After stealing an airplane in Puerto Williams, they fly to Buenos Aires,where they charter a plane to Egypt. Goes to Yazid's home to seekrevenge. With a knife, he stabs Yazid and kills him.

  Aztec. Nahuatl-speaking civilization that was conquered by Cortez.

  Baker, Sergeant. Special Operations Force sergeant who finds thehostages on Santa Inez Island.

  Barnegat Bay, New Jersey. Location where Yaeger first believes theAlexandria Library was buried. Near the Pine Barrens, an area withdwarf pines similar to what Ruffinus described. It also is near aquarry where the crew of the Serapis could have found the ballast stonesthey mentioned loading aboard. Turns out to be wrong.

  Bashir, Colonel Naguib. Leader of a clandestine group of Egyptianmilitary officers who support Yazid. Is 311 present at the meeting withYazid where the hijacking of the Lady Flamborough is planned.

  Beneffi Super Ninety. Type of semiautomatic shotgun Pitt gives Findleywhen they arrive at Santa Inez Island.

  Benning, Richard. Special Operations Force dive team leader.

  British Westland Commando. Animar's intended escape helicopter. Anolder but reliable craft designed for troop transport and logisticsupport. It can carry thirty or more passengers if they're crammedinside.

  Brogan, Martin. Director of the CIA. Described as slim and urbane, hehas long-fingered violinist's hands.

  Drinks his coffee with a teaspoon of sugar.

  Bucinator. Roman bugler who sounds the call to battle assembly.

  Buckley Field. Air National Guard base near Denver, Colorado, wheregovernment jets, including the one that removes Kamil from Colorado,land.

  Byzantium. Civilization whose capital was Bosporus (formerlyByzantium). Bosporus became Constantinople, which became Istanbul.

  C-6 nitroglycerine gel. Type of explosive, two hundred kilograms, Pittasks Holus to secure. Ten kilograms of C-6 can take out a battleship.

  Nitrogel is shock hazardous. The charge blows the top of Gongora Hillten meters in the air.

  C-140. Military cargo and troop transport plane. A C-140 transportsthe Demon Stalkers to South America.

  Cabo Gallegos. A Chilean ore carrier bound from Punta Arenas to Dakarwith a load of coal. Turns up in the Landsat picture.

  Cichus. A famous writer and authority on Greek tragedy. While at theAlexandria Library, he compiled the world's first Who's Who.

  Campos, HaM. Harbor pilot for Punta del Este. Described as havingtobacco-stained teeth, with an accent more Irish than Spanish. Smokescigars. Has known Collins for almost twenty years.

  Cannonball Express. What Pitt nicknames the narrow gauge locomotive hecommandeers on Santa Inez Island.

  Cantegril Country Club. Exclusive country club in Punta del Este wheresome of the heads of state stay during the economic summit.

  Capesteffe family. A family crime dynasty that started after World War11. A billion-dollar empire run by the father, mother, three brothersand a sister along with various uncles, aunts and cousins. Roland andJosephine are the father and mother. The oldest son is Robert(Topiltzin), the next brother in line is Paul(Yazid), Karl and Marie are the younger brother and sister. Thegrandfather launched the criminal family by immigrating from France tothe Caribbean and smuggling stolen goods and booze during Prohibition.

  The enterprise is now said to be worth twelve billion dollars.

  Carrier Pigeons. Small, silent Special Operations Force helicopters.

  They carry a pilot in the enclosed cockpit and two men on the outside.

  Come equipped with an infrared red dome and silenced tail rotors.

  They can be broken down or assembled in fifteen minutes, and six of theCarrier Pigeons can fit into each C-140.

  Chandler, Brigadier General Curtis. U.S. Army general. Served threetours in Vietnam. Nicknamed Steel trap Chandler. Holus served underChandler in NATO. His wife died a year ago. He has no children.

  Served with the president when they were both lieutenants of artilleryin Korea. After defying a direct order to fire on the Mexican women andchildren storming across the border, he is promoted to two star generalby the president.

  Chavez, Carlos. Son of Luiz Chavez. Helps to find the wreckage of theLola.

  Chavez, Luiz. The old fisherman who found the wreckage of the Lola.

