[email protected] Cuba. City in Cuba. When Raul Castro is on an inspection tourof an island defense system outside Havana, Raymond LeBaron and crew onthe Prosperteer are detected. The blimp is ordered to land in Cardenas.

  Cartier. Jeweler. Raymond LeBaron owns a gold Cartier watch withmatching band. The Roman numerals on the face are marked by blackdiamonds, his birthstone.

  Castrols hunting lodge. Located in the hills southeast of Havana. Setbehind an electronically controlled gate that shields a road that curvestwo miles into the hills. The lodge itself is a large, Spanish-stylevilla that overlooks a panorama of dark hills dotted by distant lights.Where Hagen and Jessie LeBaron contact the Castro brothers.

  Castro, Fidel. Lzader of Cuba. Described as having a muscular bodythat once earned him the title of Cuba's best high school athlete. Nowhas softened and expanded with age. Gray curly hair and barbed-wirebeard. His dark eyes still burn with a revolutionary fire he broughtdown from the Sierra Maestra Mountains. Smokes cigars.

  Castro, Raul. Younger brother of Fidel Castro and second-in-command ofCuba. President of the Council of Ministers. Described as witty andcongenial in private. His hair is black, slick and closely trimmedabove the ears. Has a pixie face and dark, beady eyes. Has a narrowmustache on his upper lip; the pointed ends stop precisely above thecorners of his mouth.

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  Cathedral Square. Location in old Havana near where Sloppy Joe's islocated. After the explosion, the clock on top of a building there isstopped at 6:21.

  Cavilia, Joe. Copilot with Raymond LeBaron of the Prosperteer.

  Described as a sixty-year-old, sad-eyed, dour individual. His familyimmigrated from Brazil, and at age sixteen Cavflla joined the U.S. Navy,flying blimps until the last airship unit was formally disbanded in1964. After being captured and taken to Cayo Santa Maria, he istortured in Room Six by Gly, later goes into a coma and then dies.

  Cayo Santa Maria. Island off Cuba near where the Cyclops sank. Islandwhere Pitt runs the inflatable boat ashore during hurricane Little Evaafter investigating the wreck of the Cyclops. The Russians ordered thenative islanders off the island, then built a vast communicationscenter. When Pitt and his group first stumble upon the outside of thestructure, it is described as having a massive iron gate whose bars arewelded in the slfape of dolphins. A wall topped by broken glassstretches into the darkness and stands astride a guardhouse that isdeserted because of Little Eva. Following the road leading from theguardhouse, the group finds it ends in a circular drive in front of acastle like structure whose roof and three sides are covered with sandysoil planted with palmetto trees and native scrub, thus hiding thestructure. The compound houses an electronically advanced and powerfulfacility capable of intercepting radio or telephone communications andthen uses time-lag technology to allow a new-generation computerizedsynthesizer to imitate the callers' voices and alter the conversation.

  Celestial Mechanics in True Perspective. Book by Horace DeLiso locatedin Mooney's office. Hagen finds Mooney's private notebook hidden insidethe book.

  Centennial Supply. A company that supplies specialized parts andelectronics for recording systems.

  Hagen calls the company after examining Mooney's telephone logs.

  Charlie. CIA analyst Brogan defers to after Pitt describes the compoundon Cayo Santa Maria. Described as a studious-looking man.

  Chekoldin, Admiral. Velikov orders Borchev to find Admiral Chekoldinand return the ships to be used in Operation Rum & Cola to port.

  Chevrolet, 1957. Automobile owned by Figueroa and later stolen by Pitt.Has a 283-cubic-inch V-8 motor.

  The car has more than six hundred eighty thousand kilometers on theodometer.

  Church, Lieutenant John. Described as a thin, prematurely gray-hairedman a few months shy of thirty years of age. Has been in the Navytwelve years and worked his way up to commissioned officer. Dies in thecargo hold of the Cyclops.

  Clark, Tom. Chief of the Special Interests Section. Described as anathletic thirty-five or so, with a tan face, Errol Flynn mustache,thinning red hair neatly combed forward to hide the spreading front,blue eyes and a nose that has been broken more than once.

