The comet is a presentation model and is engraved, "Presented to GrahamFarley in sincere appreciation for distinguished performance in theentertainment of our passengers by the grateful management of the WhiteStar Line."

  Borodino Restaurant. The restaurant in Moscow where Marganin is to meetthe Fat Man to find out more about the Sicilian Project. He receives anenvelope with information in the men's room of the restaurant.

  Brewster, Joshua Hays. Respected five-foot-two-inch tall miningengineer who led the Coloradans. Born to William Buck Brewster andHettie Masters in Sidney, Nebraska, on April 4 or 5, 1878. Uncle ofHarry Young. Graduated School of Mines, Golden, Colorado. Mined in theKlondike and Russia before returning to Leadville, Colorado, to managethe Sour Rock and Buffalo mines which were owned by French financiers.Went mad and sealed himself in the cargo hold of the Titanic.

  Brown, "The Unsinkable Molly." Famous passenger on the Titanic. 'Wifeof a Colorado silver baron. Was rescued and lived in Colorado until herdeath.

  Burdick, John. Majority leader of the U.S. Senate. Described as atall, thin man with a bush of black hair that seldom saw a comb.

  Buski. Russian marine guard aboard the Titanic during Hurricane Amanda.Described as a short man with a coarse toughness. The finest marksmanin his regiment. He speaks a smattering of English. Shot by U.S. NavySEALs during Hurricane Amanda.

  Butera, Lieutenant Commander Scotty. U.S. Navy lieutenant commander incommand of the tugboat Samuel R. WalLace. Described as nearly six feetsix inches tall, his chin buried in a magnificent black beard.

  Byzanium. The mineral that is believed hidden in the hold of theTitanic. The radioactivity of byzanium is so extreme that it hasdisappeared in all but trace amounts. The Meta Section needs abouteight ounces to fuel the Sicilian Project.

  Capricorn. The support tender used on the Titanic project that pumpscompressed air into the hull.

  Cargo Hold No. 1, G Deck. Area of the Titanic where Joshua HaysBrewster sealed himself as she sank.

  Chavez, Tom. Engineer on the Deep Fathom.

  Collins, Marshall. Chief Kremlin security advisor to the director ofthe CIA.

  Coloradans. Used by Koplin to describe the hard-rock miners who removedthe byzanium from Novaya Zemlya. The Coloradans were said to beComishmen, Irishmen, Germans and Swedes. Their names were Joshua HaysBrewster, Denver; Alvin Coulter, Fairplay; Thomas Price, Leadville;Charles P. Whidney, Cripple Creek; Vernon S. Hall, Denver; JohnCaldwell, Central City; Walter Schmidt, Aspen; Warner E.O'Deming, Denver; Jason C. Hobart, Boulder.

  Colt revolver. Serial number 204 783. The weapon Gene Seagram plans touse for his suicide on a park bench in East Potomac Park.

  Curly. Bald-headed radio operator on the Capricorn.

  Current sensor. The instrument aboard the Sappho I that measures thespeed and direction of the Lorelei current.

  D'Orsini, Claude. Fashion designer who created the dresses worn by bothDana Seagram and Ashley Fleming to a party in Chapter Six.

  Deck A Stateroom 33. Stateroom where Joshua Hays Brewster tossed andturned just before the Titanic sank.

  Deep Fathont. A submersible that belongs to the Uranus Oil Company.

  It is used on the Titanic project to install pressure-release valves.

  Director of Defense Archives. Head of the division in the Department ofDefense that locates the files pertaining to Secret Army Plan371-990-R85, which pertains to the mining of byzanium.

  Donner, Mel One of the chief evaluators for the Meta Section.

  Described as short and almost as broad as he is tall. He haswheat-colored hair and melancholy eyes, and his face always seems to besweating. Doctorate in physics from the University of SouthernCalifornia.

  Donovan, JacL A structural engineer from Ocean Tech. He is described asa young blond fellow. He is aboard the Sappho II when Munk is murdered.

  Doppleman Crane. Type of crane used to pull the door from the vaultwhere the byzanium is supposedly stored.

  Dragonfish, U.S.S. U.S. Navy submarine that threatens to retaliateagainst the Mikhail Kurkov if she fires a Stoski missile at Titanic.

