Quayle, Sam. Electronics wizard on the Doodlebug when it is attacked byU.S. Navy Amberjack-class submarine.

  Quebec, Canada. French-Canadian providence in Canada that votes tobecome an independent country detached from the rest of Canada.

  Quebec Hydro Power. The Canadian power company responsible for buildingand operating the James Bay Project.

  Remote Search Vehicle. NUMA underwater propulsion vehicle used on theEmpress of Ireland project.

  Described as shaped like an elongated teardrop, only three feet long andten inches in diameter, it showed no protrusions on its smooth titaniumskin. Steering and propulsion are provided by a small hydrojet pumpwith variable thrusters. Remotely controlled from aboard the OceanVenturer. Nicknamed "Baby." The RSV is taken from the Empress ofIreland to a nearby trawler Shaw is aboard. Before the cameras aredamaged, it records a picture of Shaw that Milligan identifies.

  Rheingoid, Mr. Curator of the Long Island Railroad Museum. Rheingold isan elderly, retired accountant with a lifelong passion for railroads.

  Riley, Nicholas. NUMA chief diver on the Manhattan Limited project.

  Pitt's dive partner on the night probe.

  Smashes his face mask against a stalactite and loses his left eye.

  Pitt places his hand on the safety line and orders Riley to follow itback to the entrance while he continues on toward the Manhattan LimitedRimonski, Quebec. Town in Quebec where Pitt meets Jules Le Mat andleaves aboard Le Mat's boat for the trip out to where the Empress ofIreland sank.

  River Blackwater. River near Seward's End, Essex, England, where Morrismeets with the British prime minister.

  Roubert Max. Canadian mass-murderer later hung for his crimes. Hisearly life is sketchy, no date of birth. An orphan. First officialrecords begin at age twelve, when he was charged with killing chickens.

  Graduated to killing horses and was sentenced to two years in jail atage fourteen. After his release, bodies of tramps and drunks beganturning up around Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, where he resided. Whenevidence linked Roubaix to the killings, he disappeared intothe Northwest Territories. Resurfaced six years later during Reil'sRebellion in 1885. Credited with killing thirteen Mounties during therebellion. His favored method of killing was a garrote using a rawhidecord attached to wooden hand grips intricately carved into timber wolvesto strangle the victims in their sleep.

  Described as frail of build and rather sickly, he suffered fromconsumption or what now is called tuberculosis. When Villon asks McCombto describe Roubaix, he replies: "I guess you could call him a homicidalmaniac with a fetish for the stranglehold."

  RSV. Acronym for remote search vehicle.

  Ryan, Sergeant. U.S. Marine Force reconnaissance sergeant.

  Saban, Men Molly. Guerrier's secretary. Delivers a bowl of chickensoup to Boucher at eight-thirty the night Guerrier is murdered.

  Sakai, First Officer Shigaharu. First officer of the Honjo Maru.

  Sanchez, Lieutenant. Leader of the three-squad, forty man, UnitedStates Marine force reconnaissance team that arrives in armored carswhen the Manhattan Limited is found to support NUMA. Wounded in thigh.

  Sanctuary Building. One of the five buildings scattered about Londonthat hold records from the Foreign Office. The Sanctuary Building islocated on Great Smith Street. The records of dealing with the UnitedStates during 1914 are on the second floor of the east wing.

  Sappho L NUMA deep water recovery vessel. Also used on Titanic project.

  Sarveux, Danielle. Wife of James Sarveux for the last ten years.

  Described as having delicate features and raven hair that sweeps down ina cascade onto her right shoulder. Dresses in a fashion described asshowy elegance. Is a secret supporter of the FQS. Had a long-runningaffair with Villon. Sleeps with a disguised Gly posing as Villon.Buried alive along with Villon in his automobile by Gly under ordersfrom Charles Sarveux.

  Sarveux, James. Prime minister of Canada. Described as a handsome man,his light blue eyes possess a mesmeric quality. His sharp-cut facialfeatures are enhanced by a thick mass of gray hair loosely styled in afashionable but casual look. Has a trim, medium height body. Purchaseshis suits off the racks of department stores. In the attack on CanadaOne, he suffers abrasions on over fifty percent of his body, heavytissue loss on his hands and multiple fractures that may require him touse a cane. Many years ago, he was involved in an automobile accidentthat killed his mother. Discovers wife having affair with Villon.Orders Gly to kill the pair by burying them alive.