  Described as having a red beard. His boat crew consists of his sonCarlos, along with Raul, Justino and Manuel.

  Converse Oliver. Captain of the Lady Flambor enough. Described as aslim man who stands straight as a plumb line. Never refers to anyone byhis or her Christian name. Kidnapped with the rest of his crew byYazid.

  Cord 1,29. A 1930-model American car that features front-wheel drive.

  Pitt's example is a town car with an open front for the driver. Thebody is painted burgundy, while the fenders are a buff color thatmatches the leathered roof Over the passenger compartment.

  The Cord factory had stretched the chassis until it measures five and ahalf meters from front to rear bumper.

  Almost half the length is hood, beginning with a race car-type grill andending with a sharply raked windshield. Best speed recorded for an L-29was seventy seven miles an hour. Powered by a straight-eight enginewith 115 horsepower. Weighs 2,120 kilometers.

  Pitt attempts to escape Ismad and his men by driving the Cord up a skiarea access road. When that doesn't work, he turns the Cord down a skislope. The two Mercedes are wrecked. At the end of the run, the Cordcrashes into The base lodge.

  COrPus Christi NBval Air Station. Where the NUMA jet carrying Pitt,Sandecker and Sharp lands as they begin the search for the AlexandriaLibrary. Located along the Gulf of Mexico in Texas.

  Don, Captain Louis. U.S. Army captain with the 486th EngineeringBattalion. Orders Holus and Pitt from Gongora Hill. Holus refuses.

  Daneborg. Village in Greenland with a weather station that Gronquistorders Graham to contact after Nebula Flight 106 crashes.

  De Pineda, Alonzo. First European explorer to sail up the Rio Grande.

  Deep Rover. The submersible aboard the Sounder- Deep Rover is a twohundred forty-milimeter sphere divided by large 0-rings and sits on arectangular pod that holds 120-volt batteries. all sorts of strangeappendages sprout from the sphere: thrusters and motors, oxygencylinders, carbon dioxide removal canisters, docking mechanisms, camerasystems and a scanning sonar unit. Has manipulators that extend in thefront that are best described as mechanical hands and arms. Used byPitt and Giordino to find the wreck of the General Bravo.

  Delgado, Jorge. Radio operator Machado sends for after Ammar and hiscrew disappear.

  DeLorenzo, President. President of Mexico. Is aboard the LadyFlamborough when the ship is hijacked. Described as a short man in hisearly sixties, physically robust with wind-blown gray hair, mournfuldark eyes and the suffering look of an intellectual confined to a mentalinstitution.

  Demon Stalkers. The eighty-man group of Special Operations Forcecommandos under HoUrs's command.

  DMWger, Major John. Second-in-command of the Demon Stalkers. A lean,stringy man with a pinched face. Has a Texas twang to his voice.

  Rescues thehostages from Santa Inez Island. Later is assigned to assist Pitt inRoma.

  Dionysius. Organized grammar into a coherent system while at theAlexandria Library and wrote the Art of Grammar, which became the modeltext for all Ianguages written or spoken.

  Dodge, Major General Frank. Commander of the Special Operations Force.

  Dragonfish. Ugly deep-sea fish encountered by Pitt and Giordino aboardthe Deep Rover. Has a long eel shaped body, outlined by luminescencelike a neon sign.

  Has frozen, gaping jaws that are never fully closed, kept apart by long,jagged teeth that are used more for trapping prey than for chewing. Oneeye gleams nastily, while a tube that was attached to a ruminated bearddangles from its lower jaw to lure the next meal.

  Drake Passage. The strip of water between South America and Antarctica.

  Earth Resources Tech Satellite. Also known as Landsat. Photographicimages from the Landsat are used by the Uru
guayans and NUMA to try tolocate the Lady Flamborough.

  Esbenson, Robert. A tall man with a pixie face and limpid blue eyes.

  He found Pitt's Cord stored in an old garage under forty years of trashand restored it.

  Euclid. Great mathematician who wrote the first textbook on geometrywhile at the Alexandria Library.

  Executive Office Building. Located on Seventeenth and PennsylvaniaAvenue in Washington, D.C. Where packages are searched before beingforwarded to the president.

  Falcon. Code name for Dillinger in the assault on the Lady Farnborough.

