Nerve Agent S drums. One-ton standard shipping containers. Departmentof Transportation approved. They measure eighty-one and a half inchesin length by thirty and a half inches in diameter with concave ends.

  They are silver-colored. There are twenty drums of Nerve Agent S aboardthe Pilottown.

  Oakes, Charlie. President of Alhambra Iron and Boiler Company.

  Described as a rotund, smiling, unedged little man.

  O'Brien, Nelson. Chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. Slated toswear in Moran. Begins the ceremony but stops when Margolin appears.

  Observatory. The name of the residence occupied by the vice presidentof the United States while in office.

  Oerlikon Machine Gun. Brand of twenty-millimeter machine gun mounted onBougainville barge that fires on the Delta Oil helicopter and shoots itdown.

  Ombrikov, Geidar. Chief of the KGB residency in Havana, Cuba.

  Described as having a squat body and the skin tone of an old wallet.

  Boards the Leonid Andreyev from the Pilar to remove Larimer and Moranbut finds they have disappeared.

  One Army Special Counter Terrorist Detachment.

  Special U.S. Army soldiers stationed at Fort Belvoir.

  The mind-controlled president orders them into Washington, D.C.Pathfinder. Bougainvffle-owned ship disguised as a oceanographicresearch vessel. Formerly a Norwegian merchantman, the ship was boughtby Bougainville Maritime seven years ago and refitted to fool customsinspectors.

  PBY Catalina Flying Boat. Older propeller-driven plane designed to takeoff and land on water. Owned by NUMA, the plane has an aluminum hullcovered in aquamarine paint.

  Persimmon Point. Location on the Potomac River near where Pitt locatesthe wreck of the Eagle.

  Perth, Dr. Grace. Professor of anthropology at the University ofPennsylvania. Pitt calls Perth on the telephone to inquire aboutphysical differences in Asian males.

  Petrel. Type of sea bird that soars over the San Marino. Petrelsusually have a small body and long wings and can be found far out tosea. Pilar. Described as a small mahogany powerboat with astraight-up-and-down bow. Formerly owned by author Ernest Hemingway butnow belongs to Fidel Castro.

  Pilottown. First named the Bart Pulver, later the Rosthena. Built byAstoria Iron & Steel Company in Portland, Oregon, and launched inNovember 1942. Hull number 793. After World War II, the vessel wassold to Kassandra Phosphate Company Limited of Athens, Greece. Greekregistry. Ran aground off Jamaica, June 1954. Refloated. Sold toSosan Trading Company, Inchon, Korea. Vessel the San Marino became.

  The legend of the Pilottown was that after tramping back and forthbetween Tokyo and the West Coast of the United States, she was reportedsinking about ten years ago. The vessel then became a drifting derelictand was trapped in an ice floe above Nome, Alaska.

  She continued to drift, crewless. Nicknamed the "Magic Ship."

  Pokofsky, Yakov. Russian captain of the Leonid Andreyev. Described asa charming man with thick silver hair and eyes as round and black ascaviar. Smokes cigarettes. Joined the Russian navy at seventeen.

  After twenty years in the navy, transferred to the Soviet subsidizedpassenger service. Is rescued after the explosion aboard the LeonidAndreyev by Ombrikov but commits suicide by jumping in the water.

  [email protected] CarL Secret Service agent who was guarding the Pier leading tothe Eagle. Has a Bismarck mustache.

  Polevof Viadandr. Director of the KGB.

  Potter, Kenneth. Postmaster general whose son was sniping at U.S.troops occupying Washington, D.C. President of the United States.

  Described as carrying himself like a tall man but is only two inchestaller than Sandecker. His hairline is recessed and graying, and hisnarrow face wears a perpetually solemn expression. Has a ranch in NewMexico thirty miles south of Raton. Usually wears a Timer watch with anIndian silver band inlaid with turquoise.

  Princeton University. University in New Jersey. Lucas gives a speechthere.

  Pujon, Kim. Bougainville Mississippi River pilot who operates thetowboat Buras. Pujon is killed when hishead is blown off by shots fired from the Stonewall Jackson.

