Conium maculatum. Technical name for hemlock, the poison given toSocrates. Found in high concentrations in the bodies retrieved from theEagle.

  Cowan, Bonnie. An attorney in Washington, D.C who dates Sandecker.

  Described as not yet thirty-five years of age and unusually attractiveand petite. Her hair is long and silken and falls beyond her shoulders.

  Her breasts are small but nicely proportioned, as are her legs.

  Critical Operations Force. U.S. Marine special operations force themind-controlled president orders into Washington, D.C. Crown. Code namefor the Secret Service command post inside the White House.

  Cumberland Famous Union Civil War vessel. Battled the Merrimac. For amore detailed description of the battle, read The Sea Hunters by CliveCussler and this author.

  Cutty Sark. Code name for Ed McGrath.

  Delta OR Limited. Name of FBI front company painted on helicopter Pittand Giordino fly aboard to seek the floating laboratory.

  Deparbnent of the Interior. U.S. government organization. Pitt has afriend who works for the department and receives a satellite photographfrom the friend that helps him set the search grid to locate the wreckof the Eagle.

  Devills Fork. The bar on Rhode Island Avenue in Washington, D.C thatPitt and Giordino retire to after Pitt's Talbot-Lago explodes.

  Dewhurst, Rodney. Lloyd's of London marine insurance underwriter forthe Lloyd's office in Singapore.

  Suspects that the Belle Chase is San Marino.

  Dodds, Lieutenant Homer. Leader of the U.S. Navy SEALs that approachthe Buras in a transport helicopter.

  Dodge Island. Location of the docking terminal for the Port of Miami.

  Dover, Lieutenant Commander Amos. Commander of the Catawaba.

  Described as a great bear of a man, tough and wind-worn. Is ambling inphysical movement but possesses a calculator like mind that never failsto awe his crew.

  Eagle- U.S. presidential yacht. Built in 1919 for a wealthyPhiladelphia businessman, the Eagle was purchased by the Department ofCommerce in 1921 for presidential use. Designed with the oldstraight-up and-down bow, the mahogany-trimmed yacht displaces onehundred tons and measures one hundred ten feet in length with a beam oftwenty feet. Her draft is five feet, and her top speed is fourteenknots. The vessel has five staterooms, four heads and a glass-enclosedsalon for entertaining. Crewed by thirteen Coast Guardsmen, the crewcabins and galley are forward near the bow.

  Edgely, Dr. Raymond. Director of Fathom, the CIA special study intomind control that is operated at Raton University in Colorado. Aprofessor, Edgely is described as having an old-fashioned crew cut andwearing a bow tie. He is slender and has a barbed wire beard andbristly dark eyebrows.

  Emmet, SauL Director of the FBI. Described as gruff-spoken.

  F-120 Fighter. Navy jet that Sutton is flown to Washington, D.C aboardso he can impersonate the president.

  F/A 2L U.S. Navy strike aircraft. Drops two laser guided antimissilesthat destroy the Pathfinder.

  Fawcett, DanieL Chief of staff to the president of the United States.

  Federal Reserve Bank. U.S. central bank. Supplies currency to themember banks. Federal Reserve wrappers are around the bills.

  Casilighio examines one of the wrappers just before being killed.

  Fifth Marine Regiment. Fawcett served with this group in Korea.

  Finkel, Bob. Reporter with the Baltimore Sun. Claims in jest thatThompson graduated from the Joseph Goebbels School of Propaganda.

  Florida Cross State Canal. A canal for ship traffic that runs fromJacksonville, Florida, on the Atlantic Ocean to Crystal River in theGulf of Mexico.

  Foggem U.S. Navy fog generators mounted on destroyers during World WarII to create smokescreens.

  Used to shield the movements of the kidnappers who attacked Eagle.

  Fort Jackson. Civil War fort in Plaquemines Parish.

  Fort St. PhflHp. Civil War fort in Plaquemines Parish.

  French Transatlantic Steamship Company. Owners of the No y, the famousFrench passenger liner that burned and sank in New York Harbor.

  Perhnutter used china from the ship to serve Pitt and Smith breakfastGaddafi, Colonel Muannnar. Leader of Libya. Mentioned by Metcalf inconjunction with the disappearance of the president.