  Cover is that he works for the State Department, buthe actually works for the CIA. Organizes the armament of the ships thatare to be used in Operation Rum & Cola. Later killed in the fightingbetween the Russian Marines under Borchev and his own troops.

  His body is fished out of the channel by a fishing boat and returned tothe United States for burial.

  Clinometer. Instrument used by Gunn aboard the Prosperteer toapproximate the length of the object he detects with the SchonstedtGradiometer.

  Coker, Fireman First Class James. Formerly stationed on the cruiserPittsburgh. Described as tall and rangy with heavily muscled arms.

  Sentenced in the murder of Stewart to death by hanging which was carriedout in Brazil. Held along with DeVoe and four other prisoners in theCyclops's brig when she sank.

  Columbus. The U.S. space station. The experiments performed aboard thestation include the manufacture of exotic medicines, the growth of purecrystals for computer semiconductor chips and gamma-ray observation.

  Combat Magnum .357-caliber. Two-and-a-half-inch barreled handgun Hagenuses to threaten the fake gas station attendant into revealing theidentity of Clyde Ward. The weapon is loaded with wad-cutter bullets.

  Conde, Bob. Executive chairman of the board of Weehawken MarineProducts.

  Congressional Country Club. Country Club in Potomac, Maryland, wherethe president first hears about the Jersey Colony.

  Cooper. One of the Jersey Colonists.

  Cordero, Aficia. Cuban woman politician tapped by the Soviets to be thenext leader of Cuba after they assassinate Fidel and Raul Castro.

  Currently secretary of the Central Committee and secretary of theCouncil of State. Said to be idolized by the people of Cuba for thesuccess of her family economic programs and fiery oratory.

  Cosmos 1400 killer satellites. Type of Soviet killer satellite thatposes a threat to Columbus and Gettysburg'.

  Crate. Loaded aboard the Cyclops in Rio de Janeiro, the wooden crate isdescribed as measuring nine feet long by three feet high by four feetwide. When Church inquires about the contents, Gottschalk explains itcontains archaeological artifacts.

  Crogan Castle. Vessel that radios the Cyclops a distress call. Shereports her prow stove in, her superstructure heavily damaged and thatshe is taking on water.

  Cuban Special Security Forces. The Cuban equivalent to U.S. Navy SEALS.The attack on Cayo Santa Maria was done by Cuban exiles posing as CubanSpecial Security Forces.

  Cyclops. The vessel that sinks at the start of the novel.

  Built in Philadelphia by William Cramp & Sons and launched May 7, 1910,the Cyclops is assigned to the Naval Auxiliary Service, Atlantic Fleet.

  A Collier, she is five hundred forty-two feet in length with a sixty 278five-foot beam. Draft is twenty-seven feet eight inches.

  Tonnage 19,360 displaced. Speed fifteen knots. Armament is fourfour-inch guns. Set out from Rio de Janeiro on February 16, 1918, boundfor Baltimore, Maryland. On March 4, 1918, on the same voyage, she madean unscheduled stop at Carlisle Bay on the island of Barbados.

  Her seven holds can carry 10,500 tons of coal. On her final voyage, thevessel has three hundred nine passengers and crew and is operating ononly her port engine. Loaded with 11,000 pounds of manganese ore, s isricing a good foot lower than her Plimsoll mark on her last voyage.

  When the Prosperteer crashes off Cuba, the Cyclops is found by Pitt.

  Daimler. One of Pitt's cars. His example is a 1951 powered by a5.4-liter straight-eight engine with Hooper coachwork. Described as averitable monster, measuring nearly twenty-two feet from bumper tobumper and weighing more than three tons. The hood and doors aresilver-gray and the fenders a metallic maroon. A convertible, its topis completely hidd
en from view when, folded down.

  Dashers. Small water-propulsion vehicles made in France for seasiderecreation. Has the look of two torpedoes attached side by side.

  Controlled by an automobile-type steering wheel. High-performancebatteries power the craft through the means of water jets on smooth seasat speeds of up to twenty knots for three hours before recharging.

  Dawson. One of the Jersey Colonists.

