Rocky Mountain News. Denver newspaper dated November 17, 1911,discovered inside the mine on Novaya Zemlya by Koplin. The newspaper isstill in print today.

  Rogovski, Dr. Chief Russian scientist aboard the Mikhail Kurkov.

  Ross, Sandra. Great-granddaughter of Commodore Bigalow. A flightattendant with Bristol Airlines, she is described as having absorbingviolet eyes framed by neatly brushed red hair. At the end of the book,Pitt tells Sandecker he will be visiting Ross if Sandecker needs to findhim.

  Samuel R. Wallace. One of the U.S. Navy tugboats assigned to tow theTitanic to New York City. A deepsea rescue tugboat two hundred fiftyfeet in length with 5,000-horsepower diesel powerplants. The vesselsare capable of hauling twenty thousand tons of dead weight for twothousand miles without refueling.

  Sappho L NUMA's newest and largest deep-sea research submersible.

  Described as appearing to look like a giant cigar on an ice skate.

  Built to house a seven-man crew and two tons of research equipment andinstruments. The hull is made of titanium painted red, and the vesselcan descend to 24,000 feet below the surface.

  Sappho II. Newer and more advanced version of the SaPpho L It is usedon the Titanic project to seal the smaller openings such as the airvents and portholes.

  Sea Slug. U.S. Navy deep-sea submersible. Designed and constructed fordeep-water salvage, she is operated from the deck of the Modoc.

  Described as twenty feet long and tubular in shape with rounded ends.

  Painted bright yellow, it features four large portholes on its bow.

  Mounted along its top, like small radar domes, are two high-intensitylights.

  Seagram, Dana. Wife of Gene Seagram and NUMA marine archaeologist.

  Works for Admiral Sandecker.

  Described as having blond hair and coffee-brown eyes.

  Ph.D. in Marine archaeology. Ph.D. in archaeology.

  Thirty-one years old.

  Seagram, Gene. One of the chief evaluators for the Meta Section.

  Described as a tall, lanky man, with a quiet voice and a courteousmanner. Except for a large flattened nose, he' could pass for AbrahamLincoln.

  Ph.D. in physics. Home is in Chevy Chase, Maryland.

  Nearly commits suicide on park bench but is stopped by police officerwho explains that the Titanic has been raised. When the vault aboardthe Titanic turns out to be devoid of byzanium, his mind snaps, and hebashes Lusky in the head with a rock, then begins smashing the remainsof Joshua Hays Brewster against the walls of the vault. Diagnosed assuffering from manic-depressive psychosis.

  Section R. Soviet Naval Intelligence Photograph analysis department.

  Sheldon, Marie. NUMA marine geologist. When Dana Seagram leaves herhusband, Gene, she moves into Sheldon's Georgetown house. Described asa small, thin, vital woman with vivid blue eyes, a pert bobbed nose anda mass of bleached blond hair shaped in a shag style. Has a square-cutchin.

  Sicilian Project. Code name of the U.S. project to build a missiledefense system using byzanium. Designed around a variant of the maserprinciple. Pushing a sound wave of a certain frequency through a mediumcontaining excited atoms stimulates the sound to an extremely high stateof emission. Described as similar to a laser beam. While a laser beamemits a narrow beam of light energy, the beam from the Sicilian Projectwould emit a broad fanlike field of sound energy. Any enemy missilelaunched against the United States would come into contact with thisinvisible barrier and be smashed to bits long before it entered thetarget area.

  Silver. Code name of one of the two Russian operatives at the Titanicrecovery site, who turns out to be Merker.

  Silverstein, Dr. Murray. Professor at the Alexandria College ofOceanography who builds a small-scale model of the Titanic andsixnulates the sinking.

  Slovak, Boris. Admiral and director of Soviet Naval Intelligence.

  Prevlov is Sloyuk's aide.

  Smith, Edward J. Captain of the Titanic on her ill fated voyage.

  Smyth, Malcolm R. Fictitious author and archaeologist. Pitt uses thefake identity to check into the Pierre Hotel.

  Societi des Mines de Lorraine. The group of French financiers who hiredthe Coloradans to fake the Little Angel Mine disaster and mine thebyzanium on Novaya Zemlya.

  Southey, England. A town in England with the grave containing thebyzanium.