  Georgia Shipbuilding Corporation. Savannah, Georgia, shipyard whereBoiler 38874 was shipped. Boiler was installed in the San Marino.

  Glover Culpepper Gas & Groceries. The abandoned business whose signSuvorov notices soon after leaving the laboratory in the Cadillac. Theclue that helps him return to the general area when he is in thehelicopter.

  Goodma& FBI agent who works in communications.

  Goodman links Griffin to Emmett, who is in Washington, D.C. Goose Lake.

  A private fishing reserve a few miles below the Quantico Marine CorpsReservation. Moran and Larimer are allegedly fishing at the take whenthey are in fact on the Leonid Andreyev. Lindemann discovers this andalerts Smith before the telephone line is disconnected.

  Grand Island. Island off Louisiana not far from where the MississippiRiver empties into the Gulf of Mexico.

  Grant, laysses S. U.S. Navy pilot named after the eighteenth presidentof the United States. His father was a famous third-baseman. Pilots aNavy four-engined reconnaissance plane that is the first airplane toarrive over the Buras. Described as a boyish-faced young man in hismiddle twenties.

  Greenberg, Dr. Harry. A pipe-smoking, respected psychiatric researcherwho consults with Edgely.

  Greenberg gathers the data from the president's brain waves so he canfool Lugovoy.

  Greenwald, Ben. Director of the Secret Service. Immediately afterbeing notified of the abduction of the president, he's on his way to theobservatory for a crisis meeting when his automobile is struck by astreet sweeper. Greenwald is killed.

  Griffin, Clyde. FBI special agent in charge of the Louisiana fieldoffice.

  Gromyko, Foreign Minister. Russian foreign minister whom Margolin hasmet with to discuss aid.

  Gruber, Charlie. Identity Pitt assumes to board the Leonid Andreyevundetected. Claims to be married to Zelda and from Sioux Falls, Iowa.

  Gruber, Zelda. Wife of the fictitious Charlie Gruber.

  Zelda is actually Giordino dressed in drag. Charlie claims Zelda turnson to Greeks.

  Guantmmo Bay, Cuba. U.S. Marine base inside Cuba.

  Gwynne, Dr. Hamld. -The personal physician for the president of theUnited States. Described as a cherubic little man with a balding headand friendly blue eyes.

  Hero of the Soviet Union. Award similar to the Congressional Medal ofFreedom. Lugovoy daydreams that he will be awarded the medal.

  Hippocampus. The sea horse-shaped ridge running under the horns of thelateral ventricles, a vital section of the brain's limbic system.

  Hobson. Part of the CIA's phantom fleet, the vessel is a common cargocarrier extensively modified. The vessel disappeared with all hands offthe Pacific coast of Mexico. The vessel later turns up in Sydney,Australia. Her name changed to Buras, the vessel is registered to aPhilippines company called Samar Exporters.

  Hogan, Slats. FBI agent and helicopter pilot who operates the Delta Oilhelicopter. Described as a thin, blond, dreamy-eyed woman who speaks ina slow, deep drawl.

  Hoki Jamoka Described as a tired old Chesapeake Bay clamming boat. Thehull is worn from hard use, and most of her paint is gone. Powered by adiesel engine.

  Pitt uses the boat to locate the wreck of the Eagle.

  Hong, Mr. Japanese chemist tasked with checking the Russian gold aboardthe Venice for purity. Described as a small, moon-faced man withthick-lensed spectacles.

  Huckleberry Finn. Code name used by Antonov in referring to theBougainville/Russian project to alter the president's thoughts.

  Hudson Street. Location of building where, on the tenth floor, Casiomonitors the conversations of Tong and Bougainville.

  Iranov, Sergei. Deputy director of the KGB.

  Isotta-Fraschini. One of the cars in Pitt's aircraft hangar/home. The
automobile is a 1925 model with a torpedo body by Cesare Sala. Thevehicle has adisappearing top and a coiled cobra on the radiator cap.

  James River. River in Virginia that empties near Newport News.

  Location where Pitt and Giordino are leading a NUMA expedition to findthe ram off the famous Civil War ironclad, Merrimac.