  Purdey Shotgun. Over and under brand of shotgun used by Antonov when heis on bird hunt with L'Estrange.

  Rhinemann, Hank. Secret Service supervisor in charge of vicepresidential security.

  River Watch. Code name of the Coast Guard cutter patrolling the PotomacRiver near where the Eagle is docked.

  RNA. Acronym for ribonucleic acid. The RNA of a Soviet dissident namedOskar Belkaya is injected into the hippocampus of the president.

  RoUs-Royce SiJver Ghost. One of the cars in Pitt's aircrafthangar/home. The automobile is a 1921 model with a Park-Ward body.

  Russell Building. Washington, D.C building where the vice president hasan office.

  Samantha Sister ship to the Eagle. The last registered owner of theSamantha was a stockbroker in Baltimore. He sold it to someone who wentby the name of Dunn. Under the cover of fog, the Samantha was switchedfor the Eagle.

  Samar Exporters. Philippine front company for Bougainvihe Maritime.

  Registered as owners of the Buras, formerly the CIA vessel Hobson.

  San Marino. Cargo vessel Casilighio escapes aboard.

  At the time of her journey under the identity of Estelle Wallace, theSan Marino is bound for Auckland, New Zealand. Built during 1943 atGeorgia Shipbuilding Company to standard Liberty design. Hull number2356. The San Marino carried military supplies across the Atlantic toEngland. Struck once by torpedo fired from German U-Boat U-573 but madeit to port in Liverpool under her own power. After World War II, shewas sold to Bristol Steamship Company, Bristol, England, then sold in1956 to the Manx Steamship Company of New York. Registered in Panama.The San Marino features a three-deck-high midships superstructure.Measuring four hundred forty-one feet in length, the vessel has a rakedstem and cruiser stern.

  Just before leaving port with Wallace, ten crew members mysteriouslydisappear. They are replaced by Tong and nine other Koreans who hijackships. Later, the San Marino was converted into the ore carrier BelleChase.

  San Salvador. City in El Salvador where Charlie and Zelda Gruber boardthe Leonid Andreyev.

  Satellite Survey Number 2430A. Chart or marine map that shows the southshore of Augustine Island. It is on this grid that Pitt locates thewreck of the PilottowiLSDECE. Initials for French Internal Security Agency.

  Secretadat building of the United Nations. One of the buildings at theUnited Nations. Location of the officeof the Soviet representative to the World Health Organization.

  Semper paratus. Latin for: "Always ready." Semper paratus is the mottoof the U.S. Coast Guard.

  Shakespeare. Secret Service code name for Margolin.

  Shaw, Hampshire and Farquar. The Chicago stock brokerage firm that is afront for Moran's bribery and payoffs. The name of the company isbogus. The names came from tombstones in Fargo, North Dakota.

  Simmons, Jesse. U.S. secretary of defense. Described as a taciturnman. Has a leathery face from his hobby of water skiing.

  Sixth Louisiana Regiment. Civil War reenactors who board the StonewallJackson and attack the Buras. In the attack, eighteen are wounded, twoseriously.

  Smith-Wesson Model 19. Handgun with a two-and-a-half-inch barrel and.357 caliber favored by Lucas.

  Standard U.S. Secret Service issue. Sosan Trading Company. Shipping company based in Inchon, Korea. Ownedby the Bougainvilles. Company that owned the Pilottown.

  Spatial Analyzer Probe. Also known as SAP. 'the machine takes a seriesof high-speed X-rays that reveal the precise moving pictures of everymillimeter of tissue and bones.

  Springfield Rifles. Weapon used by the 6th Louisiana Regiment.

  Fifty-eight-caliber, the rifle shoots a Minie ball five hundred yards.

  SS-30 Multiple Warhead Missiles. Soviet nuclear missiles arranged alongthe northeast coast of Siberia and targeted at the United States.

  When Brogan mentions that the Russians have the missiles, the president,under Soviet mind control,
claims they will be dismantled under thedisarmament plan he was reached with the Russians.

  Stark, Joe. Reporter from the United Press. Questions Moran after hereturns from being held captive.

