Listed in the notebook Hagen steals from Fisher as Leonard Murphy.

  Described as having thick gray hair and a Satan-style beard.

  Hydrogen. Gas that the Prosperteer was filled with when she reappeared.Hydrogen is not used in blimps since the Hindenburg disaster. Helium isused instead.

  Inner Core. Group of nine men who originally conceived and implementedthe Jersey Colony.

  Jack. Alias for CIA operative in Cuba. Described as the stereotypicalLatin out of a 1930s movie-flashing eyes, compact build, fireworksteeth, triangular mustache. Is ordered to operate the tugboat that willhelp move the ship out of Havana Harbor. Killed in the explosion, hisremains are never recovered.

  Jersey Colony. Conceived two months before President Kennedy's death,the Jersey Colony was designedto be a highly secret leapfrog project to place a United States colonyon the moon. The Jersey Colony is located in a large cavern on thesouthern hemisphere of the moon's far side. Named for the nursery rhyme"Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over themoon." Jersey is a breed of cow.

  Joe. One of the Inner Core and the person who first briefs thepresident on the Jersey Colony. Described as having a slender, almostfrail body with slim hips.

  Has indigo-blue eyes and gray hair. His facial features are describedas narrow and vaguely Scandinavian. See Leonard Hudson.

  Jones, Anson. Called by Hagen when he is examining Mooney's telephonelogs. Member of the Inner Core.

  See General Clark Fisher.

  Judge, Thomas. Alias used by Hagen in the investigation at the HarveyPattenden Laboratory. Claims to be with the General Accounting Office.

  Jurgens, Dave. Flight Commander of the Gettysburg.

  Kaltenbach, Senator Henry. Senator famous for finding government fraud.Hagen claims to Mooney that it is he who ordered a probe of thePattenden Laboratory.

  Kazakhstan. Soviet province on the border with China where Sovietspacecraft usually touch down after reentry. Also the location Selenos8 is launched from.

  Kennedy Spaceport. Location on Cape Canaveral where the Gettysburg isdue to land. Also location ofthe medical facilities where the Jersey Colonists are transfer-red afterthey land aboard the Gettysburg at Key West Naval Air Station.

  Key West Naval Air Station. U.S. Navy base that lies at the end of theFlorida Keys. The runway is one and a half miles long and two hundredfeet wide. The base power is out when the Gettysburg lands there.

  Kleist, Colonel Ramon. U.S. Marine Corps colonel.

  Congressional Medal of Honor winner. Pitt guesses his age as latefifties. He is a medium-skinned black, born in Argentina, the onlychild of a former SS officer who fled Germany after the war and marriedthe daughter of a Liberian diplomat. Sent to a private school in NewYork, he decided to drop out and make a career in the Marines.

  Koichak, Colonel General Viktor. Soviet officer in charge of thefifteen thousand Soviet military forces and advisors based in Cuba.

  Soviet in charge of the fifteen hundred troops awaiting the Getlysburg'sarrival at Santa Clara.

  Kornilov, Sergei. Chief of the Soviet space program.

  Kronberg, Hans. Partner of Raymond LeBaron.

  Found by Pitt in the wreck of the Cyclops with his air hose cut.

  Crippled from the bends, he continues to dive.

  Kronberg, Hilda. Wife of Hans Kronberg and first wife of RaymondLeBaron. Known as Hillary when married to LeBaron. Now in a seniorcitizen rest homenear Leesburg, Virginia. Described as sickly thin with skin astransparent as tissue paper. Her face is heavily made up and her hairskillfully dyed. Her diamond rings would buy a small fleet ofRolls-Royces. Pitt guesses her age as a good fifteen years younger thanthe seventy-five she appears. Seventeen years younger than HansKronberg, she had been married for three years before Hans broughtRaymond LeBaron to their home for dinner, and soon after they enteredinto an extramarital affair.

  La Dorada. Also known as La Mujer Dorada, the golden woman. Mentionedby O'Meara as the true sex of the famous golden statue that is the mostsought after piece of the El Dorado treasure. Ordered constructed by aSouth American king in honor of his most beloved concubine, whom priestsordered to be sacrificed. Described as standing nearly six feet tall,on a pedestal of rose quartz. Her body is solid gold, and O'Mearaestimates the statue must weigh nearly one ton. Embedded in her chestwhere the heart should be is a great ruby, judged to be in theneighborhood of twelve hundred carats. The entire head of the statue isrumored to be one giant carved emerald, deep blue-green and flawless,which O'Meara guesses must weigh in the neighborhood of thirty pounds.