  Jones, John Paul. American Revolutionary War captain of the BonhommeRichard- Famous for: "I've not yet begun to fight." What Cowan callsSandecker.

  Kazinkin, EriL Chief engineer on the Leonid Andreyev.

  Keating, Carl. Owner and captain of the Amie Marie.

  Kiev, Russia. City the president dreams about after the microchip isimplanted in his brain.

  Loein Hydroscan Sonar. The brand of sonar Pitt operates off theCatawaba.

  Klosner, Jack. The regular Coast Guard steward aboard the Eagle. Notworking the night of the presidential abduction.

  Kobylin, Basil. Head of KGB undercover operations in New York City.

  Kolodono, Peter. Russian purser on the Leonid Andreyev.

  L'Estrange, President. President of France.

  Larimer, Marcus. U.S. Senator. Described as big and rough-cut, hehabitually wears brown suits. His hair is sandy-colored and styled dry.Is invited by the president for an overnight trip on the Eagle.

  Opposes the president's Eastern Europe aid program. Kidnapped from theEagle along with the president and others then rescued from thelaboratory by Suvorov. Later: he dies from a failed heart off Cuba.

  Laroche, Leroy. Commander of the 6th Louisiana Regiment. Operates atravel agency. Husband and father. Described as an enormous man withthe stout build of an Oliver Hardy. Wears the uniform of a Confederatemajor.

  Lawrence, Lieutenant Marty. Coast Guard Lieutenant and one of theboarding party sent from the Catawaba to the Amie Marie. Dies fromexposure to the nerve agent.

  Le Mat revolver. Handgun loaned to Pitt by Laroche.

  Shoots 9.42-caliber shells through a rifled barrel and a smoothborebarrel that fires a load of buckshot. Laroche's grandfather used itfrom Bull Run to Appomattox in the Civil War.

  Leonid Andreyev. Russian cruise ship whose passengers are non-Russians.Part of the Soviet-subsidized passenger line whose purpose is togenerate hard Western currency for the Soviet Union. A fourteenthousand-ton vessel, the Leonid Andreyev was built in Finland.

  It has a capacity of four hundred seventy eight passengers and threehundred-plus crew. The vessel features indoor and outdoor pools, fivecocktailbars, two nightclubs, ten shops featuring Russian merchandise andliquor, a movie and stage theater, and a well-stocked library. Thereare more than three hundred staterooms and eleven decks, and the overalllength is more than five hundred feet. Home port is Sevastopol in theBlack Sea. A twin-screw vessel, she is powered by 27,000-horsepowerturbine engines.

  Liftonic Elevator QW-607. Brand of elevator that leads to theBougainville offices. Pitt pushes Min Koryo Bougainville in herwheelchair down the empty shaft.

  Lindemann, Sally. Loren Smith's secretary.

  Lisner Auditorium. Located at George Washington University, it is thesite where the members of Congress decide to meet to proceed withimpeachment proceedings against the president.

  Love Boat. Secret Service code name for Eagle.

  Lucas, Carolyn. Wife of Oscar Lucas. Has a cascade of blond hair.

  Lucas, Oscar. U.S. Secret Service special agent in charge of thePresidential Protection Division. Described as lanky, over six feettall. His head is bald except for a few graying strands around thetemples.

  Has bushy eyebrows that hover over oak brown eyes.

  Lucas is in his early forties, is married to Carolyn, and has twodaughters. Was a rookie agent in Denver.

  After Greenwald is killed in an automobile accident,Oates promotes Lucas to director of the Secret Service.

  Lugovoy, Aleksei. Soviet representative to the World HealthOrganization. A respected psychologist, he is admired for his work inmental health among developing countries.

  M-20 automatic rifles. Type of weapon carried by U.S. soldiers that areordered by the mind-controlled president to shut down the Americangovernment.

  Mangyai, James. Captain of the Venice. Has worked for BougainvilleMaritime for over twenty years.

  Margolin, Beth. Wife of Vince Margolin.

  Margolin, Vincent (Vince). Vice president of the United States.

