Rocky Mountain Arsenal. Army installation outside Denver, Colorado,that was the primary manufacturing site for chemical weapons. Sitewhere QD was produced.

  Rocky Mountain oysters. Famous state dish of Colorado. Fried bull'stesticles. Tastes like chicken.

  Rongelo. Island in the South Pacific that was the intended destinationof Flight Vixen 03. Located four hundred miles northeast of BiliniIsland. Described as a raw, bleached knob of coral poking through thesea in the middle of nowhere. The island, actually more 0 an atoll,rises only six feet above the surface of the ocean. Infected with QD,the island will be uninhabitable for the next three hundred years. Theisland is eradicated by a nuclear missile blast fired from a U.S. Navysubmarine.

  Sampson. Works in Soviet analysis at the National Security Agency. Heis mentioned by Gossard when discussing an upcoming fishing trip withJarvis.

  Satan penetration missiles. Type of missile carried by F-120 jets.

  The missiles can gouge their way through three yards of concrete.

  Savannah. City on the coast of Georgia where Pitt goes to superviseraising the Chenago, a Union ironclad that sank off the Georgia coastduring the Civil War.

  Sawatch Mountain Range. Mountains in the Colorado rockies where LorenSmith's father's cabin is located.

  Sawyer, Phil. Press secretary to the president of the United States.

  Along with Pitt, dates Loren Smith.

  Described as wearing white shirts and talking like a thesaurus. Smithdescribes Sawyer as the sort of man you marry: loyal, true blue, setsyou on a gilded pedestal and wants you to be the mother of his children.

  Has premature gray hair; he is said to have a solid, handsome face.

  Shaba, Charles. Part of the African crew Fawkes uses on the Iowa.

  Shaba is the chief engineer. After the Iowa grounds, he becomes gunneryofficer.

  Shaw, Morton. Independent Party congressman from Florida.

  Sheppard Air Force Base. U.S. Air Force base in Wichita Falls, Texas,Steiger lands at when he travels to retrieve QD warheads at VFW post inOklahoma.

  Sheridan Point. Location on the Potomac River the Coast Guard patrolboat passes.

  Slaughter Beach. Beach in Delaware that Steiger and Sandecker pass overin a NUMA helicopter as theyhead out to sea on the mission to dispose of QD warhead.

  Smith, Charlie. Father of Loren Smith. Deceased. Itinerant inventor.

  Allegedly blown apart by dynamite, but Pitt later identifies his body asbeing aboard Vixen 03 in Table Lake.

  Somala, Marcus. Section leader of the African Army of Revolution.

  Witnesses the raid on the Fawkes ranch, then is mortally wounded whenshot in the back. Manages to make his way to the hospital and reportsto Lusana before dying.

  St. Clements Island. Island passed as the Iowa steams up the PatuxentRiver.

  Stanton Probe. Name of fictitious committee Pitt cooks up to scareMapes into allowing him to search the Phalanx Arms Corporation'sinventory for the missing QD warheads.

  Steiger, Colonel Abraham Levi. Works for the investigator general forsafety at Norton Air Force Base in California. Dolan forwards a requestto him for information about Boeing C-97 number 75403.

  Described as having a completely shaved head, friendly hazel eyes and anenormous Kaiser Wilhelm mustache.

  Wears size-twelve boots. His body is squat and barrel-chested, and Pittestimates his weight at close to two hundred twenty pounds. Father ofeight children-five boys and three girls. Pilots the NUMA helicopterthat drops Pitt off on the Iowa. Along with Sandecker, Steiger thentakes up station over the National Archives Building and snags theparachute of the shell containing QD bomblets. Then, together withSandecker, they fly out to sea on a suicide mission to dispose of theshell.

  Stransky Instrument Company. Company that employs Dr. Weir.

  Swedborg, Carl. Skipper of the fishing trawler Molly Bender. Swedborgis seventy years old but has no wish to retire. Wife has already passedaway.

  Table Lake. Lake located one quarter mile over the hill behind LorenSmith's cabin. Location where Pitt finds the plane missing thecanisters containing nerve gas. A man-made lake, it was formed when theState of Colorado dammed up a stream in 1945, submerging an abandonedlumber mill.

