Forbes Excavation Company. Company that operated the quarry from 1882to 1910, where limestone was mined and sent along the spur at MondragonHook Junction.

  Foreign Office. The branch of the British government office of internalaffairs. Where the North American Treaty was headed aboard the Empressof IrelandFree Quebec Society. Known by the acronym FQS, an underground terroristmovement. Tied to Moscow, the FQS has assassinated several Canadianofficials.

  Galasso, Dr. Melvin. Person at the Arlington College of Archaeology whoattempts to remove the North American Treaty from the leather bag foundaboard the wreck of the EmPress of Ireland Described as sixtyish,walking with a slight stoop and possessing a face like Dr. Jekyll afterhe becomes Mr. Hyde. After carefully removing the treaty from theleather bag, he finds it is an unreadable mush.

  Gallopin' Lena. Nickname of the 2-8-0 Constellationtype locomotive thatpulls the Manhattan Limited.

  Built by Alco's Schenectady Works in 1911 out of 236,000 pounds of ironand steel, she is finished in gloss black with a red stripe. Her numberis 88, and it is neatly hand-painted in gold.

  Gardner, Mildred. Head archivist of Princeton University. Has anineteen-fortyish pageboy haircut.

  Generator room. Part of the James Bay Project, the generator room spanstwelve acres of space carved out of solid granite four hundred feetunderground. Three rows of huge generators, five stories high anddriven by water turbines, fill the space. Each generator produces fivehundred thousand kilowatts of electrical energy.

  George V. King of England just prior to World War I.Gilmore. NUMA worker in the engine room of the Ocean Venturer.

  Survives the explosion with a skull fracture.

  Gly, Foss. Person who tries to assassinate Sarveux.

  Described as having a great mass of sandy-colored hair and a square,ruddy face. Has congenial brown eyes and a firm-cut chin. His nose islarge and misshapen from numerous breaks suffered in back-alley brawls.Occasionally smokes cigarettes. Born in Flagstaff, Arizona, as a resultof a drunken coupling between a professional wrestler and a countysheriff's daughter. His childhood was a nightmare of suffering andwhippings from his grandfather. When older, hebeat the sheriff to death and fled the state. Later, he rolled drunksin Denver, led a string of auto thieves in Los Angeles and hijackedgasoline trucks in Texas.

  Professional assassin who prefers to think of himself as a coordinator.

  Where most murders follow a pattern, Gly's is that he does not have one.Disguised as Henri Villon, Gly goes to murder Guerrier with the intentof using an exotic poison, then decides instead to smother him with apillow.

  Gosset, Miss. Secretary to Beaseley. Helps Beaseley in the search atthe Sanctuary Building for records pertaining to the North AmericanTreaty.

  Grey, Sir Edward. British foreign secretary during the time of WoodrowWilson's presidency.

  Guerrier. Premier of Quebec and the Parti Quebecois.

  Described as in his late seventies, tall and slender with unkempt silverhair and thick, tangled beard. Has false teeth. Smothered with apillow by Foss Gly disguised as Henri Villon."

  Harding, Sam. Ticket agent at the Wacketshire office of the New York &Quebec Railroad. After the Wacketshire Station is robbed by Massey,Harding runs down the tracks looking for the Manhattan Limited, falling,he gashes his leg on a railroad spike.

  Heiser FoundatioiL An analytical laboratory in Brooklyn, New York, towhich Pitt takes pieces of the Deauvifle-Hudson Bridge. The laboratoryquickly determines the bridge was cleverly and systematically blown up.

  Hoker, Doug. NUMA operator of the RSV controlled from aboard the OceanVenturer. Described as a cheerful fat man with curly strawberry hairand freckles. Has a great flash of teeth.

  Holographic Communications SystenL A three-dimensionaltelephone-television system installed in the White House.

  Honjo Maru Japanese container ship six hundred sixty-five feet inlength. After delivering four hundred new electric cars from Kobe,Japan, the vessel is making a return trip loaded with a cargo ofnewsprint paper. Gly rams this vessel with the hydroplane.