  Spencer, Rick. NUMA equipment engineer on the Sappho I expedition.

  Described as a short blond haired Californian who whistles constantlythrough clenched teeth.

  Stannford, Dr. Amos. Inventor of the substance Wetsteel, which is usedto seal the Titanic's hull so she can be raised.

  Stoner weapon. Type of weapon used by one of the Navy SEALs thatrecapture Titanic. Described as a wicked-looking affair with twobarrels. Shoots a cloud of tiny needlelike flachettes.

  Stoski. Twenty-six-foot-long Russian surface-to-surface missile thatCaptain Parotkin of the Mikhail Kurkov intends to fire at the Titanic.

  S-T-SV-D sensor. The sensor aboard the Sappho I that measures outsidesalinity, temperature, sound velocity and depth pressure on a magnetictape.

  Stugis, Lieutenant. Helicopter pilot that lands on Titanic. Describedas a short, thin man with sad, drooping, bedroom eyes. Uses a cigaretteholder when smoking.

  Sub-bottom profiler. Instrument aboard the Sappho I that acousticallydetermines the depth of the top sediments and provides indications ofthe underlying structure of the sea floor.

  Teignmouth, Devonshire, England. Described as a small, picturesqueresort town on the southeast coast of England with a population of12,260. It is where Pitt goes to interview the dying Commodore JohnBigalow.

  Thomas J. Morse- One of the U.S. Navy tugboats assigned to tow theTitanic to New York City. A deepsea rescue tugboat two hundred fiftyfeet in length with 5,000-horsepower diesel powerplants. The vesselsare capable of hauling twenty thousand tons of deadweight for twothousand miles without refueling.

  Thor Forge and Ironworks. Denver, Colorado, manufacturer of thedrilling equipment used by the Coloradans on Novaya Zemlya.

  Tilevitch, Vastly. Marshal of the Soviet Union and chief director ofSoviet security.

  Tin Goose. Antique Ford Trimotor airplane that Pitt buys in Keflavic,Ireland, and pilots back to his hangar at Washington's National Airport.

  Titanic, R.M.S. Infimous White Star line vessel that departedSouthampton, England, April 10, 1912, and sqnk April 15, 1912, with aloss of over fifteen hundred lives. Struck iceberg and sank in NorthAtlantic. Last reported position 41.46'N-50.14'W. The vessel was 882feet in length with a black hull encircled with a gold band and wasbuilt at the Belfast, Ireland, shipyard of Harland and Wolff. The yardwas later leveled by German bombers during World War II. Built from46,328 tons of steel. The vessel held 2,200 passengers and hadlifeboats for only 1,180.

  Troy, H.M.S. British cruiser that carries the remains of CommodoreBigalow for his burial at sea.

  Uphill, Lieutenant George. U.S. Navy lieutenant in command of thetugboat Thomas J. Morse. Described as a plump, ruddy-faced man whosports an immense Bismarck mustache.

  Vampire squid. Squid Pitt and Giordino view through the porthole of theSea Slug when they first reach the bottom near the Titanic.

  Described as a strange blueblack animal that looks like a cross betweena squid and an octopus. Has eight tentacles linked together like thewebbed foot of a duck. Two globular eyes form nearly a third of itsbody.

  Vogel, John. Chief curator of the Washington Museum's Hall of Music.

  He restores the cornet found on the ocean floor by the Sappho I. Vogeldiscovers the cornet is a presentation model and was aboard the Titanicwhen she sank. Described as six feet five inches tall with a kindlyface and puffs of unbrushed whitehair edging a bald head. Brown Santa Claus eyes and a warm smile.

  Smokes a pipe.

  Walter Reed Medical Center. U.S. naval hospital where Koplin is takenafter being rescued by Pitt.

  Woodson, Omar. NUMA photographer on the Sappho L Rarely smiles. Iscommander of Sappho II during the first phase of
the Titanic recoveryeffort. Later, while aboard the Titanic during Hurricane Amanda, he isstabbed in the heart and killed by a Russian marine.

  Young, Harry. Described as a skinny, little man.

  Seventy-eight years old, he has an alert, eager face.

  A walking encyclopedia on western mining history.

  Nephew of Harry Young. Explains to Donner that the Little Angel Minedisaster was a hoax.

