QB-Tech. Company owned by Booth. Invents and manufactures scientificgadgets used in space. The plant is located ten miles west of Santa Fe,New Mexico.

  Quintana, Major Angelo. Marine major who will lead the attack on CayoSanta Maria. Described as a dark 298 skinned man with slick,night-black hair and an enormous mustache. Sad eyes stare from a facewrinkled by long exposure to the wind and sun, and his lips barely movewhen he smiles.

  Raleigh. Cruiser that collides with the Cyclops.

  Raleigh, Sir Walter. Famous British explorer and treasure huntermentioned by O'Meara as having searched for the El Dorado treasure.

  After his second unsuccessful attempt, King James had him beheaded.

  Redfern, Lieutenant Commander. Commanding officer of the Key West NavalAir Station. Informs Mitchell that the runway lights are notfunctioning because a fuel tanker crashed into the power lines and thebackup diesel generators failed from a mechanical malfunction.

  Mitchell orders Redfern to line the runway with cars and trucks withtheir headlights turned on.

  Rock Creek Park. Park where the president holds a speech to commemoratethe American servicemen who died in the sinking of the Leopoldville onChristmas Eve, 1944.

  Roger. The Secret Service chauffeur who drives the president and Hudsonfrom Rock Creek Park.

  Ronsky, Ivan. One of the three Russian cosmonauts whose frozen corpseswere placed aboard the Prosperteer before it reappeared. A veterancosmonaut.


  Room Six. Location on Cayo Santa Maria where Gly tortures the captives.

  Rooney, Dr. Calvin. Coroner for Dade County, Florida. A native ofFlorida, Rooney is a U.S. Army veteran and Harvard Medical Schoolgraduate.

  Rum & Cola. Code name for the Russian plan to eliminate Fidel and RaulCastro and take control of Cuba.

  The plan is designed to be blamed on the CIA.

  Russell. One of the Jersey Colonists.

  Russian frigate. Riga-class patrol frigate that fires on the AmyBigalow and the other ships heading to sea.

  Run down and sliced in half by the Amy Bigalow.

  Rykov, Anastas. Soviet geophysicist working on the Cosmos Lunar Projectthat discovers proof of the Jersey Colony from lunar photographs takenby Selenos 4. Works at the Geophysical Space Center.

  Salazar, Reggie. The president's golf caddie. Described as a short,wiry Hispanic. A wit and philosopher, Salazar always dresses for caddieduties like a field laborer blue jeans, western shirt, GI boots and arancher's wide-brimmed straw hat. Captured by Joe and drugged after thepresident plays the front nine holes of golf.

  SALT IV. Nuclear reduction treaty the president and Antonov arenegotiating.

  Salyut 9. Soviet space station that is circling the earth.

  Carries four cosmonauts.

  Salyut 10. New Soviet space station.

  Sam. Alias for Pitt that Clark gives Manny, Moe and Jack.

  San Salvador. The smallest island of the Bahamas and staging area forthe troops who will attack Cayo Santa Maria. Known by the old marinersas Watling Island after a zealous buccaneer who flogged the members ofhis crew who did not observe the Sabbath. Also believed to be theisland where Columbus first stepped ashore in the New World. Has apicturesque harbor and a lush interior blued by freshwater takes.

  Santa Clara. Location in Cuba where the Soviets want to attempt toforce the Gettysburg to land.

  Santa Clara Convent. Dating from 1643, the Havana convent is taken'over and used as a temporary hospital after the explosion.

  Schonstedt Gradiometer. An instrument used by NUMA to detect iron bymeasuring magnetic intensity. Gunn is operating one aboard theProsperteer when Pitt sets out to find the Cyclops.

  Selenos 4. Russian lunar probe that, instead of landing in Siberia,landed in the Caribbean Sea. Allegedly unmanned but instead carryingthree cosmonauts. Raymond LeBaron was searching for the probe when hedisappeared.

  Selenos 8. The Soviets' first manned lunar landing mission. It isscheduled for launch in seven days from the time the Soviets first learnof the Jersey Colony.