  When it is found by Hans Kronberg and Raymond LeBaron on the Cyclops,LeBaron kills Kronberg, pries the ruby from the heart and breaks it up,forming the nucleus of financing for his financial empire. Because ofthe revolution, he hides the body of La Dorada on top of the site wherethe Maine sank. Later recovered by Pitt, the statue is put on displayat Washington's National Gallery.

  Lake Guatavita, Colombia. Possible location of the El Dorado treasure.

  In 1965, the government of Colombia declared Lake Guatavita an area ofcultural interest and banned all salvage operations.

  Lariat Type 40. American-made hand-held surface-to air missile. Theweapon homes in on its target with a guidance beam. The range is tenmiles on earth but probably longer in the moon's rarefied atmosphere.

  Larson, Steve. See Steve Busche.

  LeBaron's house. Located on Beacon Drive in Great Falls Estate. Thehouse is described sitting on a low hill above a tennis court and aswimming pool. A three-story brick colonial with a series of whitecolumns holding up the roof over a long front porch, the wings extendingto each side.

  LeBaron, Jessie. Described as vibrant and bouncy with a repertory of adozen different smiles, she is six months past fifty but looks closer tothirty-seven. She is slightly heavy-bodied but firm, and her facialskin is creamy-smooth. Her hair is a natural salt-and-pepper. Her eyesare large and dark. She is both scuba and skydiving certified. Sent bythe president to meet with Fidel Castro to discuss a treaty with Cuba.Met Raymond LeBaron when she was a senior editor at Prosperteermagazine. Carried on an affair with Raymond LeBaron for years, thenmarried him even though he never divorced Hilda Kronberg. Was third inan all state high school swim meet in Wyoming. Speaks Spanish, Russian,French and German.

  LeBaron, Raymond. Member of the Inner Core. Publisher and owner ofProsperteer magazine. Graduate of Stanford University. Described as avery trim and healthy sixty-five-year-old who stands six feet seveninches tall. His eyes are the color of light oak, and he hasmeticulously combed graying hair. Came from a fairly affluent family.

  His father owned a chain of hardware stores. In the middle 1950s, heand a partner named Kronberg owned a marine salvage firm. The salvagecompany went broke, and two years later LeBaron launched his magazine,the Prosperteer. His first wife was named Hillary; his second wife isJessie. Hillary is actually Hilda Kronberg, widow of Hans Kronberg.

  LeBaron was married to Hilda for thirty-three years. He told everyoneHilda was dead because divorcing an invalid was abhorrent to him.

  Listed in the notebook Hagen steals from Fisher as Ray Sampson. Afterthe Prosperteer is captured and forced to land in Cuba, Raymond is takenprisoner and held on Cayo Santa Maria. Later dies on Cayo Santa Mariawhen a bullet meant for Pitt strikes him instead. His last words soundlike "Look on the main sight."

  Leopoldville. World War II troop transport ship torpedoed in theEnglish Channel on Christmas Eve, 1944. The book Cyclops is dedicatedto the men who lost their lives. For more detail on the Leopoldville,see the book The Sea Hunters.

  Leuchenko, Major Grigory. A Russian specialist in guerrilla warfare whowon many victories against the Afghanistan Freedom Fighters.

  Little Eva. Late-season hurricane that is moving past Florida when Pitttakes off in the Prosperteer. At first, 291 the hurricane appears topose no problem for Pitt aboard the Prosperteer, but it grows to Force6.

  Loper, Corporal Maria. Alias used by Jessie LeBaron as she and P
itttravel across Cuba with Figueroa.

  Loper, Sergeant. One of the American attack force that storms CayoSanta Maria. Doesn't speak English.

  M-14 national match rifle. Type of rifle the Jersey Colonists have.

  M-72 missile launcher. Weapon that fires a sixty-six millimeter rocket.

  Giordino uses it to shoot down the Cuban helicopter that threatens theProsperteer.