  Vixen 03

  African Army of Revolution. Guerrilla army of African blacks headed bySomala that is fighting for independence from white rule.

  Alabama. U.S. Navy battleship now preserved as a memorial.

  Alsatian. Breed of dog used by the South African Defense Forces.

  Anchorage House. Fifteen-room country inn owned and operated by WalterBass. The inn is completewith antique plumbing and four-poster beds. The grounds are coveredwith pines and late-blooming wildflowers, and the inn has a duck pondout the back door. The dining room is designed in the style of aneighteenth-century country tavern, with old flintlock rifles, pewterdrinking cups and weathered farm implements hanging on the walls andrafters.

  Argon laser. Large-frame laser developed by the Stransky InstrumentCompany and used by Dr. Weir to attempt to cut through the parachutecord holding the QD shell to the skids of the NUMA Minerva helicopter.

  Features eighteen watts concentrated in a narrow beam that releases twokilowatts of energy.

  AlrizOna. U.S. Navy battleship sunk at the battle of Pearl Harbor andstill kept on the Navy's rolls as a commissioned ship.

  Arsenal Six. Bunker at Phalanx Arms where QD warheads were stored.

  Bass, Admiral Walter. U.S. Navy admiral who orders Vixen 03 to take offin spite of the weather. Described as a whiz kid who made his firststar at the age of thirty-eight. Appeared to be headed for the navalchief of staff but made a mistake that resulted in being assigned to aminor boondocks fleet base in the Indian Ocean. Retired from the Navyin October 1959. Was a surface officer during thirty-year Navy careerwho specialized in heavy ordnance. Admiral Sandecker served under Bassin World War II. Bass operates the Anchorage House, a fifteen-roomcountry inn located just south of Lexington, Virginia.

  Suffers massive 189 heart attack when he notices that eight of theshells containing QD are missing from Vixen 03. Treated at FitzsimmonsArmy Hospital in Denver but later slips into a coma and dies at BethesdaNaval Hospital.

  Bethesda Naval Hospital. Military hospital near Washington, D.C whereAdmiral Bass dies from effects of heart attack.

  Black Angus One. Fawkes radio call sign aboard the Iowa.

  Black Angus Two. Radio call sign for the spotter for the Iowa. BlackAngus Two is located in a street sweeper cruising Washington, D.C.Boeing C-97 Strato-cruiser. The type of transport plane used on FlightVixen 03. Air-frame number 75403.

  The heavy transport cargo plane has four Pratt and Whitney enginesdriving four blades on each propeller and can carry aseventy-thousand-pound load. Described as having a two-deck fuselageand the configuration of a double-bellied whale.

  British Imperial War Museum. The museum where one of the QD warheadsaccidentally was sent.

  Buckley Field, Colorado. Naval air station outside Denver, Colorado,where Flight Vixen 03 departs. The runway is eleven thousand feet inlength.

  Buckner, Paul. Described as a longtime pal of Pitt's.

  Buckner is an agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

  Burgdoirf, General Ernest. Chief of staff U.S. Air Force safety.

  Burns, Master Sergeant Joe. U.S. Air Force master Sergeant and flightengineer on Flight Vixen 03. Described as having a BusterKeaton-deadpan face.

  Camp, A.A.R. Camp located on what formerly was a small university forthe Portuguese when they ruled Mozambique. Located on Lake Malawi.

  Attacked by South African Defense Forces led by Zeegier. The attackcauses the loss of 2,310 A.A.R soldiers with only four of Zeegier'stroops wounded.

  Carnady, Louis. A U.S. congressman described as a tall, sad-lookingdude with spaniel eyes. Once double dated with Loren Smith, FeliciaCollins and Hiram Lusana. Carnady was defeated in the last elections.

  Catlin M-200. Aquamarine-colored executive jet owned by NUMA thatGiordino pilots to Colorado to meet Pitt. Designed to land and take Offin impossible places with cargo loads twice its own weight. Type ofplane Pitt pilots out to sea with Giordino, Weir and the StranskyInstrument laser to cut the parachute cord holding the QD shell to theskids of the Minerva NUMA helicopter.

  ChenagO. Commissioned in June 1862 in New York.