  Deep diving suit. Old-style diving suit worn by salvors. They featurea brass diving helmet and Frankenstein-style weighted boots. The suitsuse surface-supplied air.

  Pitt finds a suit with a severed air hose and the body of a diver in theCyclops. That makes him believe the statue of La Dorada has alreadybeen salvaged.

  Denver. U.S. Navy attack submarine that rescues Pitt when he runs outof gas in the Bahama Channel in his cast-iron bathtub.

  DeVoe, Fireman Second Class Barney. Formerly stationed on the cruiserPittsburgh. Described as having the size and shape of a grizzly bear.

  Sentenced in the murder of Stewart to fifty to ninety-nine years inPortsmouth Naval Prison. Held along with Coker and four other prisonersin the Cyclops's brig when she sank.

  Don. Name Soviet ground controller mistakenly calls Jurgens on firstradio transmission.

  Dupuy, @. See Irwin Mitchell.

  deen. Henry's secretary at the CIA. Thornburg calls Henry to explainOperation Rum & Cola.

  El Dorado. Famous treasure Raymond LeBaron believed was aboard theCyclops. Also known as El Hombre Dorado, which is Spanish for thegolden man or gilded one. First heard of by the Spanish conquistadores,the legend tells of a gilded man who ruled an incredibly wealthy kingdomsomewhere in the mountainous jungles east of the Andes. Rumors had himliving in a secluded city built of gold with streets pavedin emeralds and guarded by a fierce army of beautiful Amazons.

  Emmett, Sam. Director of the FBI. Described as outspoken.

  Entrada Channel. Channel leading out of Havana Harbor.

  Evan, Dr. Gunnar. Member of the Inner Core. Allegedly died in thelight-plane crash with Hudson. Described as a brilliant astrophysicist.His specialty was geolunar synoptic morphology for industrializedpeoplement, or the idea of building a colony on the moon.

  Listed in the notebook Hagen steals from Fisher as Gunnar Monroe.

  Described as having a round, unlined face. Smokes a pipe.

  Farmer, Jack. Alias Pitt uses when calling Weehawken Marine Products.

  Fawcett, Daniel. Member of the Inner Core. Advisor to the president ofthe United States. Described as an intense-looking man with a squarered face and a condor nose.

  Fernandez, Juan. Chief of Fidel Castro's security.

  Figueroa, Herberio. Cab driver who takes Pitt and Jessie LeBaron acrossCuba. He is away from Havana to attend his brother-in-law's funeral inNuevitas.

  After Pitt takes Velikov prisoner at a roadblock, Figueroa is orderedfrom his car, and Pitt takes over the wheel. When Pitt meets FidelCastro, he receivespermission to ship Figueroa a restored 1957 Chevrolet to replace the onehe ruined in the chase.

  . The foreign operations arm of the KGB.

  Fisher, General Clark. Member of the Inner Core.

  Head of the Joint Military Space Command and commanding officer at theUnified Space Operations Center. A four-star general. Described astall, athletically built and quite handsome in a Gregory Peck way.

  Foley, Merv. Flight director at the Houston Space Control Center.

  Forbes, Lieutenant David. Executive officer of the Cyclops. Thephotograph Hope displays for Pitt shows a man with the face of agreyhound, long, narrow nose, pale eyes whose color cannot be determinedfrom the photograph. His face is clean-shaven, and he has archedeyebrows and slightly protruding teeth. Confined to quarters by Worleyon the last voyage of the Cyclops.

  Fremont, Dr. Donald. A professor at Stanford, now retired. Formerlytaught at the University of Southern California. Mooney was a studentof Fremont. Hagen calls him when he is examining Mooney's telephonelogs.

  French Bay. Location of the CIA staging area for the attack on CayoSanta Maria. A remote beach on the southern tip of San Salvador.

  Fulton, Commander Kermit. Commandiny officer of the U.S. Navy attacksubmarine Denver.

  Gallager. One of the Jersey Colonists.

  Gettysburg. A U.S. space shuttle that is launched from Vandenberg AirForce Base.

  Gly, Foss. Pitt describes Gly as having chest and shoulders soponderous they seem deformed. His head is smooth-shaven, and his facecould have been described as handsome but for his large misshapen nose.