  Farquar, Keith. A CIA agent. Described as having a bushy mustache,thick brown hair and horn-rimmed glasses. A large, no-nonsense type ofman with contemplative eyes. Briefs Nichols about Yazid.

  Fawzy, Khaled. Ramrod of Yazid's revolutionary council. Described asyoung and arrogant and tactless.

  Has dark eyes. Is present at the meeting with Yazid where the bijackmgof the Lady Flamborough is planned. Later is stabbed in the heart anddies when Ammar attacks Yazid and Fawzy with a carbon composite knife.

  Findley, Clayton. NUMA scientist aboard the Sounder.

  Black, medium height. Wears a stern expression and has a deep, richbaritone voice. Before NUMA, he was the chief geologist for an Arizonamining company who thought it could make a zinc mine on Santa InezIsland pay off. Pitt recruits him to go to the island because of hisunique knowledge of the area. Seriously wounded in the gunfight in theore-crushing building on Santa Inez Island. Bullets enter his rightside and lodge in a lung and kidney. He is airlifted off the island andtaken to Walter Reed Medical Center.

  FT=they, Michael. First officer of the Lady Flambor 318

  enough. Hates the fact that one of his duties is to entertainpassengers on cruises. Described as big, with a barrel chest. Hisfather was a sales rep for a Belfast machinery company, and he was bornin Montevideo, Uruguay. Signed on with a Panamanian ore carrier when hewas sixteen.

  Flores, Captain Ignacio. Captain in Uruguayan Naval Affairs whocoordinates the Uruguayan air/sea hunt for the Lady Flamborough.

  "Fly Me to the Moon." Song Pitt requests from the piano player afterthe Cord crashes into the Base Lodge at the ski area.

  Fort Hood. U.S. Army base in Texas. The Army engineers are dispatchedfrom here to take over the excavation for the Alexandria Library.

  Foster, Sergeant Jack. Dillinger's sergeant. When parachuting onto theglacier, he suffers a possible broken wrist.

  Gale, Dr. Jack. Doctor on the Polar Explorer who helps find survivorsfrom Nebula Flight 106.

  Garza, Dr. Herb. NUMA's chief geologist. Described as short, plump,brown-skinned, with a few pockmarks on his cheeks. Has gleaming blackhair. Born and raised in Laredo, Texas, he took his undergraduate workat Texas Southernmost College in Brownsville.

  General Bravo. A Mexican-registered container ship carrying suppliesand oil-drilling equipment to SanPablo, a small port on the tip of Argentina. Turns up in the Landsatpicture. Has a red huH with white superstructure. Sunk under orders ofAmmar. 'the Lady Flamborough was then disguised to look like theGeneral Bravo.

  Georsdar One. An electromagnetic reflection profiling system forsubsurface exploration. A ground-probing.

  radar unit. Manufactured by the Oyo Corporation.

  Used by Pitt to search Gongora Hill for the Alexandria Library.

  Gerhart, Jim. Special agent in charge of physical security for theWhite House.

  Gibraltar Straits. Exit from the Mediterranean Sea leading into theAtlantic Ocean. Pitt thinks Venator sailed his fleet through thestraits and on to America to hide the Alexandria Library.

  Gladius. A double-edged pointed sword eighty-two centimeters long.

  One of the weapons used by the centurions.

  Glomar Explorer. Famous deep-sea research and salvage vessel built byHoward Hughes for the CIA.

  Used in recovering a Soviet Golf-class submarine near Hawaii in 1975.

  Gold Miliarensia. Type of coin Sharp finds at the Greenland site,thirteen and a half grams in weight.

  Graham values the coin at between six and eight thousand dollars. Onthe face is a likeness of Theodosius the Great, emperor of the Roman andByzantine empires. The image of Theodosius shows captives at his feet,while his hands hold a globe and a labanim. The banner bears the Greekletters XP and forms a kind of monogram meaning in the name of Chat.Coined during the rein of Theodosius, Which Was A.D. 379 to 39,5.

  Gingham, Mike. One of the leading field archaeologists in the world.

  An expert on old coins. Described as being as laid back as a mortician.