  Along with Finn, orders a thirty-million-dollar payoff to Gly to leaveCanada. Secretly orders the plane rigged so it crashes into the ocean.

  Orders a press release that states that his wife, Danielle, and Villonwere aboard the Gly plane. Has conducted secret talks with thepresident of the United States for years on the subject of United Statesand Canada uniting as a single country.

  Saturation tank. A pressurized chamber divers live inside breathing amixture of helium and oxygen. This mixture helps prevent the negativeof nitrogen building up in the divers' bodies and creating a conditionknown as the bends.

  Scinletti 440. Italian-made, vertical takeoff and landing two-enginedjet. Pitt charters the jet to fly over the railroad tracks near theDeauville-Hudson Bridge.

  Semaphore Lantern. Type of lantern used to signal trains.

  Shaw, Brian. Former British secret agent who appears to be remarkablylike Ian Fleming's James Bond.

  After twenty-five years of retirement, is pressed back into service forMI6. Sixty-six years old, he is described as having black, carefullybrushed hair, receding and sprinkled with gray. His face is handsome,and the ruthless look has softened. Smokes specially orderedcigarettes. Wears reading glasses. Practices judo. Was married for abrief time, but his wife was killed. After retirement, he lived for atime in the West Indies but now owns a small working farm on the Isle ofWight. Has killed more than twenty men but has not fired a handgun inmore than twenty years.

  When Pitt saves him from a certain death at the hands of Gly, he recitesShaw's statistics from his file: sixty-six years old, weight one hundredseventy pounds, height six feet one inch, right-handed, numerous scars.

  Twice seduces Milligan in an attempt to gain information about the NorthAmerican Treaty. Is it possible Shaw might really be Bond?

  Shields, Harvey. The person responsible for transporting the copy ofthe North American Treaty aboard the Empress of Ireland. Arepresentative of Her Majesty's government. In the photograph Milligansecures, he is said to have his head tilted back in a belly laugh,displaying two large, protruding upper teeth surrounded by a sea of goldinlays.

  Simms, Brigadier General Morris V. Head of the British SecretIntelligence Service. Described as having peacock-blue eyes. RecruitsShaw back into service.

  Sky Hook. A special heavy-lift helicopter used on the Manhattan Limitedproject. One hundred five feet long, the aircraft looks like a prayingmantis.

  SMERSH. Russian Spy Agency mentioned by Mrs. Huston to Shaw at thefuneral of the former head of the British Secret Intelligence Service.

  Soult, Nanci. Best-selling Canadian novelist who now resides in Irelandto beat taxes. Occasionally visits family and friends in Vancouver buthas not been in Quebec in more than twenty years.

  Without her knowledge, she has a town house in her name in Quebec. Thetown house is the site of secret liaisons between Danielle Sarveux andVillon.

  Standish. Ticket agent for the New York & Quebec Railroad at the Germantown station. Plays chess with Harding over telegraph lines.

  Storstad. Norwegian collier that rammed and sank the Empress ofIreland. A six-thousand-ton vessel, the Storstad was loaded with eleventhousand tons of coal.

  Stuckey, Perdval. The chief director of the James Bay Project.

  T&"ol. An explosive used underwater that is three times as powerful asTNT. Twenty-four hundred pounds stored in two-hundred-pound containersare stashed aboard the forecastle of the wreck of the Empress of Irelandby Gly and an accomplice. What no one but Gly knows is t
hat he stored aradio detonator aboard one of the containers.

  Ungava Bay. Location of the massive Canadian oil field discovered bythe Doodlebug. United States of Canada. New country proposed by the president of theUnited States with the consent of Charles Sarveux, president of Canada.

  Upper Deck D Cabin Forty-six. Location aboard the Empress of Irelandfor Shields's cabin.

  Val Jalbert. Location of the Canadian Army arsenal where the Argomissiles are stolen.