  Married, his wife's name is Beth. Described as tall, nicelyproportioned, not a bit of fat, with a handsome face and bright eyes andwarm outgoing personality. .Was first a state senator then governor andsenator before becoming vice president.

  Marmot Island. Island in Alaska where the car ferry with three hundredtwelve aboard runs aground.

  Marsh, Ray. Reporter with the New York Times. Questions Moran after hemakes his way back to Washington, D.C and attempts to assume thepresidency.

  Masters, Captain kMn. Captain of the San Marino.

  Described as a tall man with graying hair and merry blue eyes.

  Mathias Point. On the Potomac River, where Pitt locates the wreck ofthe Eagle.

  Mauritania, Atar. Location where the president, while under Soviet mindcontrol, claims he was while he was gone. Mauritania is a country thatborders Morocco in Western Africa.

  Mauser. Handgun Casio finds taped behind a half-gallon bottle of gin inPitt's refrigerator. The Mauser is a 32 caliber whose serial number is922374.

  Mayo, Curtis. Television newscaster with the CNB network.

  McGeen. The chief engineer on the Stonewall Jackson.

  Described as a crusty old Scot.

  McGrath, Ed. Secret Service agent on the Eagle detail.

  McGrath has fifteen years' experience. Discovers the president, guestsand crew are missing from the Eagle.

  Medoza, Julie. Chairman of the Regional Emergency Response Team for theEnvironmental Protection Agency. Described as in her mid-forties with asuave and slim body. Medoza is about five feet seven, her hair is thecolor of aspen gold and her skin is a copper tan. She dies after beingexposed to Nerve Agent S aboard the Pilottown.

  Merchant Marine Transport Committee. U.S. government committee chairedby Loren Smith. The committee is involved in efforts to support theidea of an American-flagged cruise ship.

  JLMetcalf, General Clayton. U.S. Army general and chairman of the JointChiefs of Staff. Smokes a pipe.

  Mexican Zapata Brigade. Mexican terrorist organization mentioned byMiller in discussions with Emmett.

  Nficroniiniaturized implant. The microchip that is implanted in thecerebral cortex of the president's brain.

  Miller, Don. Deputy director of the FBI.

  NEtchell, Norm. Cameraman who works with Mayo.

  Described as a loose, ambling scarecrow character.

  Montrose, Rocky. Sound man who works with Mayo.

  Described as beefy.

  Moran, Alan. Ferret-faced speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.Invited by the president to go for an overrught tnp aboard the EagleMoran opposes the president's proposed Eastern Europe aid program. Heis kidnapped along with the president from the yacht.

  Rescued from the laboratory by Suvorov. Escapes from the LeonidAndreyev and weasels his way aboard a rescue helicopter. Quickly makeshis way to Washington, D.C demands to be sworn in as president.

  Described as a closet atheist who has never married and has no closefriends. He lives frugally, like a penitent monk in a small, rentedapartment. Is foiled in his plan to become president when Margolin isrescued by Pitt and reappears.

  Motorola HT-220 radio receiver. Small receiver used by the SecretService agents to communicate with one another.

  Mount Fuji. Famous Japanese mountain. The profile of the AugustineVolcano is very similar.

  Mount Vernon. Former home to George Washington.

  Location where the presidential yacht Eagle is moored when theabductions occur.

  Murphy, Ensign Pat. Coast Guard ensign and one of the boarding partysent from the Catawaba to the Amie Marie. Dies from exposure to thenerve age

  NashviHe Bridge Company. Name of the Nashville, Tennessee, company thatmanufactured the dry cargo barge that houses the Bougainvillelaboratory. Yaeger finds the information from his computers.

  Nerve Agent S. A chemical warfare agent developed by scientists workingfor the United States government at Rocky Mountain Arsenal just north ofDenver, Colorado. Nerve Agent S can kill within a few seconds oftouching the skin. It clings to everything it touches. Nerve Agent Sproved too unstable and was ordered destroyed. The United States Armydecided to bury it in the Nevada desert, but while en route a boxcarcontaining nearly one thousand gallons vanished. A person who comes incontact with Nerve Agent S literally drowns in his or her own blood asinternal membranes burst. Every body orifice bleeds like a river, thenthe corpse turns black.