  Drummer, Ben. NUMA marine engineer on the Sappho I expedition.

  Described as a lanky Southerner with a deep Alabama drawl. Aboard theSappho II when Munk is murdered. Was actually born in Halifax, NovaScotia, and is the Russian agent code-named Gold. His twin brother, SamMerker, is the Russian agent code-named Silver.

  Dugan, Owen. Assistant to Dr. Murray Silverstein.

  Farley, Graham. Musician on the Titanic who owned the comet that wasfound by the Sappho I and later restored by John Vogel. Farley was solocornetist prior to the Titanic for a period of three years on theOceanic.

  Farquar, Joel. The weatherman on the Capricorn. Farquar is on loanfrom the Federal Meteorological Services Administration. Described as astudious little red-faced man with utterly no sense of humor and notrace of friendly warmth.

  Fergus, Lieutenant. Leader of the U.S. Navy SEALs who recaptureTitanic. The SEALs under Fergus's command board the Titanic from anuclear submarine fifty feet below the surface by exiting the vessel'storpedo tubes.

  First Attempt. NUMA research vessel described in The MediterraneanCaper.

  Firth of Oyde. Navy submarine base in the British Isles where FirstAuempt docks after mission.

  Fleming, Ashley. Described as Washington, D.C."s, most elegant andsophisticated divorcee. the president's companion at the party in theEast Room of the White House in Chapter Six. Wearing same exact dressas Dana Seagram.

  Godhawn. Norwegian fishing trawler that tows the First Auempt andKoplin to within two hundred miles of Novaya Zemlya so he can test fortraces of byzanium.

  GohL Code name of one of the two Russian operatives at the T recoverysite. Pitt discloses during Hurricane Amanda that Gold is actually BenDrununeT.

  Gravimeter. The instrument aboard the Sappho I that records gravityreadings.

  Guggenheim, Benjamin. Millionaire passenger on Titanic. Stood calmlywith his secretary, dressed in his finest evening clothes, as the shipsank so he could meet death as a gentleman.

  Guthrie and Sons Foundry. Foundry in Pueblo, Colorado, thatmanufactures the ore cars used by the Coloradans on Novaya Zemlya.

  Hobart, Adeline. Widow of Jake Hobart. Resides at 261-B called Aragon,Laguna Hills, California. Described as stout, white-haired with blueeyes and . a warm, gentle look. Married Jake Hobart at age sixteen.

  After Seagram calls the president of the United States, who speaks toher, she discloses she saw her former husband after the Little AngelMine disaster.

  She also shows Seagram postcards Jake sent from France.

  Hobart, Jake. Coloradan discovered by Sid Koplin in a bunk inside themine on Novaya Zemlya. Preserved by the cold, his corpse has red hairand a red beard.

  The inscription above his bed reads: "Here rests Jake Hobart. Born1874. A damn good man who froze in a storm, February 10, 1912." TheArmy Records Bureau discloses his full name is Jason Cleveland Hobart,born January 23, 1874, in Vinton, Iowa. Enlisted in the U.S. Army Maythe Philippines. Promoted to sergeant and suffered serious woundsfighting the Philippine insurrectionists. Twice decorated formeritorious conduct under fire. Hobart left the Army in October 1901.His widow stills draws an army pension of fifty dollars and forty centsa month.

  His cause of death in the pension records is listed as service related,and the form awarding his widow his pension is signed by Henry L.Stimson, secretary of war under President Taft. Described by his widow,Adeline, as large, over six feet tall and barrel-chested. A blaster 174or explosives expert, he was considered one of the best in his field.

  HuH, Peter. Reporter with the New York Times.

  Jensen and Thor Metal Fabricators. Company that Thor Forge andIronworks became after merger. Located in Denver, Colorado.

  Jensen, Carl Jr. Runs Jensen and Thor Metal Fabricators. Described asyoung, no more than twenty-eight, and wears his hair long. Hisgrandfather bought the outstanding stock of Thor Forge and Ironworks in1942 and changed the name
to Jensen and Thor Metal Fabricators.

  Microfilm records he shows Mel Donner disclose the drilling equipmentused on Novaya Zemlya was paid for by the United States government.