  Described as a super rocket with four strap-on boosters generatingfourteen million pounds of thrust. The rocket throws out a tail oforange-yellow flame one thousand feet long and three hundred feet wide.

  It carries a one hundred ten-ton manned lunar station.

  Shea, Willie. The Jersey Colony's geophysicist. Has a hint of a Bostontwang.

  Sherman, Jack. Commander of the Columbus.

  Sigler, Colonel Ralph Moorhouse. Described by O'Meara as a realcharacter from the old explorer school. Arrived in the summer of 1916in Georgetown in what was then British Guiana. With a party of twentymen, he set out into the wilds, then was not heard from until two yearslater, when he was found five hundred miles northeast of Rio de Janeiroby an American expedition surveying for a railroad. More dead thanalive, he described stealing the La Dorada statue, then fighting off theZanona Indians, dragging it to a river and floating it by raftdownstream.

  O'Meara and Pitt believe Gottschalk found out about Sigler and thestatue and recovered it himself.

  Simmons, Jess. U.S. secretary of defense.

  Sirloin. Code name for Hudson when Hagen is trailing him.

  Sloppy Joe's. A onetime watering hole in old Havana patronized bywealthy American celebrities. Now a dingy hole in the wall, longforgotten except by in elderly few. Location where Castro questionsVelikov and where Velikov triggers the explosion with his pockettransmitter.

  Snodgrass, Elmer. Alias Pitt uses when he is first questioned byVelikov. Said to be from Moline, Illinois.

  Velikov is not taken in by the ruse and produces a dossier on Pitt.

  Socotra. Island near Yemen where the Soviets have a ground tracking.

  station. Space signals from Selenos 4 were transmitted there, and thatis where the Soviets got proof of the existence of the Jersey Colony.

  Southern Comfort. Thirty-five-foot white fishing boat that is used bySweat as his second office. Powered by a single 260-horsepowerturbocharged diesel, the vessel cruises at fifteen knots. Built inAustralia by a company called Steber-craft.

  Sparks. Nickname of the wireless operator aboard the LYctops. Isordered by Worley not to transmit any messages until the Cyclops reachesBaltimore.

  Special Interests Section. Group that is based in the American Missionat the Swiss Embassy. Located on the Malecon facing the water inHavana, Cuba.

  SPilT. Acronym for Special-Purpose Undersea Transport. Submarine usedto transport the troops who will attack Cayo Santa Maria close to theshoreline. Pittdescribes it as slightly more than three hundred feet long and shapedlike a chisel turned sideways. The horizontal wedge-like bow tapersquickly to an almost square hull that ends in a boxed-off stern. Theupper deck is almost completely smooth without any projections. Thevessel is totally automated with a nuclear powerplant that turns twinpropellers or, when required, soundless pumps that take in water fromthe forward momentum and thrust it silently through vents along thesides. Specially designed to support covert operations, she can run asdeep as eight hundred feet at fifty knots. She is also capable ofrunning onto the beach, spreading her bows and disgorging atwo-hundred-member landing force along with several vehicles.

  Steinmetz, Eli. In charge of the Jersey Colony on the moon. Graduatedfrom Caltech, then received a master's degree from MIT. Described asthe kind of engineer who overcomes obstacles by designing a mechanicalsolution and then building it with his own hands. Prior to joining theJersey Colony Project, he supervised construction projects in half thecountries of the world, including Russia. First stepped on the moon atage fifty-three; he is now fifty-nine. His head is shaven, and he hasno beard. His skin has a dusky tint, and his eyes are slate black.

  Described as a fifth generation American Jew who could walk into aMuslim mosque unnoticed. His father was killed at Wake Island in WorldWar II.

  Stewart, Fireman Third Clam Oscar. Formerly stationed on the cruiserPittsburgh. Murdered by Coker and DeVoe.

  Sweat, Sheriff Tyler. Dade Cou
nty, Florida, sheriff.

  Described as a medium-built, brooding man with slightly roundedshoulders.

  Swiss Embassy. Location of the American Mission, a sort of quasiofficial U.S. embassy. The building used by the Swiss was formerly theU.S. embassy.