  Hooper, Sergeant. U.S. Marine Force reconnaissance sergeant present atthe flooded mountain that contains the Manhattan Limited. Chewstobacco.

  Humberty, Graham. A well-heeled Los Angeles RollsRoyce dealer.

  Humberly is a former British subject who cultivates an enormous channelof important contacts, particularly in the United States Navy.

  Described as a small man with a head too large for his shoulders.

  Lives in a posh house in Palos Verde, a bedroom community of LosAngeles. The house is a blend of contemporary and California Spanish,with rough-coated plaster walls and ceilings, laced with massiveweathered beams covered by a roof of curved red tile. A large fountainsplashes on the main terrace and spills into the swimming pool. 'thehouse has a view of the Pacific Ocean and Catalina Island. At a partyat his home, Humberly introduces Shaw to Milligan.

  Hunt, Malcom. Deputy prime minister of Canada.

  Smokes a pipe. Hunt is of British descent and a graduate of OxfordUniversity.

  Huron, ILM.C.S. Canadian destroyer ordered to chase the Ocean Ventureraway from the wreck of the Empress of IrelandHuston, Mrs. Formerly the secretary to the head of the British SecretIntelligence Service. A year after Shaw retired, she married GrahamHuston, who then worked at the British Secret Intelligence Service inthe cryptographic analysis section. Both she and her husband are nowretired and pensioned and operate an antique shop in London.

  Jackson. NUMA worker in the engine room of the Ocean Venturer.

  Survives the explosion with a broken knee.

  James Bay. Canadian hydroelectric project. James Bay has eighteendams, twelve powerhouses and a work force of nearly ninety thousandpeople. The project involved the rechanneling of two rivers the size ofthe Colorado River. James Bay is the largest and most expensivehydroelectric project in history, built at a cost of twenty-six billiondollars. The project was begun in 1974 and generates over one hundredmillion kilowatts of electricity which will double in the next twentyyears. The amount of electricity that flows to the United States isenough to light fifteen states. The project is guarded by afive-hundred-man security force.

  Jeffrey, Ian. Sarveux's principal secretary. Described as aserious-faced man in his late twenties.

  Jensen Convertible, 1950. A four-door, two-tone straw and beige130-horsepower automobile at the auction in Richmond that Pitt attends.

  He buys the Jensen and drives it home to his garage with Moon aspassenger.

  JIM suit. An articulated deep-water atmospheric diving system. It isconstructed of magnesium and fiberglass. In air, the suit weighs elevenhundred pounds; underwater, it weighs only about sixty.

  Kemper, Admiral Joe. Chief of U.S. naval operations.

  Sandecker calls Kemper to halt the attack on the Doodlebug.

  Kendall, Captain. Captain of the Empress of Ireland the night she sank.

  King, Dr. Rainon. The creative genius behind the Doodlebug.

  Described as having a light-skinned, narrow, gloomy face, with a juttingjaw and barbed-wire eyebrows-the kind of face that mirrors nothing andbarely displays a change of expressions.

  Kitchner, Lord, Field Marshal. British secretary of war during WorldWar I.Klein, Dr. Ronald. The secretary of energy. Described as ascholarly-looking man with long white hair and a large condor nose.

  He is six feet five inches tall.

  Klinger, Sid. One of the NUMA operators of the Sappho L Loses a toothwhen the explosives are ignited on the Empress of Ireland.

  Labrador Sea. Where the Doodlebug is operating when it is attacked byU.S. Navy [email protected] submarine.

  Lac St. Joseph. Location of the airfield near Quebec City that belongsto the Royal Canadian Air Force.

  Site of the payoff from Sarveux to Gly.

  Lasky, Bill. Electronic panel operator on the Doodlebug when it isattacked by Navy Amberjack-class submarine.

  Le Mat, Jules. Captain of the work ship that first delivers Pitt to thes
ite on the St. Lawrence River the Empress of Ireland is under.

  Library of Congress. Famous library in Washington, D.C where John Essextells Milligan his grandfather's personal papers are stored.

  Lubin, Jerry. A mining consultant with the Federal Resources Agency.

  Described as a small, humorless man with a pawnbroker nose andbloodhound eyes.