  Tazareen massacre. Village in the Province of Transvaall where asenseless slaughter of at least one hundred sixty-five black villagerswas instituted by the A.A.R.

  Tiger fish. Old World relative to the South American Amazon piranhathat Lusana hooks while fishing.

  Tonic One. Code name for one of the groups from the South AfricanDefense Forces that attack the A.A.R compound.

  Tonic Two. Code name of one of the groups from the South AfricanDefense Forces that attack the A.A.R compound.

  Travis Air Force Base. U.S. Air Force base in California where theoriginal orders for Flight Vixen 03 were issued.

  Veterans of Foreign Wars, Dayton City Post 9974.

  VFW post in Oklahoma where two of the QD shells were accidentally sent.

  The VFW tried to fire the shells during a Veterans Day parade, butluckily they didn't explode.

  Vetterly, John. Microbiologist who created Quick Death. Later dies onRongelo Island with three of his assistants as they check the effects ofQD.

  Visali& NUMA salvage ship assigned to raise the Chenago.

  Vixen 03. Call sign of the plane that crashes into Table Lake,Colorado, carrying the QD warheads.

  Vogel, Brian. Neighbor of Patrick Fawkes, who comes to the ranch afterthe massacre to help bury the bodies of the ranch workers.

  Vylander, Major Raymond. U.S. Air Force major who is aircraft commanderof Flight Vixen 03.

  walnut Point, Virginia. Location where Patrick Fawkes anchors whaleboat to record the passing boat traffic in preparation for taking theIowa up the Potomac River.

  Walvis Bay investment CorporatioiL A financial front company for theAfrican Army of Revolution.

  Weir, Dr. Paul. The head physicist of the Stransky Instrument Company.Described as a light-skinned man with Nordic features.

  Wisconsin U.S. Navy battleship scrapped in 1984. Battleship that wasscheduled to lob the shells containing OD twenty miles through the airto Rongelo Island.

  Yariko, George. Fictitious name that is on the Mozambique passportMachita uses when he flies to Pretoria for his meeting with Emma.

  Yariko's cover is that of a diplomatic courier to Mozambique.

  Zeegler, Colonel Joris. Army colonel in charge of the intelligencedivision of the South African Defense Forces or director of InternalSouth African Defense. Described as a tall, slender man with compellingblue eyes.

  Night Probe!

  AC Cobra. One' of Pitt's cars. A red 1966 model with a 427-cubic-inchengine.

  Anoida. A condition resulting from an overabundance of CO2 in a human'ssystem. Make the sufferer giddy and possibly hallucinatory.

  Klinger suffers the condition aboard the Sappho I when the air scrubbersdon't function properly.

  Argo ground-to-air missiles. Type of British hand-held missiles usedfor the attack on Canada One. Compact, the missiles weigh only thirtypounds.

  Argus, Henry. Was due to meet Burton at the Glen Echo Racquet Club.

  When Argus cancels, Burton-Angus is paired with Murphy. While waitingfor a racquetball court, Murphy asks Burton-Angus for information aboutthe North American Treaty.

  Arlington College of Archaeology. Where the copy of the North Americantreaty recovered from the Empress of Ireland is taken.

  Army and Navy Club. Restaurant favored by Sandecker.

  Arvada, U.S.S. U.S. Navy amphibious landing transport vessel. Milliganis assigned as the communications officer. The ship is bound from SanDiego to the Indian Ocean, but when it develops problems with theautomated steering system, it is ordered to stop in Los Angeles forrepairs. Clive is having some fun here.

  Arvada, Colorado, is the suburb in Denver where Clive was living when hewrote Raise the Titanic!

  Asquith, Henry Herbert. British prime minister when Woodrow Wi
lson waspresident. Signed the North American treaty.

  Baby. Nickname for the RSV.

  Baldwin Locomotive. Atlantic type 4-4-2 owned by Ansel Magee. Thelocomotive rolled out of the Baldwin Works in 1906 and pulled theOverland Limited from Chicago to Council Bluffs, Iowa.