  Vfflon's wife. Described as a pretty woman with dark brown hair andblue eyes.

  Vfflon, Henri. A respected member of the Canadian Parliament who is inthe Liberal Party. Minister of internal affairs. Villon is alsosecretly the head of theFQS. An old family friend of the Sarveuxs, he is also DanielleSarveux's secret lover. Described as having the body of a muscle man,he keeps his entire body clean-shaven. Wears a wig. Has a chiseledface with a Roman nose and indifferent gray eyes. Married, he has adaughter. Villon orders the five-minute blackout of the James BayProject. Intends to run for president of the independent country ofQuebec. Instead, he is shot and then buried alive in his automobile byGly, who intends to impersonate Villon and run for president himself.

  Wacketshire. A small farming community along the tracks of the New York& Quebec railroad and location of the railroad station of the New York &Quebec railroad. Wacketshire Station is where the Manhattan Limiteddisappears.

  Watergate. Famous Washington, D.C apartment hotel complex whereSandecker has an apartment.

  Also site of the Watergate break in that brought down the presidency ofRichard Nixon.

  Weeks, Leutennut Commander Re Canadian officer in command of the HuromDescribed as a jolly-looking man with laughing gray-blue eyes and a warmface. He has a pleasant, ringing voice that comes out of a short bodywith a noticeable paunch.

  Westier, JadL Pilot of the Scmletti 400 Pitt hires to fly over therailroad tracks near the Deauville-Hudson Bridge. Described as having aboyish face, with freckles and red hair and a boyish grin.

  Wfflaps, Corporal Richard. U.S. Marine Force reconnaissance corporal.

  Direct descendant of Chinook Indians in the Pacific Northwest. Killedby fire from the British Royal Marine Bentley.

  Yubari, Captain Toshio. Captain of the Japanese container ship HonjoMaru. described as a solid, weatherworn man in the prime of his earlyforties.

  Deep SixAiken, John. Secret Service agent on the Eagle detail.

  Air Force Weather Recon 040. Call sign for the plane flown by Grant.

  We caught Clive on this one. Grant is a United States Navy pilot whowas flying a Navy plane.

  Alhambra Iron and Boiler Company. The Charleston, South Carolina,company that manufactured the boilers on the PilonowiL Located onSpruill Avenue near the naval base. The building housing the companywas built in 1861. The company quit building boilers in 1951 and nowproduces metal lawn furniture. Clive is having some fun here.

  Alhambra is the town in Southern California where he lived as a child.

  You will see Alhambra as the name of ships, on boilers and otheroddities in several of the Dirk Pitt books.

  Amic Marie. The vessel the Catawaba rushes to rescue. A crab boat onehundred ten feet in length with a steel hull probably built in NewOrleans. The AmieMarie's owner and captain is Carl Keating, and the vessel's home port isKodiak.

  AmytaL Drug that Lugovoy orders injected in the president's carotidartery. Amytal puts the left and right hemispheres of the brain in adrowsy state.

  Anacostia River. The river in Washington, D.C that empties into thePotomac. The route taken by Eagle on the way to Mount Vernon.

  Antonov, President Georgi. President of Russia. Is on a state visit toParis when the president of the United States disappears. Agesixty-two.

  Augustine Volcano. Named by Captain Cook in 1778, she's the most activevolcano in Alaska, erupting six times in the last century. Her lasteruption was in 1987 and surpassed the power of the Mount St. Helenseruption in Washington State. The volcano erupts when Pitt and crew areaboard the Pilottown.

  Bag Man. Nickname of the field grade officer who is always near thepresident. The Bag Man is in charge of the briefcase containing thecodes for nuclear launch.

  Belcheron, MelvhL Sixty-two years old, Belcheron has been captain of theStonewall Jackson for the last thirty years. Described as a wiry-builtlittle man with a big white-bearded head. Chews tobacco.

  Belkaya, Oskar. A Soviet painter who was taken from his home andreprogrannned by the KGB in a sanatorium near Kiev, Russia. His RNA isimplanted into the brain of the president.

  Belle Chase. A Korean registered vessel owned by the Sosan TradingCompany. Belle Chase is actually the San Marino. Allegedly scrapped inPusan, Korea, two years after being spotted by Dewhurst in Singapore.