  Mack truck. Brand of truck that delivers the mysterious crate to theCyclops. The Mack truck is a chain-drive.

  Maine. Famous ship that was blown up in Havana Harbor. The attack onthe Maine led to the start of the Spanish-American War. Her hulk wasraised and towed out to sea in 1912, where she was sunk with her flagflying.

  Maisky, Lyev. Deputy head of the First Chief Directorate, the foreignoperations arm of the KGB. Described as having a common, blank face asone dimensional as his personality. Has a platinum cigarette holder andsmokes long, unfiltered cigarettes.

  Makarov 9-milimeter pistol. Automatic pistol Jessie LeBaron uses toforce Pitt to the Cuban mainland when the attack on Cayo Santa Maria iscompleted.


  Manny. Alias for CIA operative in Cuba. Described as a huge black witha deeply trenched face, wearing an old faded green shirt and khakitrousers. Described as looking like a man who had experienced the worstof life and had no illusions left. Smokes cigarettes. Is ordered toget the Amy Bigalow out of the Havana Harbor. Is aboard the AmyBigalow's launch with Pitt when the explosion occurs. Killed, his bodyis later identified and shipped back to the United States for burial.

  Metcalf, General Clayton. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

  Ordered by the president to coordinate relief efforts to Cuba after theexplosion.

  Mikoyan, Colonel. Soviet colonel Velikov orders to inspect the securitymeasures around the ships that are to be used in Operation Rum & Colaafter Clark switches guards. Mikoyan cannot be reached by radio becausehe and his driver are killed by Clark and their car pushed into thewater.

  Miniature electrical impulse jammer. Device contained in a fakecigarette lighter that Hagen/Judge uses to jam the observation camerasat the Pattenden Laboratory so he can search Mooney's office.

  Mitchell, Irwin. Member of the Inner Core. Director of NASA's FlightOperations Center.

  Modoc missile. Type of radar-guided missile Hollyman is ordered to useto shoot down the Gettysburg.

  Moe. Alias for CIA operative in Cuba. Described as wearing the imageof an academic-lost expression,293

  unruly hair, neatly sculpted beard. Wears glasses. Is ordered to getthe Ozero Zaysan out of Havana Harbor. Killed in the explosion, hisremains are never recovered.

  Monfort, Admiral Clyde. Head of the Caribbean Task Force. Thepresident claims Monfort has the Navy searching for Pitt. WhenSandecker calls Monfort to confirm, he finds it is false. The Navy isin fact conducting an amphibious landing exercise off Jamaica.

  Monterey. Steamship Hans Kronberg sailed to Havana on December 10,1958, to search for the Cyclops. It was the last time Hilda Kronbergsaw her first husband.

  Mooney, Dr. Earl J. Described as thirty-six years old with pine greeneyes under thunderous eyebrows. Has a Pancho Villa mustache. A fat kidwho went thin, he shares a similar academic record to Hudson's.

  Mono Castle. Famous Cuban landmark that is described as a grim fortressguarding the entrance to Havana Harbor.

  Murphy, Lieutenant Regis. Radar observer on Hollyman's F-15E. Chewsgum.

  National Science Foundation. Located in Washington, D.C. Hagen callsthe foundation when he is examining Mooney's telephone logs.

  Nitrogen narcosis. Malady that affects divers with too much nitrogen intheir blood. Makes a diver light 294 headed and can lead to feelings ofeuphoria. Jessie LeBaron begins to suffer from it after the Prosperteercrashes.

  O'Hara, Major Paddy. Alias Pitt uses in Cuba with Figueroa. Said to bein the Irish Republican Army on assignment as an advisor to the Cubanmilitia.

  O'Meara, Dr. Ralph. Archaeologist. Described as having a thick GabbyHayes beard that hides his face from the nose down.

  Old cast-iron bathtub. Pitt finds the bathtub outside an abandoned shedon Cayo Santa Maria. He later uses it to escape from the island.

  Later in Pitt's garage.

  Order of Lenin. Soviet medal that Maisky tells Velikov he will receiveafter recovering the Gettysburg.

  Orinoco River. River in South America mentioned by O'Meara whenspeaking with Pitt at the Old Angler's Inn.

