378

  Guelfs, 3, 12, 45

  Guicciardini, Francesco (1483–1540), 109, 117, 161, 185, 375, 412, 414, 417, 434, 445, 447, 480, 517, 520, 528, 544–547, 560*, 572, 591, 607, 613, 621, 630, 633, 660, 690, 699

  Guidacerio, Agacio (1513), 486

  Guidobaldo I da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino (1482–1508), 286, 325, 346, 420, 421–422, 423, 424, 438, 442, 454, 466, 579

  guilds, 23, 71–72, 282, 398, 590

  Gusnasco, Lorenzo (1503), 600


  Hagia Sophia, Constantinople, 371, 381

  hair, 583

  Halley’s comet, 530

  harpsichord, 604

  Hawkwood, Sir John de (c. 1340–94), 58, 60, 100, 175

  headgear, 584, 593

  Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich (1770–1831), 538, 565

  Heine, Heinrich (1797–1856), 728

  Heinrich von Langenstein (c. 1325–97), 363–364

  Henry VII, Holy Roman Emperor (1308–13), 3, 4, 37, 636

  Henry VII, King of England (1485–1509), 164, 343, 610, 611

  Henry VIII, King of England (1509–47), 414, 624, 628, 633, 634, 645, 686

  Henry II, King of France (1547–59), 645

  Henry III, King of France (1574–89), 564, 627, 674

  Henry IV, King of France (1589–1610), 564

  heresy, 61–62, 64, 147, 154, 402, 539–540

  Hermaphroditus (Beccadelli), 353

  Hero and Leander (Musaeus), 316

  Herodotus (5th cent, B.C.), 399

  Hildebrand, St. (c. 1020–85), see Gregory VII, Pope

  Hippocrates (c. 460–355 B.C.), 531, 532, 537

  Hippolytus (Seneca), 488

  Historiae (Tacitus), 43

  Historiae sui temporis (Giovio), 491

  Historiarum ab inclinatione Romanorum (Flavio Biondo), 387

  History of Florence (Bruni), 81, 82

  History of the Italian Republics (Sismondi), 230

  Hoby, Sir Thomas (1530–66), 347

  Hollanda, Francisco (1517–84), 721

  Holy Office, the, see Inquisition, the

  Homer, 8, 43, 120, 378, 386

  homosexuality, 200, 215, 576

  Honestis (Leo X), 527–528

  Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus: 65–8 B.C.), 123, 277

  horse racing, 595

  hospitals, 533–534, 571–572, 592–593, 631

  Hugo, Victor (1802–85), 728

  Huhn, Ulrich (fl. 1470–76), 600

  humanism and humanists, 77–86, 119–125, 314–321, 342–343, 350–353, 376, 377, 378–379, 486–491, 525–526, 537, 571, 576, 622–623

  Humbert I, Count of Savoy (d. 1048), 176

  Humboldt, Alexander von (1769–1859), 225

  Hunter, William (1718–83), 225

  hunting, 484, 562

  Hunyadi Janos (c. 1387–1456), 371

  Huss, John (c. 1370–1415), 388, 566


  Iacopo I da Carrara (1318–24), 21

  Iacopo II da Carrara (1345–49), 21

  Iacopo da Empoli (Iacopo Chimenti: 1554–1640), 168

  Iacopo da Volterra (1486), 405–406

  Iacopo da Voragine (1290), 699

  illumination of manuscripts, 168, 325, 342–343, 357

  Imitation of Christ, The (Thomas à Kempis), 102

  Imola, 112, 338, 395

  Imperia, see Cugnatis, Imperia de

  In vitas summorum pontificum (Platina), 393

  Index librorum prohibitorum, 689

  industry, 589–590, 699

  Infessura, Stefano (1490), 376, 396, 401, 403, 406, 412, 415, 420, 576

  Inghirami, Tommaso (1470–1516), 458, 488

  Innocent III (Lotario de’ Conti), Pope (1198–1216), 375, 594

  Innocent VI (Etienne Aubert), Pope (1352–62), 37, 54, 57, 58

  Innocent VII (Cosimo de’ Migliorati), Pope (1404–06), 363

  Innocent VIII (Giovanni Battista Cibò), Pope (1484–92), 116, 122, 130, 148, 174, 244, 254, 399–403, 405, 407, 408, 409, 450, 484*, 527, 532, 595, 611

  Innocenzo da Imola (c. 1490–c. 1547), 338

  inns, 174

  Inquisition, the, 61, 62, 483, 527–528, 539, 542, 573–574, 683, 689, 711

  Institutiones (Quintilian)., 78

  intarsia, 129–130

  interest, 589

  Invective against a Physician (Petrarch), 37

  Ipocrita (Aretino), 658, 659

  irreligion, popular, 543, 544, 570–571

  Isabella of Aragon, Duchess of Milan (fl. 1481–94), 185, 188

  Isabella the Catholic (1451–1504), Queen of Castile (1474–1504), 407, 409, 610, 615

  Isabella of Portugal, Holy Roman Empress (1503–39), 663

  Isotta, see Atti, Isotta degli

  Italia mia! (Petrarch), 45–46

  Italy, unity of, 45–46, 559–561, 563–564


  Januarius, St. (d. c. 305), 350, 356

  Jayme, Cardinal of Portugal (d. 1459), 96, 382

  Jenson, Nicolas (d. c. 1480), 316

  jesters and buffoons, 483–484

  Jesuits, see Society of Jesus

  jewelry, 287, 502, 638

  Jews, 589

  Joachim of Flora (c. 1145–c. 1202), 145

  Joanna I, Queen of Naples (1343–80

  d. 1382), 14–15, 349

  Joanna II, Queen of Naples (1414–35), 182, 349, 353, 610

  Johann Friedrich, Elector of Saxony (d. 1554), 663

  John XXII (Jacques d’Euse), Pope (1316–34), 50–51, 53, 56, 262, 602

  John XXIII (Baldassare Cossa), Pope (1410–15), 94, 364–366

  John VIII Palaeologus, Byzantine Emperor (1425–48), 370, 371

  John II, King of France (1350–64), 54

  John II the Perfect, King of Portugal (1481–95), 164

  John of Speyer (1469), 316

  John Zápolya, King of Hungary (1526–40), 321

  Jones, Inigo (1573–1652), 653

  Joseph II, Patriarch of Constantinople (1416–39),370

  jubilee year, 379–380, 414

  Julius II (Giuliano della Rovere), Pope (1503–13), 153, 211, 235, 238–239, 243, 247, 265, 292, 312, 334, 336, 339, 344, 348, 376, 380, 396, 398, 399, 400, 402, 403, 406, 408, 410, 415, 419, 426, 436, 437, 438, 439, 440*, 441–447, 448, 449, 450–451, 457–458, 459, 460, 461, 462, 463, 470–473, 474, 476, 480, 484, 485, 487, 490, 492, 496, 498–409, 504, 507, 515, 517, 521, 528, 533, 535, 549, 576, 592, 601, 611, 616, 617–618, 620, 714, 715