  Lubin supervises the NUMA team locating the Manhattan Limited.

  Macklin, Lieutenant Digby. Leader of the fourteen British Royal Marineparatroopers who parachute onto the hill where the Manhattan Limited ishidden.

  Wounded in arm and foot by fire from U.S. Marines.

  Surrenders to Sanchez.

  Magee, Annie. Wife of Ansel Magee. Described as carrying herselflanguidly and standing tall. Her shape is pencil @, and Pitt guessesshe was once a fashion model. Her hair is salt-and-pepper andgracefully styled.

  Magee, Ansel. Famous sculptor who owns a home near the Deauville-HudsonBridge. Described as having a kindly, elffike face.

  Has suffered several heart attacks. Has the Wacketshire stationrestored and attached to his house.

  Secretary to the president of the United States.

  Magnificent Pitt, the MusionisL What Pitt calls himself to Milligan whenhe produces Shaw at Kennedy Airport and disappears.

  Manhattan Limited. The train taken by Richard Essex.

  The tram cames mnety passengers, not including the crew and the specialgovernment car Essex is aboard.

  Essex has a copy of the North American Treaty. The copy is lost whenthe train disappears. Pitt discovers that the train was also carryingSt. Gauden's twenty dollar gold pieces struck in 1914 at thePhiladelphia mint, worth two million dollars. Gold is now worth overthree hundred million dollars.

  Manuden, England. A village outside London where Shaw attends theftmeral for the former chief of the British Secret Intelligence Service.

  Martha. The young girl who dies in the collision of the Empress ofIreland Described as having golden hair nearly three feet long. Herfather finds her body with the help of Shields and chooses to stay withher as the ship sinks.

  Masey, Clement. Alias Dapper Doyle. Man who robs the Wacketshirestation of the New York & Quebec Railroad. Described as being builtlike a jockey, rail-thin and short. His mustache is as blond as hishair, which is tucked under a Panama straw hat. A fastidious dresser,he wears a Weber and Heilbroner English-cut suit with silk stitching.

  The razor-creased pants stop evenly above a pair of two-tone brown suedeand leather shoes. Comes from a wealthy Boston family.

  Graduated Harvard summa cum laude. Established a thriving law practicethat catered to the social elite of Providence, Massachusetts. Marrieda prominent socialite. Father to five children. Twice elected to theMassachusetts Senate. Turned over the money from the robberies hemasterminded to the poor.

  Mauser Automatic Pistol 7.63 Caliber. Weapon used by Massey when herobs the Wacketshire station. Pitt uses the handgun to wound Shaw.

  May, Jack. Copilot of Canada One.

  McComb, Superintendent. Officer in charge of records for the CanadianMounted Police. McComb calls VilIon with information about Roubaix.

  McComb, Dr. Walter. Chief chemist at the Heiser Foundation.

  Described as fifteen years older than Pitt and seventy pounds heavier.

  McGovern, Dr. Abner. Doctor who performs the second autopsy onGuerrier. Has been with the Canadian Mounties forensic pathology stafffor forty years. Discovers Guerrier was murdered.

  Meechum, Hiram. The Western Union night man at the Wacketshire stationof the New York & Quebec Railroad. When Meechum attempts to signal theManhattan Limited, Massey shoots him in the hip, then smashes his Mauserpistol against his head.

  Mercedes-Benz 540K, 1939. Pearl-white automobile with custom Freestone& Webb bodywork, purchased at the Richmond car auction by Esbenson.

  Metz. NUMA chief engineer aboard the Ocean Venturer.

  Model T. Famous Ford automobile. The Wacketshire station of the NewYork & Quebec Railroad uses one as the depot hack. The hack hasleatherette side curtains over oak side panels that are attached withMurphy fasteners.

  Moffat, Alexander. Described as looking and acting like the archetypeof a government official. His hair is trimmed short with animmaculately creased left-hand part. He exhibits a ramrod spine andprecise correctness in speech and mannerism. Burton-Angus asks Moffatabout the North American Treaty after talking to Murphy.