  Beaseley, Peter. Chief librarian of the British Foreign Office inLondon. It is said that Beaseley knows moreabout the Foreign Office than any man alive. Described as white-haired.Smokes a pipe. Discovers information about the North American Treatyfor the British.

  Beatty, Professor Preston. Considered a leading authority on unsolvedcrimes. An author of numerous books on the subject. Beatty isdescribed as having blue-green eyes over a salt-and-pepper beard. Pittguesses his age at late forties. Has stern, craggy features andsilver-edged hair. Beatty tells Pitt the history of Massey.

  Bentley, Sergeant. Royal Marine commanded by Macklin.

  Beretta .25-caliber. Handgun favored by Shaw.

  Bond, James. Famous character created by Ian Fleming, mentioned by Pittto Shaw after Pitt arranges for Shaw to fly on the same flight asMilligan.

  Borden, Sir Robert. Canadian prime minister just prior to World War I.He was one of the signers of the North American Treaty.

  Boucher, Jean. Guerrier's bodyguard/chauffeur. Finds Guerrier's corpseafter he is smothered by Gly. Wife and two children.

  Originally hired by Guerrier in May 1962. Only witness who claimsVillon was the last person to see Guerrier alive.

  British Army S-66 long-range reconnaissance scope.

  Type of scope Shaw uses to spy on the Ocean Venturer. Can read anewspaper headline at five miles.

  British prime minister. Described as a formidably heavy-featured manwith unblinking blue eyes and a mouth that ticks up at the edges in aperpetual smile.

  Brogan Martin. U.S. director of Central Intelligence.

  Brown Bess. Black-powder rifle owned by Epstein. The weapon is aflintlock seventy-fiver that was used by the British soldiers during theRevolutionary War.

  Bryan, William Jennings. Political sage who ran for president of theUnited States several times. Known as "The Great Commoner." WasPresident Wilson's secretary of state. In the photograph Milligansecures, he looks portly and grinning.

  Burton, Angus, Leutenant Ewen. Aide to the naval attache for theBritish Embassy in Washington, D.C. The last six years and four months,he has actually worked for the British Secret Intelligence Service.

  Owns a home in Devon, England. Present when the Manhattan Limited isfound. Killed by fire from U.S. Marines.

  Button Islands. Located in the Labrador Sea off Newfoundland. TheDoodlebug is ten miles off the Button Islands when attacked.

  Caldweiler, Eric. Former superintendent of a coal mine in Wales.

  Described as stockily built. Supervisesthe British effort to tunnel into the mountain where the ManhattanLimited is trapped. Smokes a pipe.

  Canada One. Code name for Prime Minister Sarveux's official plane. Afour-jet-engined plane that weighs two hundred tons. Forty-two men andwomen die when it bursts into flames when landing after being hit by anArgo missile fired by Gly's team.

  Canadian prime minister's mansion. Described as having a three-storystone exterior that is cold and morbid. Has a long foyer with a highceiling, traditional furnishings and a wide circular staircase thatleads to the bedrooms.

  Chase, Glen. Captain of the DeSoto Described as taciturn and balding.Chase refuses to use the language of the sea. Instead of port, he saysleft; instead of mooring, he says parking. Present when the ManhattanLimited is found.

  Churchill, Winston. British prime minister who at the time of World WarI was First Lord of the Admiralty.

  Coli, Otis. Director of the Quebec Institute of Marine Engineering.

  Described as a gorilla of a man, barrel-chested and with a rounded,heavy-browed face. His white hair passes his collar, and his mustache,beneath a thin, sloping nose, looks as if it has been clipped with sheepshears, Smokes du Maurier cigarettes with a gold-tipped filter.

  Collins. JIM suit operator who finds himself stuck in the wreckage ofthe Empress of Ireland after the explosion. Glancing around, hediscovers the body of Shields, and Pitt realizes Collins is insideShields's cabin.

  Control Center. Part of the James Bay Project. Located ten floorsabove the generator room, it is accessed by a security card system.

  The room is small and spartan and contains four engineers who monitorthe manual systems.

