Last assignment for Royal Navy was engineering director of the GrimsbyRoyal Naval shipyard. Described as a giant of a man, standing a shadeover six feet six inches in height. His weight exceeds two hundredeighty pounds. Eyes are a somber shade of gray. Sandy-colored hairwith whitening filaments in his King George V beard. Smokes a pipe.

  Captain of the Iowa in Operation Wild Rose, the attack on Washington,D.C. Is killed when the sixteen-inch gun on the Iowa explodes and blowshim to pieces.

  Felo gun. Israeli-manufactured weapon used by the South African DefenseForces in the attack on the A.A.R compound. The weapon shoots swarms ofrazor sharp disks capable of severing an eight-inch tree trunk with oneburst.

  Fergus, Lieutenant Alan. Leader of the SEAL combat units that attackthe Iowa. Has been in the U.S. Navy seven years. Wounded in the lefthand while leading the assault on the Iowa. The bullet neatly amputatedthe middle finger of his left hand before biting through his palm. Alsowounded in his leg.

  Fisk, Donald. An inspector with the Bureau of Customs. Fisk is outjogging when the shells from the Iowa begin falling.

  Fitzsimmons Army Hospital. military hospital in Denver where AdmiralBass is initially treated after suffering heart attack at Table Lake.

  Folsom, JacL NUMA salvage master on the Visalia.

  Described as brawny. Chews gum.

  Forbes Marine Scrap & Salvage. Salvage yard in the Chesapeake Bay wherethe battleship Iowa is refitted.

  Francis, Shawn. The Irish-born constable of Ukono who convinces PatrickFawkes over the radio that his ranch has been attacked.

  Future Eyes Only. F.E.O is the designation of certain United Statesgovernment files that can be opened only after a certain, specifieddate.

  Gold, Lieutenant Sam. U.S. Air Force lieutenant who is Vylander'scopilot on Flight Vixen 03.

  Gore, Barbara. Secretary to Jarvis. Once had an affair with Jarvis,but now they are just good friends. Described as forty-three with thefigure of a Vogue fashion model. She has remained trim with shapelylegs and high-cheekboned features that have yet to flesh out with age.

  Gosard, John. Head of the National Security Agency's Africa Section.

  Gossard came to the NSA after the Vietnam War, where he served as aspecialist in guerrilla logistics. Described as a quiet man with acynical sense of humor, he walks with a limp caused by a rifle grenadewhose shrapnel severed his right foot. Known as a heavy drinker.

  Grosfiebk General Ebner. The chief inspector of foreign arm shipmentsand Mapes nemesis. Steiger posesas Grosfield over the phone to convince Mapes that he should allow Pittto check the Phalanx Arms Corporation inventory.

  Heiedriek Air Force Base. Air Force base in South Africa that De Vaalgoes to for secret flight to Pembroke for his meeting with PatrickFawkes.

  Henry W. Nice Memorial Toil Bridge. Bridge over the Patuxent River theIowa passes under. Location where Milkman McDonald discovers shreddedplywood.

  Hickham Field, Hawaii. Airfield where Vixen 03 is scheduled to make afuel stop. The plane never makes it out of the mountains.

  Higgins, General Curtis. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

  Hocker-Rodine 27.5 automatic. Weapon used by Emma aboard the Iowa.

  The silenced handgun features a twenty-shot clip.

  Hoffman, Captain George. U.S. Air Force captain who is the navigator onFlight Vixen 03.

  Holland & Holland. Manufacturer of the twelve-gauge shotgun named"Lucifer" that is kept at the Fawkes ranch.

  House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee. Congressional subcommittee thatLusana appeals to for aid.

  Hunt, Earl. Democratic congressman from Iowa who is seated on the HouseForeign Affairs Subcommittee.

  Hydrogen cyanide. A blood agent that interferes with respiration, it isthe poison that is falsely claimed to be dumped on Rongelo Island tokeep people from visiting the island and being infected with QD.

  Iowa. U.S. Navy battleship sent to Forbes Salvage for scrapping butinstead converted to a shallower-draft vessel and used by Patrick Fawkesfor the attack on Washington, D.C. In the conversion, two GeneralElectric geared turbine engines are removed and half the superstructureremoved and replaced with gray painted plywood. The remaining enginesfeature 106,000 horsepower. The wartime operational draft wasthirty-eight feet; after the conversion, the draft was a few inches lessthan twenty-two feet. The Iowa leaves Forbes Scrap and Salvage on PearlHarbor Day, December 7. The number painted on its hull is 61.