  Mondritgon Hook Junction. Place where rail spur leaves the main lineused by the Manhattan Limited.

  la-Montserrat. Island in the Lesser Antilles southeast of Puerto Rico.

  Intended destination of Gly after he receives thirty-million-dollarpayoff and jet from Sarveux.

  Moon, Harrison IV. The chief of staff for the president of the UnitedStates. Described as being in his late twenties. Asks Pitt to searchfor the North American Treaty. Is present when Pitt delivers the treatyto the president in Canada.

  Moran, Claude. Described as a reed-thin, pockmarked Marxist who worksfor the governor general of Quebec. In the missile attack on Sarveux,he is code named Dispatch.

  Munson, Dr. Doctor at the hospital Sarveux is taken to after the attackon Canada One. Administers a narcotic to Sarveux after his wife leaves.

  Murphy, Jack. The Senate historian.

  National Archives. Located in Washington, D.C the archives containimportant papers pertaining to the United States.

  New York & Quebec Northern Railroad. Company that operated theManhattan Limited, later absorbed by the New York Central Railroad.

  Night probe. Old divers' term for exploring the dark of underwatercaves.

  North American Treaty. Treaty signed by the United States and Britainthat sells Canada to the United States. The deal was arranged becauseBritain was short of funds just prior to the outbreak of World War I.The price was one billion dollars, and one hundred fifty million was thedown payment which, after the loss of the treaty copies, was convertedto a loan.

  O'Leery, Ms. Self-made woman with vast cosmetics fortune. Bids againstPitt for the Jensen Convertible but backs down. Pitt had a fling withher in the past.

  Ocean Venturer. NUMA research vessel. Designed with a rounded bow andoval fantail, the egg-shaped bridge rests on an arched spire.

  Amidships is a derrick like those at an oil field. Hull iswhite-colored and double-hulled for breaking through ice. The vessel isheavily damaged by an explosion from the Empress of Ireland detonated byGly. Total deaths from the explosion total twelve.

  Official Secrets Vault. Section in the basement of the SanctuaryBuilding where Beaseley discovers the meaning of the North AmericanTreaty.

  Parkenham, Sir Edward. Led the last British force before the RoyalMarines in Night Probe! to invade the United States. Parkenham and hisgroup invaded New Orleans in 1814.

  PaM Quebecois. Canadian political party that advocates a free Quebec.

  Peace Tower. The tower, two hundred ninety-one feet taft, that formsthe center block of the Canadian Parliament. Pitt orders Westlerpiloting the Scinletti to land in front of the tower.

  Phoenix, U.S.S. U.S. Navy guided missile cruiser that is ordered toprotect the Ocean Venturer from the Huron.

  Pilcher, Nathan. With wife, Hattie, was owner of the Pilcher Inn inPoughkeepsie, New York. Murdered, then cooked and served betweenfifteen and twenty people.

  Pointe all Pere. Also known as "Father's Point" in English. Locationof the cemetery maintained by the Canadian Pacific Railway that holdsthe graves of the eighty-eight, mostly third-class passengers that wereunidentified victims of the sinking of the Empress of IrelandPowers, Mary. One of the NUMA operators of the Sappho I on the Empressof Ireland project. Breaks both arms and suffers a concussion when theexplosives explode on the Empress of IrelandPresident of the United States. Described as looking tired and worn.

  The president is small in stature, with brown hair streaked with whiteand thinning; his features, once cheerful and crinkling, are now set andsolemn. A native of New Mexico,
he was inaugurated only a few weeksprior after serving twenty years in the Senate. By education andoccupation, he is an attorney.

  Pulftnan car. Famous maker of railroad cars. The one Essex rides in isseventy feet long and finished in elaborately carved Circassian walnut.Brass electrical lights adorn the walls, and it features red velvetrevolving chairs and potted palms. The sleeping compartment featuresbeveled mirrors and ceramic tiled floors in the lavatories.

  Pyroxone. A pliable incendiary substance that can burn underwater atincredibly high temperatures.

  Once molded to the surface to be burned, it is ignited by an electronicsignal. Bums at three thousand degrees Celsius, so pyroxone can evenburn through rock.