  A light-skinned man with thinning sandy hair, Graham enjoys readingpaperback adventure novels. Thrown from one of the rescue snowmobileswhen they are driving out to the wreckage of Nebula Flight 106.

  Greave. A guard worn over the shins by the centurions. A sort of bodyarmor.

  Green, Sid. A photo-intelligence specialist with the National SecurityAgency.

  Gronquist Bay Village. The ancient Eskimo village on Greenlandinhabited one to five hundred years after Christ. Named after HiramGronquist, the University of Colorado Professor who discovered thevillage five years ago.

  [email protected] The chief archaeologist for the four Person dig near ArdencapleFjord. A large-bellied man with a black-whiskered, kindly-looking face.

  Is injured with a nasty contusion to the head when he crashes one of therescue snowmobiles into a shattered wing from Nebula Flight 106.

  Saved by Pitt.

  Gulfstream IV. Type of plane that takes Pitt, Giordino and Sharp fromThule to Washington, D.C. Designed to carry up to nineteen passengers.

  Gyrfalcons. White arctic birds that are of a select few species thatremain in the north during the winter.

  Hamid, Abu. Defense minister of Egypt. Demands that if he supportsYazid's takeover of the Egyptian government, Kamil would remain assecretary-general of the United Nations.

  Hartley, Frank. Flight engineer on Nebula Flight 106.

  Described as a freckle-faced man with sandy hair. We caught Clive here.On page 26, he describes Hartley as above, but on page 28, Hartley hastransformed: wore a bushy mustache, had thin gray hair and a long,handsome face." It really doesn't matter-he is quickly killed by Ammarwith an injection of the nerve agent sarin.

  Hasan, Nadav. Recently installed president of Egypt.

  Just past his fifty-fourth birthday, with g black hair. He stands slimand tall but moves with the halting movements of a man who is physicallyill. His dusky eyes are watery and seem to stare through a filter ofsuspicion. Is on board when the Lady Flamborough is hijacked by Ammar.

  Heckler & Koch MP5. Submachine gun used by Ismail in the attack onSenator Pitt's ski chalet. Silenced machine guns borrowed from theSpecial Operations Force weapons locker by Giordino. Weapon carried byGiordino on Santa Inez Island.

  Hell hole. A small electronics bay below the cockpit of commercialairliners accessed through a trapdoor.

  The Hills of Rome. Site where Venator ordered the Alexandria Libraryburied.

  Hipparchus the Greek. Man who determined the position of earthlandmarks by figuring their longitude and latitude one hundred thirtyyears before Christ.

  HolHs, Colonel Morton. Field leader of the Special Operations Forcethat is ordered to capture the Lady Flamborough. Described as short andalmost as wide as he is tall. Forty years old. Has close-cropped, thinbrown hair that is graying early. His eyes are bluegreen with thewhites slightly yellowed from too much time in the sun without properglasses. Leads the attack on the Lady Flamborough and later rescues thehostages from Santa Inez Island. Assigned to assist Pitt in Roma.

  Hoskins, Sam. A New York architect with a love for archaeology, Hoskinsallows two months a year out of his busy schedule for digs around theworld. Described as having neck-length blond hair and an enormoushandlebar mustache. Thrown from one of the rescue snowmobiles when theyare driving out to the wreckage of Nebula Flight 106.

  Hoyo de Monterrey Excaliburs. Type of cigar favored by Sandecker androutinely stolen
-two per week by Giordino.

  Huitzilopochtli. One of the Aztecs' revered gods.

  Husayn, Saddam (Hussein). Clive rarely is wrong about the future in hisbooks, but he calls this one wrong. On page 92, Korolenko mentions thatIran defeated Iraq and Husayn (Hussein) was assassinated.

  Inter-American Economic and Social Council. Meeting held in Punta delEste at which was proclaimed the Alliance for Progress in which thedebtor nations except Egypt repudiated their loans and erased foreigndebt. That would lead to a worldwide banking collapse.

  Ismail, Muhammad. An Egyptian with a round face that is a curious blendof malevolence and childish innocence. His black beady eyes gaze withevil intensity over a heavy mustache, but they lack the power ofpenetration. He is bravado without substance. An obscure villagemullah, he is present when Ammar parachutes from Nebula Flight 106.