  Cummings-Wray sender. Early radio device that is used by the New York &Quebec Railroad to communicate. Has a selector wheel. Harding tries touse it to call Albany, New York, to find out information about theManhattan Limited.

  DeSoto NUMA's new research vessel. A trim vessel sixty feet in lengthespecially designed for cruising inland waterways.

  DeauviBe-Hudson Bridge. Railroad bridge near the Wacketshire Station;the Manhattan Limited plunged off it. It is one hundred fifty feet fromthe bridge to the Hudson River. One section of the bridge spanned afive-hundred-foot-long truss. The bridge was the fifth longest in theworld when it was constructed.

  Dispatch. Code name used by Moran in the attack on Canada One.

  Doodlebug. Built with six hundred eighty million dollars earmarked forthe Department of Energy but diverted to NUMA. The Doodlebug is anunderwater geology submersible. Described as "the inner half of 218 anaircraft wing standing on end" and "the conning tower of a submarinethat has lost its hull." Has an aluminum shell built around itsinstrument package.

  In briefing the president, Sandecker explains that the Doodlebug can seethrough ten miles of solid rock and identify fifty-one differentminerals and metal traces. The Doodlebug's instruments transmit asharply focused, concentrated pulse of energy straight down into theearth. After escaping the attack from the U.S. submarine, the Doodlebugfinds "the grand daddy of stratigraphic traps," or a giant oil field inthe waters off Quebec. The field measures ninety-five miles bythree-quarters of a mile wide and is estimated to contain as much aseight billion barrels of oil. Later used on the Manhattan Limitedproject.

  Dunning, Art. NUMA team master of the dive rescue team aboard the OceanVenturer. Locates the saturation chamber after the explosion on theEmpress of Ireland and finds all the divers inside dead.

  Entmett, Ray. The pilot of Canada One.

  EmPress Of Ireland Name of the Canadian luxury liner bound for Englandthat sinks after being rammed by a Norwegian coal collier named Storstadin the St. Lawrence River. A copy of the North American Treaty isaboard. Owned by the Canadian Pacific Railway, the vessel and hersister ship, the Empress of Britain, displaced fourteen thousand tonsand were five hundred fifty feet long. Twin-screw vessels. One of thetwenty-foot diameter, thirty-ton, four-bladed bronze propellers wassalvaged in 1968.

  Epstein, Joe. A columnist for the Baltimore Sun. Epstein is an avidblack-powder marksman on weekends.

  Described as bald-headed.

  Ericsson, Dr. Medical chief of staff at the hospital James Sarveux istaken to after the attack on Canada One.

  Esbenson, Robert. Buyer of the Mercedes-Benz 540K at the RichmondAuction Pitt attends. In real life, Esbenson was Clive's partner in theclassic car business.

  Essex, John. Grandson of Richard Essex. Seventy-five years old.

  Operates a sophisticated oyster farming operation in ponds along thePotomac River near Coles Point, Virginia. Described as having twinklingblue eyes and prominent high cheekbones. Has a white beard andmustache. His body shows no fat. Was once assigned to the AmericanEmbassy in London.

  His wife died ten years ago. Has three children. Inside an ornatelycarved antique credenza with a secret compartment in his office, heholds information about the North American Treaty. His decomposing bodyis discovered by Pitt after he dies from a clot in his coronary artery.

  Essex, Richard. The person in charge of transporting the copy of theNorth American Treaty on the Manhattan Limited Was President Wilson'sundersecretary of state. In the photograph Milligan secures, he is saidto appear dapper and refine
d and to be wearing a broad smile.

  Died in 1914 at age forty-two.

  Field Foreman. Code-name used by Gly in the attack on Canada One.

  Finn, Commissioner Harold. Commissioner of the Canadian Mounties.

  Described as an unimpressive little man in rumpled clothes, the sort whois lost in a crowd or melts in with the furniture during a party.

  His charcoal hair is parted down the middle and contrasts with his bushywhite eyebrows. Solves the mystery of Gly impersonating Villon.

  Is present at the payoff to Gly, and supervises the work on the jet'sautopilot so Gly and his plane crash into the ocean.