  TAEM. Terminal-area energy management. A process used on theGettysburg for conserving speed and altitude.

  Tass. Soviet news organization mentioned by the president.

  T-Bone. Code name Hagen uses when trailing Hudson after he meets withthe president.

  IMornburg, Bob. Chief document analyst for the CIA at the headquartersin Langley, Virginia.

  Unified Space Ooerations Center. U.S. military space organization nearColorado Springs, Colorado. Described as nineteen miles east ofColorado Springs down Hi way 94 and Enoch Road. A two-billiongh dollarproject, the center was constructed on six hundred forty acres of landand is manned by five thousand uniformed and civilian personnel. 'thecenter controls all military space vehicle and shuttle flights as wellas satellite monitoring programs. Nicknamed the Space Capital of theWorld.

  Velikov, General Peter. Mastermind behind Rum & Cola. Described as ashort, trim man. Pitt judges him tobe no more than five foot seven, weighing about one hundred thirtypounds, somewhere in his late forties. His hair is short and black witha touch of gray at the sideburns and receding around a peak above theforehead.

  His eyes are as blue as an alpine lake, and his light skinned face seemssculpted more by classic Roman influence than Slavic. With the G.R.U,Velikov is considered a wizard at Third World government infiltrationand manipulation. His American-accented English is letter-perfect.

  When captured by the Castros and taken to Sloppy Joe's for questioning,he activates the pocket transmitter early and unleashes the explosion.

  Victor, Detective Lieutenant Harry. A lead investigator for the DadeCounty Police Department. Wears rimless glasses and a blond hairpiece.

  Described as a tidy man who enjoys making out reports.

  VIKOR. Navigational system that utilizes satellites.

  Aboard the Prosperteer when Pitt takes off. Pitt radios his last VIKORreading as H3608 by T8090, which places the blimp five miles due southof Guinchos Cay.

  Walter Reed Army Hospital. Hospital near Washington, D.C where theremains of the three men found aboard the Prosperteer are taken.

  Ward, Clyde. Alias for Clyde Booth.

  Weehawken Marine Products. Company in Baltimore that manufactured thediving helmet worn by Kronberg aboard the Cyclops. The helmet reads:"Weehawken Products Inc Mark V, Serial Number 58-67-C."

  Weehawken has been making the helmet since 1916. It isconstructed of spun copper with bronze fittings and has foursealed-glass viewports. The helmet is still popular for certain typesof surface-supplied diving operations.

  Farmer explains the serial number: 58 is the year it was made, 67 is theproduction number, C stands for commercial Wintrop Manor Nursing Rome.Nursing home near Leesburg, Virginia, where Hilda Kronberg resides.

  Described as an idyllic setting, with a nine-hole golf course, tropicalindoor pool, an elegant dining room and lush landscaped gardens.

  Worley, Lieutenant commander George. Described as a bull of a man.

  His neck is almost nonexistent, with a massive head that seems to eruptfrom his shoulders. His hands are long and as thick as an encyclopedia.Never a stickler for Navy regulations; his uniform aboard ship usuallyconsists of bedroom slippers, derby hat and long john underwear. Speakswith a slight German accent.

  His real name is Johann Wichman. Born in Germany, he illegally enteredthe United States when he jumped a merchant ship in San Francisco during1878. While commanding the Cyclops, he lived in Norfolk, Virginia.

  Wykoff, Victor. Deputy secretary of state. Works under Oates.

  X-ray laser defense system. Space weapons system mentioned by Post tothe president. The system won't be operational for another fourteenmonths.

  Yaseg General Maiden. Head of the Soviet Military Space Command.

  Described as a big, beefy man with ared face. His hair is smoke-gray and his eyes steady and hard. Smokescigarettes that he stores in a thin gold case.

  Yudenich, Alexander. One of the three Russian cosmonauts whose frozencorpses were placed aboard the Prosperteer before it reappeared. Arookie cosmonaut.

  Yushchuk, Corporal Mikhafl. Part of the Soviet attack force fromSelenos 8.

