to stand around the hanger and let no one near. Again, the soldiers were told not to talk or ask questions. None of them dared. A cover story was released to the public telling them it was just a downed weather balloon, nothing more.
It seemed every top brass Sargent and commander in the military was brought in as quickly as possible. They were lead straight into the hanger as soon as their airplane had landed in all hours of the night. The general’s dad said he had never seen so many high ranking military officers show so much concern while trying to conceal their fear. It was clear the military was confused and nervous on how to handle the situation. So many questions and no answers.
For the next few days’ scientists from all over the world were quickly brought in. As soon as the plane landed it didn’t bother to taxi over to the terminal like any other plane would. It simply taxied right over to the hanger doors. The scientists would exist down the plane’s steps before the plane even came to a complete stop. They would move as fast as possible into the hanger. They would have one look at the saucer and practically fall to there knees. Seeing such a sight was like a miracle to them, and that was only with seeing the saucer. When they saw the living alien itself they truly fell to the ground. Out of everything they could possible witness in there scientific lifetime, this was beyond anything they could ever imagine.
After a few hours one of the scientist wanted to understand the alien and wanted to speak to it. So the scientists sat around and spend hours deciding what would be the first words said to the alien. They were nervous that the wrong word or gesture could be taken the wrong way. After much deliberation one of them walked into the room, and moved towards the alien. The other scientists stood watching in amazement, for the longest time not a word was spoken by either the human or alien. After an hour had past the scientist walked out of the room. The other scientists tried talking to him away. Something was different. He knew more about life then any human in history. Everything about the world made sense to him. Everything about the meaning of life. He could now see clear, he now had balance and was centered. The scientists labeled it as “seeing truth”. A two-way mirror was set up in the room so the military brass could watch the alien in secret. They wanted to study the creature without it knowing it was being watched. At times the alien would turn and look at the mirror as if he knew humans were on the other side watching. Maybe it could read minds? Scientists were studying it like we study animal in a cage, but in reality, the alien was studying them.
A week later more unidentified flying objects were seen over major cities. The aliens wanted to know what happened to the other ship. Military jets were set up, but it was pointless, their guns would not fire. A meeting was then set up with the aliens. It was decided the military would be sent out to determine if they truly were a threat to the earth. A group of scientists would go with them to do the talking, but the military would be on standby just in case. One evening, under the cover of darkness in the middle of the desert the military watched as one of the saucers silently landed and out walked a “grey” alien. It looked just like the other ones. The same small, thin, grey body with the big black oval eyes. After some “dialogue” through the mind, the scientists understood the aliens where friendly. Saying the military was wrong in fearing them.
However, the General’s father felt differently. He told him the aliens would take over one day. There were secretly spying on us, just like how we spy on other countries to find their weaknesses. They were only acting friendly in order to study us. They wanted to know where and when to attack. How could they not want to attack us, they were smarter then us, more advanced. Why not take out all human life and take the planet for themselves. Humans have done it to each other countless number of times throughout history. It was in our nature to go to war. Everything fights. Insects, animals, bees, monkeys. Everything fights with its own kind. Even ants have slavery for the losing army. Red ants fight with black ants because they’re a different color. When bees fight with each other they take no prisoners, they kill everything. All it takes is for two things to look somewhat alike, but different in the littlest of ways and they go to war. Well, we humans look somewhat like the aliens, so what’s to stop them from feeling superior.
History was sure to repeat itself this time with humans on the losing end. Only smart people knew the real truth about the aliens visiting earth. Only they could see through the alien’s lies. Only smart humans would know the scientists are being fooled by the alien mind tricks. That’s why his dad looked him in the eye one day and told him to serve his country and stop the aliens before they attack. Protect what the world valued.
So he joined the army. Since he already knew about the aliens he was moved to the secret program dealing with them. There was no point in telling him aliens were not real, he already knew the truth. He also knew how to get promoted quickly; he used fear as a tool. Asking questions about the alien’s true intention. Getting everyone in high levels nervous. How could we stop them if they did attack? Would we be ready? Do we have the sophisticated weapons ready to fight back? Sure, the aliens appeared friendly, but shouldn’t we be ready, just in case? It wasn’t long before his questions started getting everyone edgy. The military agreed to start up a secret society that was reasonable for the building of advanced weapons and would be on standby just incase the aliens did attack. The General pulled strings and play everyone like a game of chess in order to be put in command. He built an advanced top-secret base out in the desert. Greater then any bomb shelter he built with his dad. Security was super tight to say the least, like nothing else on earth. Ground sensor radar would detect anyone approaching for miles away. Night vision and heat sensors would see anyone approaching any time of day. Within a few years, all ties to the government where cut off. It wasn’t long before all politicians were in the dark as to what was really going on. The most advanced base on earth had “fallen off the grid”.
The aliens actually gave a saucer to the scientists to study, to “reverse engineer”. Saying to the scientists “the knowledge on how it works and fly’s has to be discovered over time”. The aliens cannot just “give” the knowledge to the scientists because to truly understand something you need to discover it yourself. Handing someone advanced knowledge is pointless, the individual receiving the knowledge won’t know what to do with it.
The General watched the scientists worked away like little rabbits, studying the alien technology, but he oversaw something far more important that the scientists did not know about. His soldiers were busy designing, building and testing advanced, powerful weapons. He worked with the scientists, pretending to be there friends. Acting as though the aliens were kind and friendly. The scientists wanted to know everything under the sun about the aliens, everything from their home world to their language, cultures and beliefs. The General only wanted to know their weaknesses. The scientists worked away day and night to a point of obsession trying to understand how the saucer flew. In there eyes it was magical to have something so advanced right in front of them. They knew it could fly, but they didn’t know how. It would’ve taken thousands of years for mankind to achieve such knowledge if we hadn’t crossed path with the aliens. Inside the hanger the saucer sat, right in front of them, they could touch it, but not understand a thing about it. They never went home, they lived on the base, they waned to. They could’ve gone home if they liked, but none of them dared. They simply could not pull themselves away for a moment. They wanted to understand it. It was their drug, their addiction. They look at it as if it were a gift from the gods. Then again humans had done the same thing throughout time. Anytime something unexplainable happened, if the people at that time in history could not explain the strange event, they believed it to be gods. Since the concept of alien life was to advance for primitive man, they believed any message to be from their gods. If they saw an alien they believed it to be a god or angel. If they saw a UFO flying they clamed it to be a god in the sky. Most stories of gods and interactions with gods were really interac
tions with aliens. Miracles were aliens on earth being able to do things modern man could not explain at the time. Today doctors know how to bring someone back from the dead; aliens could do the same thing a long time ago. Mankind at that time did not have the understanding of medicine like we do today or the aliens did so long ago. So they recorded it as a miracle. What they called gods we now call aliens. Humans today can understand the bigger picture of life on other planets. We know about the solar system and other galaxies. Thousands of years ago mankind did not have a concept of planets or the universe. They believed the earth was flat.
As much as the scientists wanted to understand and reverse engineer the saucer it was going to take a long time. They needed to educate their own minds in areas of science and technology more. They were like kids in grade one trying to understand grade twelve math. It would be like taking a nuclear power plant back in time to the pioneers, they wouldn’t know how to reverse engineer it. Understanding something this complex takes time. Man has to make