  Jones, Peter. Black police officer who saves Gene Seagram from suicideby telling him the Titanic has been raised. Described as having sixchildren and a ninety year-old frame house with a thirty-year mortgage.

  Juneau U.S. Navy nuclear-powered guided-missile cruiser that ispatrolling near the Titanic recovery effort.

  Kama Security Post. Security post on Novaya Island.

  Keil, Joe. Engineer on the Deep Fathom.

  KeW Commander. Hands message to Admiral Kemper from Sandecker.

  Kelly, Ensign. Ensign in the cable house of the tugboat Wallace whoalerts Butera to a problem with the tow cable.

  Kemper, Joseph. Admiral who is the U.S. Navy chief of staff. Large,with a well-fed stomach and lazy blue eyes set in a round, jovial face.

  Komondor. The type of dog used by the Russian guards on Novaya Island.

  Stands thirty inches at the shoulders and is covered by a heavy coat ofmatted white hair. Dog is shot by Pitt when he rescues Koplin.

  Kopel Sid. Mineralogist rescued by Pitt on Novaya Island. Shot byRussians in left side, also suffers a hairline crack in his skull.

  Taken to Walter Reed Medical Center for treatment.

  Laguna Star. The name of a tramp freighter of rather dubious registrythat the Russian submarine uses to issue a call of distress from onehundred miles to the north of the Titanic to divert the Juneau.

  Little Angel Mine. Mine near Central City, Colorado, where a fakecave-in was instituted. After the ploy the Coloradans were assumed tobe dead and could continue on to Novaya Zemlya to mine the byzanium.

  Lorelei Current Drift Expedition. NUMA expedition with a deep-seasubmersible Sappho L The Lorelei current is born off the western tip ofAfrica, follows the mid-Atlantic ridge north, then curves easterlybetween Baffin Island and Greenland, then dies in the Labrador Sea.

  The original plan called for the Sapphoto descend in the water five hundred miles northwest of the coast ofDakar, then cruise in the current until ascending in the sea of Labradorfifty days later.

  Lukas, Leon. U.S. Navy lieutenant. Salvage technician aboard theSappho II when Munk is murdered.

  Lusky, Herb. Mineralogist with the Meta Section.

  After finding that the vault in the Titanic is devoid of byzanium, he isbashed on the head by an insane Gene Seagram. He receives twentystitches and a nasty concussion.

  M-24. Type of automatic weapon used by Navy SEALs to recapture Titanic.

  Magmatic Paragenesis. Term used by Koplin to describe to Mel Donner howNovaya Zemlya is now devoid of minerals.

  Magnetometer. The instrument aboard the Sappho I that measures theocean bottom's magnetic field including any deviations caused bylocalized mineral deposits.

  MWmney, BuR. Foreman of the Satan Mine in Central City, Colorado, whotries to rescue the miners allegedly trapped in the Little Angel Mine.

  Venent PaveL Underling to Andre Prevlov. Described as tall andauthoritative. U.S. deep cover intelligence agent His real name isHarry Koskose and he was born in Newark, New Jersey.

  The real Margamn was the son of tailors fto Komso molsk-na-Amure.

  One of the few survivors when a Russian Kashin-class missile destroyersank in the Indian Ocean, he was rescued but later died. Koskoski'sface is surgically altered to resemble Marganin, and he assumes hisidentity. Raised in rank to commander and promoted to chief of theForeign Intelligence Analysis Division after Prevlov defects.

  McPatrick, Major. Major in the Army Records Bureau. Telephones GeneSeagram with the information about the Coloradans.

  Merker, Sam. NUMA systems expert on Sappho I expedition. Described ascosmopolitan and as citified as a Wall Street broker. Later serves asengineer on the Deep Fathom. Was actually born in Halifax, Nova Scotia.Twin brother of Ben Drummer. Russian agent code-named Silver.

  Meta Section. A govermnent-funded think-tank that operates in totalsecrecy. The goal of the Meta Section is to leapfrog current technologyby twenty or thirty years. The program is housed in a nondescript oldcinderblock budding beside the Wastungton Navy Yard.

  The building is disguised with a sign that reads "Smith Van & StorageCompany." The organization is not listed in any journal of federaloffices. Not even the CIA, FBI or even the NSA has any records theyexist.