  Zanona. Word uttered by Gottschalk just before a South American Indianassassin stabs him with the spear in the cargo hold of the Cyclops. Atribe of cannibalistic Amazon Indians who allegedly guard the treasureof El Dorado.

  Zil lusine. Soviet-made seven-seater limousine used by high-rankinggovernment and military officials. Powered by a seven-liter425-horsepower engine. Velikov is aboard a Zil when Pitt is stopped ata roadblock.

  Zochenko, Sergei. One of the three Russian cosmonauts whose frozencorpses were placed aboard the Prosperteer before it reappeared. Aveteran cosmonaut.

  TreasureAK-74. Soviet-made automatic weapon used by Ammar's terrorists as theystorm the crushing mill on Santa Inez Island.

  Al-Hakim Mohammed. A scholarly mullah who is Yazid's shadow. Presentat the meeting with Yazid wherethe hijacking of the Lady Flamborough is planned.

  Described as having the face of a man who spent half his life in adungeon. His pale skin seems almost transparent.

  Alexander the Great. King of Macedonia. Died in 323

  B.C. in Babylon. His gold-and-crystal coffin was removed fromAlexandria and packed around the sides with three hundred twenty coppertubes that read: "Geologic Charts." This, along with sixty-threetapestries, was buried by Venator's men near the Hills of' Rome.

  Alexandria Library. Vast information source that contained knowledge ofthe Egyptian, Greek and Roman empires along with little-knowncivilizations outside the Mediterranean. In A.D. 391, Christian EmperorTheodosius ordered all books and art depicting anything remotely pagan,which included the teachings of the immortal Greek philosophers, burnedand destroyed. Much of the collection was thought to have been secretlysaved and spirited away. What became of it, or where it was hidden,remains a mystery sixteen centuries later. A group led by Venatorburies it in an unknown land. The entire party, minus four sailors whoescape on a small merchant ship named the Serapis, are slaughtered bythe barbarians in retaliation for an attack on their village. Rothbergdescribes the library as a library/museum/university, an immensestructure of white marble that contained picture galleries, statuaryhalls and theaters for poetry readings and lectures. There were alsodormitories, a dining hall and animal and botanical parks. The contentsof the library are later found by Pitt in Roma, Texas,under No Name Hill. After Sharp catalogs them, the contents aretransported to a secure building complex in Maryland for restoration andpreservation. A replica of the Alexandria Library is scheduled to bebuilt on the Washington Mail.

  Antonov, Georgi. President of the Soviet Union. Likes to ball hismistress in the backseat of his limousine on the way to the Kremlin.

  Ardencaple Fjord. Fjord on the northeast coast of Greenland. Site nearthe University of Colorado archaeological dig, where Pitt is searchingfor missing Soviet submarine. Location where Nebula Flight 106 crashes.

  Aristophanes. Was head of the Alexandria Library two hundred yearsbefore Christ. The father of the dictionary.

  Arnold, Joe. Person in the Treasury Department who goes with Nichols toKingston to meet with debtor nations that want to forget debts.

  Ariz Ammar, Suleiman. Terrorist who kills Lemke and replaces him onNebula Flight 106. Described as having olive-brown eyes with a Gypsylike piercing quality. His nose has been broken more than once, and along scar runs down the base of his left jaw.

  Has close-cropped gray hair and a lined face that suggests an agesomewhere in his late fifties. Has a receding hairline and a largeblack mustache. A good practicing Muslim who has little interest inpolitics, a mercenary with no known association with fanaticalIslamic die-hards. Does contract work for Yazid. His wealth isestimated at more t
han sixty million dollars.

  Plans and executes the hijacking of the Lady Flamborough byimpersonating Captain Collins. Smokes Dunhill cigarettes. After hemeets Pitt under a white flag of truce at the crushing mill on SantaInez Island, he attempts to shoot Pitt in the back. Pitt, wearing abulletproof vest, returns fire, striking Ammar in the right shoulder,chin, lower jaw and wrist, and the fourth round passes through his facefrom side to side, removing his eyes. Now blind. Telmuk hides him fromthe Special Operations Force and then fashions a crude raft and floatswith the current until picked up by a Chilean fishing boat.