  Steyr-M=Mcher AUG Assault Carbines. Brand of .223-caliber automaticweapons the Koreans aboard the Buras use to attack the Navy SEALshelicopter.

  Stonewall Jackson. Paddle-wheel steamship built in 1915 at Columbus,Ohio. Her hull measures two hundred seventy feet by forty-four.

  Powered by two horizontal non condensing engines. Has fourhigh-pressure boilers. Rated at slightly more than one thousand tons,she draws just over twenty-two inches. Has twin smokestacks. TheConfederate flag flies from her mast.

  Her top speed is rated at fifteen miles an hour, but she can do twenty.

  Strategic Rocket Forces. The Russian military divmon tasked withlaunching a nuclear strike on the United States.

  Sumpter Airborne Ambulance. The ambulance service that owns thehelicopter Suvorov, Larimer and Moran board and fly to Savannah,Georgia.

  Sutton, Jack. An actor who looks exactly like the missing president.

  Sovorov, Viktor. Father of Yuri (Paul) Suvorov. Russian agriculturespecialist.

  Suvorov, Yuri (Paul). Member of the KGB. Describbed as a stocky manwith Slavic features and shaggy black hair. Travels along with Lugovoyto the Bougainvilles'

  secret laboratory. Escapes the laboratory with Moran and Larimer.

  Suzaka Chemical Company Limited. Name stenciled on the boxes containingthe gold aboard the Venice.

  Sylvia. Sandecker's secretary.

  Talbot-Lago. Beautiful 1948 Saoutchik-bodied automobile. Pitt's isvalued at more than two hundred thousand dollars. Smith drives theautomobile to the airport to pick up Pitt.

  Thayer, Lieutenant Commander Isaac. Known as Doc Thayer, he's the mostpopular man aboard the Catawaba. Pilots a second Zodiac to the AmieMarie when Lawrence and Murphy report everyone aboard dead.

  Dies from exposure to the nerve agent after reporting the symptoms asthey occur.

  Thompson, Jacob (Sonny). White House press secretary. Described ashaving bright white teeth capped with precision, long sleek black hair,tinted gray at the temples, and dark eyes with the tightened look ofcosmetic surgery. Thompson has no second chin and no visible sign of apotbelly. He's a classy, breezy guy.

  Thornburg, Colonel Thomas. U.S. Army colonel whose title is director ofcomparative forensics and clinical pathology. Thornburg performs theautopsies on the bodies retrieved from the Eagle.

  Titanium ingots. Cargo of the San Marino prior to her disappearance.

  The value of the cargo of ingots is eight million dollars. Titanium isa silver-gray metallic mineral 'hat is light and strong. More expensivethan most metals, it is used in applications where weight is a concern,such as space stations, advanced aircraft, etc. Tong, Lee (BougWnviBe).Gap-toothed mess boy on the San Marino, he masterminds the murders ofthe passenger and crew and theft of the vessel.

  Grandson of wan Koryo Bougainville. Graduate of Wharton School ofBusiness with a master's degree. Described as having a round, brownface Split in a perpetual grin. Smokes cigarettes through a long silverholder.

  Kidnapped the president along with a team of seven men whom he latermurdered. Killed by Pitt aboard the Buras when he is shot in the throatwith a load of buckshot fired from the Le Mat revolver.

  TowWerg Marvin. Reporter with the Associated Press Radio Network.

  Questions Moran when he returns from being held captive.

  Treasury building. U.S. Treasury Department building. Across thestreet from the White House. From the Treasury Building there is asecret tunnel to the White House.

  United Emergency Response Team. U.S. Marine task force from CampLejeune, North Carolina. Two thousand marines on twenty-four-hour alertwho are ferried aboard tilt-rotored assault transports.

  United States, S.S. Famous passenger liner that was the fastest in herday. Laid up in drydock in Norfolk for the last twenty years. TheMerchant Marine Transport Committee wants to refurbish the vessel andput her back in service.

  Venice- Bougainville-owned ship 540 feet in length. It is loaded withRussian gold payment to Min Koryo Bougainville in the Black Sea port ofOdessa. The vessel is bound for Genoa, Italy, where the gold Will beoff-loaded for transport to Lucerne, Switzerland.