  Each remaining main battery turret contains three 68 foot guns, eachweighing 134 tons. The entire turret weighs seventeen hundred tons.

  The armor-piercing projectiles fired by the sixteen-inch guns weightwenty seven hundred pounds. The powder charges that propel the shellsweigh six hundred pounds. The turret is protected by steel armorplating seven to seventeen inches thick.

  Colonel Michael. U.S. Air Force officer who signed the original ordersfor Flight Vixen 03.

  Jackson, Sam. The man who takes illicit photographs of Pitt and LorenSmith making love in Felicia Collins's Alexandria love nest.

  Described as a tall, angular black man with braided hair, a youthfulface and long, slender hands.

  Jarvis, Dale. Director of the National Security Agency. Described ashaving a friendly, almost fatherly face. His brown hair is streakedwith gray, and he wears it in a crew cut. Wears glasses.

  Jones, Hiram. True name of Hiram Lusana.

  Jumana, Colonel Randolph. Second-in-command to Lusana. Described as asuperb leader of men and a tiger in battle but sadly lacking inadministrative style.

  Plans a coup d'etat to unseat Lusana and take over leadership of theA.A.R. A "favorite son" of the Srona tribe, Jumana spent eight years ina South African prison before Lusana arranged his escape.

  Kemper, Admiral Joe. U.S. Navy chief of naval operations.

  Kenya Education Council. Meeting in Nairobi that Daggat explains toLusana he needs to attend.

  Kiebel, Lieutenant commander Oscar. Skipper of the Coast Guard patrolboat that delivers SEALs to the Iowa. Described as dour. Wounded bymachine gun fire from the Iowa when he drops off the Navy SEALS.

  Koertsmann, Prime Minister. Prime minister of South Africa.

  Lincoln MemoriaL Memorial in Washington, D.C that is hit by a shellfired from the Iowa. Features a nineteen-foot-tall statue of a seatedAbraham Lincoln.

  Lo, Colonel Phon Duc. Vietnamese Army colonel and chief militaryadvisor to the African Army of Revolution.

  Lot Six. Area in Arsenal Six where the QD warheads should have beenstored. They were instead placed in Lot Sixteen.

  Lot Sixteen. Area in Arsenal Six at Phalanx Arms where the QD warheadswere accidentally stored.

  Lovell, Billy. Commander of VFW Post 9974. Described as a tall, ganglyindividual about fifty years old. Lovell is at least six feet fiveinches tall with a ruddy face and short-clipped shiny hair parted downthe middle.

  Lucifer. The Holland & Holland twelve-gauge shotgun kept at the Fawkesranch.

  Lusana, General HiranL AKA Hiram Jones. Leader of the African Army ofRevolution. Born in the United States of America. Using money from alucrative armored-car robbery, he expanded his fortune throughinternational drug smuggling. Described as a short, wiry man,medium-boned and fighter-skinned than any man in the army of Africans.

  The troops call his skin "American tan" behind his back. Has coffeebrown eyes. Crimes committed in the United States include everythingfrom rape to assault, draft dodgingand a plot to bomb the state capital of Alabama. Left the United Statesto avoid paying taxes. Was raised in one of the worst slums in thecountry. Lusana's father deserted his mother and her nine children whenhe was eight. Shot and killed by Fergus aboard the Iowa but manages-totoss the sack containing the QD bomblets into the river.

  Machias Point. Location on the Patuxent River.

  Machita, Major Thomas. Chief intelligence analyst of the African Armyof Revolution. American black whose aliases are Luke Sampson of LosAngeles and Charles Le Mat of Chicago. Operates out of the Mozambiqueconsulate in Pretoria, South A
frica. Cover is that he is George Yariko,diplomatic courier. Arrested and beaten by guards on Jumana's ordersduring coup d'etat against Lusana. After almost everyone is killed byColonel Zeegier's attack on the camp, Machita escapes from the cell.Assumes leadership of the A.A.R after Lusana is killed. Kills De Vaalwith a knife.