  Blackowl, George. Secret Service advance agent and acting supervisor.

  Described as a dark-skinned man with stony facial features. One-halfSioux Indian.

  Chews gum constantly.

  Blair, Megan. Secretary to the president of the United States.

  Described as a handsome, perky woman in her early forties. Wears herblack hair cropped short and is ten pounds on the skinny side. Has asmall-town friendliness. Unmarried.

  Boiler 38874. Boiler found aboard the Pilouown. Pitt traces it back tothe manufacturer and finds it was installed in the San Marino.

  Borchavsld, Admiral. Russian navy officer tasked with recovering thegold from the sunken Venice.

  Boss. Code name the Secret Service uses for the president of the UnitedStates.

  Bougainville Maritime Lines Incorporated. Korean shipping dynastylocated on the one-hundredth floor of the World Trade Center in New YorkCity. The offices cover the entire floor and are decorated in expensivefurnishings and Oriental antiques. Their legitimate ships fly the flagof the Somalia Republic.

  Bougainville, Mn Koryo. Chairman of Bougainville Maritime. Describedas eighty-nine years old and weighing the same. Her gray hair is wornpulled back from her head in a burl Her face is strangely unlined, yether body looks ancient and frail. She has intense blue eyes.

  When she was age twelve, her father sold her to a Frenchman who operateda small stuppmg line between Pusan, Korea, and Hong Kong.

  Bore Rene three sons who were drafted into the Japanese Army. All threelater died. Grandmother to Lee Tong. Built Bougainville shipping intohuge shipping conglomerate Bougainville, Rene. Frenchman who bought MinKoryo. Father to their three sons. Killed in bombing raid in World WarII. Grandfather to Lee Tong.

  Brock, Lyle. Secret Service agent who was guarding the Eagle. Hiscorpse is later found by Pitt inside the cargo hold of the, sunkenEagle.

  Brogan, Martin. Head of the Central Intelligence Agency. Described asurbane and intellectual. An ex college professor. Tall.

  Buras. Bougainville towboat. Powered by four engines generating 12,000horsepower, the towboat has four forward rudders and six backingrudders. The vessel's top speed is sixteen miles an hour.

  Casflighio, Arta. Employed as a teller at the BeverlyWilshire Bank inCalifornia. Daughter of Sal Casio.

  Robs the bank she works at and, after changing identity to EstelleWallace, flies to San Francisco aboard the San Marino. Later druggedand dropped overboard from the San Marino under the orders of Lee Tong.

  Casio, Sal. Private detective. Father of Arta Casilighio.

  Described as having hard, stark eyes still clear and undimmed aftersixty years. Wide and stocky. Favors a .45-caliber automatic he wearsin a leather holster on his left shoulder. Is killed by a laser beamslicing open his stomach when he goes with Pitt to Min KoryoBougainville's office to avenge his daughter's death.

  Catawaba. U.S. Coast Guard cutter. Pitt first saw the Catawaba in theNorth Atlantic when he landed a helicopter on her deck. Now assigned toAlaska.

  Chin Shin Huang Ti. Early Chinese emperor. Lugovoy recognizes thelife-size terra-cotta warriors in the Bougainville. Maritime offices asChin Shih Ti's tomb guardians.

  Chalmette. The Bougainville-owned containersh
ip that rescues selectsurvivors from the Leonid Andreyev.

  Chao, Kim. First officer of the Venice.

  CIA Phantom Navy. Fleet of ships owned by the CIA for covertoperations.

  Clarke, Colonel Ward. U.S. Marine colonel and Vietnam Medal of Honorwinner leading troops who bar the congressmen from Lisner Auditorium.

  Coffins, Commandant Head of the U.S. Coast Guard.

  Colt Ilompson submachine gun. Pitt's personal weapon. Serial number8545. Uses circular drums loaded with .45-caliber ammunition. Pittuses the weapon to shoot up the Buras.

  Colt Woodsmam Brand of pistol Suvorov uses in the laboratory. His is a.22-caliber automatic with a four-inch noise suppressor.