  The Venice is torpedoed and sunk by a Russian submarine near theTzonston Bank in the Aegean Sea so the Russians can retrieve the gold.

  Wallace, Estelle. False identity used by Arta Casilighio. Arta finds apassport with Wallace's name on it wedged in the seat of a cab.

  Whitman, Jacob. Congressman from South Dakota whose son was sniping atthe U.S. troops that were occupying Washington, D.C. 270

  World Health Assembly. United Nations organization.

  "Yellow Rose of Texas." Song being played on the steam calliope whenthe Stonewall Jackson attacks the Buras.

  Zodiac. Brand of inflatable boat that the boarding party drives fromthe Catawaba to the Amie Marie.

  CyclopsAUce. The CIA nursemaid assigned to Pitt when he is at the CIAheadquarters. Described as a tall, highcheekboned woman with braidedhair.

  Alpha Two Clearance. Level of clearance the president gives to Hagen sohe can investigate the Inner Core. Vice president of the United Stateshas a Level Three clearance.

  Tommy Bigalow. Ikegistered in Panama and allegedly owned by Cubananti-Castro exiles, the vessel is, in fact, owned by the KGB. Theanti-Castro front is designed to lay the blame for the explosion inHavana on the United States of America. The Amy Bigalow is a bulkcarrier with a cargo of twenty-five thousand tons of ammonium nitrate.

  Has a sixty-foot-high stern. Piloted by Pitt with Manny in the engineroom, the vessel is in the center when the Pisto tows the three shipsout to sea.

  Amy Bigalow's launch. After Pitt, Manny and the rest of the crew leavethe Amy Bigalow running at fullsteam and take to the launch, they are swept up in the tidal wave causedby the explosion triggered by Velikov. The launch itself smashes intothe second story of an apartment building used to house Soviettechnicians. The four-cylinder diesel engine is tossed through a brokenwindow and ends up in the stairwell.

  Angelo. Chauffeur of the stretch Cadillac limousine that delivers theL-eBarons to the Prosperteer's base.

  Described as a somber Cuban with the etched face of a postage stampengraving.

  Antonov, Georgi. President of the Soviet Union. Said to have a ruddyface.

  Beagle, Dean. See Dean Porter.

  Beretta her. Handgun Hagen disarms from fake gas station attendant.

  Booth, Clyde. Member of the Inner Core.

  all-American football star at Arizona State. Owns a company calledQB-Tech. QB stands for quarterback.

  Borchev. Soviet officer who calls Velikov and explains that thesecurity detail guarding the ships that are to be used in Operation Rum& Cola have been replaced. Velikov orders him to form a detachment andproceed to the wharves. In the fighting at the wharves, Clark grabs himand tosses him into the harbor.

  Borscht paste. A food supplement given to Russian cosmonauts. Thestomachs of the bodies found on the Prosperteer when it reappears arefilled with the paste.

  Brandeis University. University in Waltham, Massachusetts. Hagen callsthere when he is examining Mooney's telephone logs.

  Brogan, Martin. Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

  Burkhw4 Carl. Copilot of the Gettysburg. A twenty-year veteran of thespace program.

  Busche, Steve. Member of the Inner Core. Director of NASA's FlightResearch Center in California.

  Butterfly Catcher. Nickname for the Prosperteer ground crewman whoholds a wind sock on a pole so the pilot can note the exact direction ofthe wind on takeoff.

  Cabot, Sandra. Jessie LeBaron's personal secretary.

  Described as a prim woman who wears large-lensed glasses.

  Caesar, Buck. Treasure hunter who owns Exotic Artifact Ventures Inc.Described as wearing a constant smile on a gentle middle-aged face thathas the texture of co
whide. His gaze is shrewd, and his body has thefirmness of a boxer. After being captured and taken to Cayo SantaMaria, he eludes his guards during an exercise period outside thecompound. Using the trunk of a fallen palm tree as a raft, he attemptsto swim to freedom. Instead, he is eaten by sharks, and the remains ofhis body wash up on the island three days later.