  'the vessel was a Union ironclad that foundered in heavy seas and sankon her way to her first assignment, blockading Savannah Harbor. Herentire crew Of fOrtY-two men is entombed in her hull which is ninetyfeet below the surface of the water. NUMA is 191 attempting to raiseher. Designed with two circular gun turrets containing Dahigrensmooth-bore cannon that weigh several tons each.

  CK-88. Type of Chinese automatic rifle carried by an observer spottedby Marcus Somala watching the Fawkes ranch. Standard issue for soldiersin the A.A.R.

  Collins, Felicia. Described as having short Afro hair and puffy lips.

  Her skin is the color of cocoa, and she has conical breasts with full,dark nipples. A singer actor with three gold records, two Emmys and anOscar for her role as a black suffragist in the film Road of Poppies.

  She is thirty-two years old. High school classmate of Loren Smith.

  Copperhead missiles. Type of missile that can be fired from F-120 jets.

  Missile Higgins recommends for an attack on the Iowa.

  Cottonwood Inn. Restaurant where Steiger and Pitt eat lunch afterSteiger meets with the president of the United States.

  Daggat, Frederick. One of New Jersey's three black congressmen. ADemocrat. Has an affair with Felicia Collins. Attempts to blackmailLoren Smith and Pitt but is rebuffed.

  De Vaal, Pieter. Minister of South African Defense Forces. SpeaksAfrikaans. Described as having wavy gray hair. Person behind OperationWild Rose. Ordered the murder of Patrick Fawkes family. De Vaal alsoleaked the information about Operation WildRose to U.S. intelligence assets, hoping to embarrass Prime MinisterKoertsmann's party and later seize power himself. After his treacherousintentions are revealed by Pitt, he is killed by Machita.

  Devine, Phil- Maintenance chief for United Airlines at Stapleton Field.

  Friend of Harvey Dolan. Said to be a "walking encyclopedia onaircraft." Described as a W. C. Fields type of character-heavy throughthe middle with a slow, whining voice. Smokes unfiltered cigarettes.

  Solves the mystery of what type of plane the landing gear Pitt finds inLoren Smith's father's garage came from.

  Dolin, Halley. Principal maintenance inspector for the Air CarrierDistrict of the Federal Aviation Administration. Works at StapletonAirport, Denver, Colorado.

  DoMnger vanab ' le Rk tm" Airlift method favored by FOISOM to raise theChenago.

  Donegal Brian. Helmsman on the Molly Bnde, An hish immigrant who istall with shaggy hair.

  Doomsday [email protected] One of the names for QD, or "Quick Death," the gascarried in the canisters aboard Vixen 03.

  Dugan. Works at the shipyard converting the Iowa.

  Duinbo. Nickname Of the twin-rotor, turbine-engined, heavy-lifthelicopter that eases Vixen 03 to shore after it is raised.

  Emma. Code name of a shadowy operative. Sells Operation Wild Roseplans to Machita for two million dollars. Machita attempts todouble-cross Emma and kill him but is foiled. The plans turn out to beoperating procedures for military garbage removal.

  Sneaks aboard the Iowa with plans to kill Fawkes.

  Fawkes instead beats Emma's head to a pulp against the metal deck of theIowa. After Emma is dead, Fawkes discovers that she is, in fact, awoman.

  F-120. U.S. Air Force jet code-named "Specter." The fighters can bearmed with Copperhead or Satan penetration missiles.

  F-140. U.S. Air Force fighter jet nicknamed "Spook."

  Steiger pilots the F-140 to Sheppard Air Force Base in Wichita Falls,T
exas, to retrieve the QD shells at the VFW post in Dayton City,Oklahoma.

  Fawkes, Jenny. Daughter of Patrick Sr. and Myma Fawkes. Nineteenyears old, she is described as big boned and large-breasted with afreckled face.

  Fawkes, Myrna. Wife of Patrick Fawkes. Described as lean and tiny butpossessing the toughness of two good men.

  Fawkes, Patrick Jr. Son of Patrick Sr. and Myma Fawkes. Only twomonths past twenty years of age, he is already three inches taller thanhis father.

  Fawkes, Captain Patrick McKenzie. Retired British Navy captainoriginally from Aberdeen, Scotland. Was in the Royal Navy twenty-fiveyears, fifteen years ofthose in ship's engineering. Captain of the Audacious for two years.