  Makeir, Colonel' Oliver. Coordinator of the African Army of Revolutionpropaganda programs.

  Mapes, 0 rvifle. President and chairman of the board of Phalanx ArmsCorporation. Described as a screwy sort of duck looking more like ahardware peddler than a death merchant. Has gray eyes. DrivesRollsRoyce convertible. Purchased QD warheads from Rafferty's for fivethousand dollars each.

  March, Thnothy. U.S. secretary of defense. Described as a short, dumpyman who detests any sort of physical exertion.

  Massachusetts. U.S. Navy battleship now preserved as a memorial.

  Manser. A .38-caliber automatic handgun used by Machita.

  Mayflower. Hotel that the U.S. Department of State rents for Lusanawhen he visits Washington, D.C. McDermott. Works in Soviet analysis atthe National Security Agency. He is mentioned by Gossard whendiscussing with Jarvis an upcoming fishing trip.

  McDonald, Howard. Milkman who discovers shredded plywood on the HenryW. Nice Memorial Toll Bridge over the Patuxent River that indicates theIowa has steamed past.

  Metz, Lou. Superintendent of the Forbes shipyard.

  Meyers, Roscoe. Republican congressman from Oregon who is seated on theHouse Foreign Affairs Subcommittee.

  Military Air Transport Service. MATS is the division of the U.S. AirForce that the Boeing C-97 Vixen 03 was assigned. Pitt views thelettering painted on the plane's fuselage through the underwater cameraand, after viewing the serial number on the vertical stabilizer,identifies the plane as Vixen 03.

  Minerva M-8& Twin-turboshaft-engined NUMA helicopter that Steiger pilotswith Sandecker aboard when Pitt drops on the deck of the Iowa.

  The helicopterthen takes up station above the National Archives Building and snags theparachute of the shell containing the QD bomblet. Steiger and Sandeckerthen head out to sea on a suicide mission to dispose of the shell. Pittchases them out to sea in the Catlin M-200 with a laser aboard. Afterthe laser severs a few of the lines holding the QD shell to thehelicopter, it overheats. Steiger then pilots the helicopter into asteep dive. When he pulls the helicopter out of the dive, the weight ofthe QD shell finally snaps the parachute cords, and the shell plungesinto the ocean.

  Once the shell is free and with the Minerva nearly out of fuel, Steigerpilots the helicopter to a Norwegian cruiser and lands.

  Missouri. U.S. Navy battleship maintained by the navy in Bremerton,Washington.

  Molly Bender. Fishing trawler crushed by the Iowa.

  Mount Vernon. George Washington's famous home and the site where theIowa finally runs hard aground.

  Mukuta, Captain John. Captain in the African Army of Revolution.

  Mutaapo, Captain. Fictitious name used by a man dressed as a pilot on aBEZA-Mozambique Airlines return flight to Africa that Lusana intends totake.

  Described as a tall, slender man with a middle-aged black face. Wearsdark green and gold braided BEZAMozambique Airlines uniform. DrugsLusana's martini and has him delivered to Patrick Fawkes aboard theIowa.

  Natal, Africa. Borders Mozambique and is the province where the Fawkesranch is located.

  National Archives Building. Three shells are fired at the building fromthe Iowa. The first goes through the dome and plunges downward, missingthe Declaration of Independence by ten feet. The second is a dud. Thethird, which contains the QD bomblets, is plucked from the sky by theMinerva NUMA helicopter piloted by Steiger with Sandecker aboard.

  National Transportation Safety Board. Governmental agency Dolancontacts to find out if any commercial C-97 Stratoeruisers were lostover the continental United States.

  Neutron bomb. Type of bomb the president suggests might disable the QDwarheads aboard the Iowa. The idea is rejected.

  Nisei. Americans of Japanese descent imprisoned in internment campsduring World War II. Mentioned as a model for Africans to follow byLoren Smith when talking to Congressman Daggat. After World War II, theNisei worked in the South California fields so they could send theirsons and daughters to UCLA and USC to become attorneys and doctors.

  Norton Air Force Base. U.S. Air Force base in California where ColonelAbe Steiger works.

  O'Keefe, General John. Aide to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

  O'Shea. Guard at the gate of Forbes Scrap and Salvage when Pitt andJarvis first arrive.