  Pitt breaks his nose again when he is torturing Pitt in Room Six. AnAmerican mercenary born in Arizona.

  Said to have thick, protruding lips, and the pupils of his eyes aredeep, dark and empty. In the attack on Cayo Santa Maria, Pitt fightswith Gly. Pitt jams his thumb into Gly's eye socket and into his brain.Then Jessie LeBaron shoots him three times in the groin with a pistol.

  Goodfly, George. One of the aliases used by Hagen when he is in NewMexico. Goodfly is said to be from New Orleans.

  Gorman, Adrian. Senator who is having a breakfast meeting with Oateswhen the president is returning from Rock Creek Park along with Hudson.

  Hudson claims that attached to their table is a bomb.

  Gottschalk, Alfred L. Morean. The American consul general to Brazil.

  He is aboard the Cyclops when she sinks. Described as having a short,round, almost comical frame. He wears his silver-yellow haircropped excessively short in a Prussian style. He has narrow eyebrowsthat very nearly match his clipped mustache.

  Gainchos Cay. Location on the Bahama Bank. The Prosperteer is fivemiles due south of the cay when the ground crew receives its last radiomessage.

  Hagen, Ira. Described as a thick-bodied man with a round head coveredwith ivory hair. His stomach is immense and hairy, and his arms andlegs protrude like tree trunks. Formerly an undercover operative forthe Justice Department. Former wife's name was Martha; when she died,Hagen retired. Has three daughters and five grandchildren. Brother ofthe president of the United States. Resides in Denver, Colorado.

  Solves the riddle of the identity of the inner core for the president.

  After the attack on Cayo Santa Maria, is ordered by the president toHavana, Cuba.

  Harris, Jack. Works for NUMA. Sandecker assigns him to replace Pitt onthe Bering Sea Survey after he orders Pitt to search for RaymondLeBaron.

  Harvey Pattenden National Physics Laboratory. Located in Bend, Oregon.

  The building is described as typical of the tech centers that havesprung up around the United States. Featuring contemporary architecturewith heavy use of bronze glass and curving brick walls.

  The grounds are landscaped with pine trees and moss rock amid rollingmounds of grass. Mooney describes the laboratory as a researchfacility. Judge corrects him and explains that the laboratory works onthe design of nuclear rocketry and third-generationnuclear weapons whose power is focused into narrow radiation beams thattravel at the speed of light and can destroy targets deep in space.

  Hero of the Revolution. Honorary title bestowed on Pitt by FidelCastro.

  Herras, Captain Roberto. Cuban captain Clark tricks into withdrawingthe Cuban troops guarding the ships that are to be used in Operation Rum& Cola.

  Hollyman, Major Gus. U.S. Air Force pilot of F-15E night attackfighter. Has almost one thousand hours of flight time. Hollyman isordered to shoot down the Gettysburg so it can't land in Cuba. Calledoff at the last second, he instead leads the Gettysburg to a safelanding at Key West Naval Air Station.

  Hope. The synthesized-voice computer in the NUMA computer room.

  Horizon Communications System. Type of telephone system Pitt tellsVictor most police departments utilize.

  Horse and Artillery Inn. The inn overlooks Valley Forge State Park.

  Built in 1790 as a stagecoach stop and tavern for colonial travelers, itsits among sweeping lawns and a grove of shade trees. A picturesquethree-story building with blue shutters, it has a stat
ely front porch.

  An example of early limestone farm architecture, it bears a plaquedesignating it as listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

  Hoskins, Elmer. Secret Service advance man when the president visitsthe Congressional Country Club and first learns of the Jersey Colony.

  Hudson, Leonard. Member of the Inner Core. Nicknamed Leo when he was achild. Played catcher on the president's baseball team. Was fat as achild but became a health nut and lost sixty pounds. Graduated withhonors from Stanford University and later became director of the HarveyPattenden National Pfiysics Laboratory in Oregon. Faked his death in alight plane crash in the Columbia River in 1965. Eriksen was alsoallegedly aboard the plane when it exploded while the two men wereflying to a seminar in Seattle.