  Ostrovski, Sergeant Ivan. Part of the Soviet attack force from Selenos8. Described as a hardened veteran of the Afghanistan fighting.

  Ozero Baykai. Soviet two hundred thousand-ton oil tanker. Docked nearAntares Inlet. Described as eleven hundred feet in length with a onehundred sixty-foot beam. On the starboard side when the Pisto tows thethree vessels out to sea. Cast off when she is a good mile from thecenter of town and away from the oil refinery.


  Ozero Zaysan. Soviet cargo ship carrying military supplies and cargo.

  Docked in Havana Harbor to be used in Operation Rum & Cola. Has acream-colored hull.

  Described as twenty thousand tons. When Moe boards the ship, he findsthe Soviet crew has taken sledgehammers to every valve in the engineroom.

  Paftenden, Dr. Harvey. Founder of the laboratory that bears his name.

  Perez, Colonel Ernesto. Alias used by Clark in tricking Herras intowithdrawing his troops from the ships that are to be used in OperationRum & Cola.

  Perry, Kurt. One of the Jersey Colonists. A brilliant biochemist, heis the single fatality in the attack on the Soviets from Selenos 8.

  Petrov, Lieutenant Dmitri. Part of the Soviet attack force from Selenos8.

  Pinon, Captain Manuel. Captain of the Russian-built Riga-class patrolfrigate that is guarding the entrance to Havana Harbor. Described as athirty-year-old ship retired by the Russian Navy. Has four-inch guns itfires at the Pisto, Amy Bigalow and Ozero Zaysan.

  Crushed in half by the Amy Bigalow.

  Pisto. Tugboat piloted by Jack. Used to move the ships that are to beused in Operation Rum & Cola out of Havana Harbor. Named after aSpanish dish of stewed red peppers, zucchini and tomatoes. The sides ofthe tugboat are streaked with rust, and her brass is covered withverdigris. Powered by a big, 3,000-horsepower iese engine. ingpropeller. First attaches lines to the Ozero Baykai and begins to pushher out to sea.

  Returns next and moves the Ozero Zaysan. Later casts off the OzeroBaykai and tows the Amy Bigalow and the Ozero Zaysan out to sea. Blowntwo hundred feet high when Velikov activates the pocket transmitter.

  Polevoi, Vladimir. Chief of KGB. His office is in Dzerzhinski Square.

  Porter, Senator Dean. Member of the Inner Core.

  Joined the Inner Core in 1964 and helped set up the undercoverfinancing. Once chaired the Foreign Relations Committee and narrowlylost a presidential primary race to George McGovern. Described as abald-headed man in his late seventies, he has an unimpressive figurewith a grand fatherly face.

  Porterhouse. Code name for the helicopter pilot Hagen has trailingHudson after he meets with the president.

  Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Site of the U.S. Navy prison where one ofthe prisoners aboard the Cyclops is bound.

  Post, ARan. Air Force general who heads up the military space program.

  President of the United States. Formerly vice president, he was sworninto office after the former president lost his mind in Deep SLx.

  Described as an energetic man who stands more than six feet tall andweighs a solid two hundred pounds. His face is square 297 jawed withfirm features and a brow usually furrowed in a thoughtful frown. Hisintense gray eyes can be deceptively limpid. His silver hair is alwaysneatly trimmed and parted on the right. A lieutenant in the MarineCorps, he served with an artillery company during the Korean War.

  Likes to drink guava juice.

  Secretly smokes Cuban Montecristo cigars. An old trusted school chumsmuggles in a box from Canada every two months. Favorite sandwich istuna with bacon.

  ,Prosperteer. Blimp owned by Raymond LeBaron. Described as atired-looking old airship with an aluminum skin that was once silver butis now white and spotted by several patches. Originally designatedZMC-2, Zeppelin Metal Clad Number Two. Constructed in Detroit andturned over to the U.S. Navy in 1929. Powered by two Wright Whirlwindengines each with 200 horsepower, she features eight stabilizing fins onher tail instead of the usual four. Measures one hundred forty-ninefeet in length, and the aluminum gas envelope contains two hundredthousand cubic feet of helium. In service until 1942, the Prosperteerthen languished in a deserted hangar in Key West, Florida, until 1988,when LeBaron bought the property and restored her.