  Obasi, Daniel. Seventeen-year-old Shaba leaves in charge of the gunturret on the Iowa when Shaba goes below to the magazine to repair thehoist. Fires the QD shell at Washington, D.C. Operation Wild Rose.

  South African plot to shell Washington, D.C and blame the attack on theAfrican Army of Revolution to discredit them.

  Patuxent River. River that empties into the Chesapeake Bay a few milesabove Forbes Scrap and Salvage. The river the Iowa takes towardWashington, D.C. Pembroke, Natal. Town in Africa where Fawkes meetsSouth African defense minister. While he is gone, his ranch is attackedand his family killed.

  Phalanx Arms Corporation. Name of the company based in Newark, NewJersey, that purchased the QD warheads from the Raffertys. The companysits on five thousand acres and is rated as the sixth-largest army interms of equipment. Phalanx Arms also ranks as the seventh-largest airforce.

  Pier Six. Pier in San Francisco where the QD warheads recovered fromVixen 03 in Table Lake are shipped for eventual destruction at sea.

  Plum Point Marina. Location Gossard tells Jarvis they, along withSampson and McDermott, are to leave from for the scheduled fishing trip.

  Potomac River. River leading to Washington, D.C Fawkes plans to takethe Iowa up to shell the U.S. capital.

  Quantico, Virginia. Location of a marine base Fawkes views as the Iowaheads past upriver.

  Quick Death. The gas carried in canisters aboard Vixen 03.

  Biochemical name is thirty letters long and unpronounceable. Created bymicrobiologist John Vetterly, QD is described as an artificial form oflife that in turn was capable of producing a disease strain that was andstill is quite unknown. QD is a nondetectable, unidentifiablebacteriological agent able to incapacitate a living human or animalwithin seconds of exposure and disrupt the vital body functions, causingdeath three to five minutes later. Unlike other lethal agents, QD gainsstrength over time. If five ounces were delivered over ManhattanIsland, the organism would seek out and kill ninety-eight percent of thepopulation within four hours. Water neutralizes the organism.

  Radar altimeter. Device especially designed by Admiral Bass. Has anomnidirectional indicator that signals the QD warheads' descent andreleases a parachute at fifteen hundred feet elevation. At one thousandfeet of elevation, the QD warhead explodes, releasing the gas.

  Rafferty, Lee. Neighbor near Loren Smith's father's cabin. Retired inthe summer of 1971 from the U.S. Navy as a deep-sea diver because of thebends (diving term for excess nitrogen in the bloodstream-some 206 timesfatal). Husband of Maxine Rafferty. Described as a string bean of aman. Likes cigars. Brews his own beer. Sold QD warheads to PhalanxArms Corporation. After Pitt discloses he knows about the sale, hesmashes Pitt in the shoulder with plumbing pipe. Pitt retrieves thepipe and swings it against Rafferty's head, breaking the bone in histemple and killing him.

  Rafferty, Maxine. Neighbor near Loren Smith's father's cabin. Wife ofLee Rafferty. Described as having the look of the West about her.

  Heavyset, she wears rimless glasses and has bluish-silver hair.

  Murdered Charlie Smith with a rifle shot to the heart after he hadsecond thoughts about selling QD warheads.

  Pitt hits her with a kerosene lamp, cutting her breast, then shoots herwith his Colt revolver, killing her.

  Ragged Point. Spot on the waterway where the Iowa crushes the MollyBender.

  Rantoul Engineering. Chicago-based firm that produces the wheels usedon the Boeing C-97 that was us
ed for Flight Vixen 03.

  Ravenfoot, Commodore Jack. Head of the NSA's domestic division.

  Retired U.S. Navy Commodore. Was executive officer aboard thebattleship New Jersey during the Vietnam War. A full-blooded NativeAmerican from the Cheyenne tribe, Ravenfoot holds a Phi Beta Kappa keyfrom Yale.

  Red River. River that forms the border of Texas and Oklahoma. Steigerdrives across the Red River on the 207 way to the VFW post in DaytonCity, Oklahoma, to retrieve QD warheads.

  Remains Identity and Recovery Team. U.S. Air Force group tasked withcaring for the remains of the crew of Flight Vixen 03.