  Mikkail Kurkov. Soviet oceanographic research vessel.

  Mile-Hi Chewing Tobacco. Koplin discovers about fifty empty wrappers ofthis product inside the mine at Novaya Zemyla.

  Modoc. Described as the finest deep-water salvage vessel the UnitedStates Navy possesses. Admiral Kemper agrees to loan the vessel toSandecker while they are fishing on the Rappahannock River.

  Moe's Pawnshop. Pawnshop where Dr. Silverstein purchases two cornets todrop in twelve thousand feet of water off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina,to simulate them being dropped from the Titanic.

  Monterey Park. U.S. Navy ship at the Titanic recovery site.

  Mooney, Arthur. Captain of one of the New York Harbor fireboats.

  Described as "A big, mischief-eyed Irishman born in the city, and aseagoing fire-eater for nineteen years." Mooney orders his crew to hitthe sirens and water hoses to welcome the Titanic in style.

  All the other ships follow Mooney's lead.

  Munk, Henry. NtfMA instrument-component specialist on the Sappho Iexpedition. Described as a quiet and droopy-eyed wit who clearly wisheshe were anywhere but on the Sappho L At the start of the Titanicrecovery effort, he is murdered while aboard the Sappho II.

  Myers-Lentz Company. Producers of the electrolyte chemical that will bepumped into the sediment sealing the Titanic's hull to the ocean floor.

  Nicholson, Warren. The director of the CIA.

  Novaya Island, U.S.S.R. Island due north of Zemlya Island. Novayacontains the old mine where the byzanium was originally extracted.

  Parotkin, Ivan. Captain of the Mikhail Kurkov. Described as a slenderman of medium height with a distinguished face who almost never smiles.

  In his late fifties; his receding hairline shows no trace of gray.

  Patman or Palmore, ColoneL Army officer who arrives at Adeline Hobart'shouse in Boulder, Colorado, after Jake Hobart dies and swears her tosecrecy. In return for her silence, he presents her with a check forten thousand dollars.

  Pelholme Aircraft Company. The company that runs the preliminary testsof the Sappho I prior to the Lorelei Expedition.

  Phillips, John G. Radio operator on the Titanic. Phillips sent thefirst SOS in history.

  PffimoU mark. The load-line mark on a ship's bull.

  Polevoi, Vladimir. Chief of the Foreign Secrets Department of the KGB.

  Pratt, Uentenant. U.S. Navy lieutenant who picked up the Coloradansfrom Novaya Zemyla after they double crossed the French and stolebyzanium. His vessel is attacked by a ship flying no flag off Norway.

  Pratt fights off the aggressor, then steers his ship to Aberdeen,Scotland.

  Prescott, Dr. Ryan. Chief of the NUMA Hurricane Center in Tampa,Florida. He warns the Titanic recovery crew of the approachinghurricane.

  Prevlov, Captain Andre. Russian intelligence officer employed by theSoviet Navy's Department of Foreign Intelligence. Described as awell-proportioned, handsome man sporting a layered hairstyle and amodishly trimmed mustache and intense gray eyes. Drives an orangeLancia and lives in an apartment above the Moscow River decorated likePeter the Great's summer home. His father is the number twelve man inthe Communist Party. Drinks Bombay gin. Smokes Winston cigarettes.

  Wears Omega watch.

  Project, Sicilian. The code name of the project that Will use byzaniumto create a missile defense shield over the United States. The projectpurchased forty-six pieces of land to house the missile defense systemunder the uise of the Department of Energy Studies.

  The majority of the sites are along the U.S.-Canadian border followed bythe Atlantic seaboard. Eight sites are
along the Pacific Coast, andfour are along the Mexico border and the Gulf of Mexico. The sites aredesigned to resemble small relay power stations.

  Renault Town Car. A giant brass-trimmed town car that was noticed byBigalow blocked to the deck of the Titanic. Pitt later ends up with thecar.

  Roanoke. Ship whose keel was laid in 1728. She went -onto the rocksoff Nova Scotia in 1743. Model of the vessel is in one of thethird-floor bedrooms in the White House and was built by the president'sfather.

  Under the ruse of identifying the model, the president secretly meetswith Dana Seagram to ask her to try to mend things with her husband,Gene.